The code of the life center records the genetic code of cyanolites, as long as you go to the North Pole to find the life cultivation warehouse in the Chlorstar spacecraft, you can breed new cyanolites,

If the resources needed for cultivation are sufficient, you can even form a superhuman legion!

Su Quan originally thought that he would not brush the life center code so quickly, after all, Clark Kent is a big ability, and there are still many abilities that have not been brushed out.

As a result, a night attack, the surprise came!

It’s just a pity that the idea of unifying Atlantis is about to begin, cultivating cyanolites, and forming a superhuman legion can only be temporarily postponed.

When the matter of Atlantis is over, there are still more than twenty years before Superman’s big event, just to prepare gifts for General Zod, who will invade Earth at that time.

The Superman Legion, gee, I wonder if General Zod will like this gift? The next day, early in the morning.

Kingdom of Atlantis.

Atlana suddenly gathered all the members of the royal family, the kingdom’s heavy ministers, together, and the captain of the guard, her titular fiancé Ovax, was also among them.

The place of the summoning was the king’s chamber.

After everyone arrived one after another, Atlana was late!

“This—this trident? This is the Neptune trident?! ”

“It’s impossible, the Neptune trident has disappeared with the King of Atlanta for a long time, no one knows where, how can it be suddenly found by Queen Atlanta?”

“That’s right, Queen Atlanta’s wedding date is approaching, she has rarely appeared recently, let alone left Atlantis, and she can’t be the real Neptune three-pronged wear.”


“It’s possible!”

Atlana, wearing a Sea King suit and holding a Neptune trident, made the originally quiet council chamber instantly bustle as soon as she appeared.

The Neptune Trident is so eye-catching and eye-catching!

As if she hadn’t heard it, Atlana walked to the chair symbolizing the king, turned around, and slowly sat down.


The Neptune trident smashed heavily on the ground, and the invisible powerful impact instantly made those who were not prepared fall backwards, exclaiming that Atlana sat on the throne, expressionless and serious. Gradually, the noise stopped.

Everyone looked at Atlana with different expressions, to be precise, the Neptune trident in Atlana’s hand! It’s true?!

It really is the Neptune Trident, which symbolizes the king of Atlantis!

“I called you here today because I have a few things to announce, first of all, you all saw it, yes, I found Neptune on the Trident.”

“I went to the Trench Kingdom, and there is a wormhole in the trench deep in the Trench Lord Country, which can reach the Hidden Sea in the center of the earth, where I got the Neptune Trident in the hands of the King of Atlanta under the care of the North Sea giant Demon Callason and got his approval!”

“By the way, I forgot to tell you, the Trench Kingdom has collapsed, and even their territorial trench has been razed to the ground.”



As soon as Atalana’s words fell, a man retorted: “How did I not know that you left Atlanty, this man is Owah, X.” ”

He was the captain of the Guards, and if anyone in Atlantis knew Atlantis’ movements best, it was definitely him.

Atlana sneered: “The second thing I want to say is to cancel my marriage contract with Ovax. ”


Ovax spoke up again, and the others seemed to want to say something.

Atlana slammed the trident and said coldly: “I have been recognized by the king of Atlanta, I have obtained the trident, I can command all Atlanteans, I am now the queen of the sea, what qualifications do you have to marry me?” ”

“The marriage contract is made early in the morning, and if you want to cancel the marriage contract is an ancient and sacred vow to your father, to Atlantis


Atalana swung at him with a three-pronged load, and a cloud of water bombs instantly blasted him out. The few people who originally wanted to speak instantly shut up.

Atlanta looked at everyone and sneered, “I know that some of you have betrayed the royal family of Atlantis, have betrayed me, it’s okay, I’ll give you one last chance.” ”

“Whether to obey me who has the Trident and become the Queen of the Sea, or to betray the faith and betray Atlantis, you choose.”

“The marriage contract is canceled, which of you approves and who opposes?”

Everyone looked at each other, and no one spoke for a while!

Queen Atlanta, who has been almost symbolic all along, unexpectedly got the three-pronged load of Neptune and forcefully turned her face to cancel the marriage contract, all this was too sudden, suddenly they were not prepared at all…….

What’s more, they don’t know how you got the Trident Queen Atlanta, is it her own power alone, or is there someone behind it?

“Ahem, you can go back to the matter of canceling the marriage contract, Queen Atlanta, the most important thing now is to hope that you can tell us the truth, how did you leave Atlantis for the Kingdom of the Trench and get the Neptune Trident?”

An old man of the royal family broke the silence and asked the question that everyone wanted to know the most.

Atlanta sneered and shook her head: “Does it matter? King Atlanta didn’t say that he would tell him what happened after getting Neptune Trident, let alone that he needed your approval! ”

“Obey me, or betray me, that’s what you should think!”

The royal family old man slowly shook his head: “We didn’t question you, the power of the Neptune Trident does not need our approval, but as soon as you open your mouth, you will cancel the marriage contract, and the way to get the Neptune Trident is not clear, for the sake of Atlantis, we have the right to know the truth, lest – lest – lest”

“Lest what?”

“Lest you be used by those who plot against Atlantis!”


A good one with sharp teeth, a good smelly face, 0.6 good a moral kidnapping!

Atlanta was a little angry, who can get the Neptune Trident who can command all Atlanteans, even the trench tribe who can’t think admit this, you don’t admit it?

No, you don’t recognize the Neptune Trident, you don’t recognize me who owns the Neptune Trident!

Okay, take a step back, even if you’re really good for Atlantis and worried about me being used, okay! But what does this have to do with my annulment?

The marriage contract is my business, what does it have to do with you? No, it matters!

You have already thrown your hands on Ovax, and if I cancel the marriage, he will not be able to become a royal family and control Atlantis in good faith.

Although he had long guessed that even if he took out the trident, there would be people who would object, but this result still made Atlana angry and cold!

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