Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 158: Use magic to perform magic

This police badge was naturally obtained in the bell tower space last time.

Because it was placed in the storage ring, it was brought out directly.

Su Lun wanted to give it a try, but didn't expect this police badge to work.

The blond lady covered her mouth with one hand, her tone suddenly respected, and whispered: "Oh, Officer Jonny, wait a moment."

Then Su Lun saw the registration record logically.

After reading it, he also smoothly saw the opening records of the four rooms 1021, 1055, 1071, and 1099.

The same person is registered, Tiger Garson.

It looks like a pseudonym.

However, the good news is that there are only four rooms registered under this name on the first floor.

The two waitresses also described the general upside of the registered man.

The second floor was only half of the room on the first floor, and Su Lun glanced roughly.

Then, Sulun looked at the name of the magician in room 2113, Robert Bell.

Then, when I looked at the third floor, there were only ten luxurious large suites.

Because it was speculated that the third floor would be the "curse source" of this cursed space, I paid close attention to it, especially the opening date.

Only one room was opened on the same day as the four rooms.

Su Lun looked at the name of the registered tenant in that room and asked, "Ms. Gloria Gary in Room 3001, do you have any impressions?"

This question triggered a feature dialogue.

The blonde seemed to think of something and responded: "Oh, that was an old nun. It happened to be me on duty that day, and I was very impressed. Because the guests on the third floor were all VIPs, the porter would help them carry their luggage. The old nun brought a big suitcase... the doorman said to help her with the salute, but she didn't allow it, so she carried it up by herself."

Old nun?

big box?

Su Lun suddenly thought of something when he heard these two keywords.

The nun is a very rare profession in Dawn City, as Sulun heard that there is only one monastery site that has been discovered now.

It just so happened that he personally experienced one, and that was the [White Monastery] where the Weeping Witch was located.

Before entering the space, Su Lun had already identified that the source of the curse of [1911 Hotel] was a "super-order biological limb".

So as soon as he heard this information, he immediately guessed something: "It seems that the box contained in it should be the source of pollution. So, the seal under the White Monastery was the seal..."

When Su Lun saw this, he had figured out some of the ins and outs of the matter.

He thought he probably knew who the old nun was.


Su Lun chatted with the two registered girls at the front desk for a while, and roughly took out all the information they could ask.

Calculating the time, he plans to go to the banquet hall to watch the magician perform.

Nothing else is important, the advanced materials are the top priority.

Unfortunately, he left the front desk and was blocked by two waste hunters at the corner of the corridor.

One of the guys with the modified robotic arm took a look at Su Lun, and said scornfully, "Hey, brother, you just talked to the two former front desk ladies for so long. You must have heard a lot of information, right?

In fact, Su Lun had already watched the two of them before observing him, and had guessed the two people's intentions, so he didn't give a good expression, "Then?"

They are members of the "Sand Scorpion Group", and the group leader is the temporary captain who came in this time, a well-known veteran professional. Among the more than 60 people who came in this time, this group accounted for half, so it can be said that they have absolute right to speak.

The man looked at Su Lun’s expressionless face, and reminded him with a smile, "Brother, you are really amazing. I have never heard of anyone who can speak from those two front desk chicks." Get information. What did you tell them?"

Another person also lighted up the musket on his waist, with a teasing smile on his face, "Share the information and listen to it. Since everyone is exploring the space together, it is also considered fate. Let's get rich together."

It's already obvious what these guys are coming for.

Just want to seize information.

This kind of situation is common in wild hunting, and the hunters are the characters who make money with their lives, and there are few good ones.

Embezzled, overwhelmed, forcibly seized...

The average solitary hunter only suffers from boredom.

Su Lun knew that he was being treated as a soft persimmon, and he didn't even raise his brows when he looked at the muskets they showed.

I didn't even care about them.

To kill people here, the hotel guard will definitely intervene, and getting into trouble will greatly affect his follow-up plan.

He glanced at the two of them and left directly.

The two people looked at Su Lun's attitude for a moment, and they chased up, and said angrily: "Hey, you're **** deaf, didn't you hear Lao Tzu speaking?!"

Su Lun heard that the other party had drawn the gun, and turned around and asked calmly: "Do you dare to shoot?"

While speaking, Yu Guang had already caught a glimpse of the guard's attention, and the murderous intent in his eyes had disappeared.

He sneered, then ignored the two bluffing guys and left.


Sand Scorpion Group?

I can't think about it then...

Su Lun didn't mind sending them a ride in advance.

For the two insignificant little characters, Su Lun didn't waste time entangled with them, and went straight to the banquet hall of the hotel.

It's dinner time, and almost all the tenants in the hotel eat here.

Want to observe the situation of the guests in each room, now is the best situation.

However, there are guards in the hotel banquet hall, and you need to show your door card key and meal ticket to enter.

When Su Lun came, there were already seven or eight hunters squatting there. They occasionally approached each other, seeming to want some information from the passing guests.

Obviously, little effect has been achieved.

These NPCs directly ignore the "strange" behaviors that are beyond the scope of their cognition.

And Su Lun walked over directly, showed the room card and meal ticket from the lady at the front desk, and walked in directly.

This move naturally caused a few wild hunters at the door to be greatly puzzled.

"Huh...that guy just now, seems to be a waste hunter with us?"

"He is not black, he must be a waste hunter."

"It's weird, how could he have a room key?"


It's not that the hunters can get into the banquet hall, but they are all shameless means. Some assassins sneak in by climbing walls, some stealing maids pretend to be waiters, some stealing the attention of guards...

But there hasn't been a swagger in it yet.

Seeing Su Lun's operation, several wilderness hunters were naturally surprised.

At this time, the two "Sand Scorpion Group" guys I met at the front desk also got rid of the guards, and happened to follow this scene.

Seeing Su Lun enter, the robotic arm's face was blue, and he shouted angrily: "Damn, that guy must have gotten some important information at the front desk. Wood, you're here to guard, I'll go and inform the boss!"


The banquet hall is very lively, with about one or two hundred people dining.

The lights were bright, shining orange in the restaurant.

Gentlemen in well-dressed suits, ladies in low-cut gowns, ladies and ladies are dining elegantly.

The dining table was filled with all kinds of foods and fruits that looked delicious and delicious.

On the stage not far away, a Kabuki Geisha is performing a bold and hot dance.

Su Lun found a place where he could see the stage frontally and sat down, and glanced at the dining guests. I didn't see the nun or the man who fit the description of "Tiger Garson" who opened four rooms.

As soon as he took his seat, a petite and cute waiter in a black maid costume walked over with a professional smile on his face, "Sir, do you need to order food?"

Su Lun glanced at the food on the dining table next door, and motioned: "Let's take a copy."

With that, he handed out a coin tip according to the rules.

The maid smiled and bowed deeply: "Okay, sir. Wait a minute."

When waiting for midnight, these waiters will turn into monsters with fangs and claws. The "bloody maids" who will be chased by people in the intelligence are talking about them.

Su Lun didn't look much either, and turned his gaze elsewhere.

The singing is sweet and sultry.

The performances on the stage are dancers from the "White Swan Song and Dance Ensemble", and their registration records are kept at the front desk.

Originally, Su Lun came to the banquet hall mainly to wait for the magician to come on stage.

Because he was afraid of missing some special NPCs, his left eye had been shining brightly, which was the state where the pupil of omniscience was continuously released.

I didn't think about it, it really got a windfall.

At this time, looking at the charming and enchanting lead singing **** stage, his eyes suddenly changed.

Identifying other NPCs in the hotel, everything displayed above their heads is [Contaminated Ancient People's Remnant Mind Appearance].

And the singer who is singing on stage actually has a name, which shows: [Contaminated dancer Barbara's remnant manifestation]!

Su Lun looked at the show-off woman on stage, and suddenly felt a familiar feeling.

That Yan Qiang Qunfang looks like the visual impact of adding a filter to her alone, which is obviously a performance of high glamour value.

This made Su Lun think of the gangster sister-in-law Sabina for the first time, and suddenly thought: "Is this also a woman with a talent for'succubus'? She is an ancient alchemist?"

Obviously, if there is a name, it means that she is different from others.

And the outside world didn't have any information about this Barbara.

Because she is a guest on the second floor.

Su Lun recalled the occupancy record she had checked before. She lived in Room 2115, next to Magician 2113.

The performance on stage continued.

Seeing that fair-skinned and beautiful singer girl, Su Lun didn't have any fragrant pictures in his mind, and the first reaction was: "If this woman is deformed into a monster, I am afraid it will be very tricky..."

He frowned at the thought of Sabina's mental power attack methods.

If you become a monster, your combat power must be overwhelming.


An alchemist, why did the running dancers go?

Thinking about Edward the "Magic" again, it seems that he is also going to perform?

Su Lun thought of something, a touch of deep thought appeared in his eyes.


Before Su Lun could think about it, a waiter pushed the dining car and started serving dishes.

Although it is a cursed space, things are real.

Colorful fruits, roasted chicken with browned meat, fine wine, various exquisite dishes...

Food a thousand years ago is a luxury,

Surun ate a fruit, which was sweet and juicy.

In Old Lingdon, fruit is a luxury item, especially one I have never seen before.

And after a few bites, the song and dance troupe ended.

Then, someone brought up a few boxes.

It's the turn of the magic show.

A handsome man in a tuxedo and a bowler hat stepped on the floor, and then bowed deeply toward the auditorium very gentlemanly.

Su Lun looked at him, squinting slightly, because this guy was identified as a named [Contaminated Magician Edward Remnant Manifestation].

After the applause, Edward started his performance.

He first conjured a cane out of thin air, pulled it a few times, and then squeezed it, it exploded into a ribbon and disappeared...

Then he took off his hat and caught alive rabbits and pigeons...

Then, he performed a teleport in the air.

On the stage were two cabinets covered with black cloth a foot off the ground. He got in and pulled the black curtain.

The next second, the black curtain of the cabinet a few meters away opened, and the guy walked out with a smile...

It’s all these seemingly common magic,

However, Su Lun's eyes were radiant, and the waves in his heart were already rising.

He thought of a word.

Some people, taking advantage of the opportunity of performing magic, are actually performing magic.

He was pretty sure that this guy named Edward was not performing magic just now, but really casting space spells!

Su Lun has the omniscient pupil, and the tricks of blindfolding are almost meaningless.

If it is a prop, it will be identified immediately.

For example, if the hat has an interlayer, it will be identified as [Prop Hat with Interlayer]. But now, what is displayed is just an ordinary [bowler hat]!

And the two cabinets that teleported in the air did not show the [cabinet with mechanism], but the [ordinary cabinet]!

Just now this guy changed from one cabinet to another. He didn't use twins as a substitute, and there was no secret door...

That magician, really teleported past!

Seeing this, Su Lun immediately determined that Edward was a professional with spatial ability.

Fetch from the air...

Spatial displacement...

The ability displayed by the magician perfectly met all Su Lun's expectations of his second-tier career plan.

"This magician is extremely flexible, and he must have super-high'technique' blessings, and the ability to teleport in space, which is excellent for life-saving and attack. If I really want to produce advanced materials, I am afraid that I'm a puppeteer. The degree of cohesion will be very high!"

Su Lun's eyes trembled as he watched the performance on stage.

But while expecting, he suddenly showed a touch of embarrassment, and muttered in his heart: "He has the ability to teleport, I'm afraid he can't kill it with a black sickle..."


Suren's previous plan was that once it was determined that the magician was the spatial ability he needed, before midnight, that is, before the pollution had occurred, he would find an opportunity to kill the magician and obtain professional materials.

Otherwise, after the distortion, unexpected changes may occur.

But now that he saw some of the professional methods shown by Edward's performance, Su Lun immediately realized that even if there was no distortion, he was not sure to kill the magician!

There is no Jie Yin, no signs of alchemy formations, which means that this guy has mastered the space ability.

Even with a sneak attack with an invisible living corpse, Su Lun felt that the sneak attack would not be successful, but would be beaten instead.

If you want to be killed by an NPC, you are really going to die!

However, after all, space materials are hard to find.

After finally encountering a cursed space produced, Su Lun also counted on this special NPC to explode the space for inaugural materials, it is impossible to let it go.

But I can't beat I can only think of other ways.

"This is a little troublesome..."

Su Lun couldn't wait for midnight.

Because it's hard for him to think about how difficult it is to be a person with this kind of ability after becoming weird.

Is the second floor "A+" difficulty?


If these two people are distorted, the evaluation is at least "S grade" or even higher!

Thinking of this, Su Lun stood up "swish" and walked directly to the backstage of the stage.

Because he thought of a breakthrough.

There are two strong alchemists hidden in a performance team. This is obviously the "main storyline" hidden in the background story of this cursed space!

You can't kill it head-on, so what about "story killing"?

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