Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 170: Sale of stolen goods (thanks to the leader of ‘Jacky Sixty-Eight’ for the reward...

Mr. Hei has a very rigorous attitude towards academic research.

Su Lun asked the question, he thought of a solution, and immediately put it into action.

The two of them didn't stay in the tavern much, so they went to the street, found a workshop rented out for hunters to forge equipment and plunged into it.

This stay is one day and one night.

Originally, Su Lun just wanted to get some suggestions, and then slowly improve himself.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Hei was also very interested in this puppet, and gave him a vivid rune and puppet making practical course.

The two of them lived in the workshop, and their inspiration continued to erupt, and a lot of wonderful sparks in the design were collided.

The original oral consultation has become a new R&D practice course for the puppet.

Su Lun once again witnessed the extensive knowledge of this old gentleman, who knew everything...

As long as Su Lun can think of, Mr. Hei can almost put forward corresponding opinions and solutions.

Tier 3 runes, Tier 3 enchantments, and unique refining techniques mastered by Mr. Hei, ancient black alchemy technology, and a bunch of top-notch techniques...

In the end, the two of them used the alchemist puppet as the material to make a real finished [Black Hole Doll].

The final product far exceeded Suren's expectations.

Whether it is conception, material, function or other, it has reached the level of top puppet.


Su Lun benefited a lot from studying this day and night.

If it's all right, he really wants to study with Mr. Hei for a while.

However, there are obviously more important things for this key member of the "Mirror Organization" to come to the camp.

It was not easy to help Su Lun make a puppet after a day's delay.

Although Mr. Hei did not follow the professional route related to space spells, it did not prevent him from also dabbling in a lot of theoretical knowledge of space spells. Suren also got some "space spells" art and magic scrolls from his collection.

However, there is still a long way to go before the spell scroll becomes a skill you have mastered.


After Mr. Hei left, Su Lun continued to stay in the workshop for a few days.

Puppet masters also have a big advantage over professionals of the same rank, that is, they can usually fight with puppets of higher rank than their own.

This 【Black Hole Doll】Not to mention other things, it is the ability to absorb Tier 3 elemental spells, which has already sapped most Tier 3 magicians.

Although he still couldn't beat him, Su Lun felt that the possibility of being dropped by a range spell would be very low.

Moreover, now he has successfully integrated the new alchemy colony [Thousand Silk·Lion Chaos Song], and the ability of puppet manipulation to take off directly on the spot.

After unlocking the cloak, it was the situation where the "juggler" Lloyd was all over the line, and the number of silk threads he controlled was no longer limited to the degree that his fingers could manipulate, and it increased by a hundredfold or a thousandfold.

And Su Lun also has an advantage that other puppet masters don't have, that is the Eight-Armed Spider Lance Cultivation!

After the curse characteristics were merged, the eight-armed spider spear was also upgraded to a new level.

There were thousands of cilia on the spider spear, but now it comes in handy. Cilia are like fingers, which make it very precise and easy to manipulate silk threads.

It can be said that as long as Su Lun can control the thread with multi-tasking, he will have absolutely more "fingers" to control the silk thread.


On this day, Su Lun teleported to Sabina's room again at midnight.

When someone broke into the room inexplicably, the sister-in-law of the gang was not surprised, as if she was still sweeping the couch to welcome her.

After an in-depth exchange of action plans, it was approaching early morning that Su Lun teleported out again.

At noon the next day.

Su Lun contacted a speculative businessman, "Iron Cripple" Magitan.

This guy is a reputable businessman in the old Lingdon black market.

After being interrupted by a colleague in his early years, he changed a mechanical leg, which gave him his nickname.

There is no fighting power, but the path is very wide.

He can often get goods that others can't get, and he dares to collect stolen goods that others are afraid to collect.

When Su Lun was shopping for goods on the black market, he had dealt with this guy several times.

But now Su Lun also knew from Sabina that this guy was actually a hidden line of the umbrella organization.

No, to be precise, he is a multi-faceted intelligence businessman.

As long as the bid is high, any news is dared to sell.


In the Black Jazz Tavern.

Su Lun deliberately used a bionic scalp to put a bald head, then he put on a wig and got a Zorro mask to cover his face.

He lowered the brim of his hat and drank, and when he was full, he watched a lame man with mechanical legs walk in.

Su Lun greeted him and said to the bartender: "One more glass of wine."

Maggie Tan walked over and took a sip of the wine without hesitation, and then said: "Listen to my buddy, are you going to ship the goods?"

When speaking, he also took a look at Su Lun.

He is such an old and cunning black market businessman who can't spot those unskilled disguise.

Su Lun said calmly: "I have a batch of unseen goods to be packaged and sold, and see if you can eat it."

This is a term for selling stolen goods in the black market.

Upon hearing this, Magitan became a little unhappy and felt that she was underestimated, and said, "Brother, let's say nothing else, as long as you have a good product, even if it is worth 1 billion 800 million, I can eat it immediately. "

Su Lun said: "My batch of goods is almost worth seven or eight billion, and I want cash."

With that said, he directly took out a storage ring with some samples in it.

This is the rule on the black market, called "proofing."

Let the buyer know that you have good products in your hands.

When Maggie Tan heard this, she said seven or eight hundred million, and there was still a trace of contempt in her heart.

After all, a big business of that scale is simply impossible to appear on a single waste hunter.

But when he took the storage ring and looked at it, his gaze was immediately fixed there.

The proofing things are not other things, just a few simple ones.

Gold inaugural materials [Beast Tamer’s Whip], silver alchemy materials [Abbas’s flesh and blood], several second-level advanced materials and alchemy plants.

But it was these few things that made the black market businessman stare for a moment, thinking that he was hit by an illusion.

He tried to take out one, only to find it was true!

Each of these black market merchants are experienced "appraisers", and they can be recognized at a glance whether things are good or not.


Majitan looked at the gold and silver material for proofing, and thought it was a catalogue of a large auction!

Looking at the indifferent drinking man in front of him, he immediately realized that this was really a big business of seven or eight billion yuan.

The contempt in his eyes was swept away, and this guy immediately rejoiced. He went directly to the bartender and waved his hand proudly: "There is a VIP room upstairs. I have business to discuss with this boss."

The change of the private room is also just like Su Lun's intention, but he also said lightly, "According to the rules, I want to see the cash."

Magitan also knew that she thought she knew what she was doing, so she was naturally unambiguous: "It's easy to say!"

While speaking, he calmly glanced at Su Lun again, then greeted the steward who was following him, and exhorted a few words.


There are snake paths for snakes and rat paths for rats.

"Iron Cripple" Maggie Tan was a black market merchant, but he led the people up to the VIP room of the Black Jazz that others couldn't get.

The two went to the private room and had a good drink.

Maggie Tan opened the wine and toasted Su Lun enthusiastically, and said, "Brother, wait a while, up to ten minutes, and the cash will be in place. You can rest assured that everything is done in accordance with the rules and you will never lose out, brother."

Su Lun didn't care, clinking glasses and drinking.

The two chatted for a few gossips. At this time, Magitan also tentatively said: "Brother, give me a confession, your batch of goods is really seven or eight billion?"

"Just a lot more."

Su Lun's tone remained calm, "It's just that this batch of goods is a bit hot, so I plan to sell it to you at a discount."

"Don't worry, I can eat anything hot!"

When Magitan heard it, instead of worrying, she was happy.

The hotter the goods, the higher the profit.

He slapped his chest swearingly, "Brother, you came to me, and you must have heard of my reputation as a "iron lame", let alone, more money, good reputation, more channels..."

Su Lun didn't talk any more nonsense, he took out the box he was carrying around, and then opened it to reveal a box of storage rings densely packed inside, estimated to be one or two hundred.


Looking at this, Margitan looked a little strange.

His eyes naturally saw some details.

The Chamber of Commerce has shipped and sometimes used a large number of storage rings. But in that case, the storage rings are usually brand new or similar in color.

And these storage rings in front of them are shiny, which means they have been used for a long time.

Generally speaking, the storage ring of the hunters lasts a lifetime, unless it is dead, the storage ring will not flow out.

In other words...

This is the two hundred rings in front of you, all pulled from the corpse?

This guy killed hundreds of people?

Or did you happen to encounter a large-scale hunting team that killed them and picked it up?

But since it is said that it is hot, it must not be picked up...

Maggie Tan's face suddenly became a little subtle, and he looked at Su Lun again, and swallowed his saliva.

Suddenly, he felt that he was in the same room with such an unknown guy, and he felt a little rash.

Although I have received countless thief sheets before, I have also dealt with various big thieves and wanted criminals...

But I don't know why, this time, he felt inexplicable heart palpitations.


The rule is that the goods cannot be inspected unless the money arrives.

After all, Maggie Tan was an old fried dough stick, even if she had doubts in her heart, she didn't show it at all, and she kept trying to persuade Su Lun to drink.

While drinking, he kept observing in secret, and when he found that the man in front of him was wearing a wig, his mental activities were even more exciting.

Su Lun naturally found that this guy kept looking at himself, pretending not to know.

After all, he came this time to let people guess his identity.

Not long afterwards, there will be a few sturdy men in black suits.

After entering the room, several people took out the iron box from the storage ring and opened it to see that it was densely packed with "cursed crystals."

This kind of energy is also a hard currency, a piece of which is worth 10,000 risos, which is more convenient than cash.

After verifying the capital, Magitan said, "Brother, you see the money, can I inspect the goods, right?"

With such a few big guys in the room, this guy has a lot of confidence to speak.

Su Lun gestured, "You are free."

From the beginning to the end, his eyes didn't look at the few strong men who were obviously coming to town.

Just a few first-tier professionals, there is no threat.

There were a lot of storage rings, and Magitan and his two assistants began to check the goods one by one.

While inspecting the goods, use a notebook to record the value of the goods.

At first, a few were nothing special, and all three of them counted it as normal.

But Ken counted, a guy suddenly turned pale, he didn't know what he saw, like an electric shock, he even took off the storage ring in his hand and dropped it on the ground.

This unusual movement made the atmosphere in the room instantly tense.

Several sturdy men have even quietly put their hands in their arms and unbuttoned their holsters.

They have seen all kinds of strange things in the black market business.

Could it be a bomb in the storage ring?

Maggie Tan's first reaction was that he encountered the black eating black, but Yu Guang glanced at Suren who was still indifferent, and he felt that his judgment was wrong.

He yelled at the steward next to him: "Don't you understand the rules of receiving goods?! You can afford to pay if the guest's belongings are broken!"

These words are also a code word, to remind the guy to tell what is inside.

It's a bomb, with the code word of a bomb, but you can't say it directly.

I was afraid of tearing my face on the spot.

However, the guy was obviously blinded, and he didn't know how to describe what he saw. He stammered, "No. Old... boss, this..."

When he was speaking, he held the picked up storage in both hands and trembled so badly, with an expression of crying but no tears.

"Huh! Useless waste!"

Maggie snorted, but knew that things might be going to happen.

It was an old man who had followed him for many years, and it was absolutely impossible to make such a mistake.

But also took a look.

Huh... isn't it just normal goods?

Guns, alchemy plant equipment, machine parts, potions, alchemical materials...

Huh... why is this badge so familiar?

This little umbrella...

Damn it!

Isn't this the president of the umbrella organization?

At this moment, 10,000 horses ran past Majitan's heart.

As the hidden line of the umbrella organization, how could he not recognize this badge?

People are here, badges are here!

Now that the badge is here, it means that this guy in front of you killed a cadre of an umbrella organization?

What if it was picked up?

Magitan instantly extinguished this ridiculous fluke.

Yu Guang glanced at it, did Chengdu pick up the more than one hundred or two hundred storage rings in the box?

The mind of this knowledgeable black market businessman instantly became calm.

In an instant, he felt a chill in his neck.

The few bodyguards in the room can't give him any sense of security.

Although all armed fights are forbidden in the camp, what else would the Umbrella organization cadres dare to kill?

In Magitan's mind, he was already automatically searching for the heads of wanted criminals above the S level in his mind.


"What's the matter, Boss Magitan, there is something wrong with this product?"

Su Lun looked at nothing, smiled, and said: "Of course, I told you in advance, the goods are a bit hot. Didn't you say it's okay?"

The storage ring in the box was misplaced, and Su Lun himself didn't know what the writer saw.

But it's nothing more than that.

It was the things that Sulun killed before, some of the encirclement and suppression personnel killed in the inner city of Old Lingdun, some military equipment stripped; and the killing of three second-tier cadres of the umbrella organization and a bunch of first-tier professionals in the outer city. The spoils; and the previous time when the witch hair, killed a few people from the Oliver family...

Oh, and even at the very beginning, Jack, the student who accompanied the academies in the trial, the two assistants Daniel and Rosa, and the trophies of the second-order assassin.

I was afraid of revealing my identity before, and I was afraid that things would be revealed, so many trophies were afraid to show up on the market.

Now they are all "SS wanted criminals" anyway, and the accusations of murder have drizzled...

Simply packaged and sold.


has a problem?

More than a problem!

What's so special about you, this shipment is just a bit hot?

Nima, you are simply a hot iron ball, no one dares to pick it up on the black market!

Whoever picks it up is looking for death.

Listening to Su Lun's fluttering words, Maggie Tan only felt as if she was threatening herself.

Now that everything has been said, he dare not accept this product?

After all, he is a member of the umbrella organization, and his mental quality is good. Although Maggie Tan has already **** her father and mother, she still smiled on her face and said: "No problem! I've said it all, no matter how hot the goods are, Maggie Tan will dare catch!"

He is just a person engaged in intelligence work, and the fight is a matter for the combatants.

What we need to do now is not to irritate the man in front of me and save my life.

Su Lun looked at his attitude and nodded in satisfaction: "Well, I said earlier that the boss Maggie Tan has a good reputation. Now, it really didn't disappoint."

After a pause, he said again: "Next time there is business, I will look for you."

"That must be~"

When Maggie Tan heard this, she smiled and cried in her heart.

Brother, don't come to me...

You money, I dare not make it!

Then, the black market owner started inspecting the goods again.

Looking at the storage rings one by one, he could see his cold sweat bursting out.

Those military equipment, you can know the origin at a glance...

Those second-tier materials, you can tell at a glance which famous master was killed and stripped out...

While counting, Majitan cursed in her heart: "Nima, why didn't the wanted order say that this guy killed so many Tier 2 powerhouses!"

Things are definitely okay, they are all hot stolen stolen goods.

He didn't even bother to look at it carefully, and after a glance at a storage ring, he knew roughly that the normal price of this batch of goods was definitely more than one billion.

The quotation of 7.8 billion is also reasonable.


Su Lun had a panoramic view of the expressions of several people.

The others in the room may not have discovered anything yet, but he knew that Maggie Tan must have guessed his identity.

However, it is also just right.

With such a small episode, the efficiency of inventory suddenly becomes higher.

It used to take a few hours to count, but now it can be done in a few minutes.

Magitan pretended to be calm and said: "I have also counted this batch of goods. They are indeed good. What price do you plan to sell, the customer?"

He was afraid that Su Lun was here to eat the black, and he was not aggressively lowering the price as usual, so he asked cautiously.

Su Lun said with a blank expression: "800 million."

Maggie Tan was pleased when he heard the price quoted, and did not lower the price at all, "Deal!"

As he said, he motioned to several bodyguards to remove the storage ring in their hands, and said: "In a storage ring, there is a curse crystal worth 100 million yuan. The last two boxes are cash."

Su Lun glanced roughly, and it was full of "cursed crystallization" and large amounts of cash.

He didn't go there either, and said with a smile: "Boss Magitan is really happy!"

Handshake transaction is completed.

Su Lun took the storage ring and was about to leave.

Maggie Tan was about to breathe a sigh of relief as she watched people leave.

At this time, Su Lun who walked to the door suddenly turned his head and said: "By the way, I heard that the boss of Maggie Tan has a lot of channels and can get everything. I have a business and I don't know if you are interested."

Where did Magitan dare to say that he was not interested, he asked, "Guests, please tell me."

Su Lun said: "I want some puppet-related cheats, the best is the secret level. I don’t know if you have any channels? Of course, if you can get that "juggler" Lloyd’s "Puppet Profound Puppet" Theater] is even better. The price is negotiable. "

Magitan didn't dare to refrain, and only said: "I can try."

"Okay, I'll contact you again when the time comes."

Su Lun didn't say much, and left the private room with a smile.

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