Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 204: Why did you burn her to death


Su Lun respectfully bowed to the great alchemist who was a thousand years ago.


Seleya nodded, showing a gentle smile.

She looked at Su Lun with relief in her eyes, "Although I missed some time, I met it after all. It's a pity that I don't have much time to teach you, so... if you are a teacher, I will give you some meeting gifts."

Speaking, Seleya took out the glass bottle containing the [Fallen Angel Heart], pinched the mark with one hand and sighed softly: "The ban is released!"

Another look at the runes on the glass bottle also lit up.

At this moment, Su Lunzhi felt that what was in this simple bottle was not a beating heart, but a wild beast.

The breath that leaked out gave him the pressure like a mountain.

Domineering, sacred, awe-inspiring, dark spiritual power like a monstrous flood...

It gives people a humble feeling that they don't consciously have to worship when they see it.

It was a kind of low-level creature looking up to the high-level being, and it came from a sense of oppression at the level of life.

That kind of breath is like looking up at the starry sky, endless and deep, but too high to reach.

"This is the breath of God..."

Su Lun was surprised by the stormy sea.

Once "God" was just a simple word in his cognition.

Unspeakable, unspeakable description, but after all, it is too thin.

Can't compare to this kind of real experience.

For the first time, Su Lun felt the existence of God.

Seleya looked at the heart in the glass jar, and said, "This is the law of a part of the god-ranked creatures. I don't want you to understand, but to let you know how big the world is. Only standing Only from high places can you see farther. A truly great alchemist needs extensive knowledge and a broader vision."

Su Lun nodded seriously, her eyes gleaming brightly.

At this moment, he deeply understood the meaning of these words.

The frog at the bottom of the well does not know how big the world is after all.

But now, he saw the vast world beyond the well head for a moment.

Speaking of this, Seleia continued: "Isaac once said that we are in the worst age, but also the best age, because we are standing on the shoulders of giants. Although today's alchemy civilization is not as good as the dawn The glory of the epoch, but the knowledge remained. The sages in history left us too much precious knowledge, that is the real'treasure'. But those precious knowledge is buried in the dust of history, we Go to discover, innovate, continue to explore..."

The method of this teaching is simple and rude, but the shock to Su Lun's heart is unparalleled.

But his eyes were also extremely firm.

The more exciting this world is, the more he feels expectant.

Su Lunping regained the excitement in his heart, and gave a respectful salute: "Thank you teacher for teaching."

"You are very good."

Seleya looked at Suren’s performance under the pressure of the gods, and nodded in satisfaction, “If I have time, I will definitely let you lay the foundation and slowly get in touch with the truth of this world. In the eyes of the alchemist The world is far more exciting than ordinary people..."

She changed the conversation and said, "But obviously, no. So, naturally, the gift to my disciple must be the best."

Hearing this, Su Lun also looked forward to it.

At this time, Seleya took out the previous golden card again, raised her hand and flicked it lightly.

The card shattered, and a simple hexagonal copper lamp appeared in front of him.

Suren naturally recognized that this is the [Vulcan's Furnace Lamp]!

"With this alchemy, it's a lot more convenient..."

Celia smiled and muttered to herself.

At this time, she placed the glass bottle on the ground with both hands, and quickly pinched out a set of extremely complicated warlock seals.

Not only his hands, but the eight-armed spider spear behind him seemed to affect some laws. With her as the center, the air slowly condensed like firefly-like stars of fire elements, one by one, the more and more they gathered, finally forming a circle of fire storm...

Looking again, a fiery red nine-pointed star alchemy array suddenly appeared on the floor of this room.

Su Lun looked at the mysterious lines on the formation, his eyes trembled.

The rank of this technique is so high that it is completely incomprehensible.

Seleya pinched the seal of the last warlock, and whispered in her mouth: "Alchemy·Forge World!"

Just as the words fell, the nine-pointed star formation on the floor suddenly seemed to melt through the floor, and a rush of heat swept the entire room.

Looking at it again, Su Lun saw a world of magma and fire, as if through this small formation hole, a melting pot world was connected.

And the hexagonal copper lamp fell into it, and the lamp cover opened, as if it had released the flame demon imprisoned in the waiting area, a violent fire elemental force suddenly shot up.

The terrifying elemental coercion, even through the formation, gave Su Lun a feeling of scalp numbness, as if a little bit of it could burn him.

However, fortunately, before I had time to experience this, the nine-pointed star suddenly disappeared.

The hexagonal copper lamp and the heart are locked in that melting pot.


Putting [Fallen Angel's Heart] and the copper lamp into the alchemy formation together, Seleya also breathed a sigh of relief.

Like the housewife who put the turkey in the oven, she suddenly went idle with nothing to do.

She looked at Su Lun and asked, "By the way, did you bring your notes?"

Su Lun knew what the note was in her mouth, and took out the volume [Isaac's Alchemy Manuscript III] from the space.

Seleya took the notes, like a housewife with a recipe, flipped through it at will, muttering to herself: "Well... there is still a little deviation. Isaac has made the final version of the design manuscript more perfect. .."

As she said, she manipulated the spider spear and took out some materials from the cabinet, like adding seasoning to the dishes in the pot, raised her hand and randomly opened a gap in the ground, throwing all the materials in.

At this time, she clapped her hands and looked like she was done.

"That's it. Refining [Isaac's Alchemy Heart] will take a while, we have to wait..."

She looked at Su Lun, suddenly thought of something, and said: "Do you want to know how this heart comes?"

Su Lunzi naturally guessed something, "Teacher, you hunted down a **** from the abyss?"

Seleya people are very kind, they don't have the image of a too rigid and serious teacher, and they communicate very well.

"It's not me. I'm not strong enough to fight God. Isaac did it."

She said with a relaxed tone, and continued: "Once, an abyssal **** discovered the crack in this space channel, and then forcibly broke the seal, bringing the abyssal creature into our plane. Seeing that this is a law of the earth. Face, but the resources are very rich, He wanted to enslave the world. Later, before he could do anything, Isaac defeated him."

The tone is understated, and it sounds dramatic.

A deity, in a plane where there is no deity, was just defeated?

But Suren was also very curious. Isaac was hailed as a "demigod", and he should have not reached the rank of gods. He actually killed a god.

How can this be done?

Before he was curious, Seleya seemed to have guessed his doubts, and said directly: "Moreover, although the alchemist has a weak body, he has another advantage, that is, we can use foreign objects to perform far better with alchemy. The body’s own rank ability. Moreover, [Destiny Controller] is a very strong talent. Isaac has developed it to a very powerful level... His combat power is not inferior to that of a general god."

Su Lun knew that the power at that level said that he could not understand it, and then asked himself a more curious question, "Teacher, that **** was killed? Then why is this heart still beating? Is it also a certain level of the gods? special power?"

"No, he is not dead."

Seleya shook her head and said, "As long as the god-level powerhouse is not extinguished, he cannot be killed. Isaac originally wanted to kill him, but for some special reasons...Of course, the most important thing is, He wants to use this rare god-level material to make some attempts. Just like this [Isaac Alchemy Heart]."

Su Lun guessed something and said directly: " want to give me this as a gift? But, this is Mr. Jing's material. And..."

His face became a little embarrassed.

After all, the heart was stolen from the laboratory on the 19th, the hexagonal copper lamp was found by Mr. Jing and the others, and these other things...

Although Su Lun was also greedy for the things refined from the materials of the gods, he also felt inappropriate.

"Mr. Mirror?"

When Seleia heard the name, she obviously guessed something, a gentle smile appeared on her face, and she muttered to herself: "She actually named herself such a name."

After a pause, she said confidently: "No. If I give you things, she won't mind."


Upon hearing this, Su Lun immediately confirmed his previous guess.

Mr. Jing is the "old monster" of Dawn City who has lived for more than a thousand years.

Moreover, listening to Seleya's tone, they must still know each other.

Since he is a teacher, Su Lun doesn't need to be so indifferent when he speaks. He directly asked: "Teacher, do you know Mr. Jing?"

"She didn't tell you?"

Seleya didn't admit or deny it, her eyes overflowed with a chuckle that didn't know what she thought of.

After groaning for a moment, she didn't mean to solve Su Lun's confusion, but said: "Alchemy is inherently boring, leave a little fun in life. You will be surprised when you see her in the future."


Su Lun shrugged as he listened.

Did not go to follow up.

As she said, the secret of Mr. Jing's identity is a little joy in life.

Seeing the notes, he thought of something and said: "Yes, teacher. I heard Mr. Mirror say that there is a big secret about alchemy hidden in the notes?"

Now the wives who recorded the manuscript parties are here, guessing with the others, just ask directly.


Seleya nodded and said a secret that belongs to ancient history to Su Lun.

"Isaac left documents from the Dawn Era, and he developed a set of'epic' alchemy equipment. I want alchemists to have some of the abilities of the real gods before the gods. Therefore, some are needed. God-level materials."

After a pause, she said again: "However, in my current impression, he seems to have just finished the first draft."

Su Lun'an listened quietly, obviously there is something to be said.

"Of course, the alchemy manuscript, this is just the content of the note. Its secret is more than that. I heard Isaac once said that he wanted to record the secret he discovered in the note."

Celia passed a sly on her face, and continued: "A secret we once discovered that points to the ultimate alchemy. As long as you find five notebooks, you can see the secrets we left behind."

It's like a fun game of treasure hunt.

They hid the secret in their notes.

Waiting for posterity to gather together, and then find the secret.

Su Lun was full of interest: "The ultimate secret?"

Celea said: "The reason why Akavia civilization was so glorious in the Dawn Era is that the legend is because the five elders of the "Rosicrucian" who created civilization at the time are the ones you saw in the basement of Stormwind Manor. Five statues... They have seen the origin of alchemy left over from the mythical period-[Cuiyulu], and they have been inspired. That's why they created such a powerful alchemical civilization."

Su Lun heard a new term: "Cuiyulu?"

"Well. In ancient books, it is also called emerald slate, emerald green... Legend is the origin of alchemy, and records the ultimate secret of alchemy."

Seleya nodded and said this, but she frowned, and asked herself: "It's strange, why can't I remember what the secret is? I just remember that it is related to [Cui Yu Lu]..."

Like a short film about drinking, some related memories are obviously missing.

After a pause, she wanted to understand something, and she showed relief between her eyebrows: "According to you, I'm just cannibalism. So there must be a part of my memory missing. I can't fully explain some things to you..."


Su Lun didn't hear any waves in his heart, it was too early for him to get in touch with the secrets of that level.

What is the ultimate secret of alchemy,

There are four other notes that don’t know where,

This thing is a little impractical to him.

He is still in the "mine" now.

It is estimated that after at least Tier 5 and Tier 6, it is truly a master on the ground...maybe only qualified for contact.


While chatting, Su Lun suddenly thought of his previous commission.

"By the way, teacher. About me, I think it is necessary to tell you."

"What's wrong?"

"I saw a little ghost girl before in Stormwind She said her name is ‘Pestoia’."

From the previous situation, Su Lun was not sure that she must be this daughter, so she was very cautious in using words.

When Seleia heard it, guilt and love immediately appeared in her eyes.

She couldn't help but asked expectantly: "Have you met her... is she okay?"

"Yeah. I have seen it twice."

Su Lun nodded and took the lead: "I don't know if her current state is good or not. She is now in a strange ‘ghost’ state."

After a pause, he said again: "Pestonia entrusted me to ask you a question."

Before Su Lun said anything, Seleya had already said it, "Ask me why should I burn her to death?"

She looked calm, but she seemed to think of something, her eyes were full of tears.

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