Melted City

Chapter 42: 42


Lianchuan stood in front of the clock tower and looked ahead. +++ Ranking of the latest Danmei novels:

The noisy screams in his ears gradually became distant, leaving only the wind.

The experience of the ghost town was really nothing for him, even if it was not related to pain in front of him, and the language insults and verbal abuse were the same.

I'm used to it, as long as I see it in a uniform in the main city, I can feel it.

The only difference is that now the goals of travelers are clearer and clearer. They hate and scold all of them, and they can no longer hide behind the title of "hyena" from "one" to " only".

Travelers are more emotional, and the group leader clearly understands that if they want to accept the reality of "Lianchuan living in a ghost town", they must first let them (fafa) vent.

Scold if you want to scold. Occasionally, you have the ability to attack suddenly, and Li Xiang will not stop you.

Lian Chuan was hit in the back by the sixth attack and felt a little breathless before the regiment raised his hand.

"He is more (qiang) than you think," said the head of the delegation. "The ghost town needs such a sincere loyalty, a big weapon (qiang) cultivated by the main city and aimed at destroying travelers."

"In case this is a scam in the main city!" someone shouted.

"Indeed, we have no way to judge." The head said.

Travelers around heard this, and there was a sudden clamor, some people shouted, some scolded, and Lian Chuan suffered a few more times.

"But do we need to judge?" The head of the group raised his voice. In a chaos, his voice was loud and clear. "When we were chased (killed by the main city) and fled to the ghost city, we could not judge whether it was the Lord. The city conspired us to kill (sha killing) the conspiracy, we still came, when the first illegally born population in the main city was expelled to the ghost city, we could not judge whether it was the seemingly harmless undercover sent by the main city, we Left him...

The surrounding voices were slowly suppressed by the leader's words, and the commotion began to subside.

"Every time we step on the train and rush into the main city, we can't tell whether the bats leading the way have been bought or not. We still went," the group leader stopped and continued, "I will take you to the main city When I saved Ninggu, I still couldn’t tell if it was a trap, who could never return to the ghost town, or even whether Ninggu was still alive! But what about? We still didn’t hesitate to rush in Now, (kill sha) to the old warehouse in area c!"

Cheers broke out from the crowd, and everyone shouted in unison.

The leader's remarks made Lian Chuan feel a little bit of emotion, whether he was to arouse confusion or true feelings, from the point of view, they were all facts.

Travelers are more comfortable living irrespective of the consequences, regardless of gains or losses, than bats are not profitable.

"Lianchuan was expelled from the main city, we can't judge whether he really wants to help us, or because of the conspiracy of the main city," the head of the group glanced at Lianchuan, "but we need a weapon from the main city, we need A message from the main city! Why!"

"Retake the main city--" the travelers shouted in unison.

"Of course," the head of the group waited for the waves to calm down, and then closed the voice. "We will not be completely unprepared. As a prerequisite for cooperation, we will first guarantee the ghost town and the safety of travelers."

"How to guarantee!" someone asked.

Lian Chuan also wanted to know that he slightly tilted his head.

Li Xiang walked slowly from the back to the middle of the open space, and put a small box in his hand on the ground.

"This is the tool we used to control the research of the aborigines when we first came to the ghost town. Many first-generation travelers have seen it. Later, the shelter was safe and it was not used again, but it has been improved." Li Xiang opened it. As the box lid opened, a burst of black mist overflowed, and Li Xiang took out a black (colored) circle with a lock.

The circle is like a burning black (color) flame, and the flame tip continues to roll in the violent wind.

Lian Chuan was familiar with this black (color) flame, and soon found the answer in his memory.

It is Lin Fan's ability.

The traveler has been able to load his personal abilities onto the device alone, which surprised him a bit.

He has never seen a traveler use tools and weapons. All along, they have only relied on ability and fist.

"This thing," Li Xiang walked to Lianchuan with the black circle surrounded by black (color) flames and looked at him. "It can be launched at any time, making him lose his ability to move in an instant."

The travelers cheered.

"Don't resist," Li Xiang lowered his voice. "Although I didn't tell you in advance, this is a condition, and we must protect ourselves."

Lian Chuan said nothing.

Ning Gu sat on the top of Uncle Madness's hut and looked at the clock tower where cold light bottles gathered in the center of the distant shelter.

I don't know (fa) what happened, I don't know where the trial is going, I can't hear the slightest movement there.

Originally, he was very afraid of experiencing Lianchuan's pain again, but until now he had nothing (fa), but he was a little anxious. According to the time, it should be almost over. If Lianchuan was sentenced, it should have been already. In the past, he didn't feel it.

But for the sake of insurance, he was still sitting on the roof, in case the perception was delayed, he was in the house with a painful death when someone came...

Thinking of this, he glanced in the direction of the sanctuary again. Lin Fan said that he would not follow him, and that he would not "know". But with these words of him, it is very worth guarding. Who knows whether Lin Fan will hide in Look at him somewhere.

......Although sitting on the roof can not hide.

What exactly does Lin Fan mean?

Ning Gu regretted that he had never been to Lin Fan’s hut in these twenty-two years, and he was not impressed with this person. He knew that he hardly smiled and rarely went out, but as the commander’s deputy, he seemed to have nothing Regardless, the leader had never planned to change his deputy... nothing else.

Hearing the voice of someone speaking, Ning Gu suddenly changed from sitting to squatting on the roof, looking in the direction of the sound.

Soon I saw several cold light bottles moving in the dark mist, and then saw seven or eight people, and came up with a board.

There is a person on the board, it should be Lianchuan, but the uniform is (tuo) off, and the blue light flashes on the hand of a person who is following.

Lian Chuan's (sexuality) personality, in a sober state, is afraid that it is impossible to accept people carrying them away with a board...

Ning Gu immediately jumped from the small roof and got stuck in the road: "What's wrong?"

Walking in front of him was Li Xiang, Chong Ninggu lifted his chin, beckoning him to let go: "He is fine."

"Halo?" Ning Gu asked.

"If the nail is like this, you might not be so nervous?" said the man who carried the board, with obvious discomfort in his voice.

This man was the thorn in the No. 2 Shelter. Ning Gu had beaten him many times. After meeting with him, he was afraid that some people thought they were reconciled.

Although Ting'ertou's speech was unpleasant, it was the first time that Ning Gu returned to the ghost town and was "speaked" with his companions.

"If you want to lie here, I will definitely go over and carry you in person." Ning Gu said.

Lianchuan didn't feel dizzy. When the board carried Ning Gu's side, Ning Gu saw that his eyes were open, not knowing where to look, and some were empty.

...Be stupid?

Theoretically unlikely, the regiment also hopes to get some information about the main city.

Li Xiang let people carry Lian Chuan into Uncle Mad's hut and put it on the ground.

Ning Gu stood at the door and watched.

It was then that he noticed that Lian Chuan's uniform was indeed taken off (tuo) and replaced with a traveler's ordinary coat, while a black (colored) metal was wrapped around his neck.

The black circle is close to his skin, and close to the black circle, the green and black (color) veins can be seen under the skin, extending upward from the neck.

"He can't move now," Li Xiang whispered to Ning Gu when he came out, "It will be fine after a while, that thing will not affect him normally."

"What is that?" Ning Gu asked.

"The prerequisite for allowing him to move freely in the ghost town." Li Xiang didn't answer positively and took the man away.

Ning Gu didn't move, stood on the spot and watched them all disappear into the dark fog, and the light of the cold light bottle could not be seen before turning back into the house and closing the door quickly.

Then squatted to Lianchuan's side: "Lian dog? Can you talk?"

Lian Chuan glanced at him and said nothing.

But his eyes were no longer empty, and Ning Gu was a little relieved.

"Li Xiang said you can move in a moment," he whispered, "they have left..."

Not even finished, Lianchuan suddenly sat up.

His head almost collided with him, and when Ning Gu hid back, he sat on the ground.

"I'm fine." Lianchuan said.

"Motivated?" Ning Gu looked at him in shock.

"Huh." Lian Chuan (touched Mo) (touched Mo) the black circle on his neck and frowned.

"Then this thing is useless?" Ning Gu asked. "They thought it would make you unable to move?"

"Useful," Lian Chuan said, "I couldn't move at first."

"Oh." Ning Gu didn't know for a moment whether it should be fortunate that the ghost town's installation could not completely control Lianchuan, or whether it should be proud that the ghost town's installation could work for Lianchuan.

"This is Lin Fan's ability," Lian Chuan flicked the black circle, and the black circle made an unclear sound. "Who is Lin Fan?"

"The commander's deputy, the old traveler." Ning Gu said.

"What else?" Lian Chuan asked.

"...I don't know." Ning Gu said.

"Anyway, it's also an important person with the leader in one hand, and the ghost town desperate to **** back," Lianchuan said. "I don't know anything."

Ning Gu looked at him.

This person seems to be no big deal, but actually can retaliate with yin and yang.

Lianchuan lay back on the board.

Ning Gu was stunned: "Can't you get up?"

"That lounge chair (sleeping Shui) is uncomfortable." Lianchuan said.

"Oh," Ning Gu thought for a while, sitting cross-legged beside him, "Why suddenly asked Lin Fan?"

"Why use Lin Fan's ability," Lian Chuan looked at the roof. "His (strong qiang) ability is to attack, not to control. If it just cannot move, this ability is not uncommon among travelers?"

"Well," Ning Gu said, "Sister Qi's is even stronger."

"It may be a secret study, so only the abilities of a few senior people can be used," Lianchuan said. "It may also be that only Lin Fan's abilities can be loaded on the device."

"Lin Fan..." Ning Gu thought for a while and lowered his voice. "He seems to know that my ability is more than control."

"Can you still control?" Lian Chuan asked.

"As I said, why can't I control it," Ning Gu was not convinced. "When I first met you, how did I run away? Isn't that control?"

"Count." Lian Chuan said.

"The day you were deported, the traveler rushed to Area C," Ning Gu said. "I don't know what happened, I saved the leader once..."

Ning Gu's description of the two ability stimuli was a bit difficult. After all, he didn't figure out how he was born and what he was born.

But Lianchuan could still hear a rough idea. He was silent for a while and looked at Ning Gu: "Are they moving or not moving?"

"Move... isn't it?" Ning Gu frowned.

"I always thought you could mess up your time," Lianchuan said. "It seems more than that, the main city wants to get you this material is normal, it is better than Qianqi (Qiangqiang)."

"Inferiority complex?" Ning Gu said.

Lianchuan didn't speak, and sat up slowly again.

Ning Gu saw the black circle on his neck again, and the blue-black (color) veins spreading under his skin: "Does it feel like wearing this?"

"No, but..." Lian Chuan (touched Mo) (touched Mo) neck, "I didn't expect the ghost town to load abilities on non-living bodies."

"I don't even know they're doing this... so to speak, I really don't know anything," Ning Gu said suddenly frustrated. "Is it very powerful?"

"It's great, and it's simpler," Lianchuan said. "It's not impossible for travelers to contend with the main city on this basis."

"Simpler?" Ning Gu didn't understand.

"Only enough materials are needed, and enough..." Lian Chuan flicked the black circle. "It doesn't matter whether the material is good or bad, it doesn't even need the material to be autonomous, just copy it."

Ning Gu suddenly felt that his hair was slowly standing up: "Is an army with power and no brain?"

The black mist rolled over from area d.

At first it was just a black (color) wind.

Pedestrians on the street stared blankly at the black wind rolling from above.

Then came the dense black (color) mist that overflowed the streets.

The people who came back to God began to scream and flee.

Guangguang closed the store door, and even the side door left for the old customers was closed. This kind of chaotic scene is different from the usual sao**m.

She went to the second floor and stood by the window.

It was noon, the brightest time of daylight in the main city, but from the window, it was already dim outside.

She couldn't even see the window of the building opposite.

Turning his head to look at the core area of ​​the main city, there is still a soft light over the sky as usual.

On the other side, area d is already dark, and the light of area c is also swept away by the black mist.

It's like a long flash from the outside to the inside.

Guangguang closed his eyes, opened his arms, and took a deep breath.

Is this day finally coming?

Chun San held his arms and stood in front of the huge screen wall. Nearly half of the images returned by the dense monitor had turned black (color).

The technicians behind him had restored order after the initial helpless chaos, and began to find the source of the black mist.

Chen Fei's call reached the table next to Chunsan, and she picked it up.

"There is (dry gan) interference in the phone." Chen Fei said.

"Yes, but part of it has been restored," Chun San said. "The scope of influence is not large. My side gives priority to the restoration of communications between various departments of internal defense."

"Has the source been found?" Chen Fei asked.

"Not yet," Chunsan said. "The black iron wasteland comes from all around, and the area is too large. It will take some time."

"Is there anything happening in the Lost Valley?" Chen Fei asked again.

"No abnormality was detected." Chun San replied.

Chen Fei was silent over there, it seemed to be thinking.

"Do you need an idea to contact the bat?" Haru asked.

"No, continue to monitor, no matter how small the anomaly is, immediately report it," Chen Fei said immediately. "We will do our best to protect the internal defense communications. We must prevent the stray valley from attacking."

"Understood." Chun San said.

Chen Fei put down the phone and looked at General Su, across the table: "There is no progress so far, and communication is being restored."

"Is there any news from the administrator?" General Manager Su asked.

"No." Chen Fei replied.

"Prepare for it," General Manager Su sighed softly. "There is no progress after half an hour. I'm going to see the administrator."

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