Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 136: Hunting town

Latest website: When Su Lun returned to the camp of the transport team, he hadn't gotten out of bed yet.

The night outpost smoked bored cigarettes around the camp, and there were lights flashing in the darkness.

He quietly touched the tent from the top of the rock wall, and no one found it.

Having been busy most of the night, now that it is empty, Su Lun also started to count the harvest of the night.

After all, the "Iron Knight Order" is a peripheral member of the Umbrella Organization, and the equipment is pretty good, and it can be sold at a good price if packaged.

And what Sulun cared most was the storage ring of the fortuneteller.

In addition to some weird divination materials, there is also the crystal necklace he used for divination before.

Upon identification, it was expected that it was an ancient curse.

[Celeya's Crystal Pendant]

Description: A crystal necklace with the inscription "To my dear Celea";

Cursing characteristics: when you choose difficult, it can help you make a decision; depending on the level of divination, pay equal lifespan in exchange;

Detailed explanation: Although the refining technique is not too clever, it is an alchemy necklace full of love; wearing it can make you safe from divination investigations that do not exceed the second level; it can be used as the inaugural position of the'spiritual divination master' Material;

Suren felt that the name "Seleya" was a bit familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

But because this is also a very common female name, I didn't think about it.

Speaking of effects alone, this is a very practical necklace.

Su Lun was worried about his whereabouts being used by a fortune-teller before, and the "anti-detection" property of this pendant just solved this problem.

The curse characteristics are also acceptable, and the use of divination will only reduce life.

Su Lun is not a divination professional, although he has also harvested some divination skills, but he feels that he might not be like the guy before forcibly occupying something, causing vomiting blood and losing his life.

Wear it on the body, as long as it has passive attributes.

It's not bad. Su Lun wrapped the pendant around his wrist and covered it, and he muttered again: Sure enough, looting professionals accurately is the "shortcut" to obtain exclusive items for that class.

After counting the spoils, Su Lun lay on the sleeping bag, thinking carefully about what happened that night.

Now that he has figured out the origin of the original owner, Su Lun also has a big stone in his heart.

He also wanted to understand what was going on with the reward in the black market, and it must be the hostile forces "outside the tower" of the original owner.

Even if he is exiled in this underground world, he must rush to extinction.

But this is also good, at least the enemy is not a big family in the inner city.

What Su Lun had to face was just a wanted order that was becoming more and more useless.

He was not recognized before, and now he has been injected with "x serum." Who can connect the blue-skinned self with the appearance of the original owner's handsome aristocratic boy?


After a while, the assembly order in the camp sounded.

The transportation team started a new day of escort.

I heard that there will be monster attacks in the d24 area, which made everyone in the team frightened all the way. But after a few days, their transportation team went surprisingly smoothly.

d24, d25...Along the way, apart from encountering several small-scale aberrant monster attacks, there was no battle that could be called a dangerous one.

On the road, I saw a lot of traces of fighting, but the bodies were all cleaned up. It looked like a big team that had come before and cleaned up all the way.

Without fighting, the hunters in the team are also happy.

Finally, a few days later, they finally arrived at the remains of Dawn City.


Su Lun was also quite moved when he came to Dawn City, the "birthplace" that he had just passed through.

Once upon a time, this place was like a mass grave, lifeless.

But now, with "Storm Manor" as the center, the mountains and plains are full of buildings under construction.

Far away, you can see the brightly lit campsite and the towering steam boilers suddenly emitting white smoke. These boilers can provide a continuous supply of energy to the large workshops in the campsite and accelerate the construction...

In the manor, there are also two sets of large-scale mechanical equipment consisting of various tanks and pipes like a chemical plant, which are the "air filtration device" and the "drinking water treatment device". This is also the most important device to ensure that hunters can survive for a long time in the violent dark underground.

Said it is a camp, it is more like a war town.

Wilderness hunters used stones and steel brackets to build a large waste hunting camp that can accommodate 100,000 people. Caravans are still bringing in various construction materials from Old Lingdon city, probably soon Later, here will become a lively small city...

However, when Su Lun saw Stormwind Manor, his eyes became distant.

Revisiting the old place, he thought of Pestoya.

The little ghost girl who gave him advanced materials for the "Puppet Master".

"Storm Manor has been invaded, that is to say, the cursed space has been broken..."

Su Lun looked at his brows and twisted slightly.

The little girl who has an appetite, although not a human.

Oh, I almost forgot.

It seems that there is a brooch she gave, buried somewhere.


Coming to the ruins under the d33 area, the intensity of the dark spiritual power is already several times that of the old Lingdun city.

For humans, this is a dangerous area that can easily cause body distortion after a long time.

But for Su Lun, it had no effect at all.

On the contrary, he felt that in this environment, the pores all over his body were relieved.

After the "x serum" is increased, the body is very comfortable with this high concentration of dark spiritual power, and he does not even need to meditate. The increase in the value of the dark spiritual power in his body is almost the same as that of the previous meditation.

Moreover, there is no sign of distortion due to the absorption of this dark attribute energy too fast.

This concentration is only on the hillside, in the ruins of the city in the distance, there is a "specially dense area" filled with black mist.

It can be expected that under this environment, Su Lun's dark spiritual power value will soar. Perhaps in the next one or two months, his dark spiritual power may reach the threshold of a Tier 2 professional.

If he finds suitable advanced materials at that time, maybe he can successfully break through the second level.


"Okay, this is the end of our employment contract. Thank you for your dedication and escort. According to the contract, there is no loss of goods, and an additional 10% of the **** fee is paid..."

"Oh, praise the generous Mr. Abagon!"

"Our Chamber of Commerce will return to the city in ten days. If you are interested in continuing to pick up friends from our Chamber of Commerce returning to the city, you can sign up at the office of our Chamber of Commerce in the camp..."


Upon arriving at the destination, the task of the hunters like Sulun was completed.

Abagon sent everyone the remaining balance of employment and went to deliver the goods.

Because there were no fierce battles and no additional battle subsidies, Su Lun only received basic commissions, but there were also nearly one hundred thousand risos.

High risks have also resulted in high returns.

Everyone took the money and dispersed.

Su Lun looked at the camp not far away, but did not rush over.

Detesting fighters is his life-saving weapon, so he should naturally take it with him.

However, its three-meter-high body is too burly. Even if there is a shroud invisible, it is easy to be spotted in crowded places.

And because the living corpse has vital signs, it can't be put into the storage ring, which is the most troublesome.

Su Lun felt that his second-order advancement direction would definitely give priority to cursed materials that could awaken "spatial ability".

Otherwise, there will be more puppets under control in the future, probably like walking a duck, followed by a large number of puppets.

Finally, after a while, Su Lun bought a steam dog in the hands of a caravan returning to the city, and disguised the living corpse as a cargo with a mechanical dog on his back, which made it less conspicuous.


Su Lun led the robot dog towards the waste hunting camp.

At this moment, a long line into the city has been lined up at the entrance of the camp.

Before coming, Sulun thought that the camp of the Dawn Ruins should be the idle camp with tents everywhere. I never thought that in such a short period of time, the scale has reached a high wall surrounding the town.

Heavy machine guns and artillery line the walls, and some heavily armed guys are setting up jams at the door.

I thought it was an identity check, but the result was just the city fee.

Su Lun calmly looked at the layout of the guards at the gate of the lower city, and instinctively estimated whether a real conflict would be able to retreat.

Then, he silently lined up behind the team.

Listening to the conversations of those in front of him, he also figured out the general situation in the city.

The high entrance fee also made the new hunters scold.

"His mother, for spending three thousand li in this camp for one night?! I only earn one hundred thousand after escorting the transportation, and only a month's worth of flowers?"

"One month? You think it's so beautiful! I heard the buddy who went in before said that everything in this camp is expensive. Three or five hundred ordinary ladies in Old Lingdun, here are five thousand. Drinking water is even more old. Ten times that of Lingdun! There are also food, medicine, and ammunition supplies, all of which are multiple times..."

"It's so expensive? Then we take our lives to hunt down the wasteland, don't we all make money for this unscrupulous businessman?"

"Actually, it's not expensive. Everyone is here to hunt wasteland. Who is here to live for a long time? At most, it will be repaired and will not stay in the city for a few days. What's more, those big chaebols have spent huge sums of money to build the city. I have bought so many equipments, so I have to recover the cost..."

"I'm **** it, I have to spend the wrong money before I start earning money..."

"You don't want to pay, but you can camp outside the city. It's just that the aberrations near the ruins attack frequently, as well as predators and thieves. I'm afraid that if you fall asleep and fall asleep, your life will be lost inexplicably..."

"In fact, there are ways to avoid paying the city fee."

"How to say?"

"Join the waste hunting team of the five major consortia. Just obey their orders and participate in some collective waste hunting missions."

"Join the waste hunting team of the five major consortia?"


"You will get an employment salary when you join. Then the treasures found by the hunting will be sold to them first, and there are no other restrictions. I asked, the price is fair."


Before he heard a few words, Su Lun roughly figured out the situation of the camp.

Several big chaebols in the inner city got to build a camp, and then made such a fee for entering and leaving the city.

If you don't want to pay, you have to join their hunting team, listen to the arrangements, and perform some fixed-point exploration tasks.

Su Lun did not intend to join the desert hunting group of these chaebols.

After all, he didn't use his life to hunt wasteland to make money.

He knew very well that those chaebols probably wanted to recruit "cannon fodder" for mine detection.

After all, no one knows the danger level of the "cursed space" in advance, it needs the human life to detect it.

In case of encountering a "T-level" with no survivors, it would be a pity for high-level professionals to suffer losses in it. First go to some cannon fodder to explore the way, and you can roughly figure out the degree of danger.

Not long after, it was Su Lun's turn to line up.

He paid the money, took a colorful sign and hung it in a conspicuous position, and entered the city smoothly.


Su Lun didn't plan to set up a tent outside the city, and the hunters who couldn't even pay for the entrance fee probably didn't have much good things in their hands. He wanted to go to the Wilderness Hunting Market in the city to take a look first. It would be better if he could buy the materials he needed. If he can't buy it, he will first go to the Wild Hunter's Union to get some news. Rather than blindly plunge into the dangerous ruins.

There are no ordinary residents in the waste hunting camp, and there are no redundant buildings.

Weapon shop, gun shop, machinery shop, medicine shop...

After entering the city, there are dense supply shops on both sides of the street.

The names of the major commercial houses in the inner city are also hung on the signboards.

Within a few steps, you can see the familiar feasting and feasting.

The speculators drove the tavern and the custom field into the camp as soon as possible.

Probably because it is troublesome to explain, there are signs with price tags hung at the door.

"Girls from £3500"

"Rye from £400/bottle"

Even though the price is ten times that in Old Lingdon, business looks good.

After passing these few steps, Su Lun could see the hunters hooking their shoulders and walking in, happily.

It is not easy to send such a bunch of charming and weak customs girls underground, and it makes sense to be more expensive.

The precarious days put the mental pressure on the hunters actually very heavy, they need to vent. The wine and meat business, on the contrary, has more market here. Besides, the hunters who can survive the ruins have money in their pockets.

Su Lun walked all the way.

Before he looked at the plan of the camp at the gate of the city, and knew that there was a street to the east, which was specially designed for hunters to sell things.

He took the mechanical dog and walked two streets, and heard the noise of going to the market in that direction.

"The silver employment materials that just came out of the ruins yesterday [Eyes of the Human-faced Owl]..."

"Come here, the ancient alchemy scrolls just unearthed are limited in number..."

"Ancient weapons, two-handed swords that cut iron as mud, alchemy crossbows, dwarven shields..."

"Freshly produced cursed materials, black iron and silver quality are available, and the price is beautiful..."


Su Lun became interested when he heard the sound in his ears.

The names of many rare materials appeared in the mouths of those vendors.

In Old Lingdun, it is impossible to see the scene of silver materials being sold on the street.

Even in the black market of Shadow, silver materials are rare and sought-after products.

But here, it was sold as ordinary commodities by the hunters.

This is the benefit of the first-hand source.

Because there are no shops, antiquities worth hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars are randomly picked up and put on the ground for sale.

There are also many people coming and going on the street.

There are well-dressed speculators, and more are hunters dressed as adventurers.

Most of the cursed objects left over from ancient times are rare goods, even black iron materials are much better than those refined in this era.

Here, hunters who want advanced professionals can find real quality materials.

As soon as Su Lun walked into the Fangshi block, the first stall attracted his attention.


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