Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 166: Go to the bathroom at night

Su Lun walked towards the camp of Dawn City.

One person was too conspicuous, so he mixed in the caravan's team.

The land reclamation is in full swing, and there are more and more caravans and hunters coming to the ruins of Old Lingdun.

The catacomb trails a few months ago have now become cement roads, and there is an endless stream of people coming and going.

I don't know if it's an illusion, Su Lun always feels that these teams are a lot higher in quality than they were a month ago. Many professionals who are not short of money from the clothing and equipment are also mixed in the team.

After mixing in the team and listening, Su Lun found that these people were really big families, the bodyguards of the big chaebols, and they seemed to come to the front stand.

The Reyes family, the Leonard family, Rockefeller, DuPont, Morgan...

The population in the team said that these top chaebols in the inner city seemed to have sent people.

"Will the inner city also participate in large-scale waste hunting..."

Wilderness hunting is an opportunity for the poor in the outer city to earn money with their lives. The people in the inner city will hardly participate, at least their direct descendants will not participate in such high-casualty operations.

But now, it's different.

Su Lun remembered that Mr. Hei said that there will be a wild hunting boom recently. It is said that the high-levels of the Black Tower seem to plan to open up the central and core areas of Dawn City with all their strength, and forcibly order the major families in the inner city to send masters over.

After listening for a while, I got some endless news.

Su Lun also had some thoughts in his mind.


A long distance away, Su Lun saw a few wanted warrants posted at the gate of the city.

The top two are naturally the nineteenth and his deity Su.

Sure enough, as he expected, because of the frequent "big crimes" recently, he finally became one of the only two "SS-class wanted criminals" in Old Lingdun.

The official reward amount has reached five million and a bunch of other things, and there are additional rewards from the Oliver family's wealth...

However, he took a look, and the situation didn't seem too bad.

The wanted order is still his previous bald punk face.

But because it is a "SS Wanted Order", the above information is very detailed.

Some main features are described in detail, such as good use of double spears, puppet master, accompanied by a blue-skinned giant, there are two forbidden objects [Supnos’ Night Black Scythe] and [Oz Iceman’s Shroud] 】...

Those bounty experts even analyzed the models of the double guns, accurate to the famous guns [Blue Ghost] and [Razer].

Not only his own height, shoulder dimensions, weight, foot size... but also hates living corpses.

It can be said that everything that Su Lun had exposed before was recorded in detail on the wanted warrant.

If he was still the image of the bald head before, no matter how disguised he was, he would be spotted by bounty hunters when he entered the city, not to mention the obvious burden of abomination living corpse and black sickle.

A wanted order of this level, for ordinary wanted criminals, really has nowhere to escape.

But there was one thing that slightly puzzled Su Lun.

He found that his long hair now did not appear on the wanted order.

But Su Lun did not take any fluke.

Although she was wearing a mask that night, Sabina's woman only saw half of her face.

But he always felt that the woman's methods would not let such good information go.


Various caravans, large and small, lined up at the entrance of the camp to be checked into the city.

Because there were too many people, there was a long line at the gate.

Su Lun thought it was probably because the last time he and the 19th got into the city and had a fight, the city defenses and guards were significantly enhanced.

The number of sentries inspected has doubled, and there are armed inspectors with white helmets, which seems to be to prevent the sentries from taking bribes for personal gain...

Everyone must take off their hats and masks for inspection, and every caravan's bulky cargo must be unpacked.

Obviously, some "plainclothes" can be seen mixing in the line, gazing awkwardly at the suspicious people in the crowd.

Su Lun had already observed the positions of these outposts, and knew that only after the Chamber of Commerce came could he have a chance to approach the city wall.

It takes a long time to line up to enter the city, but it can't stop people from having three urgency.

Several simple sheds were built outside the city walls as temporary toilets.

Su Lun pretended to be anxious and went to a corner behind the toilet, avoiding the sight of the crowd.

He had already observed it before. This is the closest bunker near the city wall.

The city wall is about ten meters thick, and it needs to be teleported ten meters behind the wall before it can be seen by the guards.

Su Lun still can't master too long teleport, the distance here is just right.

He was already very proficient in the technique of space teleportation, and he found a direction. Only then did the warlock pinch the seal, and the black light door appeared.

Stepping out, and looking at the surrounding scenery, the whole person has appeared in the city.


"Slightly a little error, not bad..."

Su Lun looked at the location of the drop point and showed a light smile.

He tidyed up his suit, lowered the brim of the bowler hat, and walked towards the street in the city.

The Black Jazz Tavern is the site of the Steam Party, and Sabina, as the sister-in-law of the gang, will naturally hang out in it frequently.

This time Su Lun didn't dare to go directly to the Black Lord this time, because he was afraid that he would be recognized in advance by encountering some outsiders.

So he chose a tavern separated by several shops, and found a place by the window where he could see Black Sir.

I ordered the wine, listened to the wild hunters in the tavern, and got a general idea of ​​what happened recently.

In addition to those famine hunting intelligence, he also heard the name "S Wanted Su Lun" many times, but most of them had a flattering tone.

It made him laugh occasionally.

At the table next to him, there was a big beard right now, bragging about his encounter with "Su Lun".

"Hey, let me tell you that I was there at [1911 Hotel] last time, but I really had a face-to-face with that'S Tong Sulun'. That battle was so exciting. Hundreds of people besieged him and killed him. There were several heads of large-scale hunting groups, but they were not caught, and one was killed..."

"I also heard that Su Lun is actually a Tier 3 professional. The guys in the bounty union deliberately lowered it, just for fear that no one would dare to provide them with information..."

"Yes! Even with that forbidden object in hand, who can kill Tier 1 professionals from Old Lingdun to Dawn City? Really those people in the inner city are all rubbish?"

"That one is really amazing. I heard that he came out of the slum, and then he fought out in the gang, and now he has the present..."

"Hey, how did I hear that it was the inner city bodyguard who used to be..."


All kinds of messy news came out from the mouths of the drinkers, listening to Su Lun, the protagonist, doubted whether the "master" in the story was himself.

For ordinary hunters struggling to survive at the bottom, the bounty of wanted criminals is too far away, so just listen to the after-dinner story.

A life of hard life always requires some fine fun. Suddenly there appeared such a person who could deflate the big chaebols, and they would also like to hear about it.

On the contrary, Su Lun was the "legendary" in their eyes.


Suren waited in the tavern for nearly three hours.

Finally, near midnight, he waited for the person who wanted to wait.

At the entrance of the Black Jazz Tavern, a fox fur woman finally appeared.

What can be seen from far away is like a glamorous woman with a single light beam on the stage, chatting and laughing among a group of men, and it is naturally the gangster sister-in-law with all kinds of styles.

She seemed to have settled with a group of big figures in the inner city and went out of the tavern.

The old gentlemen with drunken faces, supported by the barely dressed tavern girls, smiled and said goodbye to her, and went to the high-end hotel next door.

Sabina led a group of Steam Party cadres and younger brothers and walked towards another hotel.

It looks like he is going to rest.

Tommy is also in the team. It seems that it has been nearly a month, and it seems that he has been tempered by the gangster's method. He has not been silenced or spoken. He has been stern.

Professionals of the spirit department have extremely strong perceptions, and Su Lun did not dare to look directly, his pupils dilated to see everything in sight.

As the group of people walked into the three-story building, he didn't get out in a hurry.

After waiting for a while, watching a room on the third floor of the hotel suddenly lit up, then I walked out of the tavern.

Only then did Su Lun walked onto the street and passed by the door of the building called "Star Hotel" without stopping at all. After listening attentively, the division of the personnel has been roughly distinguished clearly. All the boys from the Steam Party played cards and bragged in the lobby on the first floor.

Su Lun avoided the sight of others and turned to an alley behind the hotel.

It seems that the defense is lax, and you can climb the wall to go upstairs.

But Su Lun glanced at the humble early warning equipment on the wall, and a touch of naturalness passed in his eyes: "Oh, you deserve to be engaged in intelligence work, careful enough..."

Since understanding the ability of space, the concept of space has been added to his perception system. Even with his eyes closed, he can clearly distinguish architectural structures within a certain range.

For example, in the lighted room on the third floor above his head, he clearly distinguished the partition wall, bed, cabinet...

In this way, it won't be teleported past and penetrated into the wall.


Since he was going to do it, Su Lun did not hesitate.

With a pinch of the warlock's seal, the eight-armed spider spear unfolded, and the black hole appeared out of thin air, and he stepped in.

When he took another step, he had already arrived in the room on the third floor.

The room has a large space, and the dim, warm-toned lighting illuminates the luxurious interior of the house, and the air is filled with fresh water vapor.

No one was seen on the bed. White fox fur and a silk skirt hung on the coat rack beside the bed. White lace-rimmed underwear was scattered on the bed. There were high heels by the door...

When Su Lun saw these things, he immediately made sure that he was right.

This is Sabina's room!

He listened to the sound of water in the bathroom, so he rushed towards the bathroom without hesitation.

The people in the bathroom also reacted extremely quickly. It seemed that they heard the slight movement of someone entering the room, and suddenly there was a "crash" sound, like the sound of water coming out.

It's a pity that Su Lun, who was prepared for a long time, is faster!

With the eight-armed spider spear he is now blessed with agility, the speed is amazing. At this distance, the Eight Spears climbed into the wall and appeared in the bathroom with a flash of figure.

Su Lun didn't give the enemy any chance to react. As soon as he entered the bathroom, he hit her stomach with a punch, interrupting her movement to get a gold bracelet on the bathroom table.

At this moment, Sabina had transformed into a succubus state, her eyes glowing red.

After receiving this heavy punch from Leng Yan, the dark spiritual power in his body stagnated.

After all, she is a high-level professional, even though she was attacked by others, she was not completely defiant.

But Sabina was not in love with war, and decisively chose to evacuate. After all, the enemy who could enter the room silently gave her an extremely deadly sense of threat!

After this punch, her body suddenly exploded with a cloud of pink mist, she wanted to use the succubus's talent and escape like that day.

Unfortunately, Su Lun had already expected it.

Just after his fist smashed the tender body away, his eyes dazzled, his hands quickly slapped, and the warlock finished in seconds. The surrounding space seemed to freeze.

As soon as the group of pink veil dissipated, and barely escaped, it revealed its figure just one meter away.

As if flashing against the wall, his head was dumbfounded.

Sabina saw that she was still in the bathroom, and Qiao's face was also shocked.

But this time, she was not given a chance to escape again, and a large iron clamp was already on her neck.

At that moment, Sabina's face changed drastically, and she exclaimed in her heart: "Space is blocked!"

She found that her whole body seemed to be plunged into a quagmire when her neck was caught by that hand, not only was she unable to disintegrate, but she was also restricted from struggling.

The other party clearly knew her abilities and came prepared, which restrained her means of escape.

Space control is a rare ability.

For the first time in her mind, she was also searching for what enemy would have such an ability.

But she doesn't need to think about it, looking at the eight-armed spider spear in front of her, Sabina already knows who the person is.


Su Lun didn't give Sabina any chance to resist at all. The moment she controlled her, the black and shining "venomous spikes" of the two spider spears had already pierced one centimeter in front of the woman's eyes. As long as she moves, the spider spear will pierce through her eye sockets and penetrate the brain.

And, it's not over yet!

In order to restrict her from any movement, several other spider spears pulled out countless silver threads, sealing her entire portrait in a large net. The silk thread was pulled into the flesh, not to mention Jieyin, she couldn't even move her fingers.

Space limitation + silk thread + spider spear...

With a very shameful posture, Sabina, who was covered in red, was controlled by Su Lun on the wall of the bathroom.

The whole process was completed in one go, Su Lun didn't say much, took out a sharp dagger, and directly made a **** mouth on her arm.

This kind of dagger, which is disassembled from the [PZ911 Mechanical Limb] and forged with [Armand Metal], has a super magic-breaking effect.

With this stroke, it pierced the jelly-like defensive barrier on Sabina's skin, and blood came out.

Su Lun watched the bleeding, took out another piece of sheepskin that had been ready to draw the complex contract enchantment, and then dripped blood on it.

The sheepskin roll sucked blood, and the aura spilled out.

Sabina finally moved her face when she saw this strange behavior.

She realized that something was wrong.

However, this intelligence officer who was ultimately a lieutenant general of the Umbrella Organization, was first-rate in both mentality and strength, and the shock disappeared.

She suddenly stopped struggling, and didn't feel ashamed of being naked now, but stretched her body generously, as if she wanted the man in front of her to see through.

A pair of red pupils are overflowing with magical light A wave of mental power quietly escapes.

The air was filled with a peculiar scent that makes hormones go crazy...

It's a pity, but the two spider spears in front of her poked in front of her eyeballs, blocking most of her eyes and making her afraid to move.

Those Xu Yuguang glanced at it, but they also saw a pair of almost numb eyes, faintly red, without the influence of lust.

This look, Sabina is too familiar.

This is a sign that this guy is about to release the monster in his heart.

At the beginning, she almost suffered a big loss under this red-eyed monster.

Seeing Su Lun still holding a potion tied around her neck, ready to push the potion at any time, Sabina secretly said that it was not good.

Advanced tranquilizer?

At this moment, she realized that the other party knew everything about the succubus's ability, and had calculated every step.

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