Mecha and Knife

Chapter 158 Eye Problems

In a corner of the command hall, there was a sudden burst of cheers that caused the entire hall to look sideways. Before the surprised people asked, someone shouted.

"Lieutenant Ji Xinghe and Major Jackson won, all victories."

Compared with the victory itself, people care more about the adjective of total victory. The meaning of victory is that there will be no sacrifice in the future. Can the victory obtained with sacrifice really be considered a victory?

"Win? How did you win? Didn't the earl mecha escape?

"I just saw that Earl's mecha rushed towards Ji Xinghe... Lieutenant? Did Lieutenant Ji Xinghe stop it?"

"How is this possible, how did he do it."

"Who broke it? Major Jackson or Lieutenant Ji Xinghe."

There are many problems, but the appellation among these problems makes some people feel uncomfortable. He is also a special-level mech fighter, and Jackson already has the rank of major, while Ji Xinghe only has the rank of lieutenant. The gap is not insignificant.

Judging from the number of gold stars, there is actually no problem.

When Jackson saw Ji Xinghe for the first time, he already had sixty-seven gold stars. After such a long time, his number of gold stars has reached eighty.

The growth rate is not as fast as that of Ji Xinghe, only increased by thirteen. At that time, Ji Xinghe only had three gold stars. Counting the number of mechs that Ji Xinghe has defeated today, it now has forty-five gold stars, an increase of Forty-two.

However, there is a huge gap in the strength of the imperial mecha represented by Venus owned by the two, just like the military ranks of the two at this time. In this way, there is really no problem.

But Ji Xinghe really made great contributions. He saved the No. 6 base in the dust storm, saved the space battleship Xinyuehu, and discovered the diamond-shaped metal body of the empire that can affect the entire war situation.

So there is a problem, there is a problem with Ji Xinghe's military rank, and there is also a problem with the performance of the mech he drives.

Is the answer to these questions really because Ji Xinghe asked for the materials and parts to upgrade Xingyue?

"It's Major Jackson. Major Jackson completed the final breakthrough."

The few people who have been watching the high-altitude reconnaissance satellite images uttered the answer that everyone was curious about, and when they heard the answer, some people were even more happy, and some people sighed in their hearts.

They all know what the battle between mecha fighters is like, and they are very clear about the gap between Ji Xinghe's mecha performance and Jackson's mecha performance, and there is also a gap between the weapons of the two sides.

It seems that it was wrong for Ji Xinghe to choose Xingyue, and it was wrong to choose to violate the military order many times. If Ji Xinghe is like a normal mech fighter, he will definitely be the one who completed the defeat of the earl-level mecha today.

"But..." The person who just said that Jackson broke the earl's mecha said hesitantly, "It seems that Lieutenant Ji Xinghe gave Jackson this breakthrough."

Everyone who heard the voice was stunned, how could this make it worse?

It's not uncommon to let Venus die, but what they were facing was an earl-level imperial mecha, which just defeated the Federation's special mecha fighter Landers without injury...

"No, it was Major Jackson who gave it to Lieutenant Ji Xinghe, but Lieutenant Ji Xinghe didn't want it and returned it to Major Jackson, so it wasn't Lieutenant Ji Xinghe who gave it to Jackson, it should be described as return."

"It was Lieutenant Ji Xinghe who let him sit on the ground. Even if Major Jackson didn't come over in time, Lieutenant Ji Xinghe would destroy the earl's mecha that couldn't get up."

"It is very difficult for Lieutenant Ji Xinghe to break through the protective armor of the earl-level mecha. His two weapons have been destroyed, and the remaining two knives are not enough lethal. If there is no Major Jackson, the earl-level The mecha has every chance to get up."

"If you can't kill it with one knife, you can chop it ten times. If you can knock down the earl-level mecha, you will definitely be able to break it. So this gold star was given by Lieutenant Ji Xinghe."

"But without the pressure brought by Major Jackson, the earl mecha would certainly not have made operational mistakes. It is impossible for Lieutenant Ji Xinghe to fight with such confidence, so it cannot be said that Lieutenant Ji Xinghe gave up Jin Xing."

"that is……"

What are you talking about?

The people who were watching were stunned. Did Jin Xing, it sounds like Ji Xinghe alone, knock down the earl's mecha?

When everyone heard the news that Ji Xinghe and Jackson had teamed up to win the complete victory, they thought it was Ji Xinghe who held back the earl's mecha, and when Jackson arrived, the two teamed up to defeat it. The hit was done by Jackson.

Why doesn't it sound right now?

Some people in the command hall who were not on missions began to inquire about relevant records, including images captured by high-altitude reconnaissance satellites, and videos captured by Jackson and Ji Xinghe's mech combat recorders.


"Old Ji, what are you doing?"

Jackson was very dissatisfied and caught up with Ji Xinghe. Just when he knocked down the earl's mecha with his alloy shield and suppressed the earl's mecha with the alloy shield and his mecha, he picked up his mecha Ji Xinghe of the epee did not take the opportunity to break through.

Beheading, not beheading.

Jackson's mecha epee is of high quality. Although the characteristics are the same as Ji Xinghe's previous mecha sword, and can improve the armor-piercing ability through high-frequency oscillation, the material is much higher.

With just one sword strike, Ji Xinghe cut off Earl's mech's finger, then turned around and left with the imperial mecha epee that had cut off two of his knives. The epee he had just picked up belonged to Jackson , was inserted by Jackson's side.

In desperation, Jackson had no choice but to get up and draw his sword to complete the final attack. He wanted to capture an earl as a prisoner, but the earl of the empire escaped cleanly just now, and at this time the mecha was defeated and committed suicide cleanly.

Therefore, there were no prisoners, and Jackson, who was a super class, would not personally clean up the battlefield. He caught up with Ji Xinghe with his epee, and was a little jealous.

"Are you looking down on me or are you afraid that I will snatch this sword from you?"


"Aren't you the one who likes beheading for public display? I've already thrown my sword to you. If you don't behead your head, you'll behead your hands. How about playing?"

"I remember, you said you wanted to tease me today?"


Jackson thought that before today's orbital airborne operation started, he asked Ji Xinghe several times to apply to join forces with him to deal with the Earl mech, but Ji Xinghe never agreed, and finally he told Ji Xinghe that he was actually teasing Ji Xinghe Play.

"So, it's all retribution?" Jackson was still very puzzled: "Why?"

"Without you, I can stop it but I can't stop it." Ji Xinghe replied softly: "It was because of you that I had the chance to knock it to the ground in the end, so it should be you of."

"What do you mean it should be mine? It can't be mine." Jackson retorted: "Without you, it would be impossible for us to catch up to it. If you hadn't violated the military order, we would have given up chasing and killing it, so this The gold stars must be yours, and only yours, and I will make it clear to them when I get back."

Violation of military order...

Ji Xinghe pondered for a while: "That's it, don't fight, it's just a gold star, whether it's an earl or an ordinary imperial mecha, it's just a gold star."

That's right, it's just a gold star, and the size will not be any different from other gold stars when it is sprayed on the mecha. According to the conventions of the mecha fighters, only the imperial mechas that can defeat the duke and above can be sprayed with larger gold stars.

Thinking of this, Jackson stopped arguing over the issue of the affiliation of Venus, but asked curiously: "Old Ji, how did you do it?"

From Jackson's point of view, what Ji Xinghe did today is still a bit unbelievable, and he still can't figure it out. If the difference in mecha performance and weapon strength does not exist, it would not be so difficult for ordinary federal mecha fighters to obtain gold stars on the battlefield.

This gap is even more obvious after reaching the special level and earl level, because whether it is the special level of the Federation or the earl of the empire, the performance of the mecha can be brought to the extreme.

"How did you do it?" Ji Xinghe asked back.

"That's what you did." Jackson asked, "Tell me first how you fight."

"Why don't you go back and watch the video." Ji Xinghe refused. He was actually a little tired. During the battle with the earl's mecha, he maintained a complete victory except for weapons, but his physical and mental consumption was great.

"I can't wait, let's talk about it quickly." Rich second-generation Jackson like this is very straightforward: "You tell me now, this earl-level mecha is my gift to you, and it will be converted into contribution points for you to upgrade you. Xingyue, or the mech you are driving now."

Ji Xinghe started to speak without any hesitation, he spoke in detail, every step of the way, including the thoughts before doing it.

Jackson listened, and repeated the question again: "How did you do it?"

"En?" Ji Xinghe was a little surprised and disappointed: "Don't you understand?"

"I understand, I found out, Lao Ji, you really look down on me, and you still say that you don't believe me. I remember that we were tied at the time, why do you look down on me?"

After questioning, Jackson said dissatisfiedly: "I want to know, how did you hit the spine of the mecha with so many knives when its performance was not as good as the opponent's. Do you know that one mistake will make you Zhongjian, in terms of your mecha defense, you can't hold it at all."

Ji Xinghe replied calmly: "Because I want to hit, so I will definitely be able to hit."

"Hehe..." Jackson sneered twice: "You are perfunctory to me, you are bluffing me. Old Ji, I think we need to discuss the sword in your hand. Venus belongs to me, so this sword should be It's mine too."

Ji Xinghe frowned, but he knew that Jackson was not actually threatening him, just like Harris and Qin Tong threatened him before.

His brows widened in an instant, and Ji Xinghe pondered for a few seconds before asking: "Did you ever feel that way when you were driving the mech?"

"What kind?"

"It's just that I don't know clearly when I look at things."

"Can't see clearly? Old Ji, do you have presbyopia? It's all right, you can have surgery." Jackson's tone was a little worried. If such a strong Ji Xinghe got presbyopia, it would really be a loss for the Federation.

Surgery to treat presbyopia does exist, and the success rate is still very high, but the medicine is three-point poisonous, and surgery will also affect the human body.

"No, I checked my eyes, and there's nothing wrong with it." Ji Xinghe explained, "It's just that when I'm driving the mech, I can see things more and more slowly."

Jackson was silent, he subconsciously felt that Ji Xinghe was bluffing him, but Ji Xinghe spoke very seriously.

Two federal mechas were running on the land of the alien planet. Their destination was the frontal battlefield where the battle had not yet ended. Each carried a mecha epee, and the communication channel was silent for a long time.

When the battlefield was approaching, Jackson suddenly began to accelerate the charge, and made a sound when he jumped over the Jixing River.

"It's not that you see things slower and slower, but that you become faster."

This sentence not only rang in the ears of Ji Xinghe, but also sounded in the command hall. Worried about Ji Xinghe's eyes, some people even contacted the doctor to prepare for Ji Xinghe's surgery.

But at this moment, they were all silent, and the atmosphere did not become dignified because of the silence. Instead, there was a feeling that the gloom had dissipated and the rain had passed.

"I'm sure." Someone said loudly: "The gold star represented by the earl's mecha was given to Major Jackson by Lieutenant Ji Xinghe."

This time, no one refuted.

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