Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 177: 10 years less struggle

PS. The time is a bit in a hurry, change first and then change. Sorry, sorry, after twenty minutes, the reading experience will be better.

This round of attacks is probably the last time the masters of the Oliver family have joined forces.

Su Lun slashed two Tier 2 melees in a row, severely injuring a magic warlock.

The few who were alive did not hear anything.

Without the containment of melee professionals, the long-range legal system dared not emerge at all. If you cast the spell again, the spatial crack cut by the black sickle will definitely come faster than their casting speed.

There was a heavy punch in the chest, and the blood was still rolling, Su Lun did not rush to make big moves.

He easily harvested the gray fog fragments from the two bodies of the "Iron Tiger" Rhine Root and the "Viper" Bright Giles around him, and gained a lot of melee combat experience.

It has to be said that the soul quality of inner city professionals is indeed very high.

Na Rhine was originally a professional from the inner city military academy. With this wave of harvest, Sullen has directly obtained a large amount of military-grade mechanical knowledge and various military knowledge.

In terms of mechanical knowledge alone, this is the highest quality he has ever harvested.


Half of the six second-orders in the space, the most critical moment has passed.

The tumbling blood subsided, and Su Lun took out the other two living corpses without any haste, and then replaced the black sickle.

The "Juggler" Lloyd did have a treasure in his hand that could withstand the attack of the black sickle, but it was not without a price.

Two ordinary living corpses plus hatred can normally chop ten knives in a row.

It's enough to kill him.

Su Lun smiled lightly in his heart, his five fingers bend slightly, and he manipulated the living corpse to slash towards the place where the sound came from.

The ability to "listen to the voice and argue the position" allowed him to determine the specific position of Lloyd a long time ago.

But the target of the dwarf is not big, so the arc of this knife slash is very large, in order to ensure that it will hit.

It was this knife that was slashed, and the ordinary living corpse wielding the knife triggered an immediate backlash, and suddenly the blood collapsed into two stages.

However, Su Lun didn't care.

Because at this time, he heard a slight movement, like the sound of glass beads breaking.

Su Lun smiled softly, knowing that he had hit.

At the same time he also determined the precise coordinates of that Lloyd!

"It's easy now..."

He didn't hurriedly exchanged the black sickle for another living corpse, waved the knife again, and chopped it down.

In the smoke, there was another faintly cracked and crisp sound.

Then there was another knife, and there was another sound.

Su Lun thought he would chop five knives, after all, the information he had learned was that the gloves could hold five "cursed source crystals".

But when the third knife fell, and when he was about to swing the fourth knife, the dwarf master's mentality collapsed.

After three knives, three knives...

It's endless.

Being fixed there as a target to slash, everyone probably has a mentality to collapse.

Su Lun watched the cross in the sky suddenly collapsed, and the black line wrestling with him also vented its strength at the same time.


A painful scream came from the thick smoke.

Suren knew that this was the collapse of the technique, and Lloyd was backlashed by the force.

[Puppet Theater] It collapsed, and Su Lun was no longer restricted, and exhaled slightly.

The last threat was gone, relieved.

He received the hair, and controlled the puppet to rush towards the direction of the sound.

Looking again, in front of a broken building guarded by more than a dozen heavy armored knights and puppets, Lloyd had fallen into his mouth, vomiting blood, and was dying.

Su Lun watched him still breathe, raised the gun and pulled the trigger, unceremoniously sending him a ride.


The gunfire sounded, Lloyd died in response, and more than a dozen black knights collapsed into large and small fragments in an instant.

These more than a dozen heavy-armored knights are also the famous puppet army of this puppet master——【Twelve Heavy Knights】.

It is also a treasure unearthed in ancient ruins.

A special alloy forging, light weight, easy to control, and a firm puppet in the workshop. The quality is much better than the intermediate explosion-proof doll made by Sulun now.

It's a pity that there is no use at all against the space cracks that ignore obstacles.

Seeing the gray mist emerging from the corpse, Su Lun passed through the debris and walked over.

With a wave of his hand, he swallowed the debris.

A swarm of memories poured into his head instantly.

"Get the memory fragment of'Lloyd Rodney'*5"

"You got a piece of information: "There is an ancient relic in the Oliver family treasury. That is a great treasure that fits my vein of puppetry...""

"You have mastered some'puppet making experience'"

"You have obtained [Upright Puppet Theater (Remnant)]"

"You have comprehended the technique of controlling silk [Secret Skill·Hundred Finger Dance]"

"You have gained a lot of'puppetry experience'"

"Spirit +0.7"

After familiarity.

Su Lun's eyes gradually showed more and more joy.

The fishing ambush this time, to a large extent, came for this guy.

And the harvest is more generous than expected!


Su Lun simply digested the memory fragments in his brain, and his eyes were overwhelmed with joy.

He muttered with a voice that he could only hear, "Unexpectedly, it was stripped to [Puppet Theater]..."

In an instant, there were various detailed manipulations of that secret method in his mind, as well as Lloyd's many years of actual combat experience.

This made Su Lun feel full of harvest in an instant.

Directly stripping off this "finished skill" with a high degree of proficiency can save him at least a few years of hard work.

Looking at the "disabled" mark, he didn't care much.

Although he didn't know which part was missing, he happened to have a complete scroll of detailed explanation of the technique in his hand.

When the time comes, go back and compare it slowly, and you will be able to complete it immediately.

And the surprise is not just stripped to the [Puppet Theater].

That [Hundred Finger Dance] technique is also an ability that all puppet masters dream of!

Lloyd's ability to control so many silk threads is directly related to his own silk-controlling skills that he has worked hard and refined. It's not that he has a hundred fingers, but because the silk-handling skills are already perfect, the ten fingers dance like a hundred fingers.

This is a real "master level" silk control technique.

If a normal puppet master wants to achieve this level of proficiency, he has to practice hard for several years, or even more than ten years... it also depends on the learning talent.

Su Lun did it in one step.

It is not a big surprise.

There are two puppet techniques that are just scarce, and a lot of fragments of puppetry, making skills...

Su Lun feels that this wave is really making a lot of money.

Stripped of this fragment of Lloyd, his own attainments in the field of puppets skyrocketed.

Not to mention reaching the "master level", at least it is also an "expert".

This is the result of ten years of hard work!

And in the end, there is a fragment of obsession in the memory fragment...

"A curse that fits well with puppetry?"

Su Lun looked at the message and narrowed his eyes slightly.

What would be the treasure that would make Lloyd, the puppet master, be greedy?

But in the Oliver family treasury, even if you are greedy, you can't seem to get it...

But suddenly, looking at the colonies slowly converging on the corpse, Su Lun suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Maybe... it's not completely out of chance?


Suren pulled off several storage rings from Lloyd's hand.

Taking a casual glance, a large number of puppet materials and finished products are all good things he can use.

I have to say that this guy, as the teacher of Dan Ze, has a lot of good things in his hands.

The last time he killed him, the alchemist puppet harvested a wave, and now there are so many...


Su Lun didn't take a closer look at the contents of the storage ring. At this time, he also took off a glove from the other hand of the dwarf.

The gloves seem to be woven from silver thread, and the hands are very soft, and the back of the hand is also inlaid with five gems.

Three of them were broken, and two were intact.

This guy was able to resist the black sickle's three spatial slashes without violent death, which was the result of this glove.

Upon appraisal, Su Lun felt that he was making a lot of money again.

[Cronus' Space Gloves]

Description: A boring ancient alchemist transformed a spoiled space wizard into a simple and crude alchemy product, in order to prevent one of his rivals from teleporting and fleeing in a duel.

Detailed explanation: The super-order spell'Titan's Grip' (lasting 8/15) is solidified in the glove, which consumes energy to cast the spell, and casts a space solidification on the target area, imprisoning the space fluctuations within the range that is not higher than the law of the spell itself; Of course, it can also consume energy to passively resist the cracks in the space near the wearer once; the minimum energy consumption is 1 unit of curse source crystal/time;

Evaluation: This is a very tasteless alchemy item, which consumes ten times the energy to cast a spell that is not very practical; but in fact this is a space magic device, space affinity +30%, space spell power Can increase by 7-16%;

Su Lun looked at the detailed explanation of this glove, and suddenly felt dumbfounded, "Didn't it mean that this is a ‘forbidden object’..."

Obviously, it is not.

The gloves were borrowed from the Clark family.

It seems that even the Clark family, as the owner of the item, did not fully understand the role of this glove.

However, after seeing the detailed explanation of the gloves, Su Lun looked a little weird.

They really restrained their abilities when they borrowed this thing.

But it shouldn't be used this way.

If you find a professional who has mastered the spatial ability, and actively use the "Titan Grip" to freeze the space around Su Lun, he can't even teleport, and he will get GG on the spot.

But they only understood a passive ability to resist the attack of the black sickle.

Maybe you think the cost of trying is too great, and your ability is too tasteless?

Su Lun raised his brows and guessed that the Clark family hadn't thoroughly figured out why the gloves were useful.

After all, this is really a...very tasteless ability!

Su Lun looked at the three broken gems on the glove, not knowing what to say.

This gem has a lot of background.

It is called "Cursed Origin Crystal".

It's the same thing that is the result of the curse of hard currency.

Ordinary Curse Crystal = 1W Lisuo;

The best crystal ≈10 W;

Curse the source crystal, worth 10,000 W, which is still the theoretical price!

It is said that only one or two top gems can be produced in one vein, and there is no price at all.

Even the inner city chaebols don't have many hands, they are extremely scarce strategic resources that can't be bought with real money!

However, the cost is so huge, the spell cast can't control people, and it doesn't hurt... it just freezes the space, so that the target can't use the spatial spell to escape.

Even the news that Sabina got, thought it was a "forbidden object."

Su Lun had a lot of dreams just now to guard against the night, so he cut three times in a row.

One hundred million dollars, it seems a bit painful...

However, Su Lun never entangled in the past that could not be changed.

There are two more, this gem alone is worth 200 million.

This is currently the most valuable trophy.

He took the glove and put it on his left hand, and found that it didn't affect the flexibility of the fingers at all, and it didn't affect his line control at all.

Moreover, not to mention whether this "Titan's Grip" ability is useful, Su Lun fancy other attributes.

He has mastered the spatial ability himself, and the increase attribute of "spatial affinity +30%" is immediately felt when he puts on this glove.

He raised his hand and grabbed it in front of him, and the space immediately wrinkled ripples, which was much easier than before.

"not bad..."

Su Lun couldn't put it down a little.

With this glove on, his spatial ability has skyrocketed to the naked eye by a few percent.

This space magic device can really play its role in the hands of space capable people.

This time it was really "missing".


The rich trophies gave Su Lun surprises again and again.

But he didn't go to see more.

There are still a few livelihoods in this space, which I can't care about.

Although there is a high probability that they will not appear again.

Originally, Suren's plan was to leave here after killing the "Juggler" Lloyd.

After all, the enchantment is now full of thick smoke, and it is impossible for Su Lun to find those live mouths in a short time. The more delay, the more reinforcements outside.

But now, he came up with a new idea, "Try a new technique?"

Thinking of this, Su Lun suddenly became interested, and with a pinch of his hands, he changed thirty-six mysterious sorcerer seals in succession.

In the next second, a blue six-pointed star array covering almost the entire sealed space suddenly lit up in the sky, and a huge cross phantom frame slowly condensed entities from the alchemy array.

That's right, what he showed was [Puppet Upanishad·Puppet Theater]!

Although I don't know what this warlock lacks, but the basic functions are not hindered.

At the moment when this technique was condensed, countless silver hairs floated densely in the sky.

Su Lun pinched the seal of the warlock, and felt connected with the cross in the sky, as if it were a part of his body extending out.

That kind of magical feeling, the silk thread stretched out, as if one's own perception was slowly spreading everywhere. It's not that mental power can be distracted to every thread, but just like in the past of a spider web, whatever the thread touches, it will feedback immediately.

For example, the simplest two kinds of information: dead and living.

Sulun has infinite hair and focused on one direction. He quickly looked for the Refael Jemha who shot the previous shot!

Sure enough, he didn't kill him, the guy hid in the corner and didn't come out.

As soon as the silk thread left, there was immediately movement, as if someone had touched the hair on his body, Su Lun immediately felt it!

"Hey...get one!"

Su Lun felt the prey in the net struggling, and controlled more silk threads to rush over there.

Probably because of a serious injury, there was no movement soon.

Unwilling to be separated, Su Lun walked over and looked at the purple robed sorcerer who had been hanged in the pile of silk threads.

The "gray mist" has emerged, harvesting a wave, and a lot of rune, spellcasting, and alchemy knowledge experience.

At this moment, Su Lun realized the power of this [Puppet Theater].

In this space, the enemy can't hit you, but you can easily kill others.

In this theater, the operator controls everything.


The silver hair stretched infinitely, and soon a few more lively encirclement groups were discovered, without Su Lun personally going over and strangling them one by one.

There are still two Tier 2 professionals hidden in the space, and when this silver hair spreads, they haven't realized anything.

But watching the silk thread tying himself up, a frustrated treasure box came from the communicator.

"Damn it, Lloyd what are you doing!"

"Nidham, be careful, this thread is not Lloyd's, it's that Sullen used it!"

"How is it possible, how could he [Puppet Theater]?"


If you are anybody, I guess I can't figure it out.

How can a wanted criminal be caught by Lloyd’s unique secrets?

However, if you can't figure it out, you have to fight.

In the communicator, "Blood Raven" Longfellow yelled again: "That kid might have a talent for quick learning skills, or a curse! Fuck, our plan of action this time has been completely exposed. Damn, there is a ghost around Dan Ze!"

Su Lun listened, her face unchanged.

People guessed it and why, it's all to this point, and they can't tolerate their struggle.

After all, it is a second-tier professional, and the means are not weak.

Although the two were besieged by silk threads, they were still struggling to fight back, but their positions were completely exposed and they were sealed within a limited range.

Su Lun didn't have time to spend more with them, raised his hand and cut the black sickle with a knife.

On the other side, because the hair had **** a person's foot, he drew out the musket, which was three shots in multiple shots.

There was no sound on both sides at the same time.

Su Lun walked over and stripped the soul of Firefanidam first.


Looking at it again, "Blood Raven" Longfellow actually harvested a section of the soul of a Tier 1 professional named "Rhodes" on the corpse.

Su Lun said easily, and then figured out something.

He smirked, "The crows help these guys, they really have some strange life-saving ability..."

The outfit is Longfellow, and so is the storage ring.

Even the sound of heartbeat and breathing disappeared from the surrounding area, and this suspended animation couldn't find any flaws at all.

If it was someone else, he might have been deceived by him.

But soul fragments cannot be faked.

This corpse is just a substitute for the dead.

Su Lun looked at more than a dozen corpses nearby, but couldn't tell where the guy was hiding.

But he didn't want to waste He pulled out [Blue Ghost] without warning, and made up guns one by one!





Just as the gunshot was about to repair the corpses, one of the corpses suddenly came back to life and flew up.

Longfellow wanted to escape, how could Su Lun keep this guy alive.

At such a close distance, [Razer] drew and shot it three more times, hitting his heart.

The body crashed, and Longfellow still had an unbelievable look on his face.

So far, all six Tier 2 professionals in this space have been killed.

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