Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 193: Goodbye Pestoya (7 thousand seven hundred +)

Latest website: The battle in front of the Unicorn Hotel suddenly ended.

The battle from Stormwind Manor detonated the underground world, and the entire camp was instantly chaotic.

The bombardment of the super-order spells caused waves of terrifying movement near the manor.

Looking from a distance, you can see the residence of Princess Teresa at a glance. Suddenly, four phantoms of two or thirty-meter-high golden knights condensed.

It seemed that someone was fighting violently with those few knights, and the sound of "clang" weapon contact echoed throughout the camp.

The shock wave was higher than the other, like a wave, beating the entire camp.

The manor is guarded by the phantom of the gold price knight, and the means of the sneak attackers are not weak.

Tier 4 fire technique [Meteor Burning City], meteors are condensed in the seven-pointed star formation in the sky, falling like raindrops...

Large-scale Tier 4 thunder system [Destroying City Thunder Cloud], the thunder light crackles, the thunder dragon rages down...

Tier 3 Profound Surgery [Earth-Splitting Technique], the ground is shaking and the mountains are shaking. With the manor as the center, the entire camp is cracked with bottomless ravines...

When Su Lun looked at this multi-element super-order spell, he knew that it was Mr. Black who shot it.

This [polymath] really has thoroughly studied all kinds of elemental alchemy, even if he is not Tier 5, he really started his hands, and the scope of spells is even more difficult than Tier 5.

How many people in the camp have seen super-order spells?

Seeing this doomsday-like movement, all were shocked.

For a time, the ice, frost, thunder, fire... various elemental spells touched by the nearby Stormwind Manor, like festive fireworks, exploded flowers all over the sky.

But the danger is dangerous, and the performance has to be changed.

"An assassin attacked Princess Teresa, let's go and support it!"

"Can't let the gangster run away!"


The clamor is endless, and every one is excited to lead the Savior.

The big families in the camp rushed forward with their own people, and thousands of people rushed towards Stormwind Manor.

By coincidence, when the crowd rushed up, a seven-pointed star array suddenly lit up at the feet of a guy who was in the crowd. Without waiting for those people to react, another super-order spell blasted over. Several of the Tier 4 guards who were about to blockade the manor evaded hastily. Although not necessarily fatal, it also made them realize that there were still assassins in this group.

Immediately, there was a burst of shout!

"Everyone is forbidden to get close to the manor, or else kill them!"

But this call not only failed to stabilize the situation, but made the situation even more chaotic.

The people at the top can't, and there is a steady stream of people in the city below who want to come up and show their faces in front of the princess.

In the camp, various hunting groups, mercenaries, family guards, city guards, security forces... dozens of hundreds of people are not familiar with each other, and I don’t know who fired a sneer, and they soon became a group.

"Damn it! Who is launching rockets..."

"Fuck, don't shoot indiscriminately. We are mercenaries of the Davide family!"

"It's you, I just watched the rocket bomb just now, you are the assassins!"

"Fuck you, you are the assassins."

Some people fan the wind, some people put off their guns, and some people come out to mediate, they must get a shot.

Bang! Bang! Bang...

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped...

The sound of guns was chaotic.

Suddenly, someone burst into a drink.

"No! The assassin rushed out!"


The chaotic situation has also created convenience for the "Assassins" to attack and retreat.

The battle started quickly and ended quickly.

The people in the cloak didn't know what was happening in the manor. They seemed to have achieved their goal, and they fled out of the city without even thinking about fighting.

Probably it was the last time that a Tier 5 professional was trapped and killed.

The high-ranking guards in the manor didn't dare to chase farther, they were afraid that they would be repeated by others' tricks, or they might tune the tiger away from the mountain.

The low-level professionals couldn't stop them, and a few cloaked assassins didn't receive much hindrance, so they protruded from the encirclement, jumped over the city wall, and disappeared outside the city gate.


And in front of the Unicorn Hotel.

Several guards died, and "Chijo" also suffered some injuries.

Su Lun breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the "Raksha Girls" who had successfully escaped in the distance.

At this time, Qianjo and Raksha Girl had nothing to do with each other.

Although it looks like a coincidence, it doesn't matter.

As long as Qiantiao is not a "Raksha girl", and a gang cadre, no matter what, the level of danger has dropped countless levels.

Even this kind of ordinary gang files will never enter the vision of senior officials of this level, the leader of the umbrella organization.

The umbrella organization will probably go away for a while.

On the other hand, Rena stood there blankly.

This daughter, who has never experienced a big setback, witnessed the head of her best friend being sent in front of her tonight. Witnessed an unreasonable attack. The strong emotion of powerlessness and slaughter, like a tide, washed some of her cognition time and time again. There was also an indescribable wave of light trembling in those black eyes that were originally crystal clear and dazzling...

The old butler suffered some injuries in the fight with "Forensic Doctor" Servis, and there was a scarlet blood on the lap of his clothes.

He tidyed it up, concealed it with his jacket, walked over, looked at his desperate look, and sighed slightly: "Miss, you can go upstairs to rest first. Just leave it to the old man here. We will leave the city tomorrow morning. "

The assault was a member of the Umbrella Organization, and they also saw it.

Therefore, this loss can only be swallowed hard.

Even if the Reyes family was once a chaebol in the inner city, that organization couldn't afford it.

Rena was a little confused, returned to the room, and sat on the bed blankly.

"Qian Tiao" looked at her, turned around and said to Su Lun: "Let her stay for a while. This may be good for her."

Su Lun nodded, "Yeah."

The cruelty of this world is far more than what Lena saw.

The play continued, and Mr. Jing and Su Lun also entered another room.


The door is closed, and a soundproof array is arranged.

Although they knew that Mr. Jing and they dared to do it, they must have a comprehensive plan, but Su Lun was also a little curious, and asked: "Mr. Jing, this time the movement of so many people has been exposed, will it arouse the alertness of the black tower?"

"Has little effect."

Mr. Jing's expression was very indifferent, as if everything was planned, "After this ruin, things are almost ready."

And when she was talking, a magical scene happened before Su Lun's eyes.

In the previous battle, Qianjo, who had only Tier 2 strength, was not lightly injured, and there were many wounds on his body.

But at the moment when he entered the house, the wound on her body that Su Lun was looking at suddenly healed with naked eyes!

Without using any medicine, relying on the exaggerated self-healing ability, it instantly recovered as before.

Su Lun was a little surprised: Has Mr. Jing also transformed his bloodline, or is he some kind of special self-healing ability?

This self-healing efficiency is almost the same as "hatred".

Much better than himself.

But thinking that this has a high probability of being a Tier 4 or even a big master, some methods that he can't understand are normal.

On the contrary, Su Lun paid more attention to Mr. Jing's words "We are almost ready".

It sounds like the big guys are ready to attack the black tower?

But Mr. Jing didn't seem to mean to continue talking about this topic. She looked at Su Lun and reminded: "Although tonight's troubles have passed, the "forensic" Servez's methods are not that simple. The umbrella organization will definitely come to try. Be careful yourself in the future. "

After a pause, she continued: "I will follow the team in the next few days, but when I go to the ruins, I have other things to deal with. At that time, you will take care of this team and the other team will be destroyed. . Especially help me take care of Lena."

Su Lun nodded: "Yeah."

Little girl Lena helped him several times, and within the range of her ability, Su Lun would naturally want to save her life.

His expression remained unchanged, but after listening to this, a slightly weird thought came to his mind.

Is it possible that Mr. Jing would take care of Lena in this way...what's the special relationship?

For example, an illegitimate daughter?

Although Su Lun didn't ask, Mr. Jing seemed to have guessed what he thought.

She glanced at Su Lun, her expression seemed rather helpless, and she explained: "I supported the Reyce family. Reina's mother died for me. That girl has good talents and talents. It’s just shortcomings. I have a plan to train her as the heir of the Reyes family."


When Su Lun heard this, it suddenly came to light.

But this said, my thoughts became more active.

Supported by one hand?

This amount of information can be a bit big.

The Reyes family are all veteran families that have been famous for decades. She supported them all. How old is Mr. Jing?

Su Lun thought of the vision of her wound healing before. The ultra-high cell activity can indeed make people young, but... in fact, she is an elderly woman?

However, when this thought came to Su Lun's mind, he obviously looked at "Qian Tiao" and shook his forehead, giving him a strange look. It seems a little helpless.

"I... forget it..."

She wanted to speak and stopped, but she didn't mean to explain much.

I don't know if it was because she was pretending to be a thousand faces, Su Lun felt that this "Mr. Mirror" seemed to get along well. There is nothing cold and arrogant to reject others.

Thinking that Mr. Hei’s teacher was in front of him, Su Lun naturally asked if he had a question, “Mr. Mirror, I saw a mask appeared on the face of the leader of the umbrella organization before, as if it was a mental curse?”

"Chijo" put the knife on the table, began to pack up his battle clothes, nodded and said: "Well. Over the years, the Black Tower has also dug up a lot of good things in his hands. Teacher’s three-color mask], a very good ancient curse. In addition to some problems in professional training, Servis has a distorted mental power. The mask is used to suppress his uncontrollable split personality... "

When Su Lun heard it, it really turned out to be the case.

And listening to this function, it seems to be quite suitable for your "symptoms"?

He asked directly: "Mr. Mirror, that mask... can I apply it?"

"Chijo" glanced at him and said, "I heard Emily talk about your situation. This mask is really useful for you. But it is not a cure for the symptoms. The essence of the mask's effect is suppression, just like yourself suppressing it by will. It’s the same, it’s going to go back in the end."

(Emily, the original name of Mr. Black)

Su Lun originally thought that the effect of this thing was a bit repetitive, but suddenly he thought of "Thousands of Things", and then changed the words: "But if you can master a top-level mysterious method, it will be a very suitable trick for you. Puppet Master’s advanced materials can help you break through the upper limit of [Multiple Uses with One Heart]. Under normal circumstances, the [Three Color Mask of the Ubiquitous Master] is an advanced material that can only be accepted by Tier 4 spiritual professionals. But your words... are a bit special, and you should be able to bear it in Tier 3."

"Advanced materials?"

Upon hearing this, Su Lun immediately became energetic.

He knew that she was referring to his own "speciality", or that the talent of [Death Reaper] caused extraordinary mental power.

If this person can say that it is suitable, it must be a material with a very high degree of fit.

Moreover, she is straightforward, and the effect after the advancement can break through the upper limit of [Multiple Uses]? ! !

"Qianjo" looked at Su Lun, eyebrows crooked, and asked, "Do you want to kill him?"

Su Lun nodded: "Yeah."

Not to mention the curse materials, when he and Sabina signed the agreement to recognize the master before, they agreed that once they have the strength, they will help her kill the guy.

"It's not easy to kill that guy."

"Thousands of" teased, without saying much, and said: "Remind you a little. Remember if you encounter in the future, you must be careful when you see the mask is'red face'. If you see the mask turn into a'black face', he There is no weaker than Tier 4 combat power..."


Suren also didn't expect to kill the "forensic" Servez in a short time on his own.

However, isn't there a strong support right now?

Moreover, now that he has a goal, the thoughts in his brain also serve to achieve this goal.

Suddenly, some thoughts came to mind.

A plan took shape quietly.

"Chijo" smiled and didn't respond much.

Could it be that when he met this, Suren simply asked him something he was curious about, "Mr. Mirror, do you know that there is an underground altar in Stormwind Manor? Mr. Black said before, you can help me with my doubts, and the one who represents [Destiny] symbol..."

"Thousands" is as true as Mr. Hei said, and seemed to be happy to clarify his confusion, and said: "The altar under the Stormwind Manor is a relic left by the Akavia era of the "Dawn Era" of the last prehistoric civilization. Those five statues His identity is the most mysterious alchemy organization of that era, the five elders of the'Rosicrucian’, the true alchemists of the gods. That is the most real, recent, and most glorious era of alchemy that mankind has access to. Sir Sack named this city because he wanted to make alchemy return to the glory of the dawn era..."

Having said this, she seemed to feel that she had said it anyway, and simply said a few more words: "This is a prehistoric civilization that is hardly recorded in the current historical materials of Old Lingdun. It is said that the alchemists of the Dawn Era fought on various fragment planes, the top warlocks. They can even hunt down gods, they have created a powerful alchemical civilization..."

"That's it..."

After Su Lun heard her words, his eyes trembled, shaking for a long time.

Well, this big guy really knows everything.

And in the words, it can be seen that her understanding of Dawn City has reached an incredible level.

She not only knew the altar, but also knew the origin of the altar.

This world is not only exciting now, but the history that was once buried in the dust is equally exciting.


Although Mr. Jing is not a thousand articles, he seems to have the same habit of bathing and bathing like the young gambling addict.

The previous battle was stained with blood, which made her frown.

When she was speaking, she also unbuttoned her robe, did not look at Su Lun, and said: "Okay, I'm going to take a shower. I'll talk later."

Su Lun knows naturally, avoiding his gaze.

The young gambling addict would not avoid him, but the big man still minded.

Not long after, there was a patter of flushing from the bathroom.

The noise outside the window has not stopped, and the hunt for the assassin continued until midnight.

"Chijo" took a bath and lay down on the bed to rest.

Su Lun meditated cross-legged on the sofa beside him.

It's about two or three midnight,

Suddenly, "Qianjo" who seemed to be asleep suddenly discovered something, and chuckled softly, "Someone is coming!"

When Su Lun heard it, she immediately understood what she meant.

Zorro is Chijo's male companion, and he has to do a full set of plays.

Let people look at the state of the two people in the room, and you can see the problem at a glance.

Su Lun changed his costume, changed his pajamas and jumped onto the bed, "Qianjo" also lay in his arms affectionately.

The boss gestured, he didn't show any strangeness either, he just hugged his arms. At this moment, "Chijo" is wearing light pajamas, and it feels real to the touch. The large areas of skin touched, and both of them could clearly feel each other's temperature.

However, there is nothing charming.

Although the tight skin feels exactly the same as that of a gambling addict, Su Lun always feels strange when he thinks that Mr. Jing is likely to be quite young.

Su Lun didn't perceive the movement of someone coming, so the person must be a master of Tier 3 or above.

I thought it was probably the umbrella organization who came back to confirm?

"Thousands" are set as Tier 2 professionals, so naturally they shouldn't have found each other.

However, things were not what Su Lun thought.

Because before long, Su Lun, who was sleeping with his eyes closed, listened to someone calling him in his ear.

"Mr. Su Lun, long time no see..."

Obviously no movement was heard, no one came in through the window, and there was no sound of stepping on the stall.

Unfortunately, this shout seemed to be in my ears.

"Hehe...I know you are not asleep..."

Su Lun thought he had auditory hallucinations, his eyelids lifted a slit, and a face exuding light blue fluorescence immediately caught his eye!

Ten centimeters away, a little translucent girl looked at him face to face, her big watery eyes were full of weird smiles.

If it wasn't for Su Lun's good mentality, most normal people watched this scene in the middle of the night, fearing that they would be scared to leave their souls.



Su Lun asked tentatively.

The cute and cute girl in a princess dress in front of him was deeply impressed, and he walked across the "ghost species" that he encountered on the first day!

Looking at the "Thousand Tiao" next to him, his breathing was well-proportioned, and he seemed to have fallen asleep deeply.

I don’t know who is the real sleeper or the fake, Su Lun knows, today this thing seems to be bad...

Pestoia watched Sulun recognize herself, and a smile of joy appeared on her small face. She floated in mid-air and turned around, "Oh, I thought you forgot about me~"

Su Lun listened to this playful female voice, and remembered the first time we met.

Although this little ghost girl is occasionally surly, the two of them have a kind of "resonance" at first sight.

He smiled: "How can I forget it."

With that said, Su Lun got out of bed, covered the "thousand" quilt beside him, and asked, "Pestya, why are you here?"

If he didn't see the "butterfly brooch", he would probably be happy to reminisce about the ghost who once felt very appetizing.

But now that she will appear here, the problem is a bit more complicated.

"I don't know... I feel you are here, so I just come to see you~"

Pestoia tilted her head for a moment, and she seemed to be missing a part of her memory.

But she didn't care, she had forgotten a lot of things this thousand years ago.

But when she saw an old friend, she was still happy from the bottom of her heart: "I didn't expect it to be Mr. Su Lun."

Su Lun walked to the coffee table in the suite and poured himself a cup.

Although I don't know if the ghost species can drink tea, but I also poured a cup for Pestoya who was sitting beside me.

While pouring the tea, Su Lun smiled and said, "I have become so handsome, how do you recognize me?"

Pestoya sniffed the teacup, took a sip, and said, "Of course I can recognize it. I recognize your soul~"

After smashing her eyes, she added: "But your soul is much stronger than before, and you almost didn't recognize it~"

It was like a reunion of an old friend, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

The two chatted without a word.

Sulun turned the corner and tried a few questions, only to find that Pestoya didn't remember what happened after he left.

It seemed that when I woke up, I felt that he appeared nearby, and then he came again.

But... the cursed space of Stormwind Manor was obviously missing.

Moreover, the ghost species in the cursed space actually ran outside?

But he had already confirmed that this one before him was the girl he had seen back then.

After chatting a few light topics, Su Lun asked directly: "Pestya, where do you live now?"

"I live in the manor~"

As Pestoya said, a little bear floated up and gave Su Lun a warm hug, "I thought I would never see Mr. Su Lun again. I'm so happy~"

Her physical state is very strange, it is clearly a spirit body, but when she wants to touch something, it is also a real body.

"I'm also very happy."

Su Lun smiled.

Listening to the cheerful tone, you can also feel that she is happy from the heart.

After all, I am the first "friend" this girl has made in a thousand years.

The two chatted for a while.

Su Lun had harvested a lot of **** talk skills before and also came in handy.

All kinds of jokes and all kinds of stalks just opened their mouths.

Even the little girl is very useful.

Pestoya was amused and laughed, and the room was full of laughter like silver bells.

Su Lun really felt that she was just reminiscing about the past.

But there are two issues that I have been avoiding and dare not mention.

One is the question she entrusted herself to ask.

The second is the brooch thing.

But I didn't want to. At this time, Pestoya fluttered in front of Su Lun's eyes, suddenly thinking of something, and asked: "Hey...Mr. Su Lun, why didn't you see you wearing the butterfly brooch I gave you?"

Su Lun snorted as he listened.

This girl seemed to be very sensitive to emotions. Before Su Lun could say something, her face suddenly sank: "You... don't you like the gift I gave you?"

She had a pair of crystal eyes surging, her expression aggrieved, "But...that is my favorite and most precious thing."

As she said, her eyes gradually became red.

Then, it was no longer the kind of red that was wronged, but gradually turned into a weird and cruel red.

Pestoya looked at Su Lun, teardrops on her little face could not stop falling, and a drop of light blue tears disappeared before landing.

She was crying, and an extremely sad mood broke out, "Mr. Su Lun, I don't know why, I feel so sad now..."

Obviously I gave you the most precious gift, but you lost it.

It was like back then, watching mom and dad burn her to death.

That's obviously the favorite mom and dad in my life...

That is the one who lost the most precious thing in my heart...

There is a kind of heartache.

Su Lun watched this scene, not knowing that she was going to run away and become black.

When she first met, she tortured and killed the group of "Iron Head" Ivan.

He wanted to explain something, but the brooch really couldn't be taken out.

But after all, he didn't mean anything to this little girl.

He felt Pestoia's unspeakable emotions, loneliness, sadness...

He sighed, touched her head, and said truthfully: "I like the gift you gave. But sorry, I seem to have lost it..."

These words seemed to appease the wronged Pestoya, the red light in her eyes dimmed a little, but it still did not dissipate.

Su Lun rubbed her face with both hands again, and solemnly said, "But I will find it back."

Although it is a thousand-year-old ghost species, after all, there is only a ten-year-old girl in her heart.

It's still very coaxing.

Hearing this, the red light in the little girl's eyes finally stopped.

Emotions can't deceive people, Pestoya obviously knows Suren too

But she still looked at Su Lun with an aggrieved look, and complained: "Mr. Su Lun, if you don't get my brooch back, I will eat you!"

That tone, listening to the old grievances, the old grievances.

As she said, Pestoya grinned her little tiger teeth and bit angrily on Sulun's hand touching her head.

One bite, strong.


Su Lun didn't mind, smiled, and didn't retract his hand.

However, he is also a little curious, his skin that ordinary bullets don't necessarily penetrate now, is it painful to be bitten?

I bit, and I probably lost my breath.

Pestoya raised her head, but at this time, her eyes were attracted by a necklace in Sulun's hand, "Hey...Mr. Sulun, why do you have this necklace?"

As she said, she raised her hand and waved, and the crystal pendant fell into her hand.

Su Lun glanced.

The clues in the brain are connected together like lightning.

This is the [Seleya's Crystal Pendant] obtained by beheading the fortuneteller of the umbrella organization on the way to the ruins.

It has been worn on the body because this alchemy has an attribute to avoid divination.

Once looked at the name of this necklace, Su Lun felt very familiar.

Listening to Pestoya's tone now, he immediately determined something.

Although the female name "Serea" has a high rate of repeated names,

But unfortunately,

This necklace has a great background.

This time Mr. Mirror entrusted him to find the master in the section where he met in a cursed space, the founder of the puppeteer, also called "Serea".

What's even more coincidental is that Sulun's own puppeteer's employment materials were obtained from Pestoya in front of her.

Certain special occupations are in the same line.

The source of the coincidence was that he had also seen this name in the family portrait in the study room of Stormwind Manor when Sulun traveled.

She is the mother of the little girl in front of her, Celea Isaac. (Married to change surname)


Pestoya's emotions that had just calmed down suddenly became violently fluctuating, "Did you...see me...she?"

Su Lun was afraid that she would think of something and was stimulated, so she directly said, "Didn't you entrust me to ask them a question? I know some clues, and this time I plan to help you ask."

Pestoya was silent.

After a long time, she squeaked: "Oh."

Su Lun felt the contradiction in her heart.

Obviously full of love, but with desperate resentment and obsession.

The atmosphere suddenly went cold.

After seeing it and thinking about it, Pestoya saw things and thoughts about people, and lost the interest in staying.

She said to Su Lun, "Mr. Su Lun, I am sleepy. I will go back to sleep and come to see you next time."

"Yeah. See you next time."

Su Lun nodded and waved to her.

Just watched her float out of the window with a sad face, and then slowly disappeared.

In the end, Suren did not mention to her that the brooch was in Teresa's hands.

He thinks this matter is a bit complicated.

Pestoya seemed to be missing some memories in front of her.

Intuition tells Su Lun that it is best not to trigger other plots that are obviously weird before they figure it out.


And just after Pestoya's departure, Chijo on the bed suddenly opened his eyes.

Su Lun didn't see it, a sparkle flashed through her deep eyes.

Now that Pestoya was gone, Sulun frowned on the sofa.

There are many doubts in my mind that are connected together, because of the lack of key information, none of them can be solved.

He felt that it was necessary to tell the boss about this situation, so he turned his head and looked at "Qian" on the bed and coughed slightly, "Cough! cough! "

There was an immediate response.

Senjo didn't turn around, "Go to sleep. It's okay."

Obviously, she was awake all the time.


Su Lun thought she didn't know the situation and wanted to say more.

At this time, "Qiantiao" interrupted directly: "I can't say it."


When Su Lun heard these three words, his eyes narrowed slightly.

can not say?

In other words...

Pestoya is really involved in the indescribable existence?

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