Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 146: Geiger

"It's him, kill that guy!"

Su Lun listened to the loud shout from a long distance, and without any hesitation, the eight spider legs ran and jumped all the way.

The young master of the Oliver family's direct line, Dan Ze, came to kiss him, and naturally there was a master around him.

Just a glimpse of it, in addition to the four who escaped before, Su Lun also saw at least four or five Tier 2 professionals.

When I saw the glamorous white fox fur woman again, I knew why there were Steam Party cadres in the team that besieged the witch before.

"The Oliver family actually cooperated with the Steam Party supported by competitors?"

Su Lun's doubts flashed through his mind, but the speed of fleeing under his feet was not slow.

Not only this bunch of Tier 2 professionals, there are more than a dozen elite hunting teams of the Oliver family, with hundreds of people.

The murderous gaze scorched and made him feel like a whole lamb roasted on the stove, being racked up and roasted back and forth.


At the moment when Su Lun appeared, a few rockets had already dragged their long flame tails and hit him.




The cannonball fell on his side and kept blasting.

The crushed stone splashed on his body, crackling.

Thanks to Su Lun's keen eyes and ears, he predicted the direction of the rocket in time.

Fortunately, his eight-armed spider spear was agile, leaping over walls and ditches like walking on the ground over the ruins. The first round of rockets was then avoided without any risk.

The bad news is that wherever you look, you are enemies.

The good news is that the ruins are spacious enough, the buildings in the city are very complex, and the superior displacement ability of the eight-armed spider spear is fully utilized.

After evading this round of rockets, there was also a torrent of gunfire behind him.

But at this time, Su Lun had found the right opportunity and rushed into the back of a building.


With a loud "bang", a fireball fell from the sky, and the building was instantly flattened by artillery fire.

"The second-tier legal system professionals have taken action..."

Su Lun was staggered by the scorching flame. Fortunately, his legs were so stable that he didn't fall.

However, he didn't dare to turn his head back, and was pushed three points faster with this wave of air.

He clearly felt that behind him, he was locked by six or seven particularly harsh "killing intent".

Don't think about it, that is the enemy's second-tier professional chasing.

Su Lun has eight-armed spider spears, which ordinary professionals can't help them.

As long as the first round of firepower was avoided, in the ruins of Dawn City, the more than one hundred wilderness hunters of the Oliver family were not a threat at all.

From the beginning to the end, he has to face troubles, all those second-tier professionals who can fight and run.

for example...

These lingering black crows above their heads!


Su Lun dared not run to the periphery of the ruins.

He knew very well that when running outside the ruins, the environment was safe, but those second-tier occupations would definitely chase him endlessly. What's more, it is extremely likely that the Oliver family will mobilize various hunting groups to round up, and they will not be able to escape.

Only by running deep into the ruins, the chance of encountering people will be lower.

The ruins are dangerous to him, and equally dangerous to those second-tier professionals.

Only with the help of the environment and weirdness in the ruins to drag the pursuers can he escape.

Fortunately, I collected a lot of information in the tavern yesterday. Su Lun also has a general understanding of some dangerous areas in the East City. He did not dare to forcibly enter those "death zones" and chose a direction, heading towards the center of the ruins. Plunged in.

Su Lun looked at the crow with wings flapping on his head, and knew that it was the "Blood Raven" Longfellow's method.

If these crows don't die, he won't even want to run away.

Without thinking about it at all, he raised the gun and hit it with a shuttle.

There was a crackling gunshot.

Seven or eight crows fell in response, bursting into a cloud of black blood in the air.

"This trick again..."

Su Lun glanced at the blood mist and murmured in his heart.

The methods of these crow warlocks are very evil. They were told by the "epidemic" Sergey last time, and the picture of crows vomiting in his throat is still fresh in my memory.

He also has a long memory now, not only wearing a gas mask, looking at the place where the crow's blood is falling, and quickly avoiding it.

This is not Old Ling Dun, but there are no endless crows.

After the unit price was changed, he raised his hand and hit it again, and there were only a few crows chasing him.

Su Lun originally wanted to kill all these crows in one effort, but didn't want to suddenly become alert at this time.


Su Lun felt something, his expression changed slightly.

On the side of the figure instinctively, he wanted to avoid that murderous intent.

But this evasive action, instead of letting him avoid the bullet, "caught" the bullet instead.


A ball of blood exploded on the forearm, and a hole was directly punched through.

If he hadn't been injected with "x serum" to become extremely tough now, and his armguards had reduced the bullet power, this shot would explode his entire forearm!

"How did it hit?!"

When his right hand was interrupted, Su Lun was more confused than shocked.

He clearly avoided, how could he be shot?

But before this thought had time to think about it, the familiar fatal feeling struck again.

"I was aimed at by that gunman again!"

Su Lun's heart shuddered, and instinctively wanted to move and avoid.

This time, the bizarre scene was staged again!

He judged the direction of the hostile gaze behind him, and roughly estimated the trajectory, his body instinctively avoided the direction he was going to go.

But just like that, a bullet still hit him in the back.

The gunman didn't hit his original route at all, as if he had predicted in advance where Su Lun would stay after he avoided.

The enemy predicted his prediction!

""The Gun King" Geiger? ! "

Seeing this ability, Su Lun immediately guessed who the guy behind who fired the gun was.

Turning around, Yu Guang glanced, and immediately saw the guy holding the rifle. It also instantly matched the face in the memory. He said to himself: "No wonder he was hit by two shots. Strange..."

That guy is surprisingly the famous "gun master" in Old Lingdun, one of the ceiling-level figures of the gunners, and Geiger Killiman, known as the "gun king"!

This Geiger's awakening talent is very compatible with the gunner [b-098-sixth sense]. The old-fashioned rifle in his hand is also the famous sniper rifle [Lucky 777], which is said to be the muzzle. Hunted more than a hundred professionals, and even ordinary people!

His talent is not strong, and he doesn't even increase his body.

But for almost any gunman, it is almost one of the coveted "magic skills".

[Sixth Sense] It's not a deep divination ability, it's just a feeling in the dark. Let him predict the next move of the target, avoid the harm he is about to suffer, and there are no side effects!

Not to mention ten guesses, but at least eight or nine times.

It was this ability that made Geiger the "Tunker King" in the minds of the entire Old Lingdun Gunner pros along the way.

The two shots were separated by less than ten seconds.

The angle is tricky.

The first shot hit the arm, and the second shot hit the back.

However, because Su Lun had the alloy baffle removed from the [pz911 mechanical limb] on his back, this second shot did not cause him any harm.

In the distance, Geiger who saw this scene was a little surprised, "Hey...this bulletproof material is a bit special, and even my specially-made ‘armor piercing bullet’ didn’t penetrate it."

He bit a bullet in his mouth, reloaded it again, and aimed at the eight-legged figure running forward, with a teasing smile on his face: "So far, no Tier 1 professional has been able to stand under my gun. After three shots, you guy seems to need four shots..."


At the same time that Geiger was aiming, the deadly crisis that followed him once again struck Su Lun's heart.

"A gun master who can accurately predict is really troublesome..."

Su Lun squinted slightly and frowned.

He knew that he probably couldn't dodge the next shot.

But since facing the "Tunker King", he didn't feel completely helpless.

This time, Su Lun did not choose simple displacement to avoid, but while dodge, involved four pitch-black dolls, blocking every vital part of his body.


Once again, the gunshot was heard.

The guy hit Su Lun's midfielder again.

Moreover, the bullets this time have also been replaced with "detonation alchemy bullets."

When the bullet burst open, Su Lun felt as if he was hit by an elephant on his back, and his whole person was pushed out.

After all, he was also a "firearms expert" proficient in firearms, and he instantly guessed the purpose of Geiger's explosive bomb.

Because he was careful enough to be sniped, even while escaping, Su Lun always hid his head in the gunner's blind spot.

Now that the guy tested out the alloy plate with the second shot, he knew that hitting other parts could not be fatal, only the head. What he thought was that this shot caused Su Lun to lose his balance, and when he exposed his head, he shot a headshot.


Now that he guessed that he would be hit, how could Su Lun be unprepared?

With this shot, although he was staggered, the problem was not that big. The eight-armed spider spear stabilized his body without exposing the deadly head under Geiger's muzzle.

But the enemy may not be lucky.

This time, the bullet didn't directly hit Su Lun's body, but hit a dark doll first.

At the moment when the doll exploded, among the seven chasing soldiers not far away, there was a cry of extreme pain.


Before in the [White Monastery] cursed space, the second-order magic robe warlock screamed with his head, as if he had suffered some severe mental pain.

It was the moment when the second-order warlock held his head, Su Lun's eyes dazzled.

"It's now!"

With a cold snort in his heart, he manipulated the living corpse and raised his hand and chopped it down.

The warlock still didn't recover from the panic of the soul, and didn't have any defense at all, a spatial crack had already appeared in his head.

It was another extremely smooth cut, and the sky spirit cover flew up, and his head was split into two scarlet petals.

Suddenly killed on the spot!

In the distance, those second-tier chasers were all dumbfounded.

It was the "S Tong Sulun" who was clearly shot. Why were they killed?

Now they knew that Sulun had a forbidden object [Supnos' Black Scythe of the Night], and they were all careful, why were they still killed?

The scream just now is still vivid, and Su Lun was shot, but his companion was suddenly recruited?

Is it a wicked technique?

The "Blood Crow" Longfellow was too familiar with this curse technique. He was so scared that he was so scared that he immediately realized something, and said loudly, "It's a curse technique! Be careful, don't hit the puppet on him!"

He was afraid that it would be too late to talk for a second, and some guy hit the dark baby on Su Lun again, and someone would die again.

Moreover, he also guessed that one of them must be a cursed doll with his own blood as a matchmaker.

Longfellow knew that this technique couldn't kill him, but if he was equipped with that black sickle, one air control, and the other to kill, it was "no solution"!

It doesn't give people any chance to react at all, and others can't save it if they want to.

Longfellow felt that he was also bound to die if he really wanted this "stroke" to fall on him!

Seeing the corpse with the cranium chopped up next to him, the Crow Gang cadre felt his feet slow for a while.

Because he knew that the farther apart, the less the impact of the curse of the "grassman".



This dark doll is the [Voodoo doll] made by Su Lun Gang!

In the cursed space before, although the four Tier 2 professionals all escaped alive, they were all injured, leaving enough blood in the monastery for Suren to make a medium for cursing.

Now it seems that the effect is very good.

He had tested the precise range of influence of [Voodoo Doll] in the transport team that came to the ruins.

Although Tier 2 professionals would be greatly discounted by the curse technique, Su Lun did not intend to use this technique to hurt people.

Just give him a little chance, and the black sickle will follow one after another!

Seeing that the blow worked, Su Lun involved eight or nine pitch-black dolls, dragging them behind him like a kite, protecting his body tightly.

Although only three of them were useful, he guessed that the chaser would not dare to gamble.

Once hit, someone must die.

The tactical strike Lun also thought about blasting [Voodoo Doll] by himself, and the other three could hardly escape death.

But he did not do so.

Because he wasn't sure how many cuts he could cut from the abomination of the living corpse now.

Adding the two swords in the cursed space before, this is already three swords.

In case of another blow, it will trigger an immediate backlash, and the abomination of the living corpse will die on the spot.

Without the shock of the black sickle, it was also the time of Su Lun's own death.

Now the effect of this string of dolls seems to be pretty good.

Even Geiger, who had been hit with all shots, turned off his fire and did not dare to shoot again.

This is enough.

The further the distance, the threat of the gunman will become smaller...


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