Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 139: The legendary Sabina

The latest website: Su Lun came out of the hunting guild hall and walked in the camp.

Counting the time it is only the afternoon, if you want to rest, it will be a bit early.

Thinking that he should know more about the ruins, he planned to go to the tavern again.

The tavern has always been the most important "information exchange center" except for the Wilderness Hunting Union.

More importantly, Su Lun felt that for the hunters who could afford drinks ten times the price of Old Lingdun, Bacheng was the one who successfully survived from the ruins. They must have a lot of precious first-hand information in their hands.

Su Lun strolled around and chose the largest tavern with the most family, which happened to be called "Black Sir".

This is a chain brand. The inner and outer cities of Old Lingdon are well-known. The owner behind it is the "Clark family", one of the five consortia that built the camp, and the owner behind the Steam Party.

Even though it is still daytime, the tavern is full of all kinds of drunken drinkers.

They are all waste hunters who came out of the ruins and made money to consume.

Su Lun found an unobtrusive position in the corner and sat down.

There are 40 bottles of Old Lingdon, and a bottle of rye for 400 risos is sold in a dozen.

I also called a pretty good-natured girl, just to accompany drinking, tip 3000.

Don't underestimate these girls, they are the people with the most information in the tavern. Although they don't go hunting wasteland, they stay in the tavern all day long. Accompanying many different guests, there is a lot of unexpected information in his mouth.


Su Lun just drank the wine without a sip, listening to the chatting and farting of the drinkers.

"Have you heard that the Firebird Wilderness Hunting Group who went out the other day came back last night. It was a super harvest. It is said that the big chambers of commerce who came to receive the goods were in charge of their duties and blocked their heads' rooms. It's all broken..."

"How could I have not heard of it? The people from the Firebird group were lucky and strayed into the Central City area. Not only did they fail to destroy the group, they also picked up a cursed object of the'confined object level'...they were divided among the members of the group. The money received is enough to live the rest of your life happily."

"How come we have no luck..."

"Captain Beth, don't even think about it. There is a lot of high-risk curses in the Central City area, as well as those aberrations that can't be killed. Now the situation is unknown. Even top professionals can't guarantee that they will come back alive..."

"No, I heard that the'Iron Crocodile Group' misunderstood an'S-Class' cursed space yesterday, and suffered heavy losses..."

"There are also two cursed spaces that appear to be'T-level' in the West City. The five big families arranged slave groups to test, and the entire army was wiped out... But it is estimated that the benefits are also amazing. When will they arrange high-level professionals to go? explore..."


Su Lun was drinking wine in front of a quiet audience.

Now Dawn City ruins hunting is almost these two extremes.

Either all kinds of riches overnight, or all kinds of groups are destroyed.

If you can open up a new area and live out, the income will hardly be bad.

Su Lun also heard a lot of useful information from these drinkers.

Which area is highly dangerous, and there is more room for "T-level" and "s-level" curses...

Which area has the top distortion monster...

Where is the "Nightmare Zone" where the hunting group went, but did not return...

Listening to the small news, Su Lun automatically spliced ​​pieces of map fragments in his mind, and he also had an impression of the entire outer ring of the dawn ruins in his heart.


Su Lun sat in the tavern for a few hours, and the news was almost heard.

Just when he was about to leave, looking for a place to rest to cope with it, and save his energy to go hunting wasteland tomorrow, he suddenly looked at the stairs on the second floor.

The second floor of the tavern is the VIP area, which is not a place where you can go if you have money. It is a place dedicated to receiving people from the inner city.

The iron stairs clanged, and several people walked down.

The tavern became quiet instantly, and the sound of stepping on the stairs was particularly clear.

The slender and beautiful legs stepped on a pair of slender high-heeled shoes, and then a white satin dress that slit to the base of the legs, right on the stairs, looking up from this angle, the beautiful legs were unobstructed. A few more steps down the stairs, the flaming red wavy hair and the graceful figure can be seen in full view.

Then, that fascinating and beautiful face came into view.

It was the woman in the white fox fur dress that came, and the whole noisy tavern seemed to have been pressed the pause button, and suddenly the sound was silenced.

The wine glasses held by a group of big masters were all stunned, their eyes burning.

Her skin is white and shiny, giving people the illusion that she comes with a high-gloss beauty filter. Looking at her, everything around her was eclipsed. Especially the slight curvature of the corner of her mouth, which seemed to be a smile, made the amorous feelings between the eyebrows come to life.

Obviously she is a sister-in-law of the gang, but her gestures make people see the grace and luxury of the ladies and ladies in the upper class.

The temperament of this woman is gorgeous and not vulgar.

"This one is here too..."

Su Lun looked at the woman, narrowing his eyes slightly.

He naturally recognized this famous figure in the outer city gangs, the woman of the Steam Party president "Butcher" Banner, and the legendary-Sabina.

The woman who was once impressed on the first day of his journey.

"Tsk tusk... I saw it with my own eyes, this peach is really big enough."

Su Lun took a look and muttered in his heart.

Her chest was white and majestic, and she was very proud, and she caught the heavy oppression.

He was also curious about what this woman looked like in the eyes of other people in the tavern. She would be so obsessed, so he let go of some normal emotions, and then watched the words "slight charm" appear on his attribute panel for an instant. .

It's not a negative state.

It's purely "attractive".

This is a beautiful stunner that can arouse people's **** just by looking at it.

"The charisma attribute is very high... is it the Meigu talent, or other abilities?"

As soon as his emotions receded, the fascination in Su Lun's eyes instantly disappeared.

At this moment, the woman glanced at the tavern.

With this inadvertent glance, everyone in the tavern heard the sound of swallowing saliva.

After Su Lun keenly caught that glance, the mental power of his panel fluctuated slightly, and once again he had a change in this woman, thinking in her heart: "It seems that this woman is not like the legend, she only relies on beauty. The high-ranking character..."

When she went downstairs, the woman was accompanied by a young man with a slightly excited expression.

Su Lun saw that he was another acquaintance.

Surprisingly, it was the young master of the Oliver family that Fangshi met before, Danza Oliver.

"Master Danze, today's wine is here, waiting for your good news."

"no problem!"


Probably they had just discussed something upstairs. The two talked quietly and walked out of the tavern.

After the few people walked away, the group of dazed masters on the first floor seemed to have come back to life again.

The pub is noisy again.

"Damn it, if I can sleep with this kind of woman, I would be willing to die for ten years..."

"Shhh~ keep it quiet. "Butcher" Banner's woman, you dare to make up your mind too, don't you want to die? Although I think so too, hahaha..."


Su Lun chuckled as he listened to these whispers.

He didn't sit too much, and left the tavern.


In the early morning of the next morning, thousands of hunters in full gear had gathered at the entrance of the camp.

Look at the banner, hundreds of hunting groups large and small.

The agreed meeting time was seven o'clock, and Su Lun arrived ten minutes earlier.

When the time came, they watched that the "Alcoholic Wilderness Hunting Group" was also there.

The configuration in the team is very complete, and it is also a regular small team configuration, reloading mechanical warriors, doctors, gunners, warlocks and blasters...

As the team leader, Benson is urging the team members to check the equipment for the last time.

Seeing Suren walk over, he greeted warmly, "Brother Jonny!"

Su Lun nodded in response.

He saw Tommy also appeared in the team fully armed, and asked slightly unexpectedly: "Captain Benson, how did you take Tommy to the ruins?"

Benson's eyes flashed with kindness, but he was helpless, and said, "Yes, this kid yelled to come."

Tommy on the side also patted the musket on his waist, and said dissatisfied: "Daddy, I'm not a kid anymore!"

Benson shrugged noncommittal, turned his head and smiled at Su Lun, "I was out hunting when he was his age. Since he chose to take this path, he will grow up after all... "

Hearing this, Su Lun didn't say much.

The hunter has the life of the hunter.

At seven o'clock, the team set off.

The Oliver family wild hunting group organized more than a dozen small wild hunting groups to act together this time, with more than one hundred people.

There is a second-tier professional leading the team, Bloom, the head of the "War Knife Regiment".

The big chaebols like the Oliver family have the most accurate ruins information and maps in their hands, and their route this time has also been planned in advance.

In order to avoid the danger of crossing the city, the team will circle around the city all the way, and then enter from the ruins of the eastern city wall to directly explore the "red brick tower block."

Su Lun knew that it was probably the young master Danze Oliver who was eager to find the hair, which happened to have the same purpose as his own, and he was relieved.


The outermost periphery of the Ruins of Dawn City has almost been cleaned up, and there is no danger along the way.

The hunters walked smoothly, the atmosphere was relaxed, and they could occasionally chat and slap.

The living corpse controlled by Su Lun followed the "drunkard group" team, just as it was during transportation, slightly withdrawn.

But Tommy has been by his side, pestering him to ask some gunmen and mechanical experience.

More than a hundred people, chatting and spanking can always tell something new.

While talking with Tommy, Su Lun also pricked his ears to listen to the gossip of the other hunters.

Unexpectedly, after listening, I heard my own melon.

"Speaking of, have you heard that a ruthless man recently appeared in Old Lingdun, an s-level wanted criminal who has newly made the top ten on the bounty list..."

"Oh, there are new faces in the top ten of the reward list? What's the point?"

"I heard that it was a very powerful gun expert from the Cross, called'Su Lun'. It is said that he killed three Tier 2 professionals from the inner city and became famous in World War I."

"This is overblown... it's not always possible that the gun master can kill three Tier 2 professionals, but also an expert?"

"The battle on Green Street was very fierce. Many people have heard about it. Moreover, I also heard a gossip from my brother-in-law that before'Su Lun' entered the gang, he was actually a great inner city plutocracy. The bodyguard driver who defected from his family was chased and killed because he drove to pick up the beautiful lover of the noble master and had a leg..."


Su Lun listened to the stories in those people's mouths, and originally wanted to find out some useful information.

But I didn't think that the more I heard the story, the more wrong it became.

Familiar formula, familiar plot, isn’t this exactly the same as the Red Devils back then?

In the end, the topic of these big men, from the wanted to rookie, soon talked about which night girl is more hydrated...

Tommy on the side listened with gusto. This kind of legendary story is the favorite to listen to at his age.

After listening to those people talking about "S Tong Su Lun", he suddenly thought of something, then turned his head and asked Su Lun curiously, "Mr. Jonny, who is better with that S Tong?"

Su Lun smiled: "Me? It's too far..."

Tommy said solemnly: "But... I think you are very good. At least it should be much better than my cocky old man."

When Su Lun heard this, he curiously asked, "Is it your ability to'feel' again?"


Tommy thought about it, pointed to the person in front of him and said: "I feel like everyone has a ray of light now. The fire on my father is like a candle, the others are like matches, and Mr. Jonny, you are like a light. .. Big fireball."


He saw the soul, spiritual power, or dark spiritual power?

Su Lun felt that Tommy might have awakened a great talent.

He thought about it and said, "Tommy, you must never tell people that you have this ability. Otherwise, it may cause you and your father a big trouble."

Tommy is very smart. He naturally knows what Sulun means, and patted his chest: "I know! But because it is Mr. Jonny, I only said it. Because...I feel that you are very good, better than everyone else. "

Su Lun listened and smiled again.


The hunting team walked along the periphery of the city for a short time, repelled several waves of small-scale aberration attacks, and finally came to the city's planned entry area.

Dawn City has no walls, and you can enter the center of the city by just finding a road.

The city is full of ruined walls, a scene of dilapidation after the war.

After stepping into the ruins of this building, the leader of the battle knife regiment Bloom yelled: "Attention everyone, now enter the dangerous area, check the equipment, and always be on guard for monsters from the sky, the underground, and anywhere!"

Everyone responded: "Yes!"

The wild hunters who followed have fought a tug of war against the distortion monsters in the streets and lanes of Dawn City for months, but instead of reducing the number of monsters in the city, they have more and more.

I don't know where those monsters came from, anyway, I can't kill them all.

Moreover, after entering the city, the air gradually diffused with mist, and his vision was very limited. The fog also moves with the wind, and when it is really going to the dense fog area, the visibility does not even exceed ten meters.

The atmosphere in the hunting team suddenly became tense.

Along the way, I also encountered a few deformed humans who were eating some corpses...

The hunters exploded the monsters that were once their counterparts in a few shots.


Then, not long after entering the fog, the expected large-scale attack came.

The breath of living people, like a beacon in the dark night, attracted all nearby monsters.

As he walked, Su Lun suddenly moved his ears slightly, and quietly put his hands on the musket on his waist.

After another second, someone issued an alarm and shouted sharply: "Be careful, there are monsters in the sky!"

Before the words fell, a strange cry of "Squeaking" came from the mist that was listening. The voices came from all directions, and the number was astonishing.

In the next instant, everyone looked up, and a group of giant bats with wings spread two or three meters suddenly flew out of the fog!

Flesh wings flop, and the wind howls.

Slap, slap, slap, slap...

For a time, the gunshots were loud, and everyone raised their muskets and shot them randomly in the mist in the air.

But the number of monsters was too much, and black shadows kept flying out of the fog.

The situation suddenly became critical.

Benson and his hunting team are mostly experienced and old hunters, and when they encounter a situation, they immediately assemble a defensive formation.

Because Tommy was in the team, the core of everyone was him, and Su Lun also benefited. He didn't have many chances to shoot. He occasionally shot down a bat that threatened him, and then set off random guns. He should also be involved...

Fortunately, because of preparations in advance and sufficient firepower, the wilderness hunting group quickly repelled those strange bats.

However, even so, the hunting group still suffered casualties.

"Damn, our group is missing two people and was taken away by the bat just now!"

"Our regiment is also missing one..."

"Everyone, be careful, that bat's blood contains corrosive toxins..."


Just after entering the ruins, there was a reduction in the team, and the atmosphere suddenly became serious.

The drunkard group was unexpectedly well preserved, with almost no loss.

The situation was chaotic before, and no one else found Suren’s superior marksmanship, but Tommy next to him found something. He whispered: “Mr. Jonny, the bat has such small eyes and it’s flying around. How did you hit it just now? What?"

"Good you can practice more..."

Su Lun smiled casually, and didn't expect this little guy to be so observant.


"Go, keep going!"

The hunting group had little loss, so it cleared the battlefield and continued to go deeper.

As he passed by the pile of corpses, Su Lun looked at the bat corpses on the ground, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

【Abyss Bloodthirsty Giant Bat】

Detailed explanation: dark-loving, bloodthirsty; an aberrant monster that has lived in a rich dark spiritual environment for a long time, it has a fighting power that exceeds the upper limit of the species's rank;

Su Lun looked at the information identified by the monster, and somehow, thought of the abnormal monsters in the Old Lingdon sewer.


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