Wang Fan felt that it was time for him to go and make trouble!

So, the bearded man walked down the river, but found that the red buff on the opposite side… Gone?


“Could it be that the praying mantis is the first to do with the serious red buff? This is an herbivorous praying mantis with no killing heart and no anti-wild desire? ”

Wang Fanhu thought suspiciously.

He also thought that the praying mantis would start with his red hand first, and then return to the wild area to get blue.

Just thinking so… A sound suddenly came out of the headphones!

In the voice inside IG, Duke couldn’t help but burst out: “Groove!!” Isn’t this already past level two? Where did the third-level praying mantis come from? ”

Immediately afterwards, a cold female voice suddenly came from the road.


I saw that the praying mantis took a double buff and cooperated with No’s hand to kill Jian Ji.

On the big screen, the video of the kill is repeated again!

The audience cheered, and the enthusiasm on the field was once hot!!

“That’s right, our VG Mantis has a clear rhythm! After a quick promotion to the third year, it perfectly matched Locke gank for a wave! Successfully get a blood, let’s play back the blood condition again! ”

In the video, I saw a praying mantis brushed with a toad, walking from the wild area of Shanglu.

At this time, Nok had already passed a confrontation with Kenji online, and both of them were in a half-blood state. As soon as he saw the praying mantis coming, Nock flashed without saying a word!

With the mantis’s isolation, he instantly took the blood of Jian Ji.


Mantis on the road ??

Or go on the road to your own blue square area??

Is it really a herbivorous type to fight wild?

Can…… If you eat herbs, why do you still arrest people?

According to the urine nature of the praying mantis, this should be an assassin, single-handedly scavenging wilderness.

The anti-wild ability is almost strong… Impossible to eat herbs!!

Wang Fan thought for a long time, and finally he didn’t bother to think about it.

However, since the red buff is gone, the male gun will not be idle, and in the spirit of being greedy as much as he can, the male gun brushes the Mantis’s F6 and stone monster by the way.

Five minutes later.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for holding out for five minutes in the game and increasing his proficiency with extrajudicial maniacs to the level of a second-level player (LPL level)].

At this time, the F6 brushed with the praying mantis and the male gun of the stone monster have been upgraded to level three, which is slightly slower than the speed of the praying mantis to upgrade the level, but… Nor is it necessarily at a complete disadvantage.

Wang Fan: “Down the road, I’m coming.” ”

“What?” Baolan was stunned, and quickly persuaded, “Don’t!” The next road is not suitable for arresting people, besides…”

Before Baolan could finish persuading, the bearded man followed the direction of the stone monster and came to the next road.

This newcomer fights wild, and he really can’t be persuaded.

Royal: …………

Soon, the bearded man came to the lower road with the barrel of the gun.

Ah Shui: Try it, although Xivel and Lulu are not easy to open, but… You E man gun try to open Lulu.

Baolan nodded reluctantly.


The next road is a dangerous line, and the strength of the AD assist will directly determine the right to the line.

Although the Xialo combination is strong, Xivelo and Lulu do not have to be different from Xialuo.

If nothing else, Luo’s grand appearance, in front of E, who is immune to all controlling skills, and Lulu’s silent W… It almost didn’t do much.

In addition, the clear line and alignment ability of Xiwel QW is also quite strong.

It is precisely when Xavier knows this, she will approach the front again and again, not afraid of any of Luo’s skills.

But…… Now the field is coming.

Ah Shui said try, then try it.

E skill light dance into pairs!

Almost at the moment when the male gun appeared, Luo quickly jumped up and rushed towards the male gun, and the golden shield suddenly appeared on the bodies of the two people. Let Luo’s position suddenly move forward a lot!

Grand debut!!

Luo instantly opened his feathers, rose gracefully, and rushed towards Lulu.

Because ADC Xivel has E, the shot is invalid!

So Lulu is the best person left behind.

“Big magic!!”

A cute voice, Lulu with a hat, the magic stick nodded towards Luo! A W fell on Feitian Luo’s body, and Feitian Luo instantly turned into a cute little animal.

The big debut fly effect takes 1 second to fall, enough for a pro player to dodge!

Therefore, Lulu steadily walked out of Luo’s flying effect circle.

But…… Kasumi and Man Gun are not vegetarians.

Double edge! Deadly Yue!


Pieces of purple feathers went out with the dart in the hands of the purple light-clothed girl, and Xia quickly QW, the purple traces quickly connected skills at the same time in Person A, one, two, three…

Smoke bombs!

At the end of one’s resources!

The smoke aperture and a black trace rushed over, and the male gun was a shell thrown out in an instant, successfully matching Kasumi’s damage and beating Lulu into blood.

Ze Yuan: “It seems that this time IG’s newcomer is not far behind, although the anti-wild overall lack of a red buff, but after brushing to the third level, he also immediately chose to catch it.” ”

Long hair: “Indeed, Luo almost at the same time E on the male gun around, although this wave of catching the wheel mother is not realistic, but this Lulu can fight for it.” ”


In the arena, in the face of the front and rear of Kasumi and the male gun, ammunition and purple feathers rushed in.

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