Military Technology

Chapter 3315 Quantum computers are the future! ?

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Listening to Wu Hao's introduction, everyone was moved. They seem to be able to see how this super quantum computer will lead the rapid development of science and technology in the near future and push human society to a new level.

"Mr. Wu, you just said that this super quantum computer is still evolving, so what is its main direction of evolution?" Mr. Zhou asked curiously.

Wu Hao smiled slightly and explained: "There are two main aspects in the direction of evolution. The first is the upgrade of the hardware level. We will continue to develop more advanced quantum chips and qubits to improve the integration and computing speed of quantum computers.

The second is optimization at the software level. We will improve quantum programming languages ​​and quantum algorithms so that quantum computers can better solve various complex problems. "

Hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement. Hardware and software are complementary to each other, and only by progressing together can quantum computers reach their maximum potential.

At this moment, a relatively young boss in the crowd suddenly asked: "Mr. Wu, I have a question. Since the performance of quantum computers is so powerful, is it possible for it to replace traditional computers?"

This question attracted the attention of everyone present because it is also a controversial topic. Regarding this question, there is actually no accurate answer. The two sides with different views have been arguing, so everyone also wants to know what Wu Hao thinks about this issue.

In this regard, Wu Hao pondered for a moment and replied: "Quantum computers and traditional computers are not a simple substitution relationship, but a complementary relationship.

Traditional computers have developed very maturely in the field of classical computing, while quantum computers are good at handling some problems that are difficult for traditional computers to solve, such as optimization problems, simulation problems, etc.

Therefore, in the future we will see the joint development of quantum computers and traditional computers. Quantum computers will play a huge role in some specific fields, while traditional computers will continue to shine in a wider range of fields. "

Having said this, Wu Hao paused and then said: "Besides these, there is also a very real issue. That is cost-effectiveness.

The price of quantum computers is too high and not everyone can afford it. Compared with execution, traditional supercomputers are much more user-friendly.

And many times, there is no need to use this kind of super quantum computer, ordinary supercomputers can solve the problem. In this way, the time of the super quantum computer can be freed up for more complex problems.

So in my opinion, quantum computers and traditional computers are not enemies, but partners who can work together. "

After listening to Wu Hao's answer, everyone agreed. Indeed, both have their own advantages and characteristics. As Wu Hao said, although quantum computers are good, not everyone can afford them. Therefore, in comparison, traditional supercomputers are more cost-effective.

Mr. Wu, what about your previous two generations of supercomputers? Have they been eliminated directly? A boss in the crowd suddenly asked.

Upon hearing this question, many people present brightened up and looked at Wu Hao. Yes, the two previous supercomputers, although not as advanced as this one, are still at the forefront of the country. If you can pick it up and buy it back, it will definitely be worth the money.

Facing the eager eyes of everyone, Wu Hao smiled and said: "They are not eliminated, we have moved them to other places as a whole and continue to play their role.

For example, the first-generation super photon computer was transported to the Northwest Research Center, where we established the Northwest Research Center Supercomputing Center.

Where will we undertake some daily scientific research computing tasks for use by various scientific research project groups and laboratories within our company.

After all, there is no need to run some daily scientific research computing tasks on this super quantum computer. It would be too wasteful.

In addition, it is also because this place is so popular that if we want to apply for it, we need to coordinate reservations, which is inconvenient, so we try not to occupy the resources here. Not all tasks must be run on this super quantum computer. "

Having said this, Wu Hao glanced at everyone, and then continued: "As for the second super optical quantum computer, we transported it to the scientific research center in Shanghai, where we will carry out related research and development work.

Its functionality is similar to the first one, but it also has some special tasks and uses. "

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone nodded and couldn't help but have disappointed looks on their faces. I originally thought I could catch it, but I didn't expect that everyone was using it.

When they thought of this, everyone couldn't help but taste it. Their companies don’t have such high-performance advanced supercomputers yet. Look for Shuyuan and Haoyu Technology has built three of them. There is really no comparison between people, companies and companies. ah.

But soon, everyone adjusted their mentality. After all, not everyone can have such a high-performance supercomputer. Haoyu Technology's ability to own three such supercomputers is also a reflection of its strong scientific research strength and strong technical foundation.

"Mr. Wu, can you tell us at what stage your research and development in the field of quantum computers is at? What new breakthrough directions are there in the future?" A CEO from the technology media asked curiously.

Wu Hao smiled slightly and replied: "We have always maintained a leading position in the research and development progress in the field of quantum computers. Currently, we are actively developing more efficient qubits and more stable quantum chips to further improve the computing speed and reliability.

In addition, we are also exploring the application of quantum computers in artificial intelligence, big data processing and other fields, hoping to develop more intelligent and efficient algorithms and models to provide more possibilities for the future development of human society. "

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone expressed their confidence in Haoyu Technology's research and development capabilities and future prospects in the field of quantum computers.

Mr. Li even said directly: "Mr. Wu, the performance of your super quantum computer is indeed outstanding. Our company is also engaged in such a large-scale supercomputing development project, but the progress is relatively slow.

If possible, we hope to cooperate with you to jointly promote the development of this project. "

Wu Hao heard this and nodded with a smile: "Of course there is no problem. In fact, we have been looking for like-minded partners to jointly promote the development of quantum computer technology. I believe that through our cooperation, we will be able to achieve more outstanding results." Results.”

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