Metropolis: King of Hackers!

Chapter 675 : All four fighters are dispatched!

Just as Chu Hao was about to invade further and grabbed Raphael's real IP, the phone on the computer desk suddenly rang.

Originally Chu Hao didn't want to connect, but Izuer prompted in the wireless headset: "Sir, Ouyang Xiang is calling, do you want to connect?"

Chu Hao grabbed the phone on the computer desk and pressed the answer button.

"Chu Hao, I'm in trouble!" Ouyang Xiang's nervous voice came from the telephone receiver.

In Chu Hao's bedroom, he was holding the phone in his left hand, his face suddenly changed, "Ouyang, where are you? What's the trouble?" While asking, his right hand was on the keyboard, and he entered a line of commands with one hand.

"Cut off the broiler network, clean up traces of intrusion, and give up tracking 850 Raphael. Start the exploration software to locate the location of the phone information.

On the display of the No. 1 server, Izuel also used words to respond to the message.

'Yes, Sir!

"Bang bang bang~"

In the receiver of the telephone, there were three consecutive loud noises, Chu Hao's brow furrowed into the word'chuan', and those three loud noises were clearly gunshots!

"Ouyang, how is the situation on your side?" Chu Hao asked nervously.

After waiting for a while, Ouyang Xiang's voice came through, "Chu Hao, our third anti-narcotics team, was surrounded by more than a dozen drug dealers with guns while on duty (cefb)!"

"Where are you? How long can you hold on?" Chu Hao's heart hung up.

"We are in Shuanghu District, Shuiyuan Village in Shuanghu District. I don't know the exact location. Two or three kilometers east of Shuiyuan Village, in an abandoned factory building. We can hold on for about ten minutes!" Ouyang Xiang said quickly. Talking very quickly.

Chu Hao didn't have time to blame Ouyang Xiang, why didn't he call him in advance, and directly responded: "Ouyang, you must hold on. I'll rush over right away!

After hanging up the phone, Chu Hao immediately checked the map displayed by Izual on the No. 1 server. When the phone was just connected, Izuer had already marked the map of Shuiyuan Village based on Ouyang Xiang's voice, and confirmed the location of the other party based on Ouyang Xiang's phone signal.

"Sir, we are 12 kilometers away from the target in a straight line, and the vehicle driving route is expected to be 15-16 kilometers. Because there are more than 5 kilometers of rural dirt roads. We can't rush to the target location within ten minutes! It is recommended to give up driving to the destination. The best solution is Steel or Shadow Dragon.” Izuer used data analysis and gave reasonable suggestions.

Chu Hao immediately called Li Chai, and the call was quickly connected. Chu Hao immediately yelled: "Little plum, start all the shadow dragons. I want to operate remotely. Now! Immediately! Immediately!"

Li Guess did not ask the reason, only said: "Wait a minute!"

He put the phone on the workbench, then turned on the four shadow dragons, turned on the power switch, and then opened the floor-to-ceiling glass doors of the living room. Finished all preparations. Li Guai quickly picked up the phone on the workbench, "Brother Hao, the power of the four shadow dragons is turned on!"

"En!" Chu Hao directly hung up the phone and ordered through the wireless headset: "Izuel. Control the four shadow dragons and move towards the destination!"

"Yes, Sir!" Yizuer immediately remotely controlled the four shadow dragons, took off from the Ph.D. Dormitory Building No. 1 of Kyung University and flew towards the destination.

The maximum flight speed of the shadow dragon can reach 180km per hour, and a straight line distance of 12 kilometers is only 4 minutes!

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