Chapter 1 194: Barbara Gordon’s hacking skills and Harley Quinn who wants to kill the clown [Third change, please subscribe!] 】。

She was shot and paralyzed, her father’s whereabouts are unknown, her life is unknown and her life is dark enough. Why, why does life still refuse to let me go?

Is it not enough to become disabled, do you still want me to die socially?!

Barbara Gordon regretted it, she really regretted provoking Harley Quinn!

“What the hell do you want!”

“I said ah, it is to make you collapse and make you live in regret forever!”

Harley Quinn looked like you couldn’t understand the words, waved her hand and urged: “My dad said that your hacking level is very good, can you do me a favor and help me find out where the clown is.” ”

Barbara Gordon was stunned and asked, “Aren’t you with the Joker?” ”

Harley Quinn said angrily, “Did you hurt your head?” Didn’t I tell you that I saved you? If I and the clown were for a while, how could I save you? ”

Barbara Gordon took a deep breath and turned the computer back on.

Whether or not Harley Quinn and the Joker are together, the most important thing now is to find the Joker! If you find the Joker, you can find the father.

As for the matter of Harley Quinn and the photo, he can’t do anything like this now, so he can only talk about it later.

Barbara Gordon’s fingers fluttered quickly on the computer, and it wasn’t long before the desktop photo had been replaced.

Immediately afterwards, she hacked into the police station’s network to look for suspicious alarm information, and at the same time entered the transportation network to find the whereabouts of the clown and her father.

“What are you going to do looking for a clown?”

Barbara Gordon pretended to ask casually. Harley Quinn said casually, “Kill him.” ”

Barbara Gordon froze suddenly, and looked at her thoughtfully: “You want to kill the clown?” Why? ”

Harley Quinn thought for a while and said, “If you want to kill, kill it, there is no why!” Well, in fact, Dad pays too much attention to the Joker, and I think the Joker is no longer entitled to his attention. ”

Barbara Gordon frowned: “You, can’t you call him by another name?” ”

Harley Quinn asked puzzled, “Why?” Is this title bad? This is my nickname.”

“You, you can call in private! And if you call it that, others won’t know who he is.” ”

“It seems to make sense.”

“And what’s his name?”

“His name is Su Quan, I secretly tell you, he is the Lord of the Void who can fulfill any wish!”


Barbara Gordon replied with a smile, the Lord of the Void who fulfilled any wish? If you crazy guy can believe what he says, I think I really hurt my head.

Barbara Gordon’s hacking skills are indeed very powerful, although the Joker’s actions are indeed discreet and secretive, and even Batman does not seem to have found him.

But, Barbara Gordon did.

It took her hours and exhaustion of all means to finally lock a position. An abandoned playground on the outskirts.

According to her investigation, someone contacted the owner of the amusement park yesterday to buy the playground and asked him to meet at the playground.

The owner of the playground has not come out since arriving at the playground! This is very abnormal!

Luckily, the boss’s phone wasn’t turned off, and it was located in the playground, and Barbara Gordon hacked into the call log to find the number of the buyer who contacted him.

It turned out to be a public phone, and the location turned out to be near the Gotham Police Station.

Although no suspicious person was found from the surveillance, and the identity of the buyer was not determined! But Barbara Gordon can be sure that the buyer must be a clown!

According to the timeline restoration, the clown should be contacting the owner of the playground while monitoring his father’s actions. After making sure that his father left the police station and returned home, the clown went to the playground to meet the playground owner, and then kidnapped him or killed him directly.

Then the Joker came to her house, shot her, and took her father away!

That is, there is a great possibility that the father and the clown are in that abandoned playground! What’s next? Tell Harley Quinn directly?

No, it’s too unsafe!

What if Harley Quinn is with the Joker? I don’t have any evidence to prove this now, after all, the statement that she saved herself may also be a lie, she is crazy, who knows what she thinks?

And she also investigates Harley Quinn, she is indeed the Arkham Asylum thing, but she is also the Joker’s primary doctor.

This made Barbara Gordon even more afraid to believe her words.

What’s more, even if she is trustworthy, what if she can’t kill the Joker? What should I do if my father is in danger during this process?

Expect her to kill the clown to save her father, the risk is too high! Barbara Gordon gritted her teeth secretly and decided to tell Batman the news. Harley Quinn won’t save her father, but Batman will! Batman won’t kill the Joker, Harley Quinn should!

Barbara Gordon thought of doing it, while hacking into Batman’s network, sending the Joker’s address, and telling the bored Harley Quinn the address.

Harley Quinn jumped up from the chair with a snort, and said with wide eyes and excitement: “Finally found him, I’m bored to death.” ”

“I’m leaving, right?”

Harley Quinn threw a flying kiss, took off her white coat directly, and then opened the window and jumped down. Well, Harley Quinn has been particularly fond of jumping out of windows ever since she got the chaos and started letting go of herself. Don’t care how high the floor is, the jump is over.

Anyway, you can’t die, you want this kind of stimulation!

How to say, Harley Quinn’s energy is very similar to Deadpool, and she doesn’t take death seriously.

Just as Harley Quinn left the hospital, the two Batmen in the Batcave also received news from Barbara Gordon.

I don’t know if the Joker attacked people close to him one after another that made Bruce Wayne finally feel angry or worried, or maybe it was because of the commitment to Barbara Gordon.

Bruce Wayne decides to act with Harman Wayne!

Two Batmen dispatch at the same time to ensure the safe rescue of Director Gordon while capturing the Joker again!

In the ward, after embarrassingly accepting a series of help and examinations from nurses, Barbara Gordon, who could not rest at all, directly hacked into the Wayne Group’s satellite this time and learned about the situation of the abandoned playground in real time through the satellite.

“Bang bang.”

There was a sudden knock on the door, Barbara Gordon flicked, subconsciously covered the computer, and said please come in. The door to the ward was pushed open and a somewhat chubby black woman walked in.

Barbara Gordon frowned slightly: “Who are you?” I don’t think I know you, are you looking for the wrong ward?” ”

“Barbara Gordon, daughter of Gotham Police Commissioner James Gordon, Gotham’s newly emerging vigilante Batgirl, right?”

As soon as the black woman opened her mouth, she made her identity clear.

Even Batgirl, who has not yet been recognized by Batman, has not been recognized by the Gotham public

All spoken!

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