Military Technology

Chapter 553 Take the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain?

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became strange. Tong Juan is said to be Xue Bing's direct descendant, and she was also brought out by Xue Bing. Now Xue Bing's tone is obviously a little dissatisfied with Tong Juan, and he doesn't know what's wrong with it.

Tong Juan shook her head and said, "I really don't know, it should be up to Mr. Xue to make the decision."

Xue Bing shook his head and said: "I want to hear your opinion now, after all, you are the person who is most familiar with Haoyu Technology and Wu Hao in the company."

Tong Juan hesitated a little when she heard the words, and then said: "Cooperating with H Wei has both advantages and disadvantages.

Let’s talk about the advantages first. Of course, H Wei’s accumulated technology is much stronger than ours, and they have advantages in research and development. Of course, we also have our own advantages in system optimization and openness, but we still cannot take the initiative.

And to be honest, I'm not optimistic about this combination. First of all, everyone's long-standing grievances are too deep, and the cooperation will inevitably not go smoothly and may even die prematurely. It's like uniting vertically and horizontally. Although the six countries joined forces to fight against Qin, they were defeated by Qiang Qin with a plan of separation.

Secondly, in terms of technology, the technological gap between us and the other party is too great. I'm not technically savvy, so I'll keep it simple.

Let's not talk about hardware, let's talk about system software. From the relevant information and data obtained in succession these days, our technicians have also gone to the actual experience.

I believe everyone knows what the smart AR system equipped with this smart AR glasses is. In a short period of time, how could it be possible to develop a system comparable to such an excellent system. "

Hearing Tong Juan's words, the atmosphere in the conference room was very solemn. Everyone was silent, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

Seeing this, Tong Juan sighed secretly, then squeezed out a smile and comforted everyone: "Of course, it is not impossible to win. If we can develop a comparable one in a short time, even if it is similar Smart AR glasses still have the power to fight.

Even if the quality and performance are poor, we can do more in terms of price and marketing, which is our specialty.

And we also have a huge advantage, that is, we can attract many software vendors to enrich the system ecology, so as to attract more users.

Haoyu Technology's smart AR glasses use an independent application system similar to Fruit IOS, so software applications must be officially authorized to be installed. This is bound to set up a threshold for these application developers and bring some troubles.

Wu Hao even prevented relevant software giants from entering in order to monopolize some application functions. For example, in terms of instant messaging software, they refused to enter Penguin, and this is exactly our opportunity

Therefore, I think we can take the opportunity to win over these software application developers to create an open system to fight against them, just like the Android system. "

As soon as Tong Juan's words fell, someone immediately agreed: "Yes, this is indeed our advantage. Moreover, Penguin not only has strong capital, but also has strong scientific and technological strength. It is completely possible to attract it to jointly promote intelligence AR system development."

"This is to lure wolves into the house. Don't you know the virtues of penguins? It's our part to lure it in." Someone immediately retorted.

"Then what should we do? Are we just going to watch Haoyu Technology eat up our market share little by little?" the man said angrily.

Another immediately said: "I think it's too far to talk about this now.

Our most urgent task at present is not to discuss cooperation and confrontation with anyone, but to immediately adjust our market operation strategy, control the market well, and defend against the coming impact.

Once the sales of high-end mobile phones of other brands are hindered, the prices of these mobile phones will be greatly reduced immediately, thereby crowding out the middle and low-end market.

So in the face of this situation, do we have the power to resist. Don't let Haoyu Technology get in touch with it by that time, we will be overwhelmed by our colleagues. "

Hearing what this person said, Tong Juan also nodded in agreement and said: "This is also the issue I am most worried about at the moment. What is the business strategy of our products for a long time, that is, to use super high cost performance as the main marketing method to seize the market.

Relying on this strategy, we have been successful in past competitions.

But now, with the strong intervention of these high-end mobile phones, can we still maintain this advantage? Without this advantage, how can we compete with those mobile phone brands? This is a question we must discuss at present.

It is also because of this factor that I think it will be difficult for Xiang Ming to carry out this multi-party cooperation led by H.

Unless there is a strong company involved, such as G song, Qualcomm and other giants. With their leadership, the situation is better. "

"As far as I know, G Song is also very afraid of the strong rise of Haoyu Technology, and even more afraid of its independently developed intelligent system.

In previous competitions, the intelligent language system and AI timely translation technology developed by Haoyu Technology have dealt a big blow to G Song, which can be said to have seized G Song's original market share in this field.

So I think G Song will definitely take action this time, and even companies like G Tong and W Soft will also take action. The United States will definitely have new suppression actions against this kind of object that threatens its interests. "An executive who is more familiar with the foreign situation interjected at this time.

"As a Chinese, I certainly don't want to see our domestic companies being suppressed by these foreign capital giants. But as an executive of an affected company, I still hope to see this happen."

"Do I think we have entered a misunderstanding?" suddenly a young man said.

"Oh, what should I say?" Everyone immediately focused their attention on this young man.

The young man was not used to facing so many gazes at once, but after a simple adjustment, he said immediately.

"This is how I see it. At present, this situation is our speculation and has not been confirmed. We have not yet figured out what Haoyu Technology or Wu Hao thinks.

Maybe we are really taking the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain? "

After glancing at everyone's reactions, the young man immediately said: "I don't think Wu Hao is so stupid, he would choose to fight against so many companies.

So he will definitely choose to cooperate, and Haoyu Technology did not cherish its own technology in the past, and it was very generous to open to the outside world. Such as new lithium batteries, intelligent voice assistants and so on.

Therefore, I think we should send someone over to find out what Wu Hao is thinking now, and then try to persuade the other party to cooperate. We will definitely make considerable concessions and compromises in this cooperation, but as long as we seize the opportunity, the benefits will still be very large.

Apart from other things, let's just talk about this wireless remote charging technology. If we can get the relevant components supplied by the other party, we can apply them to the mobile phone.

In this way, even if the prices of high-end machines of those brands are lowered, it is unlikely to have much impact on us, and we may even come back in this battle. "

Hearing the young man's words, everyone couldn't help but nodded. Indeed, what he said is very reasonable. At present, everyone is guessing, and it is not clear what Haoyu Technology or Wu Hao thinks.

It's better to find out the other party's true intentions first, maybe this is really what they think too much. Thinking of this, everyone looked at Xue Bing.

Xuebing nodded slightly, then looked at Tong Juan who was sitting beside him and said, "Then you have to work hard again, go to Anxi, and visit Wu Hao for me."

"President Xue, I..." Tong Juan hesitated.

"I'll talk about your affairs when you come back, now you can run for me first." Xue Bing waved his hand.

Tong Juan hesitated for a moment, but nodded slightly.

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