Metropolis: King of Hackers!

Chapter 279 :you are vicious!

"Brother Bai, do you remember Ouyang Xiang?" Chu Hao said in a bit embarrassing manner. Chu Hao's relationship with Ouyang Xiang is unclear, and the relationship with Mu Shuang is also unclear. It's kind of ambiguity.

What's terrible is that Bai Qiang not only knows Ouyang Xiang, but also Mu Shuang's eldest uncle, what makes Chu Hao so affectionate!

Sure enough, when Bai Qiang heard of Ouyang Xiang, he immediately showed a weird smile, "Brother Chu, as far as I know, Xiao Ouyang is already twenty-five years old this year?"

Bai Qiang's words are to remind Chu Hao that the age between him and Ouyang Xiang is inappropriate.

Chu Hao naturally heard what Bai Qiang meant. He pretended not to understand: "Brother Bai, Ouyang wants to join the anti-drug group. I originally disagreed. However, Ouyang insisted on entering the anti-drug group, and I couldn't stop it. So I I hope Brother Bai, you will arrange a group of strongest anti-drug team for Ouyang and let Ouyang join in. In this way, Ouyang’s safety will be more guaranteed.

! "

Bai Qiang snorted twice, "Brother Chu, I'm afraid this is your goal! The steel number just now is also a cover, right? It's all to protect Xiao Ouyang!"

Chu Hao scratched his head, just smiled naively without saying anything.

After Bai emphatically said something, he said, "Brother Chu, I can promise you! But, I also hope you will promise me one thing!"

"Brother Bai, tell me, what's the matter!" Chu Hao asked readily.

"Don't hurt Mu Shuang!" Bai Qiang stared at Chu Hao with a stern tone.

Chu Hao nodded, and solemnly said: "Brother Bai, don't worry, I won't hurt Mu Shuang!"

Bai Qiang said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "Brother Chu, you promised me! If you can't do it, don't blame your brother for accusing you. Tell Mu Shuang about Ouyang!"

"Brother Bai, count you cruel!" Chu Hao rolled his eyes, "Remember what you promised me, I won't have lunch at your Shuangqing City Bureau!"

As Chu Hao walked out of Bai Qiang's office, he felt a little gloomy. The relationship between the four women was a bit complicated, and it was difficult for Chu Hao to handle it well. But Chu Hao is very greedy and doesn't want to let it go!

This is greed!

Near noon, Chu Hao randomly found a restaurant, barely ate some food, and drove back to Jingya Garden in Shuanghu District.

Returning to his doghouse, Chu Hao unlocked the behavioral dynamic capture program of the No. 1 server and searched the medical school in Beijing through a search engine.

There are many medical schools in Beijing. She didn't tell Chu Hao which one Ling Yumo would go to. But this does not prevent Chu Hao from being able to inquire through his own means.

I found all medical schools in Beijing from the search engine, and Chu Hao browsed their official websites one by one, then entered the web server from the official website, and then the data server.

From the data server of the other school, Chu Hao searches for student information, especially transfer information. After hacking the data servers of five medical universities in a row, Chu Hao did not find any information about Ling Yumo.

"々Only the best (best) school left, the Department of Medicine of Beijing University! Director Ling, your power is really monstrous!" Chu Hao said to himself.

The Faculty of Medicine of Jingcheng University belongs to Jingcheng University, one of the two best schools in Xia Guo, and the other is Mizuki University.

The server of Jingcheng University is not easy to solve, and the No. 1 server alone is not an opponent of the other server at all. To be on the safe side, Chu Hao connected to the supercomputer Yan and began to invade the server of Beijing University. ,

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