The game has officially started and the lineups of both sides have been finalized!

Red Fang (Wang Fan): [Shangdan Vampire, Zhongshan Yasuo, Fight Wild Mantis, ADC Xia, Auxiliary Luo].

Blue Square (Ning and Theshy): [Shangdan Jaise, Medium Single Card, Playing Wild Man Gun, ADC Lucian, Auxiliary Hammerstone].

Of course, seeing the ID of the opposite fighter, his attitude was also slightly stunned.

Male gun (ning) ID: The opposite side of the field is Guapi.

Wang Fan’s ID: I hit Wild Thief 6.

It’s really needle to needle….

Wang Fan sorted out his thoughts and returned to the arena.

The hero of the praying mantis has average strength and average output ability, but compared with the prince and the poodle, he is more like a wild hero set up specifically to oppose the wild.

Because it is isolated and can only be triggered when the opponent has only one hero, the praying mantis is very suitable for catching people in the wild or catching a single line.

Of course, isolation is not only marked on heroes, but bonuses also apply to wild monsters. So like F6, three wolves, this group of wild monsters, there is no bonus of isolation.

The three wolves are all fine, especially the F6 birdie, it is simply the heart disease of the mantis player!!

Don’t brush it, no experience!

Brush it, it hurts too much to hit this!

Without the bonus of being alone, the damage is doubled, not to mention, half of the blood will be lost if you can’t die in half a day.

However, there was one thing that made Wang Fan feel happy——

That is Zhongdan is Yaso.

Arsenic of A, compote of B.

Mantis players hate F6, but Yasso players have a soft spot for F6. As long as Yasuo is the king of the single row, I can’t wait for the first F6 field to be reserved for him.

Therefore, as soon as he entered, the happy wind man communicated friendly: “Mantis, or you leave the first F6 to me, you don’t like it anyway.” ”

Wang Fan: “Okay, you can cooperate with me to go to the opposite wild area.” ”


As he spoke, all five people walked to the river.

International practice, the river meets a wave of just one level!

All ten people walked to the river, and the hammerstone came a few times as he wanted, and the result can be imagined, naturally it was a miss.

The two sides exchanged faces, and the purple square was imposing.

Wang Fan only felt that this Shangshan Jace was like Theshy’s upper body, heroically stepping forward and throwing skills, while the red side retreated one after another.


In the training room, Ning raised his eyebrows, crackling on the teammate channel: “Not bad, look at the other side so instigated, I’m afraid that this is going to be beaten into melon skin again!” ”

Theshy looked silent and delicately operated.

Soon, the minions on both sides were about to appear, and Jace saw that he could not open the regiment, so he had to retreat back to the city.

A normal start, with no loss of any summoner skills on both sides.


Ning is not at ease only brushing the blue buff, he is playing with a male gun!

In the whole world, where is the one who likes to brush his own wild with a male gun?

Wild monsters, of course, brush the enemy’s wild monsters!

Therefore, Ning gave up the normal brushing of the blue at the beginning, and chose to go to the upper road field to brush the blue of the red square! It is extremely intrusive, after all, after the male gun is two seconds in a second, he has the E skill to penetrate the wall, and it is easy to catch people.


Of course, Ning went to brush his red, and the praying mantis was not idle.

The praying mantis went out with a scan and swept all the way down the river.

Sure enough, Blue Stone stood obediently in the Blue Pit….

Wang Fan really guessed correctly, everyone who plays with the male gun is a restless and self-guarding player, either dirty teammates or stealing enemy fields, wanting to equip and crush in advance!

The praying mantis was also not polite, and after two blue buffs, he wanted to brush the enemy’s blue zone.

Anyway, the male gun will not politely brush his blue zone, of course he will not show mercy!

Soon, the praying mantis brushed off the monolithic monster, blue buff, and frog.

Immediately after, the trickier three wolves…

The praying mantis rushed to the three wolves non-stop, and when the three wolves were upgraded to the third level, a dense aperture of smoke bombs suddenly threw out on the left wall.

The bearded pulling man’s w skill smoke bomb!

The screen went black for a while, and Wang Fan lost all vision.


A gunshot!

The ground was pitch black with gunpowder ammunition.

It is the Q skill of the male gun, the trajectory of the end of the road.

The praying mantis burst into flames, its wings opened rapidly, and then flew up and jumped, even using E to avoid the damage of the second stage ammunition of the male gun’s Q skill!

“Boy, don’t you have the guts, come to my wild area?”

Ning raised his eyebrows, looking at the praying mantis in front of him, his heart was greatly displeased!

If it weren’t for the slow mantis brushing the three wolves, I’m afraid that when he came, he wouldn’t even be able to hear the sound of the mantis brushing the three wolves!

On the other side, considering that the smoke grenade is a praying mantis coming from the upper left, the praying mantis jumped directly into the thin wall on the upper left to the front of the male gun.

The wild area meets, both sides carry red and blue double buffs, the hero gap is five or five, see who operates faster!

Taste fear!

The praying mantis waved his arm and tore at the male gun in a hand-torn position, and the male gun suddenly dropped one-third of its blood.

The male gun did not dare to show weakness, and went out as soon as A went out, and with the 2 shotguns of the passive new fate, he hit a damage no lower than that of the praying mantis.

The two fought each other with red and blue buffs, and after fighting each other a few times, the praying mantis stood significantly behind.

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