At this time Rambo is gone,

Either go to the middle to catch the stateless Yasuo, the middle and upper roads are already level six, and the beaver cooperates with Rambo’s damage to kill Yasuo, it’s not too difficult, maybe there is a prince is also there.

Of course, there is also a possibility that Rambo and the prince came to arrest Li Mu.

The first blue buff, Li Mu and the opposite side changed the wild area.

At this time, the second blue buff, Li Mu did the opposite, just like to see if the prince would come to change the blue buff again.

However, Dandy, as a world champion, may be able to speculate on Li Mu’s thoughts, and he is not sure.

If this is the case, Rambo should have come to Li Mu’s upper half of the wild area with the prince.

The possibilities are very high.

“I didn’t go to get you, I didn’t trouble you, you had to come to trouble me.”

Li Mu has already sentenced Rambo to death in his heart.

Wait will kill Rambo.

“The bull’s head won’t be seen for a while.”

Elixir prompted in a voice voice in the team.

He tried to go to a wave of gank in the middle, but did not catch the beaver, so he did not tell everyone about the disappearance of the bull’s head in time.

“The bull’s head is gone?”

Li Mu bowed his head slightly.

Very good

This group of people,

It’s an iron heart to catch yourself in the wild area, right?

Then we’ll see.

At this time.

Mata’s bullhead and Dandy’s prince and Shangdan Rambo really entered Li Mu’s upper half of the wild area together.

Mata made an eye in the blue buff grass, put a false eye in the three wolves, and then put a real eye in the grass behind the defense tower wall on the right side of the three wolves,

It is worthy of being the champion auxiliary, the vision art has achieved the extreme, and VG’s vision lights up Li Mu’s entire wild area.

Just as he was sure that Li Mu would come,

The three people of Bullhead, Prince, and Rambo were stuck behind the wall directly in front of the toad, and this position was just enough to jam the main field of view and prevent Li Mu from finding out.

“The last wave of your card vision hunted me, this wave, I’m afraid you didn’t expect that you would be hunted by my card vision!”

Dandy thought in his heart, he gave up brushing the wild, and directly invited Shangshan and the assistant to hunt Li Mu together, just to kill Li Mu’s sharp qi.

“Eight layers of the Murderous Sword… Soon, I will make you regret coming out of the murderous sword. ”

Mata thought inwardly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

This time the action of hunting Li Mu was what he advocated.

This is the moment.

Thousands of spectators and two popular commentators all stared at the big screen.

What they see is an OB perspective.

Naturally, I saw the picture of the three people of Niutou, the prince, and Rambo squatting and guarding Li Mu.

And the director is also very powerful, and the camera has been given to the trio of Li Mu and VG.

“I feel that Li Mu’s wave is going to be cold.”

Xiaoxiao said this, he actually hoped that Li Mu would not be caught and killed, but he was faintly looking forward to the scene of Li Mu rushing up to be ‘three to one’.

“There is no view on the OMG side.”

Sika added, “Li Mu really didn’t know that danger was waiting for him, and the VG trio was jamming his vision near the blue buff and hunting him. At this time, the blind monk was under the vision of VG, brushing the three wolves. ”

With a smile and doubt, he wondered, “After this wave of three wolves is brushed, the blind monk should have reached the sixth level, right?” ”

Sika nodded, “It should be.” ”

“But it didn’t. On the blind monk’s side, he has already brushed the three wolves and has not reached the sixth level! Moreover, there is no ghost buff that punishes the three wolves. ”

Smiled and said, suddenly shouted, “Hey, the blind monk walked straight to the blue buff so stunned, cold, if the bull head first WQ second company, the prince took control, Rambo took the big move, even if the blind monk has a flash, I’m afraid he won’t have a chance to hand it over, and he will have to die whining rhythm!” ”

“There’s a view everywhere, right?”

A killing intent flashed in Li Mu’s eyes,

At this moment, the blind monk seemed to have no sense of crisis at all, and went straight to where the blue buff was,

“You’re dead.”

Every move of the blind monk is fully displayed in the eyes of the VG trio with vision, and Mata’s hand has been pressed on WQ!

Waiting for the blind monk to come,

As long as the distance is enough for the bull head WQ second company,

Mata will not hesitate to shoot the blind monk into the air!

The prince instantly connected the second company of EQ and shot the blind monk again,

Rambo took the big move, and the three of them besieged the blind monk, and they could kill it in an instant!

Mata stared at the blind monk,

Like a hunter staring at his prey,

It only takes the blind monk three steps closer to enter the WQ range of the bull’s head!


Two steps,

Three steps!

The distance is enough!


The second company of the ox head partition wall WQ, directly aimed at the blind monk, and bombarded it!

Even Dandy held down the EQ second company, ready to connect the control, and dropped the blind monk in seconds!



The moment the bull head WQ two connected the wall, a golden light emerged from under the blind monk’s feet,


That’s right

The blind monk was like a prediction,

Touch the eyes W flash,

The moment the blind monk took off, he actually punished the dead blue buff mob in mid-air,

Six levels in seconds,

Learn big tricks in seconds,

In the next instant, the blind monk had already arrived at Rambo and the prince a thousand yards away!

Dandy reacted quickly, EQ two in place, and instantly played!


Li Mu is faster,

Faster than Dandy, I don’t know how many times!

Li Mu’s hand speed has already broken through the peak of the limit of the human body,

Hand speed max!

One library!

The dragon swings its tail!

Interrupted the prince’s EQ second company and shot Rambo at the same time!

The prince was kicked into the air, and the blind monk instantly hit E Gatiamat, and the damage was poured into the two of the prince and Rambo!

The blind monk carries a flat Abuff with a high attack speed passive, aiming at Rambo,

QA two-stage EA,



Rambo didn’t even have time to hand over the big move, and he was killed!

When the prince was kicked and flew hundreds of yards away, Rambo was dead!

The fourth-level prince is also bloody!

“I’m coming!”

At this moment, Gogoing’s weapon master opened a counterattack storm and jumped directly on the prince, stunning him!

Li Mu walked over and fired a high-level damage Ping A to take the prince’s head!

Double kill!

Mata’s bullhead is in a skill vacuum, and can only watch the prince and Rambo fall in an instant, Mata immediately made a decision, flashed the blue buff wall, and fled in ashes…


At this moment,

Smiling and Sika on the commentary table gasped almost at the same time.


In the audience, there was an uproar, and in an instant, it resounded like a flash flood throughout the venue!

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