Mecha and Knife

Chapter 107

On the barren alien land, a convoy is moving slowly. There are three armed armored vehicles at the front and back, four transport vehicles in the middle, and a tractor-trailer. There is a mecha on the left and right, and a scout vehicle in front to explore the way.

"Attention all units, we are about to leave the safe zone, and we haven't found any enemy situation yet. We will meet up with the mech fighters who support us in 30 minutes."

In the communication channel of the whole group, voices from inside the reconnaissance car sounded. Not only did they have to drive the reconnaissance car to the front, but they also needed to control the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to detect the surrounding situation. The Federation has a lot of reconnaissance satellites in the near-Earth space of the alien planet, but the critical situation of the No. 3 base and other theaters require the resource support of reconnaissance satellites.

"It would be great if there was a plane. My butt hurts when I ride in a car." Shen Mu, who was sitting in the transport car, complained with a walkie-talkie: "This alien planet doesn't even have an atmosphere or oxygen. It’s all carbon dioxide, the average temperature is minus 55 degrees, and the lowest temperature is minus 133 degrees, and you have to wear a helmet and protective clothing when you come out. Alas, I still fantasized about running freely on alien stars and being a flying man.”

The transfer process is extremely boring. There are no man-made roads on the surface of the alien planet. In order to ensure the first premise of survival, the vehicles used on the alien planet have poor shock absorption performance. Therefore, both the speed and the comfort of the ride are very low. In contrast, the mecha running on two legs is much more suitable.

"Is it Second Lieutenant Shen Mu?" Someone asked in the communication channel.

"It's me, who are you?"

"I'm Dr. Steffen." Dr. Steffen, who was transferred in advance because of its importance like Ji Xinghe, corrected himself after introducing himself: "Strictly speaking, there is oxygen on alien stars, carbon dioxide The gas itself contains oxygen atoms. In addition to the photosynthesis of plants, we can also separate it through technical means and make it suitable for our human survival. As early as more than 60 years ago, Yingzhou The Alien Probe has done related experiments and successfully separated the oxygen atoms from the carbon dioxide in the alien atmosphere to make about 5 grams of oxygen, which is equivalent to the amount of oxygen an astronaut needs to breathe for about 10 minutes of normal activities. , the output of the corresponding equipment was about 10 grams of oxygen per hour at that time..."

Shenmu is boring, and everyone else is equally boring. When scientists start to popularize science, some people ask questions curiously.

"Dr. Steffen, let alone more than sixty years ago, let alone me at that time, my parents were not even born, even Lao Ji was just born, let's talk about now."

"Now, in terms of the total population of our alien planet, the production of oxygen is more than enough. With oxygen, artificial water can be realized. We now have a variety of related technologies, the most commonly used... …To put it simply, let hydrogen burn in oxygen to produce water, which can be used to grow crops and green plants to supply our food needs, and green plants can also produce new oxygen through photosynthesis, forming a virtuous circle, alas... ..."

Dr. Steffen sighed while talking: "If there is no threat from the empire, we can use the way of building living bases to achieve immigration to alien stars, and use alien stars as pedals to realize the exploration of the entire solar system, and even It is to make the alien star an outpost for our exploration of the universe."

Shen Mu asked suddenly: "Dr. Steffen, do you study the leap gate technology? Can you tell me about the leap gate of the empire?"

"Well, you can say something that doesn't need to be kept secret." Dr. Steffen pondered for a while: "Before the discovery of the Empire, our federation had two technological research directions on interstellar travel, one is the jump engine technology, and the other is the warp drive technology , This is also called the curvature engine technology. Both technologies can realize superluminal flight in the cognitive sense, allowing us to cross the interstellar space with a distance of light years.”

"To put it simply, the so-called warp drive is to create an artificial "bubble" of normal space-time around the spacecraft, so that the spacecraft can safely travel at a speed several orders of magnitude faster than the speed of light, while avoiding Despite the relativistic problem of time dilation, this technology is still navigating in our normal dimension, which is continuous."

"But the leap gate of the empire, that is, the leap engine technology is different. It is a bit like a wormhole. The basic principle is to move through the folding space. Well, to put it simply, it is not continuous in our normal dimensional space Instead, it appears directly from one coordinate to another coordinate position similar to teleportation.”

Shen Mu continued to ask: "Then how far have we researched? Can we create a jump gate and directly counterattack the Imperial Star? Open a jump gate, throw 10,000 nuclear warheads, and blow them up."

"Unfortunately, we haven't been able to research it yet, because we have never captured a complete imperial transition device, and the research progress is very slow with only some wreckage." Dr. Steffen added after answering: "But you don't need to Worrying, because of its particularity, it is impossible to choose the place of the jump at will. Before, they could only come to the near-Earth space of the alien planet. After we released the interference device, they can only pass through the relevant equipment on the surface of the alien star. Technology comes to the surface of aliens."

Shen Mu suddenly realized: "Does that mean that as long as we destroy all their transition devices on the alien planet, we can leave them alone and drive them to extinction?"

"Theoretically, it is like this." Dr. Steffen laughed: "But didn't you just say that you want to counterattack the Empire Star? If all the transition devices are destroyed, how can we counterattack the Empire Star and throw away all the nuclear weapons? What about the past?"

"Hehe..." Shen Mu sneered twice: "Throwing away nuclear weapons, I understand it. If there is a day, they will definitely not throw nuclear weapons, because after throwing them, the environment of the Empire Star will be worse than that of Aliens. , they will only try to occupy the Empire Star at the cost of countless lives."

These words quieted down the communication channel, everyone knew what Shen Mu said was the truth, what human beings need more is a livable planet than a planet that has been baptized by tens of thousands of nuclear weapons.

From a long-term point of view, this choice is the most beneficial, but after all, countless people need to sacrifice for it.

"I didn't expect Second Lieutenant Shen Mu to be an anti-war person."

"Anti-war shit, if there is a day, I will definitely rush to the front... Repair mechs, fight if you want to fight, if you don't fight them, they will come and beat us. I just...just..."

"Just don't want to sacrifice too many people?"

"Yes, but how can there be no sacrifice in war?" Shen Mu sighed again.

The communication channel became quiet again, and Ji Xinghe, who was in the sixteenth-generation standard mecha, suddenly asked: "Dr. Steffen, how many transition devices do they have on the alien planet?"

"At present, we can confirm two, the specific location is unknown, there may be a third, but at present there are only three at most, because the leap gate cannot be made casually, and the alien star is always in motion. It has to be combined with enough computing power to be able to make the leap."

"What's the matter, old Ji?" Shen Mu's voice became excited: "Are you going to do something big?"

Ji Xinghe responded calmly: "Just asking."

"No, based on what I know about you, you will definitely not ask casually." Shen Mu didn't believe it: "If you really want to do such a big thing, you must bring me along."

Su He glanced at Ji Rong Xinyue who was quietly sitting next to him, and said: "Shen Mu, are you crazy? No matter how strong Lao Ji is, he is only one person. What are you talking about?"

"Who says Lao Ji is alone? Lao Ji still has me, and you. Although the camera can't kill the imperial gorillas, it can kill the imperial monkeys." Shen Mu retorted: "There is still Brother Left Hand. Time to bring the blind, the lame, the deaf, and the lame. Wow, the old man and the disabled company, together with a great mechanic and a timid war reporter, have created an undisputed great miracle. It's all hot."

"I'm not talking about Lao Ji alone, but Lao Ji is only one person." After correcting Su He, he pursued: "But please tell me clearly why you are a great mechanic, but I am a coward. War correspondent?"

"It's all the same, don't pay too much attention to the details, it's all about human design, there must always be a negative teaching material in a team like green leaves to set off the red flowers." Shen Mu said with a smile: "I'm wronged you, old Su, when the time comes Let me give you a reversal, the cowardly war correspondent pressed the detonation button at the most critical moment, tsk tsk tsk..."

If it wasn't for Ji Rong Xinyue sitting next to him, Su He would definitely scold him directly. If it wasn't on the surface of the alien planet, he would definitely rush to fight in the transport truck where Shen Mu was, even if he couldn't actually fight. Ji Xinghe and Shen Xin practice martial arts.

"Shen Mu, why don't you retire and write novels, I will definitely subscribe you when the time comes."

"It's up to me. I'll write novels after I retire. I'll write stories about Lao Ji. It's called The Old Man and the Mecha."

"The name doesn't sound good. It's better to call it Jijia and Dao. Lao Ji is good at using swords, and he fights like a sword."

"Your name is not good. It sounds like a very ordinary plot and a knife. It will hit the street."

"What is the direct relationship between the plot and the name? Wouldn't you write it in a lighter, more passionate and less sensational way?"

The noise from Shen Mu and Su He made everyone in the transfer team feel a little more relaxed. Ji Xinghe, who was driving a mecha and followed the convoy, received a text message from Brother Zuo.

"Instructor, master, when you become a super mech warrior and have your own team, remember to take me with you. The blind and the crippled will definitely be willing to follow you. You can't despise us as crippled."

After pondering for a while, Ji Xinghe replied solemnly: "As long as you are willing to believe me."

Special mecha fighters have their own squads, only ace mecha fighters can be called a team, and Ji Chenxing used to be a member of Han Li's team.

Speaking of the team, Ji Xinghe forced himself not to think about Ji Chenxing. He thought of Lieutenant Colonel Chen Xun. It is said that he is a very powerful sniper and is very good at management. Reserve a spot quickly.

However, if Lieutenant Colonel Chen Xun came over, the team should not be enough for him to condescend, maybe... it can be a team, is this an ambition?

"Attention all units, turn around immediately, turn around immediately."

The relaxed and happy atmosphere collapsed in an instant.

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