Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 489 Cover advance tempo

Su Chen also worked as a teammate with 957 for a period of time, and he also knows about 957's strength and habits.

He didn't use the magic shadow to approach first, but walked head-on to Lunar to get support, and he could naturally let go and attack, all the way through the flat a plus boomerang to chase Ornn.

Don’t even think of Ornn as a melee hero. In fact, in the hands of Solo Tops, such as 957, who can “play”, he can counter-kill as a long-range. The more flexible Gnar can say Ornn itself is too fleshy and consumes too much power. Su Chen approached Ornn in 957 while calculating his skills.

95 "April One Three" 7 did not make any counterattack, just handed the collision and wanted to open the distance with Gnar. Unfortunately, Gnar's chasing ability is too strong. He played the third ring to strengthen the consumption of Aoun. Blood volume, while also being slowed down by boomerangs.

The first time Su Chen walked to Aoun's side, he was not in a hurry to hit a burst of damage. His explosiveness was not enough compared to Aoun's flesh.

However, he can play the control and immediately use the e skill to lock him, ready to put him in place, let Gnar continue to output, his continuous output is more useful than the two magic shadows.

957 knew Su Chen’s plan and possessed the [skills. Su Chen has more than just one chain. Two chains can lock Aoun into two. The time is too long. 957 decisively chose to flash. At this moment, Su Chen and Na You are by his side, and you can avoid further distances by flashing.

With Aoun’s flesh, there will be many people questioning that 957 is too timid, but 957 knows that he must seize the most suitable opportunity to cross-talk, otherwise his head will also be handed over. Now there are different levels in the middle and the lower. If his head is sent out on the road, then they are a third-line poor, and the situation is very difficult to handle. If his head is still taken by Gnar, it will be even more difficult to fight.

In fact, 957’s judgment on the situation is correct. At this time, 957 still maintains top-level top road knowledge and skills. Su Chen’s demon girl of trickery, this time is equivalent to a trip for nothing, but only a flash of Aoun was knocked out. But it didn't gain any economy.

The point is that in the top lane, Aoun is not particularly dependent on flash.

It’s a pity. Just now, the cooperation between the Demon Girl of Trick and Gnar will be better, or when Gnar gets bigger, Gnar will release the control skills first. Affecting his rhythm, Jace in the middle has developed two waves of soldiers."

In fact, they underestimated Su Chen's mastery of line speed.

Jace's ability to push the line is indeed very strong. He already has the Blue Buff and can clear the line through the skills without feeling distressed.

However, it takes time for the pawn line to go forward, and Su Chen also has a blue butf, and he drove directly through the shadow of the shadow. When he got stuck in the pawn line and just entered the tower, he returned to the middle. At the end, he just missed a pawn. And all the experience has been eaten.

Even if Su Chen didn't keep walking, their lineup could continue to take advantage.

Team We can only pin their hopes on Jungle Kangdi's prince.

However, it is a pity that they do not know that their strength this season can no longer match the expectations of the fans. Last season was their peak. After that, they continued to decline. The most obvious performance is that Kande is now, the director. They have already got a head through a strong raid in the middle, and Su Chen also walked up and down, playing a huge voice, but Kandi spent most of the time in the wild, and occasionally appeared online to want to gank, and could not grasp the best time. The director almost completely guessed Kandi's actions, and blocked him in the river several times, preventing Kandi's actions from entering the prince, the hero, even if he had to fight head-on, he couldn't beat Graves, and they even took a head.

In addition, Su Chen is now in control of the line, and he can swim to the river at any time to support the prince. If he really fights with Graves, there will be no good results.

Their conservative choice made the We team barely maintain the previous situation. At least there was no "crash". However, they were playing more and more because Su Chen could not find a suitable gank opportunity for the time being. However, they still have a clear idea. The offensive direction is the bottom lane.

The policewoman cooperated with Lulu and pushed forward quickly, already exhausting the outer tower on the way down.

Now, Su Chen and the factory manager are looking for an opportunity together. 1.2 will move to the lower road, and directly drive the eldest brother-in-law’s ice shooter away, and cover the policewoman to directly push the police down. Choose what the policewomen want to hit, and keep pushing them forward, and keep putting pressure on them.

If the female nurse can successfully push down the three outer towers through the line change in the early stage, then his development will be unstoppable.

The most feared thing about the female police lineup is the mid-term, the output capacity is insufficient, but even pushing the three towers can greatly speed up the development of the female police. As long as it can jump directly to the set time, it is half-formed, and the front connection is not at all. Imaginary.

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