Mighty Soldier King

Chapter 57 Gregorio Lin

Brandon's stupid actions not only took Peter aback but also all the three ladies, which included Phoebe.

Especially, the two beautiful girls who came along with Brandon were too scared to move. They had no clue that this guy, who had been nothing but sweet and tender to them, had a violent side, so dangerous.

"Stop it, he'll die, if you keep hitting him. It is not worth sinning for a man like him."

Watching Brandon keep beating Frank, Peter wanted to stop, so he quickly pulled Brandon back.

"Fuck! He had the audacity to threaten me! He thought I would get scared? Never!"

Brandon kept swearing and it didn't look like his anger was fading away at all.

Peter ignored Brandon, and went straight to Phoebe. "If you don't wish to be bullied anymore, get dressed and follow me. No matter how he threatened you, I can settle it all for you, if you believe in me, I promise."

Peter was not a big fan of interfering into others' businesses, but he had to at that point because of Phoebe. It was because of him that Phoebe landed into such a terrible situation.

Although if he wouldn't have gotten involved that night, Phoebe might have fallen into the hands of Frank as well, but alas! he did end up interfering.

After all, it was still because of him that Frank insulted Phoebe so much!

When Phoebe heard what Peter offered, her eyes started to glow, in hope. But she quickly lost that shimmer.

Frank stood leaning on bed, wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth and started laughing hysterically.

"Wow. Look at the way you're talking! You are a mere security guard. If you didn't have Bella and Brandon for your protection, you'd be nothing but a fart!

Now please don't tell her that you can protect her! Well, even if you could, I doubt she'd ever dare to leave with you.

Peter Wang, if you are a real man, come out front. Don't hide behind others like a coward.

I dare you, if you don't kill me today, I will definitely kill you tomorrow!

Even if Brandon will protect you, I doubt he'd be around you 24/7 or like never leave the Golden City! As long as you are dead, I don't believe he will be there for you!"

Frank continued to scream and looked very angry.

"Wow! You really are an asshole! Seems like the lesson for you to soak in was not enough!"

Somehow, even on hearing this, Peter didn't lose his calm but Brando

uld feel the warmth of her body as she hugged him, unexpectedly.

"Thank you so much, Peter! I feel lucky to know you! You can be rest assured that I will definitely go out of my way and work even harder."

Phoebe hugged Peter even more tightly at that moment.

Peter was the first person to have actually made some sort of connection with her since she grew up. She really wanted to tell him that she loved him. But somehow she thought that she didn't deserve him.

Thinking that her body was not good enough for a man like Peter, she felt sad. Not to mention that in order to be Peter's girlfriend, she was willing to be at his service for all her life.

Peter had no clue about all this and had asked Brandon to find two bodyguards who could take care of Phoebe. As soon as she left, Peter rushed to the Golden Eagle.


"Mr. Lin, they left the Harvey Hotel."

Standing in a luxurious room, Felix informed the young man sitting on the sofa with his head down.

Felix, who was a superior to Frank, was nothing but a loyal servant to the young man.

Gregorio Lin looked at Felix while the beautiful lady residing in his arms offered him some wine from her own glass.

"Call Alfred. His chance for taking the revenge is approaching."

"Yes, sir, but what about Brandon? He belongs to the Chu family."

Felix asked while dialing someone's number on the phone.

"Chu family? It means nothing to me. Let's just get rid of them together, in one go!"

His eyes filled with devil-like look and rage, as he spoke, "Well, Alfred will solve this problem, not us."

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