Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 161: The style of painting has been skewed again

PS. I stayed up late yesterday to write, I feel that the sentence is a bit problematic, please change it first. Reading without words makes the reading experience even better.

When Su Lun came out of room 1021, the hotel was in chaos.

A black-gray mist spread down from the stairs on the second floor, as if to add a layer of underworld filter to this brightly lit luxury hotel, and the cold gray colors caught the eyes.

The identification showed that it was a special "corpse qi".

Because the NPCs in the hotel had been contaminated during these three days, they started to distort as soon as they touched the gray fog. Their bodies seemed to have been irradiated, and they grew disgusting sarcomas, strange tentacles... from humans to deformed monsters with teeth and claws.

For a time, the entire hotel zombies rampant, roaring, screaming a purgatory on earth.

Su Lun came in and learned from previous intelligence that this "ghost fog" is a gas that would make the hunters highly likely to distort.

So this is also the reason why you can stay longer, and the hunters will only come out on time within 24 hours.

But Su Lun discovered that this "ghost fog" is a darker energy that is more pure than a dark spiritual power, and it can also increase the upper limit of dark spiritual power through breathing methods.

He tried a few more breaths, and found that...

He was already full of the dark spiritual power value that slowly increased before, and it continued to rise again.

Moreover, his body has a higher affinity for this "ghost fog", and his breathing will be very pleasant. During breathing, it will also increase the recovery efficiency that consumes dark spiritual power. The amount of recovery is almost the same as the amount he consumes now when he unlocks the cloak and [No Servant], and there is no sign of distortion...

This means that in this environment, Su Lun can almost always maintain a state of exogenous colonization.

This is also good news.


There was a fierce fighting movement from the upper floor, and it sounded like the three "magic" Edwards and the old nun were on fire.

But Su Lun didn't rush upstairs either.

The state of both sides is now in full swing, and the battlefield upstairs must be extremely dangerous.

He went to mix up, maybe he would get hurt by accident.

According to the story line of a thousand years, the three Edwardians should have been destroyed.'s hard to say.

Judging from the abilities they demonstrated just now, all three of them are very strong. As long as it is not demonized, there must be a battle.

Listening to the movement upstairs, there are back and forth, so it is so intense.

So wait a minute.

The best time to enter is when both lose and lose.

Su Lun walked into the hallway, and after thinking about it, he decided to go and see the situation on the first floor first.

Today's situation is a little different from that of the previous wilderness hunters.

The previous wilderness hunters came in, and by midnight, the "wild monsters" they had to face were only the guest room personnel and guards on duty in the hotel. And if you want to hunt down other monsters, you need to open the doors one by one. If the door is not opened, the monster will basically not take the initiative to come out.

But today because the "ghost fog" broke out in advance, most of the guests are now in the banquet hall on the first floor.

It also caused the monsters to focus on distortion, and the demons danced wildly.

But this is not all bad news.

The good news is that, because of the premature distortions, these monsters are numerous, but their strength is not strong.

Su Lun casually killed the [distortion attendant] in a corridor, and found that it was not a "weird" level monster, at most it was an elite monster.

This is very different from the previous intelligence that the lowest level on the first floor is the strange intelligence of Dark Iron.

Moreover, there is one thing that is good news for Su Lun.

Originally, the higher the floor, the stronger the monster's ability to deform.

But now that most of the guests gather on the first floor, there will be very few high-level monsters on the second and third floors.

If he wants to go up for a while, it will give him a lot less danger.


[The Demonized Corpse of the Faceless Man] left a trail of wet slime all the way in the corridor.

Su Lun followed along, just watching it catch a panicked wilderness hunter with ten meters of tentacles, and then used the tentacles to penetrate the man’s mouth and nose for a while, and in a blink of an eye, the person was sucked into a human being. Do.

The hunters also found this monster with a blossoming head, but ordinary bullets could not do much harm to this second-order silver weirdness. Even the artillery has little effect except for a few scars.

Because he was wearing a headgear, this weird didn't care about him.

Su Lun knew that he couldn't kill it, and didn't waste time trying.

Room 1055 and Room 1022 are not far apart.

When Su Lun was walking in the corridor, he watched the translucent shadow of an old man with his tongue floating over. Upon identification, the hanged corpse of 1055 became a ghost species.

Because Su Lun had a [hanging noose], this ghost species also selectively ignored him, passing by one by one.

Without this kind of strange second-order threat, Su Lun felt as if there was no fatal danger on the first floor.

He thought, and went straight to the banquet hall.

A group of demons danced wildly here, and the guns were in chaos.

Before, those lovely maids became "bloody maids", those dancing girls with long legs became "desire devil", and the ladies and gentlemen became all kinds of weird zombies...

The hunters are fighting fiercely with the monsters.

"What the **** is going on! It's not midnight, how come these ancient people are distorted..."

"Eighty percent is the ghost of the wanted criminal Su Lun, **** it, if you know it, you should kill him in advance!"

"These aberrations don't seem to be very powerful..."

"Haha, this time we are going to make a fortune..."


When Su Lun walked over, he was watching the hunters split into two groups and were hunting monsters.

One wave is scattered people, and the other wave is the guys of the "Sand Scorpion Group".

Because these monsters are mostly zombies, and most of them have not reached the level of weirdness. Although the number is large, the guns are concentrated and harvested in patches.

But the good times didn't last long, and the four-headed special second-order silver entered the arena strangely, and the situation collapsed in an instant.

In addition to the [Faceless Corpse] and [Hanged Corpse] that I saw earlier, two other two also appeared.

That [Big-headed Resent Infant] became a big-headed zombie species, a basketball-sized terrifying eyeball occupies most of its head, powerful, and still able to escape;

And [self drowned corpse] has also become a ghost species covered in blue light, floating all the way, leaving a pool of water stains on the ground all the way.

It was these four second-order weird ones that made the hunters pale and weak in an instant counterattack.

The two zombies are okay. Although the guns are hard to damage, they don't move fast, and they can take advantage of the terrain to avoid them.

But those two ghost species are tricky. They completely ignore the physical damage, and they can pass through walls, fly, and can't escape...

"Ah...that's a ghost species!"

"Don't be afraid, we are crowded, and the ghost species can't control so many of us!"

"Don't **** run around! The more afraid you are, the more it will stare at you!"


The hunters also have experience in dealing with ghost species, but in the end, not everyone can control their inner fears.

They scared themselves and became mentally disturbed, and their san value dropped to a very low value, and they would immediately be controlled by the spirit attack methods of the ghost species. The atmosphere of fear will continue to spread, and the wailing of the tragic death of the companion strongly stimulates the nerves of other people, and a contagion...

When Su Lun came over, he was watching two ghost species flying in the crowd.

Wherever it went, the corpse fell to the ground like cutting wheat.

For ordinary people who are not good at mental power, their methods are almost incomprehensible.

The target selected by the [hanged corpse] seems to give people a suffocation illusion of hanging, and then instinctively make the action of wanting to remove the noose with both hands. In fact, I was pinching my neck with my hand. The stronger the suffocation, the harder I would choke myself to death while struggling...

[Self drowning] The attack method is similar, it will make people feel drowning and suffocating, and make people suffocate themselves to death. But judging from the water stains on the corpse, there should be the ability to manipulate water elements...

Both ghost species are completely immune to physical attacks, which is why ordinary hunters are afraid.

Originally, there were magic warlocks who could still fight, but there are basically no professionals who burn money in the scattered group, so the ghost seed basically means "must die."


Su Lun watched not far away, and also roughly figured out the four-headed second-order weird ability.

Because of the "four-piece anti-spyware" on his body, the four special monsters ignored him, and he didn't know these monsters.

But the other aberration monsters were very sensitive to the vitality of Su Lun's body, and rushed over.

Su Lun is also welcome, with double guns spitting out flames.

Judging from his previous experience of playing games, it is best to clean up the mobs to fight the boss.

He wants to clean up all the monsters on the first floor as soon as possible, so that nothing happens when he goes upstairs in a while. For example, as time goes by, the monsters will become stronger and stronger; or what special method does the old nun above have to summon the mobs to go upstairs...

Therefore, it is better to start first.

As long as it is not a weird-level distortion monster, Su Lun's current marksmanship can be done with almost a few shots.

Ordinary bullets do not work, then use alchemy bullets.

After Su Lun's strength became stronger, his killers became stronger and stronger, and the spoils he seized became more and more abundant. There are many alchemy bullets on him, and the number is already over a thousand.

For "gun experts", ammunition is confidence.

The aberration was like sharks smelling blood crazily. He found a corner with a wall on three sides, and stood there, the ammunition box hung up, and the harvest started blankly...

Knowing that tonight was a fierce battle, Su Lun didn't skimp on ammunition either.

"Smack", "Smack", "Smack", "Smack"...

The rapid fire like a submachine gun became a piece of crackling, and occasionally a few "bang" and "bang" special alchemy bombs exploded.

Although the gunshots rang together, the rhythm was not flustered.

[Blue Ghost]’s fire suppression and [Razer] precise sniper killing made Su Lun’s single-handed movement overwhelmed the firepower of an entire formation of wild hunting teams in the distance.

Hit eyes and headshots, hit joints and sever limbs, overlap shots and break the defense...

The absolute calmness made Suren's marksmanship seem precise and deadly.

Even because of the difference between marksmanship and alchemy bullets, he killed more monsters alone than the sum of dozens of scattered hunters.

After all, how can ordinary hunters who use their lives to hunt wasteland carry an alchemy bomb with an average price of 11 thousand?

Just a shuttle is hundreds of thousands gone, and ordinary hunters can't afford it.

This is a gap in equipment,

It is also a technical rolling.

Gradually, the corpses of the deformed monster in front of Su Lun piled up...

Those ordinary waste hunters who could see in the distance swallowed wildly.

Just Su Lun's perfect shooting skills shocked everyone.

Especially the guys in the "Sand Scorpion Group" looked pale even more.

They knew how ignorant they were before, and wanted to kill this "S-Class Wanted" to get a bounty?

If this round of bullets did not fall on the Aberration Monster, but on them, it would be the same result.

What's more, Su Lun's methods are not just marksmanship.


Most of the NPCs in the restaurant a thousand years ago are ordinary people, and because they are not completely "polluted", they are not strong even after distortion.

The tricky ones are the original professionals among the guards and guests.

After they are distorted, at least they are all silver weird.

In the lobby on this floor, guests and hotel staff add up to three or four hundred fewer people, and there are always some professionals hidden.

As soon as the ghost mist erupted, one by one appeared.

The extremely fast wall-climbing spider woman, the Skull Smasher who likes to knock people on the head, the Roshan monster that can't be killed by alchemy bullets, the invisible monster like a chameleon...

These weird things mixed in the monster pile are the most threatening to Su Lun.

But there are many aberrations, and there are many "people" in Su Lun.

Various quirky dolls stood in rows beside him.

[Smiley Doll], [Wailing Doll], [Explosion-proof Doll], [Lead Shen Doll], [Oil Swallow Doll], [Phosphorus Fire Doll], [Voodoo Doll]...

He now has a lot of witch hair, which greatly improves the number and efficiency of his manipulation of puppets.

The cilia of the eight-armed spider spear can easily and precisely control the silk thread, even if Sulun keeps firing with both hands, it will not affect the operation of the puppet at all.

These puppets can also guarantee that occasionally a fish that slips through the net under firepower will be blocked out of safety.

Even if there are one or two very tricky second-order weirdness, the invisible living corpse behind Su Lun will cut the monster's head in half before they get close.

There are long-range means, there are close-in means, it is difficult to get close to the aberration blame.


Dark spiritual power is also sufficient, and bullets are also sufficient...

Originally, according to this rhythm, Su Lun felt that after a short while, except for the four monsters on the first floor, they would probably be cleaned up.

But hit and hit, the accident happened.

Just when Surun’s killing rhythm was smooth,

The [Big Head Resent Infant] burst open without warning and turned into ground meat...

He still didn't understand what happened, and immediately afterwards, the light and shadow of [self drowned] also collapsed.

The two ends seem to have suffered an invisible attack, and suddenly they died suddenly.


Su Lun was still shooting, but Yu Guang saw this scene, but there was a surprise in his mouth.

He was sure that the two Tier 2 weird suddenly died suddenly, not by himself, and those hunters would definitely not be able to do it.

Inexplicably, he died suddenly.

"Could it be that Edward and the others did it upstairs?"

Su Lun suddenly realized something, but didn't figure out what was going on with this method of killing monsters in the air.

He didn't think about it.

Because at this time, his eyes fell on the place where [self drowned] collapsed.

There... a cloud of "gray mist" appeared!

It is difficult for the zombie species to produce gray mist fragments, but the ghost species are inherently spiritual, so the possibility of gray mist is extremely high.

Because they were too far apart, Su Lun had no chance to collect the gray mist.

And just after this few breaths, the light and shadow fragments and flesh and blood fragments that the two weird corpses split into seemed to be absorbed by this space, and disappeared completely.

Turning his head and looking at it, the door of room 1055 that called strangely in the far corridor floated out another intact "self drowning corpse".

Not long after, a big monster came to the banquet hall with a smile and went to the banquet hall to continue hunting...

Sure enough, it can be resurrected infinitely.



Seeing this, Su Lun suddenly flashed in his mind, and a bold idea emerged.

These four corpses can indeed be resurrected indefinitely, but if the soul fragments are stripped, what will happen to them?

Su Lun suddenly realized that he had found a way to restrain these four-headed distortion, it might even be possible to kill them!

Thinking of this, he no longer chose to squat in the corner, but ran to a position near the two ghost species, waiting for something to try.

After a while, the [hanged corpse] died suddenly and broke apart inexplicably.

"Gray fog" appeared again.

Su Lun saw the opportunity and didn't wait for the gray mist to disappear. He rushed up in an instant, and then swallowed the gray mist.

"Obtain the soul fragment of the "Demonized Hanged Corpse"*2"

"You have comprehended ‘psychic illusion, suffocation (disability)’..."

"Spirit +0.6"

When Su Lun digested the gray mist, his eyes lifted.

It really became!

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