Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 222: The sea is all water

   as the title, transitional water chapter, jump~

   The first time I saw a storm, the first time I broke into the vast sea, no one would take a boat...

  Because of running away in a hurry, Chengfenghao plunged into the chaotic wind belt.

  Su Lun looked at the thunderstorm and thunderclouds in front of him, and could understand the helplessness of Mr. Hei's people who said, "They don't know where they are now, and they don't know where the ship is going".

  Mr. Black, their abilities are so extraordinary that they don’t need to worry too much about their safety.

   However, this situation caused Su Lun and the others a lot of trouble.

   No one came to respond, and he and Mr. Jing were in an embarrassing situation on the sea.

  In his impression, apart from the nearby Black Barrier Reef, there are no other islands or land to settle in this sea area.

   And there are thousands of pirates waiting for them to cast themselves in the Black Barrier Reef, so it is naturally impossible to turn around and go back. .

  The scope of the storm is still expanding, and the waves on the sea are getting bigger and bigger.

   The original moon star night has been obscured by dark clouds, and the light has dimmed.

   The breeze filled my ears, and the thin raindrops slapped on my face, gradually getting wet on the clothes...

  The wind and rain are getting denser.


  Mr. Mirror, as the demigod Sir Isaac’s pro-daughter, is a real wealthy lady. There is a kind of gentle elegance engraved in the bones between every gesture.

  Su Lun has never seen her show any rude behavior in front of others.

   Now that she couldn't bear to vomit a mouthful of turbid blood in front of her, Su Lun knew that she was seriously injured.

   As Mr. Jing said, her current strength has returned to about Tier 6.

   Just now, it was one enemy two, and it was not as easy as it seemed.

   Su Lun asked: "Sister, are you hurt?"


Mr.   Mirror nodded, as if he was trying to say something, and resisted the fishy throat in his throat, unable to speak.

   After a moment, she glanced at Su Lun who was **** in her hand, and then asked an inexplicable question in a very calm tone, "Do you know how to swim?"

   Su Lun suddenly realized what she meant by this, and nodded, "Yes."

   I stripped so many memories of pirates before, let alone knowing how to do it, it is simply proficient.

   Mr. Mirror showed a faint smile at the corners of his eyebrows: "That's good..."

   But before the voice fell, the arc of her mouth fell, and her weakness could no longer be concealed, and she slowly closed her eyes. He couldn't even maintain his transformation state anymore, and the bat wings behind him disappeared instantly.

   Su Lun immediately felt that his body was falling rapidly.

   "Wow~" twice, the two of them fell into the sea in free fall.

   As soon as he entered the water, Su Lun looked like a flexible fish, swam over quickly, and found Mr. Jing who was unconscious and sinking.

   At this moment, the injury was not suppressed, and Su Lun felt that he was not a person with his arms around, but a piece of ice, so cold that the surrounding sea water showed signs of condensation.

   He quickly floated to the surface with people.

  The waves are getting bigger and bigger. In this stormy environment, no matter how good your swimming skills are, sooner or later they will be swallowed up by the waves.

   However, Su Lun was not completely unprepared.

   was preparing for the tower rushing. After knowing that it was the sea outside, just in case, he took the time to make an inflatable life raft for himself.

   comes in handy right now.

   took out a compressed package the size of a handbag, pulled the rope, the compressed gas tank "hissed" and inflated, the dry skin bladder quickly swelled, and it turned into an oval life raft in a blink of an eye.

   He threw Mr. Mirror on the life raft first, and then jumped on himself.

   The life raft does not have a power system. There is a steam-powered engine in the Sulun storage space, but this kind of bad weather can't be used. Can only drift with the waves.

   The good news is that he discerned the direction of the ocean currents. The waves did not take them to the "unknown sea" to the west, but to the land to the east.

   didn't care about it anymore.

   Close the waterproof zipper and the lifeboat becomes an independent space.

   This is a design that imitates the life raft on a previous cruise ship. The life raft is wrapped with tarpaulin, like a tent, which can prevent rain and sea water from ingress to a large extent.

   Su Lun is now a master craftsman in machinery, engineering, forging...related skills, and it is not difficult to make such small objects.


   Looking at Mr. Jing who was in a coma, Su Lun frowned slightly.

   At this moment, the life raft is as cold as an ice bank, and the seawater that has been poured in just now has condensed into frost.

   This is obviously the power of the "Frost Troll" Gal's high ice law.

   Without Mr. Jing's control, the cold energy in her body leaked out.

   Just the aftermath of the leak made Su Lun feel cold and bitter, and he can imagine how serious the injury was.

   He did not hesitate much, and untied the gold-patterned cloak on Mr. Jing.

   Without the cover of the cloak restriction, that delicate and glamorous face was revealed.

   didn't know whether it was the original bloodless face after turning into a vampire, or the cause of the injury, her skin at the moment was pale and jade-like.

  Su Lun checked, Mr. Jing's breath was very weak, and his chest had very little ups and downs.

   Looking at the trauma on her chest again, there is obviously a blood hole pierced by the mace on her clothes, and the sternal stem is cold and gurgling. The overflowing blood did not flow down, but condensed into some red crushed ice.

   The power of the high ice law is organizing the self-healing ability of the vampire bloodline.

   Although Su Lun is not a professional medical professional, there are many medical skills that can be harvested.

  Looking at the situation, he felt that he should help his senior sister to treat the wound to prevent it from getting worse.

Mr. Jing wears a court riding hunting outfit under his black robe, which is a bit like an equestrian uniform from a previous life. The upper body is a tight dark cyan suit with very high-quality fabrics, dotted with sterling silver buttons printed with a simple coat of arms; the lower body is a white body shaper. Pants and long black boots.

   Su Lun did not hesitate, so he loosened her belt, allowing her to breathe more smoothly.

   Then he unbuttoned her tight-fitting suit again, and she saw that her senior sister was still dressed in the court style of a thousand years ago, and she had an ancient waistband.

   Su Lun did not study how to solve the plastic waist, a light blue silk thread appeared in his hand, and everything was in two halves.

   Another thing is that after the bottoming shirt is soaked by the sea, the close-fitting black bra is clearly visible. In order to save people, there was no evasion, and they were all cut open.

   The wound and large areas of skin were exposed to the air.

   After this first aid was missed, Su Lun found that Mr. Jing's chest was much smoother.

   He checked the wound carefully, this kind of injury is not something he can handle. Think about it and can only arrange a "life alchemy" formation to speed up wound healing and maintain life characteristics.

   It's time to be busy, but surprisingly, Su Lun suddenly felt the cold surrounding him disappear instantly.

   tilted his head and saw Mr. Jing open his eyes as expected.

   He stopped his hand suddenly, "Sister, are you awake?"

  Mr. Jing sat up and looked at his chest empty. He knew for a moment that Su Lun was treating her wounds for her. There was no embarrassment. He nodded gently: "Yeah."

She couldn’t wear her clothes because of the split, so she took out a new dress from the storage ring and put it on, and explained: "The weapon of the "Frost Troll" Gal was hurt by cold poison. I was in a hurry. I can hold it down, and the cold air is causing you trouble. "

   Su Lun smiled and shook his head. He really wanted to say that it was troublesome, and that he was also causing her trouble.

   The storm struck, and the life raft drifted with the waves, and it was probably at the center of the storm.

   The waves are getting bigger and bigger, and the kayak also sways like a roller coaster, violently ups and downs.

   Large raindrops hit the tarpaulin, crackling.

   Because of the exquisite design, the sea did not flow in.

   Mr. Mirror looked at the enclosed inflatable life raft curiously, and said: "You made this raft? It's not bad."

   Su Lun listened to this compliment and responded: “I thought about going out to sea before, so I got such a raft as a spare, but I didn’t want to really use it.”

   Most lifeboats in this world are still hardwood boats. It is not a technical problem, but the design concept has not yet come in this direction.

   He also thought about getting a raft with a storage space to hold in case of emergency, and then he thought of this kind of compressed kayak.

Mr.    Mirror admired: "You are very delicate in mind."

   After a pause, she looked at Su Lun again, with a gentle arc of her mouth, "Before...Thank you for taking the risk to help me. Your mother accepted a very powerful disciple."

When    said this, there was a serious emotion in her eyes.

   Su Lun listened to this tone like spring breeze, as if seeing his teacher Seleya.

  Think about it, he couldn't smile, and asked: "If I don't go, Sister, can you get out?"

   He thought he was going to "save people" before, but now thinking back to the details, he also understands that his senior sister has shown a sense of calm from beginning to end.

   Even, I was injured by the stick of "Frost Troll" Gal before because the enemy predicted that she would come to save people.

   "I do have some means to go. The blood clan is known as the ‘immortal clan’, and it’s not that easy to die. At least, the two sixth ranks will not drive me into a desperate situation."

  Mr. Jing didn't treat Su Lun as an outsider, so he confessed it simply.

   After a pause, she changed her tone and said: "If it weren't for you, I might use some [God Blood] forcibly. But in that case, I probably have to go back to Jiu Ling Dun to dormant for decades."

  Speaking of this, Mr. Jing said in an approved tone: "The courage and wit you showed before...very good."

   Su Lun shrugged noncommittal when he heard this, showing an expression like that.

  In other words, the previous actions seemed to be on the line of life and death, but in fact, from the beginning to the end, my senior sister has the ability to turn around.

   But everything is over, both of them are still alive, this is the best ending.

  Mr. Mirror said here, thinking of something, took out a gray foggy iron chain, handed it to Su Lun, and said: "By the way, this is your trophy."

  Sulun turned out to be an iron chain. From this look, isn’t it the previous [Taltalus’s soul lamp iron chain] that can mark people’s souls?

   This thing can be soul locked...

   doesn't seem to be of much use.

   But the elder sister gave it to him, so he is not welcome.

   At this time, the wind and waves outside are getting bigger, and the kayak is getting more precarious in the wind and waves.

   Fortunately, the selection of materials and enchantments were excellent when making it, so it was not torn by the storm.

   Su Lun stabilized himself with difficulty, not letting himself fall everywhere. At first glance, Mr. Jing, who was on the opposite side, healed his injuries with a calm expression on his knees.

   He asked: "Sister, what are we going to do now?"

   They are far away from the Wind Rider, and Mr. Black and the others can't stand a boat, and they can't count on them to respond.

   "Wait for the storm to pass."

Mr.    Mirror was rather calm, and said: "The weather in this sea area has been so bad for a thousand years. Storms will come wherever they are suitable, and they will leave suddenly. Ocean currents will send us a ride."

   Su Lun listened to her plain words, and didn't worry much: "Oh."

Thinking of something, Mr. Jing said again: "You can reduce your breath. Although this is offshore, there should not be too powerful sea beasts, but I am not sure if a thousand years have passed, whether there will be new sea kings and sea king class beasts here. If this kayak is swallowed, we will be in great trouble."


   Suren stripped some related memories from the memories of previous pirates.

  He knows that in this ocean, there is a terrifying sea beast that can swallow a giant whale, and an octopus whose tentacles can easily pull a large ship into the bottom of the sea...

   He was also curious: "Sister, what is the highest level of the sea beast in this sea?"

Mr. Mirror: "The creatures on this plane can only reach the ninth level. The laws are missing and cannot break through the gods. But the marine creatures are very special. They grow in the deep sea. Some of them are very huge, and they have some very special abilities. So. Fighting power cannot be measured by rank. My father once encountered a terrifying sea beast in the depths of the West Sea that almost made him unable to return..."


   "What was the world on the ground like a thousand years ago?"

   "At that time, there was a powerful alchemy country on the ground. At that time, the nobility system was abolished, and my father's knighthood was just a title of honor..."


   Su Lun narrowed his breath and began to meditate cross-legged.

   He can multitask, meditating and talking while talking.

   Obviously, Mr. Mirror can also.

   The two chatted without a word.


   As Mr. Jing said, the storms in this sea area come and go suddenly.

   A few hours later, it suddenly calmed down outside.

   The clouds and rain dissipated, and Su Lun, who was meditating, felt some light in the darkness, and opened his eyes.

   He opened the rain cloth, and the fresh sea breeze came in.

   looked into the distance, a dark blue color had appeared on the horizon, and dawn was approaching.

   It was the first time that Su Lun saw the sunshine in this world, and his eyes were getting away.

   The depressed feeling of staying in the underground world for a long time disappeared in an instant.

   At this moment of dazedness, the blue clouds on the horizon began to brighten, and the sun emerged from the horizon.

   Hikari wants to be on the sea as early as the breeze blows, like ten thousand tails of golden scales, a silver gleam in the eyes.

   In the distance, there are some big fishes, probably dolphins, playing on the surface of the sea, occasionally jumping out of the sea, the tail fin brings up a stream of crystal clear water.

   The light also shined into the kayak, and Su Lun suddenly looked at the opposite Mr. Jing and frowned.

   Only then did he think that his senior sister is a vampire and disgusted.

   Pull up the tarp as planned.

   Mr. Ke Jing opened his eyes and whispered softly: "It's okay. It's fine to open and blow the sea breeze."

   paused for a moment, and she explained again: "Sunlight only hurts the low-level kins a lot, and it has no effect on me. It's just a long time since it has been on the ground, and some are not comfortable."

   When Su Lun heard this, she remembered that her senior sister had said She had a very high blood rank in transforming her bloodline.

   Into the vast ocean, Su Lun discerned the ocean current and direction, and probably determined their current location in his mind.

  Originally, sailing from the "Black Barrier Reef" to the south-east for a few days, you can reach the nearest land, which is the territory of Grand Duke Raphael.

   But their current course is north by east, which is much worse.

   But it's okay, the course is to get closer to the human territory.

Mr.    Mirror sensed the position of the Wind Rider, which was far away.

   It is also very embarrassing for those people who don't know how to sail back to pick them up.

   Besides, now the Black Barrier Reef is being attacked by pirates, Archduke Raphael’s support fleet should also be at sea, and maybe it will be hit.

  Mr. Jing had injuries on his body, so he was not in a hurry, so he asked Mr. Black and the others to find land and land first.

   She and Su Lun continued to float in the kayak, slowly, calmly...

   Finally, a few days later.

   The two met a passing merchant ship and picked them up.

  PS. I made a waist protrusion, and it hurts as soon as I sit down. In order to keep changing, I wrote a chapter while standing and sitting. It felt a bit watery. If I subscribed, I’m sorry.


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