Mecha and Knife

Chapter 391 Where the Galaxy Goes, Where Victory Goes (Leader Gadeng)

Seventy federal mechas have all been restored to peak condition after being overhauled by the mechanics on Ji Xinghe and Shenshuiyuan.

Ji Xinghe rejected the support from a hundred mecha fighters on the Shenshuiyuan and took his soldiers with him.


All his soldiers, yes.

Even Tu Yuan, who was in the command center of the space battleship Shenshuiyuan, looked at the seventy Federation mechas that had just left the Shenshuiyuan and landed on the surface of the alien planet, and started running under the leadership of Ji Xinghe. I have such a feeling in my heart.

Is this charisma?

Tu Yuan has always believed that some people are born with charisma and can become the king of children at a young age, such as Ji Rong Xinyue.

Some people acquired the charisma of leadership, such as Li Anbang, Li Yuanba, Rovich, Kaidilin, and those generals who have been commanding in other theaters, mech fighters who lead teams to fight, division commanders, regimental commanders, and battalion commanders of various arms.

There are also some company commanders of hero companies and platoon leaders of vanguard platoons.

The temperament of leadership charisma does not mean in many cases that you must command thousands of troops to possess it.

The Federation has never lacked heroes who charged bravely in the face of the imperial army, as Ji Xinghe had done many times.

They don't even have mechas, and they don't have weapons suitable for combat. What they have is just bombs in their arms, and the calmness and courage to go to righteousness generously.

If they can survive like Ji Xinghe, their leadership qualities can be truly demonstrated.

But compared to Ji Xinghe, almost everyone, including Li Yuanba, possessed somewhat different leadership qualities.

It may not be appropriate to use the word gap, and it should be described as a different type.

Before Tu Yuan today, it was hard to imagine that Ji Xinghe could make Xie Rui violate military orders, make Zhao Chenguang ignore him as the supreme commander, and make the sixty federal mech fighters who landed on Xinyuehu become Ji Xinghe willingly. Soldiers of the galaxy.

It even made him give up the power to command Ji Xinghe.

Even he was influenced by Ji Xinghe's charisma, so the behavior of the others seemed not surprising.

But why?

The space battleship Shenshuiyuan flew high into the sky after completing the task of transporting troops assigned by Ji Xinghe.

It was originally the ship and flagship of Tu Yuan, the supreme commander of the No. 5 base theater, but the task it is performing now is to act as the "nanny" of Ji Xinghe.

There is also the Xinyuehu, which is replenishing ammunition and unloading the trophies at the No. 5 base, and will come to be Ji Xinghe's "nanny" in the future.

They are like the warships of Ji Xinghe, and the crew inside them are like soldiers of Ji Xinghe.

This is really strange. From a factual point of view, Ji Xinghe is just a soldier, just a mech warrior, and he doesn't have such command authority, and he doesn't have the ability to make people accept him.


Tu Yuan asked in a low voice.

A young staff officer beside him immediately understood what he meant.

Nearly two years ago, this staff officer and Tu Yuan heard Han Li's request for "fraudulent favoritism" and went to Xinfeng City with Tu Yuan to meet Ji Xinghe in the detention center and witness Ji Xinghe's death A ten-kilometer run.

Knowing that Tu Yuan was unwilling to let Ji Xinghe come to Yixing, he still couldn't help Ji Xinghe and made a request: General, let him go to the front line of Yixing, even if it's just going to Jichenxing to defend with his life Take a look at that position.

And now, he answered Tu Yuan's question.

"Because confidence is the pinnacle."


"General, I am serious."

Tu Yuan pondered.

The staff officer hesitated a little, and asked in a low voice: "If you have no soldiers, what can you do in this war?"

There was a slight fluctuation in Tu Yuan's self-confidence all along.

The young staff officer continued to ask.

"If General Li Yuanba and Colonel Han Li don't have mechas and logistical support, what can they do in this war?"

Tu Yuan didn't answer, and the staff officer continued.

"I don't know the answer about you, about General Li Yuanba and Colonel Han Li, but I know the answer about Colonel Ji Xinghe."

"He will carry a sword in one hand and a hammer in the other, go to the battlefield to grab an imperial mecha, and then transform it into a new general armor."

"There are also Zhanshan-level mechas of the Xinghe team. Even if they are all destroyed, Colonel Ji Xinghe can take them from the empire to grab the resources they need to rebuild Zhanshan."

"Whatever they lack, they will rob, and what they can create, they will use to fight."

"General A is named after him. The Xinghe team, no, is the Xinghe Mecha Independent Corps. They are named after Xinghe, and they are destined to be immortal."

"Even if there is a battle that requires them to sacrifice their lives, as long as Colonel Ji Xinghe, the regiment commander, is there, they will definitely be able to bring victory in a desperate situation."

"Even if the Xinghe Mecha Independent Corps has been beaten into a remnant company, as long as Ji Xinghe, the regiment commander, is still there, people will believe that the invincible Xinghe Mecha Independent Corps will surely be reborn from the ashes."

"Because they are remnant soldiers, Colonel Ji Xinghe brought them out of the abyss and gave them a new life like God loves the world."

"In the battlefield, who doesn't worry that one day they will be driven into the abyss? We say we won't abandon or give up, but do we really do that? Colonel Ji Xinghe didn't say that, but he did. "

"General, these are Colonel Ji Xinghe's self-confidence and the firm belief brought to people."

The young staff officer's gaze gradually became fanatical.

He pointed to the holographic projection screen in front of Tu Yuan, where the main force of Empire One was located, and said in a voice that would infect even Tu Yuan.

"There was no mountain there, but when Colonel Ji Xinghe went, there was a mountain there."

"It is impossible for an empire to ignore the mountain that must be leveled."

"The mountain is the top, and the galaxy is the peak."

"The empire cannot level that mountain, but that mountain can level the empire."

Tu Yuan, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke out when he heard this.

"In such an era, you actually think that Ji Xinghe can conquer the empire?"

"General, it's not me who thinks so, but Colonel Ji Xinghe thinks so. It doesn't matter whether he can do it or not. The important thing is that he made me understand what self-confidence is the peak. He gave me the belief I need. The belief that war requires, this belief is..."

The young staff officer looked at the expressionless Tu Yuan, and the enthusiasm in his eyes gradually disappeared.

He knew he had made a slip of the tongue today, but he hadn't finished what he was about to say, so he continued.

"Where the galaxy goes, wins go."

Tu Yuan was silent.

He knew that he had followed him for many years, and it could be said that he had single-handedly trained this staff officer, but his heart was no longer with him.

This is completely different from Xie Rui. Xie Rui is the captain of the Xinyuehu. He was not his subordinate from the beginning to the end, but was temporarily incorporated into his command sequence, just like Ji Xinghe.

Many people thought that Ji Xinghe belonged to him, which caused some ridiculous struggles, but in fact, Ji Xinghe was never his.

He is not Ji Xinghe's Bole either.

Confidence is the pinnacle. Such Ji Xinghe does not need Bole, and can shine brightly sooner or later, infecting many people like this young staff officer, such as the blind, the lame, Qin Tong, Harris... people like them.

"Liu Mian."


"Ji Xinghe and the members of the Xinghe team set an almost impossible goal before. Do you know what it is?"

"I know some, but I don't know which one you are referring to, General."

"They said they were going to grab an Imperial spaceship."

"The chances of this goal being achieved are indeed slim, but not impossible."

"It is impossible for Xie Rui to be the captain of the Federation Fleet."

"Yes, Zhao Chenguang's ability is not weaker than Xie Rui's, and the marshal will not change his orders...Xie Rui is not Colonel Ji Xinghe after all."

"If Ji Xinghe snatches an imperial space battleship, he will find Xie Rui to be the captain."

"It is very possible that if Colonel Ji Xinghe's imperial space battleship is to belong to his Galaxy Mecha Independent Corps, then it will be difficult for him to get support in this regard. He can only find Xie Rui, and he is also willing to believe in Xie Rui. Rui."

"A battleship cannot have only one captain."

"Colonel Ji Xinghe can recruit from the remnant company."

"Liu Mian."

This was the second time that Tu Yuan directly called the young staff officer by his name, and the young staff officer finally sensed Tu Yuan's intentions.

The tone is surprised.


"The Remnant Soldier Company does not have a strategic-level staff officer with a professional background like you and rich experience."

Liu Mian was silent for a moment before opening his mouth: "Yes, it has been a long time since a space war that could cause us casualties has actually happened. A war like that at Base No. 3 will transfer people like us at the last minute."

"Ji Xinghe will not transfer people like you, he will even bring you into a desperate situation." Tu Yuan looked into Liu Mian's eyes and asked, "Are you afraid?"

Liu Mian took a deep breath, raised his head and chest, and looked directly at Tu Yuan.

"Where the galaxy goes, wins go."


With that being said, wait for the future.

The future is actually not that far away.

"Report, the Xinghe Mecha Independent Corps, the Xinyuehu Mecha Corps, was discovered by the main force of the No. 1 Empire and has been hit by the enemy's medium and long-range firepower."

"Report, the Xinghe Mecha Independent Corps, the Xinyuehu Mecha Corps, is intact and is advancing in a detour."

"It is reported that the main force of Empire One has abandoned the original marching route and turned to Hill 0912. The staff believes that they want to hold on to the mountain."

"Report, two imperial space battleships, blocked by my northern Xuanwu fleet and southern Suzaku fleet, have gone to the airspace above Mount 0912."

"Report, the Imperial Forward Mecha Corps has stopped advancing towards our base and is turning around."

"Report, confirming that the Imperial Vanguard Mecha Corps has changed its tactical goal. The revised target is composed of 290 mechas on our side, tentatively named the Mecha Corps that is trapped in the battle. The revised target is the Galaxy Mecha Independent Corps, Xinyue The 0912 Mountain where the Fox Mecha Corps is about to arrive."

"Report, two Imperial space battleships have made an emergency landing on Mount 0912, and formed a defense network with the main force of the Empire No. 1. Our missiles have locked their take-off paths and can achieve full-coverage long-range fire strikes."

"Report, the Northern Xuanwu Fleet and the Southern Suzaku Fleet announced at the same time that they will withdraw from the pursuit of the two Imperial Space Battleships and support our other theaters."

One after another, the reports made people inside the space battleship Shenshuiyuan, the space battleship Xinyuehu, the No. 5 base, and the Nantianmen space station.

All the people who heard Ji Xinghe's "Because the mountain is there" had an incredible feeling.


Why did the empire make such a troop mobilization? Why did Ji Xinghe know they would do this?

Even if their target is Ji Xinghe, even if Ji Xinghe is willing to use himself as bait, how can the two sides firmly believe that the other party will cooperate without communication and confirmation?

Soldiers who, deception also.

The empire doesn't know this truth?

But their sudden troop mobilization today put Base No. 5 almost in a desperate situation. Tu Yuan was a little tired of coping, and almost made a big mistake.

How could you not know?

Tu Yuan guessed something, but he didn't say anything.

Li Anbang may have guessed something, but he also didn't say anything.

Because the reason is not really important, what is important.

The mountain is there.

"Report, Colonel Ji Xinghe applied to temporarily incorporate the Xinyuehu Mecha Corps and the Siege Mecha Corps into the Xinghe Independent Mecha Corps, under his full command."

Tu Yuan confirmed without any hesitation.

"give him."


"Report, Colonel Ji Xinghe ordered that all members of the original Xinyuehu Mecha Corps form the First Mecha Battalion of the Galaxy Mecha Independent Corps. Corps, mobilize one hundred mechas and merge them into the first mecha battalion. The number of mechas in the first mecha battalion is one hundred and fifty-five."

"Report, Colonel Ji Xinghe ordered that the second Mecha Battalion of the Galaxy Mecha Independent Corps be formed from the original Mecha Corps, with Colonel Harris, the ace mecha fighter of the Galaxy Squad, as the battalion commander. The number of mechas in the Second Mecha Battalion is, one One hundred and seventy-one."

"Report, Colonel Ji Xinghe ordered that all members of the original Xinghe team except Colonel Qin Tong and Colonel Harris form the third mecha battalion of the Xinghe Mecha Independent Corps, with the ace mecha fighter Colonel Li Lin as the battalion commander, and the ace machine Colonel Wang Gui, the armored fighter, is the deputy battalion commander. The number of armors in the third armored battalion is twenty-three."

What about Ji Xinghe?

What battalion is he in?

As soon as people's doubts arise, the answers are born.

"Report, Xinghe Mecha Independent Corps, Corps Leader, Colonel Ji Xinghe, an ace mecha fighter, is applying for support from the interpreter, Second Lieutenant Liu Yingzi."

Tu Yuan, who had given Ji Xinghe authority without hesitation just now, frowned when he heard this voice.

He guessed what Ji Xinghe was going to do, so he hesitated, because he knew very well that Ji Xinghe was driving Xingyue at this time, not the new general armor.

The first generation of Xingyue was made of discarded parts. When it was born, many people worried that it would fall apart during training, let alone participate in actual combat.

Of course Ji Xinghe, who drives the second generation of Xingyue, can fight, but is he so capable?

But that is Ji Xinghe.

Let Liu Mian, the most valued staff officer beside me, look directly into her eyes and say: Where the galaxy is going, where victory is going.

Tu Yuan took a deep breath,



Liu Yingzi, who has been a translator for Ji Xinghe many times, finally got her dream call.

Then he began to translate Ji Xinghe's words.

"Report, Colonel Ji Xinghe applied for a drone call, the content is..."

The correspondent's report suddenly had an obvious stagnation, and then shouted hysterically.

"I'm Ji Xinghe, I'm right here, and I'll give you three hours."

"If you want to die, line up and come one by one."



ps: The second lord plus change (6/6) for the 9 cloud-piercing cheap bosses. There is still one alliance leader and one silver alliance plus more. Why, my chapters are all about 4,000 words long. Isn’t this shooting yourself in the foot? I am painful and happy. If the hall master adds one update, and the alliance leader adds six updates, how many updates will the Silver League add? 9 cloud-piercing bosses, if I say the number, just add sixty-six, okay?

There is no charge for the above ps word count, only to find out that the ps word count in the previous chapter earned a penny from the bosses, don't blame it.

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