Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 248: Shocking Void Cloth

The fog on the sea gradually thickened, Haoyue was also hidden in the dark clouds, and the visibility on the sea was getting lower and lower.

The sea water at midnight was a bit cold, and Su Lun was soaked in the sea water and quietly approached the slave ship.

A night raid on the liberation of slaves suddenly turned into a fierce naval battle.





The violent shelling sound intensively exploded, piercing the eardrums.

The artillery of pirates is generally inferior to that of merchant ships with rich wealth, and naval battles do not take much advantage.

Those pirate ships that fell into disrepair and lack maintenance are not as durable as merchant ships. But sinking each other is not easy. .

When the wooden sailboat is shot, the shell will penetrate the enchanted hull and fall into the cabin. The sawdust will splash, but it will be difficult to sink in a short time. It is lucky to break the mast, or hit the ammunition compartment, and it may cause a devastating blow to the ship.

Therefore, if the strengths of the two sides are similar, the process of naval battles often lasts a long time, several hours, or even days.

Of course, there is also the kind of high-level alchemy bomb that can smash this wooden ship to pieces. But the cost of one such shell may be more expensive than that of a ship, and no one can afford it except for the nobles and the Imperial Navy. It may appear on the battlefield of the Empire, but there is a high probability that it will not be in a naval battle of this level.


The two sides continue to fight.

Pirate ships have an advantage in number, and there are about twenty ships in the mist.

But whether it is chasing with the navy or plundering, the pirates will not be able to fight for a long time.

They are more adept at gang warfare.

No, in this world with alchemy attire, you don't even need to connect the ship. Pirates can fly directly from the sky and swim from the bottom of the sea with their colonies.

Wing colony, scuba colony for underwater breathing, shark skin colony...

This is the most popular practical colony among pirates, and it has strong survivability at sea.

Flying in the sky is still easy to catch fire, but in the sea, it is much safer.

Su Lun moved forward quietly in the sea, and watched as countless pirates jumped down on the pirate ship on the opposite side. After those guys entered the water, they looked like sharks swimming very fast.

All kinds of weird fins, flippers, fish tails, sneaking devices... the group of pirates quickly approached the merchant ship.

After boarding the ship, the hand-to-hand combat also began.

The cannon fodder who disembarked melee was mostly low-rank pirates of Tier 1 and Tier 2, and Su Lun silently killed two guys who had run into the water with him.

At this distance, he finally saw the configuration of the entire pirate team, and he was relieved: "Fortunately, only one team came..."

Although the flag of the King of the North Sea was hung on the pirate ships, the secondary flag also indicated their identity.

This is the fourth fleet under Oleg's squadron, and the fleet of Carol, the seventh squadron, "Lord of the Wolf".

Several of these ships, Suren had seen before, was when Chong Tower was fighting in the harbor of the Black Barrier Reef.

Oleg is the proper overlord of the North Sea.

Their official team captains are at least Tier 5 professionals, even the reserve captain is Tier 4. Elsewhere, these are big pirates at the captain level.

Su Lun had been to the "Bounty Hunters Guild" before and learned a lot of detailed information on the great pirates.

Among them is this Carol.

This guy used to be the commander of a nobleman's guard. He was found committing adultery with his wife. He slaughtered the nobleman's family and was wanted by the empire. He had to defect to become a pirate. Talents, reproductive costumes, and exercises are all excellent and strong.

Pirates pay special attention to the cards.

From the positions on the deck, you can see the difference between "squad captain", "deputy captain" and "squad captain".

Even if it's watching a play, the big guys will only watch the play in the "C position" instead of hiding in the corner.

Suren looked at the beard wearing cold light mail on the pirate main ship from a distance, and recognized Carol.

Next to this guy is a black-toothed woman with gothic makeup and half of her head shaved.

Su Lun also recognized it at a glance, and said in his heart: "The captain of the ninth division "instigator" Heidwig. One Psion who is good at control, one melee, two fifth-tier. It seems that this time I am determined to kill Huo Qi..."

However, these two guys went to "Fist of Justice" Huo Qi, and had nothing to do with him.

Seeing this, Su Lun's mind also became active.

There is only one squad, which means that at least the problem of self-protection is not big.


The naval battle continues.

At this time, Hozi seemed to know that he was in great trouble today.

He also didn't expect the caravan to bring him any help. He didn't want to stay and wait for the pirates to be surrounded, but the people he brought with him controlled the looted ship and broke through to the west.

When he fled, the pirates immediately separated several ships and chased him, and naturally the two Tier 5 captains on the main ship also went.

Su Lun was overjoyed upon seeing this, "Good opportunity!"

There is also good news that Uta and their slave ship have not received much attention from the pirates.

This is a ship that specializes in transporting goods and slaves. The pirates also know the goods well, knowing that they are all "valuable goods." If it is really going to sink, this robbery is completely meaningless.

As for the Chamber of Commerce, even if they knew that the slaves had taken the ship and faced more ferocious pirates, they would not waste ammunition to sink their ship.

In this way, the slave ship was unharmed by the gunfire.

When Su Lun saw this, he immediately said to the communicator: "Those people are coming at Huo Qi! Yuta, you throw the artillery and all the cargo into the sea, and leave the sea as soon as possible!"

A response came from the communicator: "Okay!"

It didn't take long to watch the artillery pieces and pieces of cargo being thrown into the sea on that ship.

Once these heavy items were lost, the draught of the slave ship was obviously much shallower, and the speed immediately increased.

Su Lun listened to the movement of the war in the distance, thinking that the two captains and Huo Qi should have moved their hands. He also didn't hesitate, teleporting and rushing several times, and he came under the boat.

Jumping on the deck, Uta is organizing the tribe to control the sail, dismantling any useless things on the ship and throwing it into the sea.

The two nodded similarly.

"Thank you, Mr. Sulun."

Yuta's eyes were full of gratitude.

With that, she said another Daru to the people of the tribe.

The demi-people listened, and bowed respectfully to Su Lun with gratitude.

Su Lun felt that he should understand two words, one is "Warrior" and the other is "Thank you".

He shook his head and motioned everyone to continue. Now is not the time to relax.

The group of pirates behind would not have watched this "cargo" worth hundreds of millions of dollars escape.


The "Fist of Justice" Huo Qi caused a big trouble, but it also saved Su Lun and the others a lot of effort.

At least the keys to the explosive collar and the Forbidden Magic Chain are on the ship. After the Daru people got out of their traps, they also recovered a certain amount of combat power.

Most human beings in this world are alchemists and do not have faith in gods.

But the Dalu people do, they believe in the "God of Nature."

Their source of power is also bestowed by gods.

They are natural warriors with the ability to beastize and cast spells.

The small slave ship was full of thousands of people. Now they are out of trouble and there is no shortage of manpower.

Except for fresh water and food, everything that could be thrown on the boat was thrown into the sea.

Although their ranks are not high, hundreds of people use wind spells in rotation, blowing sails and sailing, and the speed of sea ships is so fast.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for the two pirate ships to catch up by speed.

It was the first time that Su Lun saw "magic" in the true sense, and felt a little bit magical.

The demi people prayed devoutly, chanted mantras, and then the magic was condensed and succeeded.

This is completely different from the spellcasting method he is familiar with.

Alchemists cast spells purely using the "equivalent exchange principle", using some "formula"-like rules summarized by the alchemists to condense the elements of the natural world to form spells.

However, the Daru people used spells to communicate a certain will in the dark, and displayed it in a simpler way.

Su Lun didn't understand too much, but it seemed that part of their spells were cast by their own power, and partly by the power granted by the gods they borrowed.

The essence of magic spells looks like an approval of faith...

In other words, there are two ways to cast spells, one is "science" that is justified and the other is "metaphysics".

I didn't think too much about it, because at this time, the pirates on the pirate ship behind watched them fleeing, and chased them angrily.

Not a boat, but a group of... guys who can move in the void?


"This winged flying colony actually contains the law of space?"

Su Lun looked at the group of undressed flies coming, resembling praying mantis, fleas, and aliens, and his pupils shrank.

They did not simply fly physically, but flapped their wings, and as soon as the purple light pattern flashed on their wings, people teleported and rushed into tens of meters.

Others may not see much, but for Su Lun, a professional who has awakened his spatial ability, the spatial fluctuations are too obvious!

Upon appraisal, this wing has a lot to do with it.

【Void Wings】

Detailed explanation: first-order black iron quality alchemy reproductive equipment, wings produced by unique bugs in the void plane, containing spatial displacement ability; containment value rating above C+, distortion probability no more than 20%; after fusion, the body's toughness and agility are slightly improved; After fusion, there is a probability to understand some superficial spatial laws.

Because these pirates are low-level professionals, there are only one or two types of colonies on them.

Originally, Su Lun couldn't take a look at these things, but watching them in their costumes, she was really surprised.

"Those guys, didn't they find a sealed channel of the ‘Void Plane’?"

Su Lun looked at the information displayed by the appraisal, and his face was slightly different.

He knew that in addition to the "Abyss Plane Passage" under the Ruins of the Dawn City under the Old Lingdun Underground, this plane used to have spatial passages connecting many other planes.

But among the many information that Sulun harvested, no one had ever seen this kind of "empty cloak".

This means that the pirates of the King of the North Sea have recently found a plane channel, or stabbed a void monster's nest?

Space capabilities are very rare and very strong in actual combat.

It’s still flying!

This increase in combat power for professionals is definitely a qualitative improvement.

Judging from the current situation, the King of the North Sea may have a large number of subordinates with void colonies.

This strength cannot be underestimated.

"I really can't underestimate these pirates..."

Su Lun squinted at the pirates who were chasing in front of him, and said with emotion in his heart.

It seems that there are endless opportunities in this sea, but he is not the only one who has good luck.


The pirates caught up to tens of meters in a blink of an eye.

Everyone on the boat could even see the contemptuous smile on their faces.

Yuta on the side was also shocked: "Oops! The leading pirate is a Tier 4 professional!"

All the Daru people on the ship now have her third rank.

There are many Daru people, but it is not that they are not without the power of a battle. It's just that there is a fierce battle, no one can stop that Tier 4 professional, and there will be heavy casualties.

Su Lun's eyes turned, and his mind was lost in thought.

One fourth-order, two third-orders, and some first-order second-orders, for him, the problem is not too big.

But when it was really fighting, that kind of spatial displacement ability was very tricky, and he couldn't guarantee that he could kill it in the first place.

Moreover, these killings are still trivial, but there is a complete group of great pirates behind them.

Twenty or thirty ships are waiting over there. If there is a big disturbance here, there must be a master's resource.

In the captain of the pirate, there might be people with abilities beyond intelligence.

For example, the curse warlock like "The Crow" Gwenbu.

Faced with unknown means, I don't know how to get caught by the time.

The thoughts flashed in Su Lun's mind, and soon he thought of a way.

Seeing that the pirates were about to board the ship, he hurriedly said to Uta beside him: "They will get on the ship for a while, don't resist, they should not kill people. I have a way to get them to leave!"

Uta looked at him with a sad look in his eyes, "But..."

Although she is not familiar with Su Lun, she also perceives that he is a Tier 3 professional.

The opponent has Tier 4 and Tier 5, he intends to go alone?

Too dangerous!

Uta showed a decisive expression, and said: "I'm with you!"

"No, you stay on the boat!"

Su Lun's tone did not give anyone any room for rejection.

Before he had time to explain, he said again: "I and they will come to me in a while. You should hurry and leave. Don't worry about me, I have my own way to get out."

Uta looked at the man in front of him with bold gaze, not knowing what to say: "You..."

That gaze seemed to have an inexplicable ability to convince people.


Without giving Yuta a chance to speak, Su Lun jumped off the boat.


The dozen or so pirates who flew to the slave ship also saw Suren jump off the ship, but they didn't even bother.

In their opinion, it was nothing more than a coward who had escaped.

The leading Tier 4 professional is called Sulaiman, nicknamed "Blade of the Void."

Because of the successful integration of this Tier 4 silver void colony, he became the reserve captain of the seventh division.

Although there is no bounty yet, it is coming soon. Killing Hogg this time, they will immediately become famous in Beihai. With this void ability, sooner or later he will be the famous big pirate!

As soon as the winged colony was collected behind him, Suleiman steadily jumped onto the slave ship, glanced at the group of frosty demihumans, and laughed strangely: "Oh...this batch of goods is of good quality. "

The female demihumans of the Fox and Wolf tribes are so beautiful. That said, the faces of more than a dozen pirates behind him also had a lewd smile on their faces.

Uta had already exposed her fangs and claws, and she was hesitating whether to do it.

If she was just herself, even if she died in battle, she would definitely not get caught.

But there is a group of people behind him.

Sulaiman lighted the purple-glowing blade in his hand, and the Tier 4 professional's unique pressure swept the entire ship in an instant, and he drank: "I don't care if you understand it or not. Now go to the bilge and stay there, don't him. Mom forced Lao Tzu to kill someone!"

With that said, he also pointedly pointed the sharp blade at the leader Uta...

As long as these demihumans move slightly, a large number of heads will fall to the ground immediately.

Uta had no fear, and those blue pupils were full of beast-like sharp and fierce light.

She thought of what Su Lun had just said, and she couldn't help but looked towards the distant sea.

At this moment, it happened that the surface of the sea was like a giant whale coming out of the water. With a "crash", suddenly a menacing...steel giant appeared!

Uta hadn't seen the fighter first. Seeing the strange thing, he couldn't hide the shock: "Then...that's Mr. Suren?"

Several pirates also heard the movement, Yu Guang glanced over, and immediately saw the mecha warrior who was slashing at their pirate ship with the ship-cutting knife, and they were all shocked: "Military mechanical armor? People from the Malfa Empire?"


That's right, this is the [College-Class Slasher Ⅸ Mechanical Armor]!

Su Lun didn't dare to be careless, thinking that he could justify a pirate group.

What's more, he can't guarantee that there will be a mysterious professional in the Pirate.

Wearing a mechanical armor is perfect.

This suit of armor is a weapon that has been tested in the Great War in the Port of Catalunya before. The helmet has a special anti-curse treatment.

It is very difficult for Yao to kill him in the armor suit, at least the fifth-order mysterious warlock Yao.

Not only to attract attention, but also to prevent pirates from pursuing them.

There is no more suitable method than mechanical armor.

To prevent chasing, the ship cannot keep it intact.

And the "Steam Slasher Knife" equipped with the battle armor is simply a weapon for destroying ships!

Although the mechanical ship-cutting knife can't send out long-range attacks like "sword energy", the trembling blade can easily cut through a wooden sailing ship.

It was this big opening and closing knife that cut down and cut a hole directly in the belly of a pirate ship. "Swipe" another two cuts, and the gap immediately turned into a big gap. The sea poured back in an instant, and the huge pirate ship was about to sink.

What is the biggest worry of the Robot Warrior?

That is strong defense!

Su Lun controlled the fighter plane like a **** of war.

The rain of bullets above his head crackled on the mecha, but he couldn't stop him from moving at all. As soon as the steam boiler accumulates, the white gas gushes under the feet, causing large ripples on the surface of the sea. The mecha leaped up, and then slammed to another sea ship that was chasing it.

Su Lun jumped onto the deck, slashed down again without hesitation, and directly chopped off the hard main mast on the spot!

The mast collapsed and smashed into a mess.

The masters on these two boats have all intercepted and killed the slave ship, leaving a group of them, like ants biting elephants, so there is no way for Su Lun to get half a point.

They could only watch as he swung the ship-cutting knife like a big windmill and chopped off all the masts on the ship.

Seeing his two boats poured into the sea and were about to capsize, the "Void Blade" Suleiman of the slave ship in the distance yelled, "Damn it!"

This is his family for becoming the captain!

Was chopped up in a blink of an eye?

Sulaiman was furious, and ignored the group of slaves, and fluttered back.

After all, in his eyes, a set of Marfa military armor was countless times more valuable than a ship of slaves.

He stared at the mecha warrior, with a sneer in his eyes: "Huh! Mecha? Others may have no choice... Don't you know that our Void Colony suits just to restrain the Mecha!"


Su Lun naturally saw the group of pirates flying and even clearly saw the contempt on the leader's face.

There was no accident.

This surrounded Wei and rescued Zhao, waiting for them to fly back.

Su Lun did not retire in a hurry, and identified the Tier 4 cloak in that guy's hand, and murmured in her heart: "Tsk tsk, this cloak really restrains the mechanical wonder he is so confident."

【Void Sickle】

Detailed explanation: Tier 4 silver quality alchemy planting; a sickle unique to the plane of the void, which contains spatial displacement capabilities and can be slashed regardless of obstacles; the containment value is rated B+ or higher, and the probability of distortion does not exceed 15%; after fusion, the body is tough, Increase in agility, with a high probability of comprehending the application of some spatial laws.

When Su Lun saw this, he also looked forward to it: "The ‘space experience’ delivered to my door..."

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