Another eye-opening day!

Xiao Tian’s Cuishen chuckled, and at the same time that the E skill planted beans and melons to hang up for himself first, a flat A fell directly on Olaf’s body.

The slowing and burning effect of the red buff took effect immediately, but the spicy fragrant pot looked at the emerald god in front of him, but felt a little funny.

“Half-blooded Jade God, why are you fighting me?!”

Xiangguo sneered, and the next moment, the W skill brutal strike was directly opened, and it was the E skill reckless swing that directly cut his axe towards the head of the Jade God!

Although the Jade God had a shield at this time, after only being cut twice by Olaf, this shield disappeared!

But despite this, Xiao Tian still didn’t have any intention of escaping!

“Run! Gario passed! ”

And when Little Tiger’s voice sounded in the ears of the incense pot, the fragrant pot reacted to what happened, and hurriedly started his sprint to retreat, at the same time, the captain of the little tiger also immediately pressed his own teleportation on the body of the small soldier on the line, wanting to support the side of the fragrant pot as soon as possible.

But all this is already too late!

Dyed in the wool!

The next moment, in the hand of the Jade God, another long root whisker fell accurately on Olaf’s body, and at the same time, under Zuo Ding’s mouse, a range circle appeared on Olaf’s body that could break through!

With a click, Zuo Ding clicked the mouse lightly, and the next moment, his Gario flew directly towards Olaf!

“You’re dead!”

Zuo Ding chuckled, and the next moment, the Dulang shield directly began to charge its power, not worrying that Olaf could escape, because Olaf of the reckless fragrant pot was never possible to bring a flash!

Buzzing, Olaf, who was retreating rapidly, was directly mocked on the spot by Gario, and his eyes were dull and he smashed his axe towards Gario, but at this time, the fragrant pot was also like a dead heart.

“My mine, I shouldn’t have gone directly in the middle…” Xiangbu hurriedly apologized to his teammates, and as his Olaf was overwhelmed by Gario’s E skill, a war wind swirled in Olaf’s face, Xiangnabe’s life was also pocketed by Zuo Ding.

Just don’t take it easy!

YM, Knight killed RNG, Mlxg!

At the same time, the captain of the tiger finally landed, but in the face of Olaf’s body, he had no choice.

“Thumbs up (insight) skill launched!”

“Single tiger in RNG, state, angry!”

When Zuo Ding activated his thumb skill and glanced at the belated little tiger, he learned that the little tiger was in this state.

Now Xiaohu is indeed very angry, because his teammates, after “sending” the head, actually just know sorry, if the opponent plays too well, forget it, but the problem is that the two deaths of Letme and Xiangguo are completely caused by their own mistakes!

Well, Jace of the pony has a head, Gario on the left hand has a head, fortunately, Olaf’s blue BUFF is gone, if at this time, Gario not only takes the head, but also has the blue BUFF, then his line will not be right!

“Be careful, do more vision.” But although Xiaohu was very angry, when his mouth opened again, it could only be such comforting words.

After all, they are professional players, and they must not have conflicts within the team!

As for the YM team, when Zuo Ding successfully got Olaf’s head, the YM people were also happy, because they knew very well that the early rhythm of the game was temporarily in their hands again.

Originally, the fragrant pot chose Olaf to help RNG drive the early rhythm, and now that he dies, Olaf’s threat to the YM team is greatly reduced, but it is still very dangerous, because when Olaf reaches the sixth level, his big move Ragnarok opens, and that scene is really ruinous.

After getting Olaf’s head, Zuo Ding’s Gario once again used his skills to quickly push off a wave of troops, and then directly chose to go home, and when he went out again, the equipment on his body directly made everyone gasp!

It turned out to be three Doran rings, plus a small cloth armor!

“My God? Three Doran rings, then in this case, the push line of the left hand, Little Tiger can no longer manage it! ”

I remember crying and laughing, but the next moment, the smile I remembered stopped again, because at this time, there was a system sound that sounded above the entire Summoner Canyon!

YM and Ning killed RNG, Bvoy!

What the?! King Ning actually killed Bvoy?!

When the total number of heads of Team YM came to 3, all the fans of RNG were cute, because they didn’t know at all how the auxiliary Voy died, and the combination of their policewoman Gajiela on the road shouldn’t be the strong side?!

And when the playback camera hurriedly gave the wave that had just come off the road, the audience at the scene finally understood what had just happened.

The opposing suppression of Wuxin and Voy is indeed quite strong, especially because the fighting field of both sides has always been in the upper half of the river, so the two are even more unscrupulous.

But just when the unintentional policewoman pushed a wave of defense towers under the blue square all the way to the tower, Bvoy’s Jela suddenly had a brain twitch and wanted to walk from the entrance of the blue square field area to the triangular grass to make eyes!

And this short opportunity was instantly caught by King Ning’s mouse!

The W skill poisonous barrel smashed directly towards Jiela’s body, slowing down Bvoy, and Xiaoming’s side, after seeing Xiao Ning’s sudden move, directly flashed up, and the Q skill shining spear slowed down again!

Ignite and E skill directly hanged, coupled with King Ning’s mouse lost flat A fell, although Bovy is already very extreme to turn back and use the root of E skill entanglement to entangle the mouse, but as King Ning directly pressed the mouse’s E skill poisonous outbreak, the bloody Jela was directly killed by King Ning’s mouse!

YM and Ning killed RNG, Bvoy!

“Ness! This is the point I told you about, this auxiliary is actually very dish, quite easy to kill! ”

When the good news came from the next road, Zuo Ding in the middle was also very happy, because in this way, the three roads of their YM team, plus the four roads of the field, had already established the advantage of the whole line!

But before Zuo Ding could be happy for too long, on the other side of the road, the pony who had already played confidently suddenly encountered a crisis!

Olaf of the fragrant pot had just died in the middle of the road, and at this time, he had already appeared on the road!

(I’ll add another chapter later, please subscribe automatically~)

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