Xu Feng was also confused at first, and he didn't know why he suddenly scolded all of a sudden

Are the young people who play games so short-tempered now?

But I looked at the barrage, and I understand.

I thought of the expression sent by Brother Factory, and I understood it a little.

In the end, Du Niang searched for it, and she understood it thoroughly!

Zu'an big stage~

Recently, there have been a lot of training matches, and I have seen less LOL news, and I have forgotten all the legends of the servers in this area, and I didn't react for a while!

Xu Feng couldn't help laughing, hooked the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile, "Don't worry about them, you choose yours, just go in and block it later." "

"Oh. "

Jiang Yi didn't seem to understand, but he was here today, and he didn't bother to worry about it, so he listened to Xu Feng's words.

AD bit, on the first floor, directly locked a Lux to play.

The three teammates rioted again, and there was a burst of swearing.

Xu Feng was on the fifth floor, in the auxiliary position, and also took the opportunity to send a sentence with righteous words: "The three brothers scolded well, people who play casually in this kind of ranking deserve to be scolded." "

Gentle young man: That's it, it's just that I'm going to trouble you, brother, and put up such an ADC.

Scolding people is stupid donkey: I feel sorry for you, brother.

The five on the other side are all dogs: what are you going to play, brother? I'm in the jungle, let's have a little cooperation or something.

Saying that, the selection came to their side, the blue side, and the last two choices, and the five on the opposite side were all dogs still waiting for Xu Feng to answer.

However, Xu Feng...

Not much bb, second pick.

Nine-tailed demon fox, Ahri.

The three of them were suddenly stunned, and they all sent question marks.

The fans in the live broadcast room, who also saw this scene, were also caught off guard, and they were stimulated to laugh one by one.

Xu Feng was busy typing in a panic: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was angry with this stupid ADC, and I wanted to order a hammer stone, but I accidentally clicked on Ahri next to him.

Gentle young man: Second Olympics!

Scolding people are stupid donkeys: MD forget it, anyway, if you encounter such an adc, you will lose sooner or later, is there anyone who retreats in seconds?

The five opposite are all dogs: *****

The corners of Xu Feng's mouth hooked up an unconscious smile, and Jiang Yi saw that the corners of his eyes were raised, and asked, "Did you do it on purpose?"

"Nonsense. "


"These people dare to scold you, can I make them comfortable? "

Xu Feng said this sentence almost subconsciously, not noticing the happy smile that Jiang Yi showed after hearing it.

It's beautiful.

Of course, in addition to Jiang Yi, the fans in the live broadcast room also realized Xu Feng's purpose and joked one after another.

There are also new fans who are still curious about the relationship between Xu Feng and Jiang Yi, it's just a couple with a name, it's still so good in private, protecting each other, it won't be...

Couples, right??

Soon, the game begins.

Xu Feng is on the blue side.

On their side, the top single sword demon, the jungler nightmare, the middle lane little mage, and the bottom lane duo are Jiang Yi's Lux and Xu Feng's Ahri.

On the opposite side of the red side are the upper single stone man, the jungler barrel, the middle single nursery, the lower duo policewoman and hammer stone.

After entering the game, it was obvious that he had the last trace of luck, and he also thought about winning the jungler nightmare and sent a message of comfort:

"Assist, steady, steady down, TMB's not without a chance to win. "

"WYNMLGB,QNMBDSC,GLZG,S/Blz,Hehehe, you're on the face!".

Xu Feng didn't send this message much.

Even with a capital letter, it is difficult for these three guys who are absolutely at the eighth level of Zu'an language, after understanding it, their eyes are red, their mouths are grinning, the whole person is tight, and they are about to scold back, Xu Feng came to a ban without dragging his feet at all.

The system prompt immediately floated in...

The gentle young man (Darkborn Sword Demon) has been banned!

The one who scolds people and is stupid donkeys (demon mage) has been banned!

The five on the other side are all dogs (Eternal Nightmares) that have been banned!

Due to Jiang Yi's request, the live broadcast screen also showed Xu Feng's side, so this wave of cowhide manipulation made fans happy.

It turns out that Xu Feng is really angry with these guys!

may have been scolded in every way and did not respond, the three of them launched a signal at Xu Feng and Jiang Yifang, and the question marks, exclamation marks, and small blue dots snapped.

Then Xu Feng blocked the signal messages of the three of them.




Ollie gives!!

The whole person of the three people is not good, especially the nightmare of the lonely jungler at the beginning, and I can't wait to come directly to an offline PK.

A simple little farce ended, and Xu Feng and Jiang Yi began a merciless massacre on the lower road.

After all, the level is there.

Xu Feng is proficient in all heroes, and Jiang Yi, although he has no profession other than ADC, or king-level operations, but regardless of these, at least he is also a diamond goalkeeper.

Therefore, it is just a silver game, and seven minutes directly superses.

Xu Feng's fox cut off eight heads at level six, while Jiang Yi cut off four.

The opposite duo line can't be right.,As for the jungler.,Kill three directly.,Mid-laner.,Kill four....

It wasn't until ten minutes that Jiang Yi, who was satisfied, finally let go: "Let's push the tower." "

As a result, a tower on the lower road was blown up.

Although the news is still blocked, needless to say, Xu Feng knows that the admiration and envy of these three irascible little teammates can no longer be expressed.

Therefore, he gave a signal to Xiaolongkeng in a dashing manner.

Sure enough, the three of them rushed over quickly, and even the Shangshan Sword Demon specially teleported over, as if to express loyalty and apology, as well as a little hint... Big guy take me to win!!

Xu Feng's face did not change, and there was still a shallow smile on the corner of his mouth, and then, opening everyone's chat box, knocked down such a message:

"The three fools in Ueno in our family are fighting dragons in the small dragon pit, hurry up, this is your last chance. "

Sword Demon, Nightmare, Little Mage: "... Nima ???


23333 millions of viewers: "Poof, 666, haha~!!".

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