I saw that a few seconds before Ruiz R left the car to cast a spell, the old driver took the lead in starting the engine in Ruiz’s R!

R energy – reckless rampage!


The huge old driver roared into the sky, and a burst of red light flashed in front of him, violently rushing towards Zhongdan!!

At the same time, the toad during the synchronization also began to drive!

R energy – deep sea voyage!

The ugly-faced catfish opened its huge mouth of the abyss, opened its blood basin and swallowed the blind monk, and then struck towards Reiz’s R aperture.

Come on!!

Almost at the same time, Theon turned into a hurricane and rushed to the center.

Twists and turns – cast the spell is complete.

The moment Ruiz R can be canceled, it is almost the same second!

Theon transformed into a red light old driver into Rez’s circle, and Toad also drove this R into Rez’s blue spell aperture. Two people

Is Zhongdan the departure place?

No, he may just be a pick-up platform!

The next stop, of course, is directly to the Shangshan Canyon Pioneer!!

This seamless drive from the lower river to the middle road! It’s officially started!

“Theshy is good! This timing is precise. Royal Blue’s R time prompt, you can enter the aperture of Ruiz in advance, and your big move can only drive R time with your personal card, if you don’t release time on Rez, your big move is likely to not get into the car. ”

In the IG team, Wang Fan praised:

“Fortunately, after playing more Camille, I am used to the operation of card timing. I heard that the last time you hit pdd, you also used the operation of the thousand-yard E flash E, if you can operate it, then the operation in my R Ritz circle today, you should also be able to easily operate. ”


Last 1,000 yards E flashed E?

Hit PDD that time?

That one… It seems to be exactly 20 minutes, which is the level of a champion.

It should be similar to Theshy’s strength…

Wang Fan smiled, “It’s okay… Just hit the passerby bureau casually, maybe the state is better. ”


On the field, Tam took the blind monk, and the old driver took R to fly to Reiz’s aperture.

Disappears into the middle with the dark blue aperture.

In a moment, the four-person car instantly appeared in the middle of the upper half of the river area!!


The muscular man with a strong body raised his big axe and roared into the sky as he drove at speed.

Between Xu Yu, the four of them had already rushed to the place of the Great Dragon Pit as promised!

At the same time, the passion on the field is immediately ignited!

Hokay is passionate:

“That’s right!! Can it be shown again? The three major drivers drove, and the blind monk was already in the car!! 666 I haven’t noticed that the IG lineup is unintentionally a hearse combination! This drive, all the staff from the lower road Xiaolongkeng turned out to the speed of light to the middle road!! ”

“Yes, it’s so showy, can you still operate like this? The undead god of war, Ruiz, Tam, the three major old drivers gathered in the canyon, the king of routines, it is so terrifying!! Go wherever you want! Canyon Seamless Teleportation! ”


Offstage, many viewers also talked about it.

“Groove, this will work? Driving lineup? I was ready to give it a try. ”

“Show!! On the road to the professional game, don’t say, this lineup is quite suitable for playing late. ”

“This policewoman changed to a wheeled mother and accelerated after driving! Simply unbeatable! Chasing people is invincible. ”


On the field, everyone is ready!


Theon turned directly to the left 60 degrees, and the tall and powerful giant sex muscle man had R in one hand!

This one rushed over and instantly hit the three people who were about to retreat in the Great Dragon Pit!

Pig Girl, Bloom, and Lucian were in the dragon pit, looking at a loss!!!

Seeing that everyone was dizzy in place, Theon raised his huge axe again, raised his hand and smashed it into the sky!

Brutal Slam!!

A huge square axe range fell from the sky, stunting the three people trapped in the Great Dragon Pit in a row.

This position!

Ruiz on the side was full of surprise, looking at the three positions of the upper single, and he was ecstatic!

Three people standing in a bunch?! What does this say?

Illustrating his opportunity for broiler show, arrived!

“nice! I’m going to open the show!! ”

The broiler shone brightly, stepped forward excitedly, and rolled the keyboard by hand!

In the arena, the powerful magic contained in the scroll behind Ritz was unleashed again!

Q Skills – Overload!

The powerful and earth-destroying magic blue ball was born in Ritz’s hands again. He first used a Q skill, overload, to attack the pig girl closest to the outside of the Xiaolong pit.

As soon as the Q skill is triggered, the E skill can hit the surge and multiply the damage!

E Skill – Spell Surge!

I saw a series of blue magic balls rolling along the three people! For a time, a huge amount of magic power output damage was exported out in tons.

At this time, the policewoman who had been resisting pressure on the road also jumped down the bomb fruit in her own wild area.

At a glance, I saw Lucian at the back in the Great Dragon Pit!

Q Skill – Messenger of Peace.

The policewoman crouched down and launched in the direction of Lucian, the dragon pit!


At the same time, Edg voice:

“Groove… This Reitz’s AOE is so painful! And this policewoman!!! I’m running out!! ”

Iboy panicked!!

Right now, this set of Ruiz, half of his blood is almost gone!

And this policewoman in front of you! This Q shot is obviously a fatal blow!

The last wave of his treatment has been gone, and this wave is dead, it can be said that his entire game is useless!

Mei Kong’s forehead was also oozing sweat, but she was the first to speak: “It’s okay!” I’ll help you top! You retreat first! ”


On the field, it’s almost the end of the stun effect! The bearded man quickly jumped in front of Lucian!

E Skill – Indestructible!

A piece of hard glacier thickness suddenly stood in front of him and Lucian, and the injury of policewoman Q was immediately blocked!

The peacemaker who fell on Lucian, the damage was not so explosive.


Lucian breathed a sigh of relief, just when he eased up for a while…

A mysterious mystery of the true eye appeared in front of him!!!

Iboy was frightened, and immediately raised twelve points of energy, directly…


A golden powder flashed and pressed it directly.

Lucian directly pressed the flash near the left wild area!!

He has been seconds twice!! Now I really believe in the hand speed of this blind man.


On the other side, looking at the appearance of this frightened bird, Wang Fan was very useful!

At this time, Ah Shui is also playing the role of team battle!

I saw that the policewoman squatted down again…


Five shelves in three seconds at the speed of light?

On the doorway of the Great Dragon Pit?

Groove, can it still be like this?

The three of Edg were stunned in the dragon pit at that time, so the three of them were in the dragon pit, and the canyon pioneer who had hit more than half was also in the dragon pit, attacking anyone aimlessly.

Now this scene…

Three people were suddenly blocked? _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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