Secondary civilization, also known as stellar civilization.

This level of civilization has initially entered the interstellar era. It knows its home planet well and can fully control and rationally utilize all the resources and energy on its home star.

Being able to control climate phenomena, earthquakes, storms, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, etc. on the home planet can no longer pose a threat to the main organisms of this level of civilization.

Through various technologies and production techniques, organisms of the second-level civilization can move or live in any environment of their home star. They can also develop mature spaceships, shuttle around the star system at will, and conduct experiments on other planets in the star system. Initial transformation and interstellar colonization.

The second-level civilization has initially unlocked some of the mysteries of genes and can develop genetic optimizers to strengthen physical fitness and extend life span.

The representative technologies of the second-level civilization include: anti-gravity technology, intermediate artificial intelligence, quantum communication technology, quantum computer, remote control technology, pulse engine technology, low-Earth orbit construction capabilities, deep-sea exploration technology, controllable nuclear fusion technology, and primary energy protection hood, primary genetic technology, etc.

The third-level civilization can also be called a half-galactic civilization.

This level of civilization has fully understood the star system in which it is located, fully utilizes all the resources and energy of the star system in which it is located, and has mature planetary transformation capabilities.

Including building huge quasar devices to obtain inexhaustible resources from stars. Not only that, but also building a powerful protective shield on the periphery of the star system to protect the local star system.

Further research and development of genetic technology will enable the development of more powerful genetic medicines, which will greatly extend the life span of organisms.

Being able to develop a curvature engine spacecraft that can fly faster than the speed of light can break through the limitations of the local star system, colonize all surrounding star systems within hundreds or thousands of light years on a large scale, and establish complete ecosystems on other planets to allow their own civilization Spreading branches and leaves.

The representative technologies of the third-level civilization include gravity manufacturing technology, curvature engine technology, advanced artificial intelligence, gravity engine, planet refining technology, degenerate material technology, ecological transformation technology, life extension technology, intermediate energy shield, intermediate genetic technology, and stars. Energy aggregation and control devices, etc.

The fourth-level civilization can also be called the galaxy civilization.

This level of civilization has the ability to travel freely within the local galaxy. It can use wormholes or travel through the vast starry sky through a hyper-curvature engine spacecraft. It can control all resources in the local galaxy. Generally speaking, civilizations that reach this level can travel in the vast starry sky within a certain period of time. to avoid the destruction of civilization.

This level of civilization has spread throughout the native galaxy and possesses powerful genetic technology and life-saving capabilities. Unless the galaxy is destroyed at once, their civilization cannot be completely destroyed.

The representative technologies of the fourth-level civilization include hyperwarp navigation, gravitational wave devices, short-distance space jump technology, advanced energy shields, recoil aerospace drive technology, strong interaction materials, subspace communication technology, and super-ether quantum networks. Stellar computers, macroscopic world physics research, etc.

Level five civilization can also be called dark energy civilization.

After the fourth-level galactic civilization reaches its peak, it will enter a bottleneck. The total amount of resources in the galaxy cannot be synchronized with the consumption of civilization development.

The resources and energy of the local galaxies are not enough to support them in moving towards a higher level of civilization, and the distance between galaxies is extremely far, even for galactic civilizations, it is very far and almost insurmountable.

Therefore, using the ubiquitous dark matter and dark energy in the universe to obtain resources for the development of civilization has become the only option. Dark matter occupies most of the mass of the universe, which is enough to support the continued development and advancement of galactic civilization.

Once you reach the fifth level of civilization, you will have the ability to span the vast distances between galaxies and colonize other galaxies.

The representative technologies of the fifth-level civilization include super energy shields, star gate construction technology, space folding technology, error elimination, surveying and mapping capabilities in parts of the universe, dark energy extraction devices, black domain transition technology, dark matter engines, etc.

Level six civilization can also be called dimensional civilization.

Civilizations at this level can already travel through different dimensional spaces, but they can only travel toward lower-level dimensional spaces. They can discover higher-level dimensions, but they cannot travel through them.

Civilizations at this level have mastered extremely powerful technological capabilities and energy technologies, and have the ability to reduce dimensionality and strike, and have initially opened the door to eternal life.

The representative technologies of the sixth-level civilization include dimensional jump, low-dimensional reconstruction technology, high-dimensional directional research, whole-universe surveying and mapping capabilities, atomic world reconstruction capabilities, energy conversion technology, etc.

As for the seventh-level civilization, the eighth-level civilization, the ninth-level civilization, and the ultimate tenth-level civilization that are above the sixth-level civilization, Lu Xingfan does not know the information about those civilizations because his authority is not enough.

Because the realm of the laws of the universe has been involved since the seventh level civilization, this is too far away for Lu Xingfan, and he cannot imagine the greatness and capabilities of those civilizations. It is so far away that Lu Xingfan does not even know about the ancient Blue Star human civilization. Can it develop to that extent?

After all, the development of any civilization will not be smooth sailing. Let alone the seventh-level civilization, which one of the five-level and sixth-level civilizations did not develop by stepping on the corpses of countless civilizations?

There were no foreign enemies on the ancient Blue Star in the wilderness, but after arriving in the world of civilization, all other civilizations may become enemies of human civilization.

The Moon Fortress turned out to be a starry sky fortress with a fifth-level peak civilization, which really shocked Lu Xingfan.

Lu Xingfan looked at Wang Shu in his arms and continued to ask:”Is there any technical information in the Moon Fortress, or is the Moon Fortress just a combat weapon?”

Wang Shu heard this and said:”The main representatives of the first-level civilization to the fifth-level civilization The technology is available in the fortress’s database. In addition, there are also dimensional jump and low-dimensional reconstruction technologies leading to the sixth-level dimensional civilization.

Therefore, with a fully activated Lunar Fortress, as long as the Ancient Blue Star Human civilization has survived the catastrophe of civilization and entered the world of civilization. If it is not destroyed midway, it can finally reach at least the level of fifth-level civilization.

Oh, by the way, according to the information stored in the Moon Fortress, the catastrophe of civilization is······, and the space of civilization······”

Lu Xingfan listened quietly to Wang Shu telling him the information he already knew, without showing anything strange.

“The top priority now is to survive the disaster of civilization first. As for the data stored in the fortress, just use it as a reference. I am confident that I can lead human civilization on its own path of civilization advancement.

I think if we just develop according to the information in the Moon Fortress, human civilization will definitely not be able to reach the sixth level civilization in the end, right?” Lu Xingfan said.

Wangshu looked at Lu Xingfan with bright eyes, and said gently and happily:”Master, you are really a wise person, very smart, and you can see through everything at a glance. I really like you so much.”

——-Please give me flowers and comments, thank you all for your support.

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