
I originally thought I was raising a group of spies, but I didn't expect that I was raising a group of night blind people.

Suddenly, Chu Tian suddenly felt an unexplainable feeling of pain.

How to say?

These pigeons don’t know that they have night blindness, and they don’t understand what night blindness is. It’s just like red-green color blindness. If no one notices it, or they don’t go through a color blindness test, they themselves won’t know that they are red-green color blindness at all. Color blindness.

Now look, the news from these silly birds is unreliable!

Because, maybe someone has already been to the villa, but since they can't see it, they think no one has been there.

This is such nonsense. If I had known this, I might as well have installed two infrared surveillance cameras nearby.

Suddenly, as soon as Chu Tian thought of this, he vaguely saw a black shadow passing quietly across the night sky, and then landed on top of the pigeon coop.

It's a big owl over a foot tall!

If you didn't see it with your eyes, you wouldn't be able to hear the owl flying.

Chu Tian knew this before.

Owls are the birds with the lowest noise in flight, almost silent, because their wings are very soft and even have a lot of velvet-like down. Therefore, the flight of owls seems to have no sound wave frequency of even 1,000 Hz. However, mammalian ears basically cannot capture sound waves of this frequency.

Looking at this owl, which looked even bigger and rounder than a big black cat, Chu Tian had an idea in his mind and sent it directly.

Chu Tian;"Big fat bird."

The owl that had just landed above the pigeon coop did not move its body and turned its head directly.

Owl;"Huh? That's weird, is this human being talking to me?"

Chu Tian;"Yes, it's me, I'm talking to you."

Owl;"This......Even more strange, how come I can suddenly communicate with humans?"

Chu Tian;"It's a long story, I know your language, big fat bird, what are you doing here?"

The owl moved its chubby body and faced Chu Tian and said,"I'm here to see my prey, what are you doing here?"


When the owl said this, the corner of Chu Tian's mouth couldn't help but twitch.


This bastard actually regarded these pigeons as his food.

Generally speaking, owls mainly feed on rats, but , also eat small birds, frogs and fish.

However, birds as big as pigeons are generally not listed as the main ones. It is probably because life is difficult and they really can’t find anything to eat.

These poor birds The pigeon originally just had to guard against the big black cat, but now, a more bandit guy has come. Fortunately,

I came back early, otherwise, the pigeon might be eaten tonight.

Chu Tian;"Big Fat Bird, what about that? Just wait a moment, why will I become your prey? These are the pigeons I raised. These pigeons are mine, okay?"

Owl;" What's the matter? What you raise is also my prey."


Chu Tian looked at the owl speechlessly, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

There seems to be nothing wrong with it!

There are already birds in the owl's diet, whether they are wild or domestic.

Chutian;"Uh.....So what, please slow down for a moment. To put it bluntly, you just want to eat, right?"

Owl;"Well, life is not easy. Now it's hard to find something to eat even after flying for a long time."

Chu Tian;"It's easy. Don't you just want to eat? In this way, you don't want to take advantage of my pigeons. What I give you to eat is all good and delicious meat. How about it?"

Owl;"You give me something to eat?"

Chu Tian;"Yes, I think it's fate that we meet each other. In this way, I will not only give you food, but I will also prepare a place for you to live here. You will be free of food and accommodation at my place in the future. ,How about it?"

The owl looked at Chu Tian, ​​thought for a moment and said,"If you say so, then I can let these little white birds go, but if you don't want me to have enough to eat, I will eat them."

Chu Tian said:"Don't worry, you can stay here for food and accommodation from now on. I will definitely take care of your food. So, don't touch my pigeons yet, I'll go get you something to eat."

As he spoke, Chutian turned around and returned to the villa hall.

Because it was already late, Li Sisi and others had already gone upstairs. At this time, only Song Xiaoya was still in the villa hall.

Seeing Chutian coming back, Song Xiaoya Ya said;"Boss, do you want to take a rest?"

"Go to bed later. Chu Tian said,"Xiaoya, go to the kitchen and get me some raw meat. Cut it into strips and make a plate. I want it to be lean.""


Raw meat?

Cut a plate?

Song Xiaoya was surprised and said,"Boss, what do you mean? Why do you want raw meat so late at night?""

"An owl came to the house. Chu Tian said,"I'm going to feed it, lest it get hungry and kill all the pigeons I raise.""

"owl? Song Xiaoya glared for a moment and said,"Is there an owl coming to the villa?""

"right. Chu Tian said,"You go and cut a plate of meat first.""


Song Xiaoya nodded, and then went to the kitchen.

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