Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 107: How can you do everything

     Suren saw that the sniper rifle did not break the glass. In order to prevent accidents, he put away the sniper and rushed down immediately.

   Although the truck is already lying down, the cab is bullet-proof and the person inside is not stupid enough to open the door.

   Suren stopped Kaye’s idea of ​​wasting another alchemy bomb to blow up the front of the car, and shot through the glass with stacks of shots, killing two people.

   Oh... there is a little surprise.

   The "barbarian" Buck didn't die in the explosion. He sprang out of the flames. The honeycomb musket on his right arm swept over, almost not letting Kay hang on.

   But after all, he was only a Tier 1 professional, and he was still a mechanical gunner with ammunition restrictions. The two professionals of Suren and Kay joined forces and quickly killed him on the spot.

   At this point, the twelve-man **** team in three vehicles was shot dead.


Kaye looked at the steam party people who were killed in front of him, with a smile on his face: "Hey, the whole car has been modified with bulletproof panels. This batch of goods may be more valuable than expected... Thank you Brother Sulun for preparing. Prepared alchemy bombs, otherwise they would almost escape."

   Suren felt that what Kay said was fine. The truck was obviously a special transport vehicle that was deliberately worn out. Before the car, it also proved from the side that the goods they escorted were also very valuable.

   He said, "Hurry up, they should have sent the signal for help. If you delay it, you may be in trouble."


  Kaye also nodded.

   The reason why the two chose this ambush site, apart from being remote, was that they considered the arrival time of Steam Party reinforcements.

   Now that the enemy is resolved so smoothly, they also have enough time to unload.

   Su Lun didn't dare to care, walked to the side of the car, then put her ear on the car and listened carefully.

   The walls of the carriage are very thick, and no movement is heard.

Kaye was fiddled with the lock on the car door, and soon discovered that this mechanical lock had nothing to do with him. He could only turn his face and ask for help: "Su Lun, this lock seems to be a'Cortez alloy lock', without a key. It can't be opened at all. Are we going to explode with alchemy bombs?"

  Su Lun shook his head and said: "The cost of an alchemy bomb is 600,000 yuan. You can use the bomb when you open the lock. You are too extravagant. And what if there is a good thing in it and it gets damaged?"

   "So expensive?"

   Kaye suddenly shrank his hands. At this price, even if he was the captain of the Cross, he felt his hands tremble.

  In an instant, he looked at Su Lun with a look of local tyrant again, and exaggerated: "Brother, are you so rich?"

  Su Lun didn’t explain much, and gave him a white glance: "The anti-tank mine just now is not cheap."

   Robbery also requires investment costs. Whether it is just with these ordinary equipment, it can't help the **** team.

   When Kaye knew that it was not gossip, he looked helpless again: "What should I do?"

   "Of course it is to use other cheaper methods..."

  Su Lun walked over, took out some materials, and drew a six-pointed star alchemy formation with the lock as the center.

  Kay watched Sulun drew the alchemy circle, and curiously asked, "What is this?"

  He is a pure melee professional, and he knows almost nothing about alchemy except for understanding the alchemy array of planting equipment.

   This is also a common problem for most of the outer city professionals. They can fight or kill, but the theoretical system is short.

Su Lun drew the alchemy array very skillfully, and explained smoothly: "First-order alchemy [melting gold], a very practical auxiliary alchemy. The main material for drawing the array is a mixed powder of magnesium powder and mithril. Activation will then generate extremely high temperatures, which can melt most of the metals currently known. It is almost sufficient to deal with this lock."

   Kaye felt that her knowledge had risen sharply, but she turned around and asked, "Are you not a gunman, do you still know alchemy? Moreover, knowledge of alchemy is very expensive, and it's not easy to learn..."

   "Go to the black market to buy it."

  Su Lun didn't explain much either. This technique was indeed from the black market, but it was the basic spell in the textbook sent by Mr. Black.

  Spells that are very expensive in the eyes of outsiders are examples of textbooks for noble students in the inner city.

   It happened that the two teaching assistants he stripped off had some knowledge base in the memory, and it was easy to get started.

   said, he said to Kay: "You step back."

   As soon as the voice fell, Su Lun pinched out several warlock seals with both hands, and pressed one hand on the formation. Immediately, the six-pointed star array lit up a dazzling white light. A long distance away, I felt a scorching heat in my skin.

   Then a magical scene appeared.

   The high temperature generated after the activation of the alchemy array melted the entire metal lock in a blink of an eye, causing the alloy to turn into a tuft of magma-like red fluid, which dripped onto the ground.

   Kay in the distance looked full of surprises, and muttered: "How do I think you know everything..."

   It is said that a gunman can make alchemy bombs, but this alchemy can also be used,’s very strange.

  Alchemy is not something that can be done simply by drawing a six-pointed star formation. You have to learn the spells, seals, materials, and a complete set of spell-casting procedures...

   Under normal circumstances, a sorcerer has to learn a first-order spell, no matter how talented he is, it is impossible to be so proficient in less than one or two months of penance.

  Whose gunman would spend so much time learning an auxiliary spell?

   Su Lun didn’t explain much to him, “Captain, ready to work!”


   The lock was broken, and the door of the truck compartment was opened smoothly.

  Kaye didn't bother to wonder why Sulun knew alchemy, and instead looked forward to seeing what valuable goods were inside.

   But at this moment, Su Lun's ears moved, and when he heard something in the carriage, his face suddenly changed, "Quickly go away!"

  Kayi hadn't figured out what was going on, but after listening to Su Lun's urgent warning, he did not hesitate at all, withdrew and violently retreated.

   At this moment, a huge black figure sprang out of the carriage. It jumped out and hit the position where Kay was standing just now with a heavy fist, directly blasting a half-meter deep pit on the ground.

  Kay cried out strangely: "Nima, what is this!"

   Su Lun's eyes stunned as he watched the monster that appeared suddenly.

  【Abomination Warrior】

Detailed explanation: First-order and semi-distorted monsters made by X serum, they have lost their sanity, but they can perform simple killing instructions through special conditioning training; potion enhancement gives it a super physical body, fast movement speed, and high recovery , High strength, high physical resistance, medium magic resistance...

   This is an ugly blue-skinned humanoid monster nearly three meters high.

   "Conditional reflex? It should be the wrong way to open the carriage, which activated this monster..."

   Su Lun looked at the identification information displayed on the monster's head, and immediately guessed something.

   It turns out that there is not only an integrated **** squad of the Steam Party, but also a monster guarding it.

   What kind of cargo is in this carriage that deserves such careful handling?

   Blue skin, how do you think it resembles a living corpse...

   The thoughts in his mind flashed out, and the movements in Su Lun's hands were not slow at all.



The    stacked alchemy bullets penetrated the back of the monster's head smoothly, but they didn't penetrate deeply.

   And, strangely, the bullet was slowly squeezed out by the muscles, and the wound was visibly squirming and recovering!

   "Good toughness!"

  Su Lun was surprised to see that his two shots did not hurt the monster. The alchemy bullet hits an ordinary professional, one shot with one blood hole, and it hits a bullet hole the size of a little finger.

   What's more terrifying is the monster's self-healing power, which is simply incredible.

   On the other hand, Kay's reaction is not slow.

   After he dodges the monster's punch, the whole person rushes forward, and the unprotected thigh of the monster whose arm turns into a blade is cut off with a single cut.

   The blade's cold light flashed, and the normal flesh and blood body must be severed under this knife.

   But it was this shot, but Kay's expression suddenly changed, as if a blunt knife was looking at the bark, and he almost didn't let his blade get stuck in the monster's flesh.

   Looking at it again, the knife only left a trace of no pain or itching, and did not cause any substantial damage at all.

   And, in a blink of an eye, the scratch has been restored.

  Because the knife was stuck for a moment, Kay just wanted to avoid it when a casserole-sized fist hit his lower abdomen. Even if he tried to avoid it, it seemed as if he was hit by a rhinoceros with his horn on the ribs.

   With a "puff", he couldn't hold back a burst of turbid blood, and he flew out like a cannonball.

  A face-to-face, Kay fell into danger.


   Seeing the monster in the distance, Su Lun still chased Kay, and fired several shots, trying to attract the monster's attention.

   Watching all kinds of alchemy bombs explode on the monster's vitals, Su Lun also made sure that the monster's physical defense is extremely high, but the magical defense is not too high!

   But double-fired "armor-piercing bullets" are very difficult to break. Although ammunition such as "magic-breaking bullets" has certain damage, if it does not penetrate the skin, it will not cause much damage.

   These shots of Su Lun successfully attracted the monster's attention. The three-meter-high body looked burly and awkward, but the speed was extremely fast!

   The monster turned his head and rushed to accelerate, the ground cracked, and his whole body slammed into it like a cannonball.

   "So fast! The speed of this monster has reached the level of a Tier 2 professional!"

   Su Lun felt the tremendous pressure on his face, and was prepared for it.

   His whole body muscles have been contracted to the extreme, and with a pull of the steel wire in his hand, with the force of the passing collision, his whole body quickly rotated in the air for a few times before landing.

Although it looks a little embarrassed, Su Lun has calmly analyzed a lot of useful information in his mind: "The straight line speed is very fast, but the ability in disguise is slightly grandiose...Pure physical attack means, without planting, nor Will cast spells, low wisdom..."

   This is a monster with some attributes exceeding Tier 2 professionals, but with obvious shortcomings.

   He judges instantly, can fight!


  Kay saw that Sulun was knocked into the air and pressured the discomfort in his chest, so he rushed over again like lightning.

   He felt that he was a melee assassin after all.

   It’s hard to say that Su Lun’s weakened gunman, once approached by a monster, a punch can kill him.

  Kay said anxiously: "This guy's power has reached the level of a Tier 2 professional, we are not opponents. We are ready to withdraw!"

   Su Lun seemed to turn a deaf ear, and didn't mean to escape at all, the two guns continued to fire.

   He knew very well that if there was no alternate cover, Kay would definitely not hold on for long, and said anxiously: "You can't run it, don't run away, use skill to dodge!"

   And if you choose to escape blindly, the terrifying speed of the monster can catch up to any of them in a blink of an eye.

   Once stuck, as long as a mistake, it will immediately die on the spot.

   This is the tricky part of this monster.


   The monster is unrivaled, with fists and feet cracking gold and stones.

   Kayi was agile, surrounded by the explosion-proof truck Zhou Xuan, rushed into the bottom of the car for a while, and after a while, barely able to protect himself.

   But no matter how you attack, the monster doesn't hurt.

   If it goes on, there will be problems sooner or later.

   Not to mention being killed by a monster, I really want to be dragged down, and enough for Steam Party reinforcements to come Damn it! How could there be such a monster in the carriage! "

   Kay yelled, and seeing the goods in front of them, they had to give up.

He also understood Suren’s combat plan. It seemed that he wanted to fly kites alternately to attract the monster’s attention and look for opportunities to evacuate. We may still have a chance..."

   He wanted to persuade Su Lun to go first, and if he moved a long enough distance to kill, both of them would have a chance to escape.

  K Sulun's battle plan is obviously not to escape.

   He vaguely guessed what was in this shipment and decided to give it a go.

   "Help me hold on for a moment, and prepare to fight back!"


  Kayi's thoughts stagnated.

   Before he could finish his words, he watched Su Lun had put away his spears, his hands were quickly forming marks, and the five-pointed star formation was already lit up under his feet.

   "Fast printing speed!"

   Kai's heart flashed with astonishment, but he didn't understand what Sulun was going to do.

   Is this to untie the planting?

   But... this monster can't be killed at all!

   It was this moment, before the doubtful thoughts appeared on his face, Kaye's gaze suddenly froze there.

   The familiar feeling that was once on the battlefield is back...


   Su Lun finished the seal with no expression on his face, and chuckled softly: "Planting·Resolve!"

   After the five-pointed star formation was fully illuminated, the dark golden eight-armed spider spear was displayed impressively behind him!

  PS. This Friday, or September 1, it will be on the shelves. At that time, I hope everyone will come to the starting point to support the subscription, otherwise it feels more kneeling to subscribe. Thanks in advance.

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