Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 182: Let's go to your place to squeeze at night

"Lucky Star" Blanco suddenly violent.

When everyone didn't react, he had already jumped a few meters away.

The man with glasses is still the middle-aged man who doesn't rush, as if he didn't do anything.

But under this calmness,


A gleam of silver light passed,

Blanco suddenly shot a **** arrow in his chest, his expression stiffened there.

Su Lun's eyesight naturally saw that the "silver light" was a slender scalpel, and his pupils shrank sharply when he looked at it.

Moreover, what is more shocking is yet to come!

It was this silver light that looked like a bullet passing by, and the eyes of the middle-aged man who looked like a tuberculosis patient just now suddenly shuddered. He shook his figure, and when he saw it again, he teleported and appeared a few meters away.

The middle-aged man made a knife with his hand, pierced up suddenly, and pierced Blanco's chest with his bare hands in an extremely **** way!

"Sneezing" blood sprayed all over the place, and the whole gambling hall was immediately filled with a strong smell of blood.

Su Lun watched this scene completely, and immediately became alert in his heart: "Sure enough, it's outrageous..."

The middle-aged man was sprayed with scarlet blood on his face.

The spray is everywhere on the face, on the suit.

But instead of feeling the unpleasantness of being stained with blood, this guy had an expression of enjoyment, breathing the warm blood greedily.

All this happened so quickly, in the eyes of ordinary people, it was like a flash of thunder, and the two shadows collided together.

But in Su Lun's eyes, he could see clearly.

He caught the violent excitement that flashed across his face when the middle-aged man killed, and he felt familiar inexplicably.

This guy doesn't seem to be in a normal spirit.


After a meeting, the S-class wanted criminal Blanco was killed.

Now the screen freezes, and everyone in the gambling stall is stunned.

It is not that there have been no violent conflicts in the gambling stalls, and it is not that there have been no deaths.

Those who use knives and guns, have their heads and arms broken, and even the intestines and belly leak out...

But I have never seen anyone pierce people's chest with their hands or bare hands.

The man with glasses was like a javelin, standing there stiffly. The murderous intent was visibly condensed into substance with the naked eye, and a faint red glow appeared on the surface of his body...

The visual impact of this violent method was so strong that those gambling girls turned pale.

After a moment of stunned, the scream resounded through the entire gambling stall.

In a blink of an eye, a team of plainclothes men and horses from the umbrella organization rushed in, took out their credentials, and comforted everyone: "Umbrella catches the wanted criminal, don't panic!"

The Chinese character young man who looked like the captain, looked at the freeze frame, and the corner of his eyes didn't feel a jump.

He walked over, showing a touch of embarrassment, and said: "Sir, you shouldn't kill him."

Only then did the man with glasses loosen the corpse, and said in a tepid tone: "Um... sorry. Suddenly wanted to kill someone."

As he said, he put down the corpse, then took off the glasses on the bridge of the nose without any haste, and took out a white-rolled handkerchief from his pocket, gently wiping the blood on the lenses.

It was this seemingly unremarkable behavior that made Guo Zi Nian feel some palpitations inexplicably, and his eyelids thumped: "Sir, I will report things here as they are."


The man with glasses didn't seem to care, turned around and walked out, "I'll leave it to you here."


Guozilian wanted to say something, but didn't know how to say it.

At this time, the teammate on the side conducted a simple autopsy and reported: "Boss, I'm sure, the wanted criminal'Blanco Quick' is on the run!"

While speaking, the middle-aged man had already walked out slowly.


Su Lun listened to the conversation between several people, and quickly analyzed the intelligence in his heart.

Obviously, the captain of the umbrella organization didn't recognize that the man with glasses in front of him was their leader.

However, it is not surprising.

Because the legendary leader of the umbrella organization "Forensic Doctor" Servis Gerrard is very mysterious, and few people have seen the entire Old Lingdon.

Su Lun also got some features about his appearance from Sabina.

But not much.

I only know that this guy's usual identity seems to be a forensic doctor who likes to dissect corpses, very low-key and very mysterious.

Su Lun had also heard of this hobby of murder.

But no one knows the details.

Guess is related to his extraordinary career or talent...

Even though Sabina is a lieutenant general in the umbrella organization, she has very limited knowledge of the mysterious leader's abilities.

I only know that it is strong.

Strong, outrageous kind of strong!

Su Lun breathed a sigh of relief looking at the back of the middle-aged man walking out.

At the same time it is very solemn.

"Fast speed..."

He recalled the trick just now, even if he met himself, although he wouldn't be killed in a single encounter. But it is unlikely to escape life-saving.

Su Lun didn't dare to identify everything on this guy, so he closed his eyes.

As long as it's not for yourself.


People from the umbrella organization cleaned up the corpse, and the gambling stall was noisy again.

But it was like a bonfire poured with a basin of cold water, even if it could still burn, the atmosphere was not as strong as before.

At least, at a table in Su Lun's small hall, a few big bosses in the inner city were so scared that their faces paled, and they had no interest in gambling money, and left one after another.

No one organized the game, and the young gambling addict also felt very disappointed, and began to count her chips. As I cleaned up, I thought to myself: "It was so lucky tonight, I thought I could win back what I lost yesterday... Hey! Forget it, no gambling. Seeing blood will affect your gambling luck. .."

Su Lun listened to the broken thoughts, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. He walked over, took a chair and sat next to her, using the boy's personality, molested: "Hey, beauty, do you want to have a drink together?"

Qianjo naturally recognized Su Lun early, but he couldn't show his familiarity either.

She looked up and down at Su Lun, a strange color flashed across her crystal eyes, and joked: "Oh~ handsome guy, are you going to make an appointment with me?"

Su Lun smiled and said, "May I have this honor?"

Chijo is naturally not polite, with an expression that looks very like a **** who sees a handsome man tempted, and readily agrees, "Okay!"


The two exchanged their chips and went out of the gambling stall.

Today's Qiantiao is fairly conservative, with no big flowery arms, no swords, and a gentle young woman's outfit.

But as soon as he walked on the street, Qianjo revealed his true identity. She's not welcome, and put her hand on Su Lun's shoulder with a grin, like a big sister: "Hey, hey, hey... I said your kid looks good when he grows his hair..."

As she said, she squeezed Su Lun's face without seeing it, and scratched his hair again, as if she wanted to see if it was fake.

After confirming, Chijo squinted again with a ridiculous tone, "Don't tell me...this skin is really a favorite of young ladies."


After listening to the first half of the sentence, Su Lun felt that Qian Tiao was complimenting him, but the second half of the sentence felt wrong.

He didn't know if it was the taste of the marrow or something, he always felt that the gentle and deep feeling on his arm felt a little different from before.

He didn't forget that there was still business, and asked directly: "By the way, Sister Qiantiao, did you send the information from the Wilderness Hunter?"

Chijo-kichi remembered the business expression, "Oh, I almost forgot, it's really something for you to come here. I will ask you to borrow something if I have something to do."


Su Lun looked at the bloodshot eyes in her eyes, and tentatively asked: "You didn't bet on a gambling stall for a day and a night, did you?"

The news was that it was hung up yesterday, and I was still betting on the stall today.

Sure enough.

The gambling-addicted young woman didn't admit it badly, and nodded directly: "Yeah."

She seemed to have heard some unpleasant experience, she narrowed her mouth and said: "I lost some money yesterday, so I gambled a little longer. Finally, my luck picked up today and I won some back. I didn't expect to encounter the same thing just now... ."


Su Lun's expression became a little weird after hearing the ins and outs.

He was still wondering why it was such a coincidence before, and he just met, but the umbrella organization's arrest of fugitives caused them to run into it.

It wasn't a coincidence, but Qianjo found it deliberately.

She used that metaphysical gambling technique to find a "unlucky guy" to gamble against, and she was lucky, otherwise she would have lost all of it.

The wanted criminal "Lucky Star" Blanco used [Tabad's Lucky Gold Coins], and the curse became heavier and heavier. Without gold coins, luck will get worse and worse, and it is normal to bet against him to win.

I didn't want to gamble, the leader of the umbrella organization came.

Then there was the scene that Su Lun saw just now.

When she finished talking, Suriname asked again: "Sister Qiantiao, do you know the origin of that guy just now?"

Qianjo raised his eyebrows, and said, "It should be a high-level Umbrella organization, he is very strong, at least a'T0' senior general. Three hours ago, I found out when he came in. But I thought it wasn't. I ignored him when he came to me. But then again...that guy is really good at gambling."


Listening to this relaxed tone, Su Lun also knew that she had a sense of measure, and said: "I got a little information, that person may be the leader of the umbrella organization "Forensic" Servez Gerrard. "

"It's him, no wonder."

Hearing Qianjo, his brows wrinkled slightly.

Thinking about it, it didn't seem surprising, she murmured again: "It's probably the little princess from the Duke's Mansion, this guy is here to fight the front stand."

Su Lun looked at Qian Tiao's indifferent attitude, and didn't say anything more, then asked: "By the way, Qian Tiao sister, what are you looking for me to borrow?"

Qianjo looked at the crowd on the street, did not speak directly, and said, "This is not a place to talk. Let's talk about it when we go."

Su Lun pointed to the neon street in the distance, "Tavern?"

Qianjo waved his hand: "Forget it, don't drink. I bet for two days and one night, and I'm not in good spirits."

Su Lun: "Where to go?"

Qianjo looked at the inner city people who were looking for shelter on the street, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "By the way, have you found a place in the camp?"

Su Lun said truthfully: "Yes. I live in the Rose Hotel now."

Qianjo waved his hand, "That's right, I haven't found a place to live yet. Let's go where you are to squeeze at night."

Su Lun always felt weird to hear, but he was also used to this neurotic gambling-addicted young woman, and said, "Oh."


In this way, Su Lun led Qian Tiao to the Rose Hotel.

It's hard to find a room now, especially a room with a separate bathroom.

As soon as Chijo entered the house, he saw that there was a bathroom, and his eyes lit up: "Oh~! You actually booked a room with a bathroom? Wow, tsk, it’s hard for the big chaebols in the inner city to get such a room now. .."

Su Lun: "I have always been in the camp. The reservation was tight two days ago, so I didn't retire..."

There is a soundproof barrier in the room, so I am not afraid of being heard.

But he didn't think about it. Before he finished speaking, the gambling-addicted young woman walked directly into the bathroom, and then pulled off the belt of the kimono around her waist. He didn't even notice that there was a man in the room, and immediately began to take off his clothes. .

As she took it off, she still muttered: "Wow, I can finally take a bath... I have been walking for more than ten days, and I can't take a bath, but it didn't suffocate me..."

As he said, the kimono was thrown out, "Please hang it up for me~"

Su Lun looked at that completely Chiguo back, smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Before at the Cross Society, Qianjo asked Su Lun to take a bath together, but the two didn't see much difference.

It doesn't feel embarrassing to get along with each other in the same room.

He joked casually.

"Hello, Sister Qianjo, can't you avoid me?"

"Cut~ It's not that I haven't seen it before."


This gangster really didn't treat him as an outsider, as if he didn't avoid the difference between men and women at all.


Su Lun smiled and didn't look much.

Turned around, took the clothes and went to the coat rack in the room.

Soon, there was a patter of water in the bathroom.

Su Lun hung Qiantiao's cheongsam on the coat rack and asked, "Sister Qiantiao, why did you come to the ruins?"

Hearing this, thousands of voices were mixed with the sound of splashing in the shower, and came from the bathroom, "Didn’t the Duke’s Mansion give the order of the whole people to hunt for waste, all the big and small forces have been notified. Large and small gangs in the outer city. All have been assigned tasks. Not only our Cross, the Crow Gang and the Steam Party have also sent personnel over..."


The room was very small and there was no sofa. Su Lun cleaned up his things on the bed and sat down on the bed.

And when I looked up from this angle, I just saw a beautiful picture.

The hotel is decorated in a simple style, the bathroom is not a solid wall, but a translucent frosted glass partition.

Although the separated glass can't see clearly, you can still see the hazy figure of the haze.

Once the water is poured on, you can see a bit more clearly after being wet.

Su Lun's current eyesight was naturally clear.

The body is slender and exquisite.

When Qianjo was flushing sideways, she could even see a little detail of her proud and upright.

Su Lun didn't deliberately want to take advantage of this young gambling addict, it was just this casual glance that thought of Sabina in his mind.

In fact, I really need to take a closer look and compare. Qian's body is actually not much worse than Sabina. They all have a slightly plump body, but each has its own charm.

Sabina is glamorous, Qianjo focuses on that heroic spirit.

Even because it is a melee professional, thousands of body muscles are more full, such as hips, legs, waist and abdomen, and there is a sense of symmetrical fullness in the slenderness.

It's just that she only has a bad name on the road, and she doesn't have a fancy name, so few people pass it on.

But at this time, I don’t know if I watched it for a few more seconds, and a thousand grumbles came from the bathroom, "Hey hey hey... Can you keep your eyes in check? You owe it?"

After all, it is a top master with strong perception ability.

Su Lun realized that he was rude and narrowed his eyes.

Because the two are very familiar, he learned what she used to laugh at himself, and smiled: "Oh, it's not bad~"

There are no nasty thoughts in the tone, the real thing is appreciation.

It seems that I don’t know how to There was a moment of silence in the bathroom, and then a thousand faint voices came: "You kid really owes you..."

Su Lun smiled: "Hahaha..."

And the joke is a joke, the business is still to be discussed.

Su Lun asked again: "By the way, Sister Qiantiao, what did you say before that you want to borrow something from me?"


Chijo responded.

After a pause, he said: "We are going to intercept and kill someone. Just in case, you may need your black sickle."

Hearing this, Su Lun's mind suddenly flashed, thinking of something, and asked: "Are you going to intercept the lady in the Duke's Mansion?"

"Huh... how did you guess?"

At this time, a thousand responses came from the bathroom: "Almost, but the matter is a bit complicated, it is not clear in a few words..."

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