Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 269: The myth of sacrificing eyes

   Su Lun did not expect that cursing the ancient ruins of the valley would actually involve the ancient secrets of the collapse of the Dawn Era.

   If this is really the "land of the burial of the gods" Mr. Jing said, the danger is on the one hand, and on the other hand, he is really interested in seeing it.

   Without much delay, Suren and Youta climbed up the 100-meter-high broken wall and immediately captured the outline of the giant tree.

   Because of the vision shared by Black Crow, Su Lun had seen it before, but his expression was as usual.

   But Yuta looked stunned, "This...really is [the burial god]!"

   The tree canopy obscures the sky, like a huge island in the sky.

   The sunlight shone down from the top, shining a dreamlike scene.

   I don't know where the water came from, there is a white water waterfall hanging on the giant tree. . The water of the waterfall falls for thousands of meters, and the sound of the rumbling water can be heard all the way away. The light shone under the waterfall to show a rainbow of colors, like a ribbon.

  Su Lun looked at the flying creature that occasionally passed by on the canopy, his eyes dazzled slightly.

   That is not a "bird", but a huge deformed monster with flesh wings like an airplane.

   Looking at the big tree, Su Lun had an inexplicable feeling in his heart: The giant tree has been five hundred years old, and it has obviously formed an ecological circle on its own. Are there any terrifying monsters hidden all the year round with a strong necromantic atmosphere?

   But the thoughts were still flying, the mist floated over again, the transparent vision was obscured, and the mist in front of him was hazy again.

   "Let's go, let's go over and take a look."

   Su Lun greeted him.

   Yuta also nodded.

   The two jumped off the wall.

   The giant tree in front of me is like a big mountain. They are now on the south side of the tree, while the members of the Luying Royal Legion are on the north side.

   Although [Burial of the Gods] is a magical technique, naturally it is not so easy to be broken. Su Lun intends to go and see how far those guys have unearthed.


   The two crossed the city wall, and the terrain has a slight slope. It looks like a dirt floor, but it has entered the coverage area of ​​the giant tree's roots.

   Here, ruins and broken walls can be seen everywhere, and they are all huge.

  Su Lun roughly estimated the proportion of buildings and guessed that the average height of the "indigenous people" who once lived here should be more than five meters.

   is much higher on average than those ice giants now.

  Because of the [Human Face Corruption] attack before, Su Lun became very careful, and almost everything had to be scanned with the pupil of omniscience.

   The two did not encounter any danger.

   can walk, Su Lun suddenly stopped.

   He looked at Uta from the moment he stepped down the city wall, his gaze was slightly different, as if he was always distracted.

  Su Lun thought that she was affected by the more and more deadly aura and was unknowingly contaminated, so she asked: "Yota, have you found something wrong?"

   Yuta glanced at him, knowing what Sulun was asking, and shook his head.

   "I'm fine. On the contrary, I feel a lot better than before."

She seemed to realize what it was like again. After hesitating for a moment, she said in an uncertain tone: "It seems that she has entered the scope of this giant tree, and the ancestors in the clan are blessed. Those negative influences are getting weaker and weaker... "

   "Is it getting weaker?"

   When Su Lun heard this, he realized that he didn't feel that way.

   Thinking that this giant tree was changed by the ancestors of the Daru tribe, he also felt that what Uta said was justified.

   Out of cautious consideration, Suren carefully checked Yuta's condition again, and it was indeed better than before, so he didn't worry much.


   The two continued to deepen, and found more and more scattered buildings among the entangled roots.

   There are some huge corroded weapons in the dirt and grass, such as axes, shields, helmets, armors, etc., but most of them have been corroded to form no shape.

   Suren also collected some precious metals that could be refined and reused.

  The wasteland reclamation is really good.

  On this road, the metal fragments alone are probably worth several million liso.

   The two plan to go around the periphery of the giant tree's roots and go to the north to see what the people in the Luying Holy Judgment Corps are doing.

   But on the way, a relatively complete building caused the two to stop.


   "Mr. Sulun, look over there!"

   Yuta saw it and found the stone pillars hidden in the roots.

   Then, they approached, only to find that there were many huge stone pillars measuring 20 to 30 meters. There are also obvious domes in the ruins. It doesn't look like a private house, but a building like a temple.

   Su Lun and two of them happened to be passing by, and they took a closer look.

   The entrance was overgrown with vines, Uta took the magic lamp and flexibly got in first, and Su Lun followed closely.

The space inside    is not small, but because it is entangled with tree roots, there is no light all year round, and the hall is cold and humid.

   Su Lun felt it, and in the dark corner, there were some soul fires that were not too strong. Looking at the shadows that occasionally quickly pass by in the dark, they seem to be deformed monsters like lizards, about twenty or thirty.

   The monster didn't come to make trouble, and Su Lun didn't plan to clean it up.

   part of the main hall collapsed, and the rest was about the size of a football field, and the magic light source could illuminate most of it.

  Su Lun also saw a few mutilated statues. As much as he guessed, the images of these statues were mostly crude horns, helmets and weapons, with naked upper bodies with muscles. It should be what the giants looked like back then.

   He was studying the statue, but at this time, Uta next to him found something and whispered: "Mr. Suren, there is a relief here!"


  Su Lun also looked in the direction that Uta pointed, and saw a few large stone slabs with patterns in the collapsed corner.

   He wanted to find some transcripts all the way to see what happened to the remains of the giant city.

   Unfortunately, I haven't found it.

   He also guessed that the ancient giant civilization of this city may be similar to the current ice giants, without their own words.

   Now that there is a relief, Su Lun also looks forward to it. He is proficient in archaeology, and naturally knows that some ancient civilizations may have no words, but reliefs are an important means of remembering things.

   The two walked over, and Su Lun looked at the content on the relief.

   is indeed as he expected, this is the relief used to remember things in this giant city.

   Because of the humidity for hundreds of years, the relief has corroded very badly, and many places are blurred.

   Reliefs are scattered everywhere, but Su Lun’s current brain development is very efficient in processing these scattered information. Even if you can't see it all, you can guess a general idea.

   He saw that it was a recorded accident of some strong giants beheading monsters.

   "It seems that this tribe of giants should have known for a long time that the'Burial Land' was sealed here?"

   Suren looked at the monsters on the mural that were obviously not creatures of this plane, but more like aberrant monsters or undead monsters, and guessed something.

   But there is another problem,

   The Dalu tribe once suffered a catastrophe that was almost annihilating here.

   How long before this giant city that was once underground was destroyed?


   "Mr. Sulun, here is another piece!"

   "There is also a piece here..."

   "And here..."


   In the dark hall, Su Lun looked all the way, and Uta also helped him find a lot of slabs hidden in the root vines.

   Originally he thought that the reliefs were probably all documentary stories,

   But later,

   saw some "mythical stories".

   For example, a luminous giant killed a sun monster in the deep sea;

   For another example, a certain supreme **** shed blood on his knees, and the giants were born...

  The storyline looks very absurd, almost like listening to mythology.

   But Su Lun is not surprised.

   The giants have faith in gods.

   With faith, it is possible to myth certain things.

  Alchemists are a very special group of people, they have no faith in gods. Therefore, they usually have a neutral attitude towards ordinary gods, and even have some critical eyes.

   Some preachers collect beliefs for the sake of creating gods, and use some magic or alchemy to create some "miracles" to deceive ordinary people's beliefs.

   Therefore, many myths circulating today are true and false, and it does not necessarily happen in ancient times.

  Su Lun thought that there was nothing worth paying attention to in the content of these murals.

   can watch and watch,

   He was attracted by the content of a broken relief.

   This is obviously another slate of a mythological story, but Su Lun's gaze can't be moved away.

   Because this experience makes him feel inexplicably familiar!


   On that piece of relief, there is a man with a light circle behind him and a man riding a horse.

   is probably a god.

   He found a "spring eye" guarded by a giant race.

   The two pointed to the spring water as if they were talking about something.

   Then the content of the mural was cut off.

   The content on the other half of the mural is very bloody, and the man with the aperture has only one eye left, and it is still bleeding. Then he was hung upside down on a tree and was punished by a spear.

   Then, something like a "symbol" fell from the tree, and his face showed an expression like a treasured land?


   Su Lun saw this one-eyed, and unconsciously thought that he had sacrificed an eye in Stormwind Manor, and obtained the sacrifice scene of the [All-Knowing Eye].

Although most of the content of the mural was missing, he also had a weird guess in his mind at this moment: "The **** on this mural did not sacrifice an eye and then dropped something from the tree in exchange? "

   Su Lun looked familiar with the "symbols" falling from the tree.

   is a bit like a rune?

   He has a good understanding of the world now, but he has never heard of the second ritual that requires the sacrifice of eyes.

   Is it possible that this mural has something to do with the pupil of omniscience?

   Unfortunately, the relief is fuzzy and incomplete, and no other useful information can be found.

   Thinking of this, Su Lun frowned slightly.

   If you can find a complete mural, you might know what this "myth" is.


   No other useful murals were found in the dilapidated hall, and the two of Sulun planned to leave.

   I didn't think about it. At this time, I heard rapid footsteps outside.

   It sounds like someone is running fast.

   There are some subtle sounds of armor touching.

   Yuta's hearing is more acute than that of Suren, and she was immediately taken aback: "Someone is nearby!"

   The two glanced at each other, silently not talking, and quietly touched them out, hiding in a vine.

   After a short while, they saw the source of the distant sound.

   That was a team of more than a dozen armored sergeants, chasing several huge gray wolves.

   "Warrior of the Gray Wolf Tribe?"

   Su Lun immediately recognized that those gray wolves were not monsters, but beastly Daru people.

   Yuta's expression changed even more, and his fangs and claws immediately turned into beasts.

   But she didn't have any impulse, but stared around staring awkwardly. She naturally knew that there was a very powerful human legion nearby, and rash actions could not solve the problem at all except to die.

   Several gray wolves were chased very embarrassed. Two of them had blood holes pierced by spears. Even if they followed the complicated terrain, they didn't run fast. The other few refused to abandon their companions to escape, and they seemed to be overtaken by the sergeant behind them sooner or later.

   Su Lun did not rush to move, but instead focused on some details.

   "It's weird, what does it mean to be wrapped in red cloth?"

   He looked very strange, everyone was wrapped in a piece of red cloth on the arm of the armored sergeant.

   Su Lun thought there was any special effect. Upon identification, it turned out to be ordinary [blood-stained cloth]?

   Although he hadn't figured it out, he didn't think about any abnormalities that he couldn't see.

   kill the soul search, the effect is more direct.

  He is a descendant of Isaac's lineage, and he is justified by reason. It is impossible for him to watch the Daru tribe being killed.

   The black crow flew in the sky, and no other chasing soldiers were seen.

  Su Lun also relieved his heart, cast a look at Uta beside him, and the two rushed out in a tacit understanding.


  The chasing sergeants were all elite royals, and obviously they were also on guard against being attacked.

   As soon as the two of Sulun left, they were immediately discovered.

   Moreover, looking at the combination of one person and one white wolf, the look of the leader changed, and he immediately shouted: "Send a signal!"

  Su Lun knew he was recognized.

   killed the humpback old man in the gray wolf tribe before, and left some life.

   Apparently the news has arrived.

   So as soon as the sergeant saw him, he immediately prepared to call for reinforcements.

   But Su Lun would not give them this opportunity.

   He stepped freely under his feet and repeatedly stomped "Papa" in the air. In the rapid advance, he used spatial displacement again.

   rush forward + space displacement, making him look like a ghost, rushing into the enemy team in the blink of an eye.

   Although the leader is only a Tier 3 major officer, his armor is all Royal Legion standard equipment, and the defense is super strong. It is almost impossible for Su Lun to kill them instantly.

   But it is impossible for him to watch this group of people send out signals.

   When someone rushed past, Surun's double surgeon pinched the seal, and at the same time unzipped the cloak.

   "I also just try my new outfit ability!"

  He scratched the void with ten fingers with both hands, and said to himself: "Spiritual Alchemy·Shadow Murder!"


   The elite squad apparently also got the information about the spatial displacement method of the Suren Society.

   Therefore, the leading major made a tactical gesture, and more than a dozen people immediately scattered and fled. They didn't mean to fight head-on at all, and at the same time they took out the signal transmitter.

   As long as anyone can send a signal, there will be high-level professionals who will immediately lead the team to reinforce.

   Hold on for a moment, the danger is solved.

   However, a scene they never expected happened.

   They only saw that the figure suddenly teleported and appeared in the crowd, just preparing for the battle...


   Without warning, everyone's bodies froze there!

   It seemed that they had suddenly lost control of their body. They found that they could not perceive the existence of the body.

   Everyone was terrified.

   "It's not good, it's mind control!"

   The leader discovered something and wanted to use his willpower to break free of control.

   But, where would Su Lun give him a chance?

   The witch's hair can get in if there is a gap, this set of super defensive armor is useless at all.

On the way    came, he had tried Yuta many times, and he knew the use of [Spirit Tentacle] well.

   shot, just to kill.

   At the same time he rushed into the crowd, a strange scene happened.

   While the bodies of these armored sergeants were stiff, they did not hesitate to withdraw their pocket knives one by one. Then he stabbed in the gap in his helmet.

   In the next instant, the sharp blade was inserted into the brain through the eye socket without any barriers.

   More than a dozen people, without any resistance, instantly turned into more than a dozen corpses.

   The Tier 3 captain still worked hard to resist, his trembling arms trying to prevent the sharp knife from penetrating.

  Su Lun slapped the end of the knife handle with a and gave him a ride.

   On the other hand, the remaining enemies at a distance were also entangled by Uta and the gray wolves that turned back, and there was no chance to send out a signal.


   After a short while, the battle is over.

   Suren harvested the soul fragments of this team.

   Then he knew what the red cloth wrapped around these people's arms was for.

   Yuta's previous feeling is correct.

   This giant tree will indeed bless the Daru people.

  Other races break in and will be strangled by the ubiquitous vine tree monsters and monsters. The group of people from the Luying Royal Legion suffered a big loss before.

  The cloth strips stained with the blood of the Daru tribe have the effect of temporary shelter.

   And Su Lun’s previous guess is correct, because of the previous war, there has been a lot of curse space.

   Many people from the Lu Ying royal family have broken away, and they have also discovered that this city is sealed with some "ancient secrets".

   And now those people have brought a [Forbidden Object], which is breaking the last large cursed space that caused them heavy casualties.

   Su Lun guessed through the intelligence that the huge curse space might be related to the truth of the war that year.

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