Meet The Leader

Chapter 565: Little Celestial Master Zhang Chengzhen

The names of the nine gods and witches of the Moon Worship Cult moved the rivers and lakes, and Yun Zhongjun's strength was enough to rank in the top three among the nine gods and witches. I am afraid that he is not far from the realm of real fire.

Some warriors present looked at Yun Zhongjun and Zhen Yangzi with the mentality of watching the fun.

One is a giant owl of the devil's way, and the other is a Daoist real person who hates evil and hates evil. If these two meet, I am afraid that they will be beaten to death before they enter Xiaofan's day.

At this time, Chu Xiu's eyes were on the people behind Yun Zhongjun.

The Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult took the lead, and behind her were nine young disciples of the Moon Worship Cult, and some elite disciples who had reached the level of harmony between heaven and man, but were not very old.

In this way, the Moon Worship Cult has a full eleven keys, and this accumulation is truly terrifying.

Moreover, Chu Xiu also found a problem. For example, the big sects such as Moon Worship Sect and Chunyang Daomen, they did not hand over all the keys to the masters of the martial arts master level, but only sent a strong person who could hold the scene. The rest of the keys are handed over to the younger generation of disciples.

Of course, this does not mean that these major factions will be humble, but a manifestation of their profound heritage.

In Guan Siyu's booklet to Chu Xiu, there is a description of Xiaofan's spiritual energy in the day. There is a lot of spiritual energy in it, and there are countless rare treasures in the world, but because it is different from the rules outside, you will be purified by the spiritual energy the first time you enter it. The body, the elixir chance and other things obtained from it are also different from the outside world, and the effect of taking it for the first time is also the greatest.

But the second time you enter it, the effect will be doubled. Any chance that can enhance your own cultivation will also be greatly reduced. The third time you go, it will be doubled on the original basis.

So entering Xiaofantian more times is actually a bit of a waste, because the things you can get will be less and less.

After realizing this, those big factions figured out the rules, and then they formulated such rules, giving most of the opportunities to the younger generation of warriors. If these younger generation of warriors get the chance, step on After entering the realm of martial arts masters, there is still a chance to lead the team and enter Xiaofantian in the future.

Therefore, for these martial artists from the big faction, as long as they can step into the martial arts master, almost everyone has the opportunity to enter Xiaofantian twice. Although they will compete, they will not compete.

For example, the Guanzhong Punishment Hall has three keys. Although it is not as rich as the Moon Worship Cult, it is not too small. In the end, it is still necessary to rely on internal fighting to decide who will go and who will not go. This background is indeed poor. Not a little bit.

At this time, when Zhen Yangzi saw Yun Zhongjun uttering wild words there, his face suddenly turned black, without saying a word, the pure Yang Dao sword in his hand shone with boundless dazzling brilliance. , pure yang qi is like a big sun coming, a sword comes out,

All methods are broken, and they are directly slashed at Yun Zhongjun!

"Good come!"

Yun Zhongjun let out a long laugh, the wide sleeve robe danced, and the heaven and earth were instantly saturated with demonic energy, and the boundless black cloud of demonic energy came like a tornado, wrapping Zhenyangzi's pure Yang sword gang, and the sleeves robe With a flick, a harsh explosion sounded, and the Pure Yang Sword Gang was directly strangled!

Zhenyangzi snorted coldly, and swung the whisk in his hand, as if a trace of qi was soaked in it, the power of heaven and earth was pulled by the whisk, stretched for hundreds of feet, and entangled directly towards Yun Zhongjun.

But Yun Zhongjun sneered, and punched out directly, the mighty demonic power ripped apart the whisk, and Zhen Yangzi's figure couldn't help but step back.

Yun Zhongjun laughed and pinched the seal, the demon cloud pressed the top, turned into a phantom of the demon **** with two horns and shrouded directly towards Zhen Yangzi, and he even killed him directly!

At this moment, a deafening thunder sounded, and the Zixiao thunder burst apart, and the demon **** phantom was smashed directly.

"Zixiao Divine Thunder!"

Yun Zhongjun was startled, his figure stepped back, and the others were also looking up in the air.

Dragon Tiger Mountain Tianshi Mansion, the world is unparalleled in the law of thunder!

In this world, who can control such a thunderbolt, besides Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion, who else is there?

Sure enough, a middle-aged man wearing a white Taoist robe with a temperament like a spring breeze came out from the back, shook his head and said, "Brother Zhenyangzi, Xiaofantian hasn't entered yet, what energy are you wasting here?"

Zhen Yangzi snorted coldly: "Evil demons are heretics, everyone gets them and kills them, Zhang Xiling, your Tianshi Mansion on Longhu Mountain is in Western Chu, but you just sit and watch the Moon Worship Cult grow to this point, your Tianshi Mansion. Don't the Zhang family feel guilty?"

Zhang Xiling was speechless for a while, she came to persuade the fight, why did she bring herself?

Yun Zhongjun gave a strange smile: "It turned out to be the 'Zixiao Divine Lord' Zhang Xiling. Some people just don't know what's good, so it's useless for you to persuade."

Zhang Xiling said lightly: "What is Zixiao Divine Monarch, he is just a Taoist copying book in Jinguang Pavilion."

Yun Zhongjun smiled and said: "The writing is like a thunderbolt, and the Wu Yun is like the sound of thunder. There are not many people in the entire Tianshifu who are qualified to copy the thunder method with the power of thunder in the Golden Light Pavilion."

Zhen Yangzi, who was on the side, saw that these two people were still chatting, and Zhen Yangzi couldn't help but said angrily: "Zhang Xiling, are you still from my line of Taoism? If you are from my line of Taoism, then join hands with me. Let's kill this demon together!"

Zhang Xiling frowned when she heard the words, why can't this old guy catch it?

Is this the place to kill the Demon Dao? Besides, if the Tianshi Mansion could destroy the Moon Worship Cult, there would be no need to be a neighbor with the Moon Worship Cult for so long.

It was only because he thought of being in the same line of Daomen that he made the move. If he knew this, he just stopped meddling and entered Xiaofantian directly.

At this time, a gentle male voice suddenly said: "Senior Zhenyangzi, when will it be too late to kill the demons, but for Chunyang Daomen, the current task should be to bring a few juniors from Chunyang Daomen into Xiaofantian.

To kill demons, how can you kill without raising your own strength? You have the strength, but the other brothers and sisters are not yet. "

As the voice came, a handsome young man wearing the same white Taoist robe as Zhang Xiling but with loose hair came slowly.

The young man was not as stunning as Lu Wenhou and Ying Bailu when talking about his handsomeness, but his eyes seemed to be faintly glowing with divine light, but the aura around him was ethereal and invisible, like a fairy. All in all, this is a man who is unforgettable at a glance.

"'Little Celestial Master' Zhang Chengzhen!"

There was a burst of exclamations at the scene, and almost everyone's eyes turned to Zhang Chengzhen.

Chu Xiu also looked at Zhang Chengzhen with a little curiosity in his eyes.

Don't blame everyone for making a fuss, Zhang Chengzhen's reputation is really too big.

As a genius who only appeared in the Zhang family of Tianshifu for thousands of years, Zhang Chengzhen was born with a thunder pattern on his palm. Legend has it that he was even the reincarnation of a Taoist prince. Anyway, the legend is amazing.

Since stepping into the arena, Zhang Chengzhen has never been defeated. This record is not only for the younger generation of martial artists, but also for the older generation of martial arts masters.

Chu Xiu beheaded Qiao Liandong in the past, and he was one of the few people in the younger generation who was able to kill a martial arts master.

But Chu Xiu didn't see it when he beheaded Qiao Liandong, and Chu Xiu fought very hard in that battle. With Yan Chixiao assisting him, Chu Xiu did his best to kill Qiao Liandong.

But the scene in which Zhang Chengzhen beheaded the martial arts master was completed in full view, and those who had seen the battle said that Zhang Chengzhen did not even give his full strength, and the process was simply an understatement.

So after that battle, some people said that Zhang Chengzhen could even step into the realm of martial arts masters at any time, but he didn't break through because of cultivating secret techniques or accumulating foundations and forcibly suppressing his realm.

Right now, although Zhang Chengzhen is nominally a martial artist of the younger generation, no one regards him as a junior martial artist, because Zhang Chengzhen is more terrifying than most martial arts masters!

Seeing Zhang Chengzhen speaking, he persuaded Zhen Yangzi from another angle, thinking that he was still here with the mission in the door, Zhen Yangzi snorted coldly: "I'll let you go, the devil, for the time being today~www If Xiaofantian lets me meet you again, I will definitely kill you!"

After finishing speaking, Zhen Yangzi brought the disciples of Chunyang Daomen into Xiaofan Tiantian.

Yun Zhongjun looked at Zhang Chengzhen and said with a smile: "Little Celestial Master Zhang Chengzhen is indeed well-deserved and has an unparalleled bearing, but unfortunately some people are dead brains and do not listen to persuasion."

Zhang Xiling and Zhang Chengzhen didn't speak. Pure Yang Daomen was this virtue, and they couldn't do anything about it.

Everyone can see that Yun Zhongjun's strength is far superior to Zhen Yangzi. If you change it to another person, it's okay to give up temporarily. As a result, Zhen Yangzi is still stubborn. Or should I say he didn't know what to do.

At this time, Yun Zhongjun said again: "With your strength, Xiaotianshi, it seems that it makes no difference whether you can enter Xiaofantian, and even those spiritual opportunities in Xiaofantian are just icing on the cake for you, but I didn't expect you. You will come this time, I thought you would give the opportunity to other disciples of the Tianshi Mansion."

Yun Zhongjun's tone was not lacking in provocation, but Zhang Chengzhen just said lightly: "I've never seen such a strange and mysterious realm like Xiaofantian before, so this time I'm here to meet the world.

My popularity in the Tianshi Mansion is pretty good, even if I don't have a chance, as long as I want to enter it, other brothers and sisters will give me the opportunity. "

The voice fell, and there were eleven disciples of the Tianshi Mansion who came out of the dense forest behind Zhang Chengzhen. Standing behind Zhang Chengzhen, others were jealous at this scene.

In other sects, the only one or two keys have to be handed over to the master of martial arts, and the junior martial artist is not qualified to use it. As a result, in the Tianshifu, the precious opportunity to enter Xiaofantian is still available. Let come let go.


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