Metropolis: King of Hackers!

Chapter 739 : System update, netizens are frying pan!

All players stay tuned. The second piece of good news is that although the voice system of Brave World does not provide multilingual voice system support for the time being, it does provide multilingual text version support.

Although using the text version will cause a certain amount of trouble, it is just a helpless move. Hope to get everyone's understanding. We dream that Entertainment will launch multilingual support for the voice system as soon as possible. "

Finally, thank you again to all global players who support Dream Entertainment and Brave World, our Dream Entertainment will bring you an epoch-making game experience!'

‘Dream entertainment, chase dreams!’

Chu Hao's post. It seems to be very high-sounding, all kinds of gratitude and all kinds of flickers have pushed the responsibility to the unnecessary Mirui Technology Department. As for the Mirui Technology Department, when will the voice system be developed, it is really a somewhat unclear question!

With the official news released by Dream Entertainment, the multi-language support topic of the voice system came to an end. Some players from non-English-speaking regions have been making noise on the official player forums, expressing their disappointment.

This time, not only Wassan and the southern dynasty stick countries, but also many European countries have also participated. In Europe, not all countries use English. For example, Germany and France are typical non-English speaking countries.

Players from these countries expressed their dissatisfaction with Dream Entertainment and World of Brave in the official player forum, saying that they would boycott World of Brave, and immediately put it into action, and began to jointly sell the packaging and testing invitation code of World of Brave.

In the trading system of Dream Entertainment's official website, due to the second phase of the AlP artificial intelligence prosthesis lottery, 20,000 invitation codes were absorbed. Currently in the trading system, there are more than 20,000 invitation codes. , And most of them are in the hands of foreign players.

Almost all of the invitation codes in the hands of Xia Guo players were invested in the second phase of the AIP artificial intelligence prosthetic lottery, and there was not much inventory.

With a large number of players in non-English speaking areas, they began to collectively sell the Brave World packaging and testing invitation codes, so that the price of the packaging and testing invitation codes in the official trading system of Dream Entertainment fell from a high of 8,000 yuan to less than 2,000 yuan. And it's still falling!

Most human beings have an instinct to chase the rise and not to chase the fall. The more things fall in price, the more cautious they will be, and they hope to buy them at a lower price.

In fact, the official trading system has continuously created new low prices for the packaging and testing invitation codes, giving those players who are still waiting to have more reasons to wait and see.

The situation of the official website of Dream Entertainment was immediately discovered by the staff of Dream Entertainment and reported to Xie Hui. After Xie Hui received the news, he immediately logged on to the official website to check, and then notified Mu Shuang to explain the specific situation.

In Jingyayuan, Chu Hao was checking the underlying code of the text recognition engine. The phone on the computer desk rang, and the caller ID was Mu Shuang.

After answering the call, Mu Shuang said aggressively (Qian Qian Zhao) on the phone: "~ Chu Hao, what are you doing?"

Chu Hao was a little confused by Mu Shuang's words, "Mu Shuang, I didn't do anything!" After he finished speaking, he whispered, "I haven't done anything to you. Why are you so excited!"

"Chu Hao, what are you talking about?" Mu Shuang asked loudly.

"Nothing, nothing. By the way, Mu Shuang, what did you just say?" Chu Hao quickly denied it.

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