Mecha and Knife

Chapter 103

The daily and regular life is a bit calm for Ji Xinghe, but for the mech fighters in the training area, they have to endure the stormy waves every day.

What Su He said in his heart was right. The day after Ji Xinghe finished Taijiquan, the young mecha fighters understood the truth that they were too young after all.

In the daily actual combat training of one against three, Ji Xinghe, who had promised to use Tai Chi, unexpectedly used Wing Chun faster than usual, and knocked down three mecha fighters. The mecha fighters watching the battle, and some soldiers who came to participate in the combat training, didn't even react.

"Come again."

Ji Xinghe stood where he was, and signaled the three mech fighters to get up and back away. The instructor next to him immediately arranged for three mecha fighters to appear on the stage, but there was no surprise in their ending, and they were all knocked to the ground by Ji Xinghe.

This time, because everyone was paying attention, the mecha fighters standing in the front row could see a little more clearly, but this made them even more shocked.

Someone was the first to punch Ji Xinghe, but before the fist could hit Ji Xinghe, Ji Xinghe's hand was already on the man's arm, and then he pulled it lightly but quickly, and the man's The body passed Ji Xinghe's side and fell to the ground.

Someone kicked Ji Xinghe, and his kick must be very powerful, but Ji Xinghe easily avoided it with just a slight sideways movement. People also fell to the ground.

The third person took the opportunity to embrace Ji Xinghe, but when his outstretched arms failed to wrap around Ji Xinghe's body, Ji Xinghe had already completed the movement of leaning against his shoulders, so this person fell on his back to the ground.

Because it is actual combat training, there is a rule that you can't fight again when you fall to the ground, and judging from the performance just now, even if the three of them stand up and fight again, the ending will not be different, so these three people have no doubts. Is defeated.

"Fake, is this Tai Chi?"

"Instructor, although we don't know kung fu, you can't fool us like this."

"Didn't it mean that your Taijiquan is only usable? If it is only usable, then what is your level of Wing Chun, instructor?"

"How about... Instructor, you should use Wing Chun."

The mech fighters had to question it out loud, because Ji Xinghe's speed was very fast, and it looked completely different from the Taijiquan they had imagined.

Ji Xinghe understood everyone's doubts: "Practice and play are different, slow practice does not mean slow play, should understand muscle memory, practice is to let you have the corresponding muscle memory, play It’s about bursting out this muscle memory in the shortest possible time when you need to fight.”

Instructor Qin, the new head of the training area, asked for everyone: "Instructor Ji, we all understand the truth, but how can you be so good at fighting?"

"It's very simple. Like me, you started practicing boxing at the age of ten, and you practiced until you were my age." Ji Xinghe said seriously and sincerely: "One punch and one kick have fifty-five years of kung fu, and most people can't stop it." living."

very simple?

Fifty-five years?

normal person?

The people in the training area stared blankly at Ji Xinghe, really unable to tell whether he was telling the truth or just taking the opportunity to pretend. In the past, no one thought that Ji Xinghe liked to pretend, but since Second Lieutenant Shen Mu in the machine repair area said in person, "Old Ji, you can really pretend" in public, many people began to suspect that Ji Xinghe would sometimes pretend.

This didn't damage Ji Xinghe's image, after all, it's human nature, who wants to walk at night in brocade clothes. If other people are as powerful as Ji Xinghe, they would like to write the words "peerless master" on their clothes.

Su He, who was filming, recorded this sentence of Ji Xinghe emphatically. He planned to ask his colleagues to add this sentence to the fourth episode of "The Old Man and the Sea of ​​Stars". It is said that the third episode The edit was done, but disagreements arose during the review process. Some people are unwilling to disclose the matter of Ji Xinghe's destruction of nine imperial mechs. They are worried that public opinion will cause Ji Xinghe to expand. They have violated the premise of the military order many times. Will the expanded Ji Xinghe stay in the base obediently?

Moreover, the battle took place in the outskirts of Base No. 6. If this battle were made public, it would likely cause panic. The location of the base discovered by the empire has a great impact, because the barracks and blockades are not engaged in production work, and it is difficult to complete the supply of materials only with a limited number of spaceships.

Even if the precise location of only one base is found, it will also affect the Federation's overall strategic layout on the alien planet. Not to mention food, weapons and other resources, just problems in the production and supply of water and oxygen, human beings will not be able to survive on alien planets, let alone fight.

"Hey, Instructor Ji, we can't realize what you said in a short time." Instructor Qin asked after a dry cough: "Is there any quick method and idea?"

Ji Xinghe pondered for a while, and then answered: "Effort and confidence. Needless to say, hard work. What I want to emphasize is that you must have confidence and believe that you can do it. Of course, having confidence and being arrogant and inflated are two different things. , you should be able to understand this point. Let me tell you about me, um... I wanted to build a Transformer when I was young. At that time, the Federation did not have mechas. My classmates laughed at me, and my teacher regarded me as Tong Yantong In other words, my parents also thought I was whimsical. Also, when I found out that I couldn’t build a Transformer, I wanted to catch a Transformer, so I started practicing martial arts. At that time, I was still in the fifth grade of elementary school, so... ...You should be able to imagine that no one believes in me, that I can catch Transformers, or that I can achieve something in martial arts."

His tone became more sincere, and what he said verified what his elementary school classmates said in the interview in the first episode of "The Old Man and the Stars and Seas". If others have not forgotten, it is even more impossible for him to forget.

"But I have been learning about mechanical engineering, and I have been practicing martial arts, even if I later learned that Transformers do not exist in this world. But I really learned this knowledge and practiced martial arts because of Transformers. Is it? No, not really, but because I like it, because I love it, because I have confidence in myself."

Ji Xinghe saw the shooting drone flying in front of him under Su He's control, so he looked at the camera.

"No matter what others think of me, whether I am doing well or not, whether my dream is ridiculous or not, I will do my best to do well. It doesn't matter whether others think I can do it or not. I keep telling myself that I can do it."

"Yes, there are no Transformers in this world, but if they do appear one day, I will have a chance, and my efforts will not be in vain. Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared, and success is reserved for those who have People of faith, you are not willing to work hard for your beliefs. When opportunities arise, how can you seize them? You don’t believe that you can do it yourself, so why should you let others believe that you can do it?”

"I'm working hard, I believe I can do it, and I'm waiting for an opportunity." Ji Xinghe looked away from the camera and looked at the people in the training area: "I believe you can do it, all of you can do it."

The new Instructor Qin sighed in his heart after listening to it: It's all clichéd principles and long-winded chicken soup for the soul. Will people become like this when they get old?

He has no complaints or dissatisfaction with Ji Xinghe, on the contrary, he values ​​Ji Xinghe's ability, but sometimes the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. It can greatly increase their strength in a short period of time.

But there is no such thing as imparting kung fu in this world. Ji Xinghe's fifty-five-year kung fu has been practiced by himself for fifty-five years. He cannot pass it on to anyone directly, and even if he can pass it on, he will not pass it on. , because he needs to use it himself.

Ji Rong Xinyue couldn't do it even if he wanted to, because Ji Xinghe wanted to avenge the loss of his son, so that Ji Rong Xinyue didn't have to avenge his father. He is willing to teach Jirong Xinyue kung fu and cultivate mecha-related knowledge and ability only because he respects Jirong Xinyue's choice and dream. Deep down in his heart, he hopes that Ji Rong Xinyue can be a doctor when he grows up, and he is also a good lawyer.

After the ramblings were over, today's actual combat training continued, and Ji Xinghe defeated these young mecha fighters one by one, just like what he did before, which also proved that he can do it.

Then there is the repair work in the afternoon and evening. Between 11:00 and 12:00 in the middle of the night, Ji Xinghe will choose a time to drive Xingyue to the surface of the alien planet for training according to the progress and arrangement of the repair work. Except for the first time, no one watched the subsequent training except Su He, so only Su He knew that Ji Xinghe's training was more than just Tai Chi with mechas.

He used the mecha to practice Wing Chun without a wooden dummy, practicing knife skills and shield machine skills. He started to do standard tactical moves, and then non-standard tactical moves. Xingyue, who became more and more familiar, began to do some maneuver training with high overload. Day by day, Ji Xinghe and his Xingyue became stronger and stronger, but no one knew about it except Su He.

No one believes that Ji Xinghe, who has been rated as a super mech fighter, can become stronger, and he is driving Xingyue's "chicken rib" mecha.

The peaceful days were not long, and Ji Xinghe met Lieutenant Colonel Tang Qiao who succeeded Lieutenant Colonel Chen Xun for the second time.

"Old Ji, can I call you that?"


"Hey, there is something I want to ask you to help with. The imperial noble prisoner you captured with your own hands last time wants to see you. Please rest assured, we will guarantee your safety."


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