Modify Super God

Chapter 1083: Unexpected clues!

The old man who killed many people had a calm expression on his face at this moment, even faintly anxious.

It seemed that he was eager to catch up with his wife who was on the road first, and the two continued to accompany each other on Huangquan Road.

Seeing such an old man, Sui Yu felt a little uncomfortable.

But he didn't do anything superfluous.

Strictly speaking, the members of the gangster gang who died deserved what they deserved, and the old man who bumped into others was also benevolent. It seems that things are basically going to be settled in this tone.

However, the security guards who were fully investigating the mysterious killer found out the employer who hired the mysterious killer less than half an hour after the incident, which proved that this "accident" was not just an accident!

According to the latest information sent by the security guards, the employer was stopped by the gangsters when he was in a hurry before.

In the end, he lost tens of millions of dollars because he lost his bid qualification!

As the saying goes, blocking people's money is like killing their parents!

So that person gave the mysterious killer an order to kill the leader of the runaway group. At the same time, relying on his money, the person who placed the order to kill was not alone, but asked to kill the one who had the most quarrel with him when he was blocking the road before. A few old men and old ladies.

The security guards just investigated who the people who had conflicts with the gangsters recently were, and then cheated a little to let the employer show his feet.

The next employer who placed an order to kill must wait for legal sanctions!

Although no matter how you look at these dead, they all died of accidents, it is a bit far-fetched to believe that the man hired a murderer to kill.

But the Alliance doesn't want too many supernatural beings now!

Many legal interpretations have already made corresponding adjustments as the number of crimes committed by supernatural beings has increased!

It effectively guarantees that no criminals will be allowed to take advantage of the magical loopholes of the law!

However, the problem now is...

The hirer and the bumper will certainly not escape the punishment of the law, but the clues of the mysterious killer are still not found.

If Sui Yu hadn't confirmed through the dice that this incident was indeed related to the mysterious killer before coming here, Sui Yu really thought that the tragedy that had not yet ended completely was an accident!

Everything happened very suddenly and at the same time very reasonable!

I asked the old man who hit someone, and at the same time arranged for security officers to investigate the old man's wife and found that there was no abnormality on his wife's side.

The onset of the disease was very natural and no human interference was found. The way to the doctor and the treatment at the hospital were all logical without any abnormalities.

It can be said that from the tragedy in front of him, Sui Yu couldn't find any clues related to the mysterious killing at all!

Even if they searched by throwing dice and asking, they couldn't find anything in the end.

As for using the super high lucky value to directly calculate who the mysterious killer is through dice like a fortune teller?

It's not that Sui Yu has never used this trick before, but it failed.

Super high luck can only increase the high probability of events that are beneficial to Sui Yu.

A high probability of occurrence does not mean that it must happen!

And if the probability is zero, no matter how much you increase it, the probability is still zero!

All in all...

Sui Yu used dice to determine the number of words in the name of the mysterious killer, and then tried to lock the name of the mysterious killer by using multiple dice to lock the number of pages and the number of words in the dictionary.

But the feedback turned out to be very confusing.

After a while, the dice threw three to remind the other party's name to be three characters, but the pointed position was all the word "nothing".

Throwing it again, the dice reminded Sui Yu that the opponent's name had only one word, but it still pointed to the word "nothing".

As for when coming to the scene and judging whether there are clues by throwing dice, the three accident scenes that Sui Yu experienced showed that there were no clues related to the mysterious killer at all!

Obviously, many clues in the cases recorded in the previous files seem to be related to the mysterious killer under the reminder of the dice.

But now Sui Yu personally investigates the scene and there is no clue about the mysterious killer at all.


It was as if, the mysterious killer knew that Sui Yu would personally investigate these cases, so he specially removed all clues that might reveal his identity as the mysterious killer in advance!

Obviously, the mysterious killer was really wary of Sui Yu, and he was on guard!

The only useful clue was probably the supervisor who called Xiao Zhang back to the factory, but that clue was completely cut off because of the death of the supervisor.

"What a bad luck!"

After entering the helicopter, Sui Yu couldn't help closing his helmet and pinched his brows to show a frustrated expression.

At this time, Sui Yu had to spend his energy investigating the mysterious killer during the day, and he had to deal with government affairs as the king of the Nuoyiner Kingdom when he entered the game at night.

Although the government affairs received from Sui Yu's side are already a very small part after being shared layer by layer, since the territory of the Nuoyiner Kingdom is getting bigger and more occupied areas, no matter how efficient Feila and Xiaohei are in handling them It is also limited, and there are many government affairs that must be confirmed by the king, Sui Yu, so more and more things need to be decided by Sui Yu himself.

To be honest, Sui Yu really felt very tired at this time.

At this time, although Lin Yuxin, who was sitting next to Sui Yu, could see that Sui Yu was very tired, she still had to interrupt Sui Yu's short rest and report to him the latest information that the security officers worked hard to obtain.

"By analyzing the information registration of vehicles and public transportation in and out of the incident town before and after the incident, it was found that it was impossible to pinpoint the people who entered and exited every incident site."

"The current comprehensive data after screening is zero!"

"In other words, no one has been near the scene of all the mysterious killer cases!"

"Even if the standard is lowered and the same person is allowed not to approach the scene of several mysterious killings, but according to the comprehensive ranking, the top 100 personnel have been investigated by security officers, and now they have been ruled out as suspects. "

"However, considering the complexity of supernatural crimes, the security officer hopes that Sui Yu and you can conduct the final review."

The so-called final review naturally depends on Sui Yu's super luck.

Taking out some smooth dice with edges and corners, Sui Yu smiled wryly and said, "Those who don't know think I'm a senior gambler!"

Then Sui Yu threw the dice.

"Is it small? It seems that the suspect is really not on the list."

"Strange?" Sui Yu checked the report carefully, and found that these suspects were basically screened out based on the location of the case that Sui Yu had submitted before as "clues related to the mysterious killer".

It can be said that the probability of locking the target has been greatly improved.

But even so, the true identity of the mysterious killer was still unable to be identified, which shows how difficult the mysterious killer is!

Even Sui Yu fell into the other party's trap before the reunion, and had to face the "tram problem" that no matter what choice he made, he was wrong.

It can be seen that the mysterious killer is really very dangerous!

No wonder the top management of the alliance paid so much attention to the incident of the mysterious killer, turned a lot of corners and finally asked Sui Yu to handle it.

It seems that this mysterious killer is really very dangerous if not handled properly, and it is really very difficult to track down!

Simply clueless!

The helicopter landed on the private helipad above Lin Yuxin's office. As soon as Sui Yu got off the plane, the phone rang.

When I picked it up, it was the director of Xiao Zhang's factory.

Sui Yu suddenly lifted his spirits!

Since the person in charge of the connection was able to pick up the call, it meant that the call was judged to be very important!

Since it's important...

"Mr. Blue Hero? I'm Xiao Zhang's factory manager? That's the one..."

Interrupting the incoherent words of the factory manager, Sui Yu asked directly: "Did you find any clues related to the mysterious killer?!"

"That's right!"

The factory manager on the opposite side admitted that Sui Yu's judgment was correct in a hasty tone: "Today, I specially inspected the area where Xiao Zhang belongs and the nearby groups, and talked with the employees one by one.

OK to talk. "

"By chance, I heard from an employee that the supervisor who was killed was actually planning to arrange that job for Xiao Zhang during the day."

"I just answered a phone call by chance. It seems that because of a heated argument with the person on the phone, I forgot about the confession of work."

"I guess he suddenly remembered this after get off work, worried about being held accountable, so he urgently transferred Xiao Zhang from home."

"I didn't expect such a tragic thing to happen later!"

Telephone? !



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