Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 238: Damn it

Speaking of the difficulty of inscription alone, ordinary runes are like drawing a tree on a canvas, and the trunk and branches can be formed by drawing the trunk and leaves. To draw the rune of Rune, it is necessary to clearly draw the meridians of each leaf on the same canvas. And in many cases, coherent and complicated drawing techniques are needed. A little pause and error will cause the entire rune to be re-run.

The difficulty can be imagined.

Su Lun has tried before, even if he has the multi-purpose ability blessing, his level of drawing a complete fourth-order spiritual rune, the success rate will not exceed 20%.

This is already the normal success rate of those ordinary rune masters.

Of course, if he is willing to spend a few months sculpting, the success rate will be reached.

But now he doesn't have that time.

The deformed mental power may explode at any time, turning him into a complete lunatic.

The mask must be taken out as soon as possible.

Suren could only try to use the eight-armed spider spear to operate together, carve out the runes he needed in a short time.

I had prepared myself for many failures, but I didn’t think about this moment, but it was unexpectedly smooth.

The essence of "multiple use" is still Su Lun alone, manipulating multiple tools for carving at the same time. But no matter what, it is a distraction, and it is impossible to focus all of your attention on one place.

And now, after entering the third level, Su Lun has mastered a new ability, multi-tasking.

He found out in the previous battle that this ability allows him to manipulate the puppets very smoothly.

But it is also expected.

Because this is also the most important reason why he chose this route to advance.

This is an ability that is very compatible with the puppet master.

Su Lun thought it was just an increase in combat, but now, he felt the other effects brought by this ability!

Each spider spear's control over the carving knife is extremely delicate. The eight spider spears and both hands are like the engraving of ten Suluns, and every stripe path becomes precise and smooth.

The advanced inscription skills that Su Lun found to be difficult to control before, are now readily available...

It seems that the brain is immediately familiar with the skills that are not too familiar, and it can be mastered and learned all at once.

Su Lun discovered this and guessed something. He was delighted: "This ‘multi-mind, multi-purpose’ has used the super high degree of brain development?"

He has also seen the introduction of related extraordinary abilities before. The ordinary "multi-tasking and multi-purpose" ability simply increases the "quantity" that can be used for thinking.

Rather than directly improving the comprehension and learning ability as it is now, it improves the "quality".

Su Lun knew that his condition was different from that recorded in the ancient books.

The only explanation is that he has reached 16% of the ultra-high brain development!

For example, Sulun’s previous brain development was like an AE86 with a racing engine. Although it is a bit faster, but the vehicle conditions can not fully play the role of the engine. Now, the ability to multi-task is to replace the four wheels of the broken car with racing tires, and the brakes, shock absorbers, and dashboard are all upgraded. The utility is brought into play all at once!

The final effect is not superposition, nor doubling, but geometric doubling.

This advancement really gave him a big surprise.

The thoughts in Su Lun's mind were still flying, but it didn't affect the rune carving work in his hand at all.

Even after I figured this out, I didn't have any worries in my heart, and the eight-armed spider spear was sculpted faster.

I could only hear the sound of "stabs, stabs," fine metal cracks ringing in my ears, and large swaths of rune grooves on the metal mask were engraved. Then inlay the rune crystal, smear the rune pigment, throw it into the alchemy array, temper, and coat it.

Within half an hour, a Tier 4 alchemy finished product appeared in front of his eyes.

Upon appraisal, it actually achieved "rough silver quality"

"It's done?"

Su Lun looked at the finished product in his hands, also in disbelief.

I tried it on my face, and a refreshing sensation instantly hit my forehead. In an instant, the restless mental power in my heart seemed to be comforted. And the overflowing ones were also absorbed into the mask.

"It's really done"

The effect was better than the sea monster expected, so Su Lun could only believe that he had actually refined a Tier 4 alchemy equipment in such a short period of time.

If you find better materials in the future, you may not be able to forge the super-effective curse of the previous [Urgent Tricolor Mask]!

"This advancement really brought me unexpected joy."

Su Lun's eyes shone brightly.

But he felt that there was something missing from the silver-white rune metal mask, so he took it off again.

What he thought of, he adjusted the colored enchanting paint, painted the mask with a white background, diamond-shaped black eye shadow, funny red eyebrows of tadpoles, and the scarlet smiley face that had split most of his face!

This is a "clown mask".

As if feeling the slight resonance of the mask, Su Lun suddenly flashed a sickly grin in his eyes.

Putting on the mask, his eyes regained clarity.

He felt that with this mask, there was a high probability that he could hold on for a long time.

But we still have to find a way to completely solve this problem.

To solve the problem, you must first get back the communication ring of the mirror organization.

Su Lun thought of this, and muttered to himself: "Bonn, the leader of the'Red Shark Pirate Group', is a veteran Tier 4 professional. It doesn't seem to be so easy to find him to get things back."

Tier 4 is a watershed for professionals, and this Tier belongs to the category of high-level professionals in the ground world.

To advance to Tier 4, you must comprehend the elemental barrier, which means that your defense will be greatly enhanced, and it is difficult to kill by means below Tier 3. Moreover, Tier 4 body's tolerance to reproductive equipment will increase sharply, which usually means having a strong alchemy plant.

He carefully pondered the information he had just harvested. The "Poison Frog" Bonn Fritz, who offered a reward of 72 million liso, had strong offensive and defensive methods, as well as a few killers.

But Su Lun killed a group of others, and it was impossible to talk about it.

In the end, you have to rely on fists.

He himself has just advanced to Tier 3, and he is somewhat sure of self-protection, but his attack methods are slightly lacking. Regardless of puppets or surgical styles, many attack methods have not been able to keep up.

Think about it, the methods that can really kill that guy with confidence are the black sickle and the mechanical warrior?


Su Lun suddenly thought of something, the warlock pinched the seal, the storage space appeared, and a tall fighter armor fell on the deck.

This is naturally the [College-Class Ship Slayer Ⅸ Mechanical Armor].

Seeing this tightly fitted heavy armor, Su Lun's pupils narrowed slightly, and his thoughts suddenly became alive. He had carefully studied the overall structure of the mecha before, and then had the information of the remnant soul stripped away, and also had some ideas for disassembly.

But at this moment, when he looked at this armor, he felt completely different.

It was as if he had encountered a difficult problem, he suddenly had a "problem-solving idea"!

Su Lun slowly closed his eyes, and in his mind, it seemed that the various parts of the battle armor in front of him had been split automatically.

The mechanical parts of "Kacha Kacha" echoed in my ears.

Then "bang", "bang", "bang"

It exploded and self-destructed time and time again because of the wrong way of disassembly.





At this moment, Su Lun's thoughts were running at a high speed.

If one plan doesn't work, then the next one.

After countless attempts, Su Lun finally found a reasonable possibility.

He opened his eyes abruptly, and suddenly realized: "By the way, you must remove the three parts of the armor at the same time so that the self-destructing device will not be triggered!"

Su Lun suddenly figured it out. The disassembly method of this mecha is a bit like the "Kong Ming lock" of Su Lun's previous life. It needs to find a specific one, or disassemble multiple parts at the same time.

Su Lun inferred the correct way to disassemble the mecha in his mind, and immediately started to do it.

His spider spear controlled the two armored shoulders on the shoulders of the battle armor, and then slammed it against a small part on the mechanical spine. Suddenly, I heard a "click" sound of a metal machine bracket.

There was a joy on Su Lun's face. He did not explode. He even easily removed his shoulder armor, exposing various precision mechanical parts inside.

The first part is disassembled, and the latter is much easier.

The body was necrotic and was thrown directly into the sea.

Not long after, thousands of parts, large and small, were disassembled.

They were suspended in the air by silk threads, completely exposed to Su Lun's eyes.

"Call this mechanical armor technology of the Marfa Empire, it's really amazing."

Su Lun squinted at the parts in front of him, as if looking at a peerless stunner.

He also saw such a complicated mechanical armor for the first time.

There are model identifications on every important component, [MF11 individual steam boiler], [Hager Ⅱ type explosion-proof air hammer], [Magic high frequency tremor], [Beao S-11 Energy Core], [T word Alloy Power Shaft], [Long Hunting V Mini Missile Launcher]

These are top technologies that are not seen anywhere else except the Marfa military.

Su Lun's eyes were burning with every part.

This is the core technology of the Marfa Empire.

A real priceless treasure.

Without drawings, it is almost impossible to create such a sophisticated mechanical armor.

Su Lun didn't think he could replicate this kind of armor in a short time.

These technologies will require a lot of time to analyze in the future.

But his brain swiftly moved, and he tried again, and within a short period of time, he figured out how to use those mechanical devices.

Controlled with silk thread, the machine moved.

The reason why Su Lun is obsessed with a mechanical puppet is that he is a traverser and has seen the power of machinery.

Another point is that mechanical puppets can make up for many shortcomings of traditional puppets.

Such as strength, defense

Assuming that the power of Sulun's control of the widow's slashing knife is 100, then after the steam boiler is charged, it may reach 1W.

The two are no longer in the same order at all.

If you want to make a traditional puppet with a power of 1W, the rune and material requirements will be very high, and the cost will be countless times that of the steam machine.

This is a qualitative gap!

Moreover, there is a very important point for the reason why Su Lun's Tier 3 costume intends to integrate [Spiritual Tentacle].

That is controllability!

The Marfa officer's armor in front of him was controlled by humans.

But if Suren was stuffed into a living corpse, the same effect could be achieved.

Because this mecha is a purely physical operating system, he now uses silk threads to control this mechanical puppet, which requires countless silk threads to cooperate.

It takes a lot of effort, even if it is multi-tasking, it can't control a few at the same time.

The whole process will be: Surun’s brain→silk thread conduction→controlling the limbs of the living corpse→controlling the mechanical switch.

The [Spirit Tentacle] requires a silk thread to control the living corpse and transmit nerve signals to complete complex control commands.

The process will be simplified to: Surun’s brain → control machinery!

In this way, the control efficiency and the number of controllable will increase sharply!

"No! After the technology is mature, it is not even necessary to have a complete living corpse! If you can have the neuro-mechanical technology of the ‘Super Robot Warrior’ plan, you can directly install a nervous system to control these mechanical armors!"

Su Lun's thoughts became lively when he thought of something.

He has some neuromechanical knowledge in his mind, but it is very incomplete and not complete.


It is not only limited to humans, but can also be anything with a nervous system.

For example, a "mechanical spider" that can control eight arms;

"Mechanical millipedes" that can control millipedes;

Or, mechanical flying dragon, mechanical octopus, mechanical reptile, mechanical jellyfish, mechanical dog

Any creature with a nervous system is theoretically a choice for the nervous system of a mechanical puppet.

They can meet various functional requirements and cooperate with operations.

This kind of mechanical puppet army is created, and then Sulun's puppet army will definitely be an invincible army.

This is the path of the mechanical puppet warlock that he planned for his future in his mind after he understood this fantasy world.

And Su Lun is very clear that the upper limit of mechanical technology is endless.

Although Marfa's mechanical technology is still far behind in the top field, in the future, it may not be impossible to develop a god-level mechanical puppet!

"Hey, now that Grand Duke Raphael has mastered neuromechanical technology, would he have created such a mechanical monster army?"

Su Lun suddenly flashed this thought in his mind.

He thought of the previous super battleship, since Raphael could secretly research this kind of battleship, there might be other black technologies.

Su Lun didn't have any worries, and even had some expectations.

The main force in the development of social science is the kind of lord who can mobilize so many social resources.

Su Lun's R&D ability is not to say, but the harvesting ability is still quite strong.

If there is really mature technology, it may save a lot of time for his "planning".

However, planning belongs to planning, and there are still many problems that Su Lun has to solve.

First of all, don't let yourself die.

We still need to find the "poison frog" Bonn to retrieve the communicator, and then get the Tier 3 colony.

Su Lun's current horror learning ability allowed him to try for a while, and he was able to control this mecha proficiently.

The mech was holding a high-frequency tremor slasher knife in his hand, brandishing a horrible wind.

Under absolute power, all "elemental barriers" are all paper.

What's more, this ship-cutting sword also has black technology with high-frequency tremors.

Can slash steel ships, but can't slash people?

"Unfortunately, these special miniature missiles, alchemy bombs, etc. are all consumables, and they are gone. If you can get some high-precision mechanical forging equipment and instruments, then you can also make some substitutes according to the caliber. "

Suren looked at the coastline at the end of his field of vision, controlled the sails, and started to drive towards the port.

"Blizzard City" was originally a gathering point for adventurers from the Luying Empire on the polar ice sheet.

Later, there were more people coming and going, and a huge city gradually formed.

It is covered with snow and ice all year round, the climate is harsh, and there are very few ordinary residents. Adventurers, merchants, fugitives, exiles, pirates and bounty hunters are all in contact.

This is a city where adventurers gather. Although the city lord was given the official position of "Governor" by the Lu British Empire, it is actually not under the jurisdiction of the empire's laws and is a neutral place.

This is also one of the few cities where pirates will not plunder.

The pirates need supplies, some smuggling needs channels, and the meat ticket ransom transaction needs an intermediary. This city without official control is the most suitable choice.

Because of this, the city is mixed with fish and dragons.

Approaching the evening, the harbor of Blizzard City.

Workers on the dock found a sea boat rushing towards the harbor. The speed is very fast, even if it is about to enter the port, there is no sign of rewinding to slow down.

Everyone exclaimed.

"Hey, look, there is a pirate ship entering the port!"

"Why don't you understand the rules! Come to Blizzard City, don't you know that you can't hang the pirate flag? Hehe, 80% of them just set sail, and are clamoring to be one of the rookies of One Piece all day long."

"That flag is so familiar, **** it, isn't it the ship of the'Red Shark Pirate Group'?"


The ship rushed into the harbor and crashed several ships before it stopped.

This movement caught everyone's attention.

The steward at the dock walked over angrily, intending to reprimand the pirates who broke the rules.

But when they took a closer look, they discovered that there was no one on board.

The courageous worker jumped onto the ship, got into the cabin and wanted to check it out.

In a short while, he ran out of fright.

"Ah, so many dead people! The cabin is full of dead people!"

"Oh my God, all the guys in the Red Shark Group have been killed! Someone has killed them all!"

"It's horrible, none of those corpses are intact"


Everyone realized that the reason the ship did not slow down was because there was no one at all.

To be precise, there is no living person!

However, without a living person, how did such a big ship that needs more than a dozen people to navigate to get to the port?

Is it hell?

There are many stories about "ghost ships" on the Many people think of some mysterious events.

The weird atmosphere spread over the pier, and things soon passed into the city.

And no one noticed that when the ship entered the harbour, a man with a clown mask appeared in the corner of the pier while the chaos had teleported.

Su Lun didn't rush into the city to find someone, but waited patiently on the dock.

He expected that Bonn, the head of the Red Shark Group, would come to check after hearing the news.

Sure enough.

Before long, he watched a vulture-faced Hu Dahan lead a few people to the dock.

Suren had stripped off the pirate's information before, and at a glance he recognized the few guys who were disguised as businessmen. There was a smirk in the eyes covered by the clown mask.

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