Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

Nine hundred and ninety-one blizzard

There is more than one base in Area 51. In fact, there are several bases in Area 51.

I don’t know why they didn’t call them in order, but insisted on calling them District 51.

The car stopped in front of the gate, and the guard at the gate rolled down the window.

"Identification," the guard said.

The agent in the car handed the ID to the doorman.

The guard looked at the other people in the car, and finally locked his eyes on Jin Si.

"Who is this fat man?"

The guard discovered that Jin Si was standing alone in the space behind the commercial vehicle.

The six agents in front were crowded into two rows of front seats.

The agents turned back to look at Jin Si.

They didn't know what to call Jin Si either.

"The creditor." Jin Si said calmly, "I'm here to collect debts."

The guard immediately picked up his gun and pointed it at Jin Si in the back seat: "Get out of the car and undergo inspection."

"Drive." Jin Si said calmly.

"Get out of the car or I'll shoot."

Jin Si was still sitting in the back seat carefree.

The guard had loaded his gun.

Jin Si raised his right palm, and a ball of flame rose up, casually throwing it on the guard.

Accompanied by the guards' screams and wild dancing in the fire.

The car drove into District 51.

At the same time, fierce sirens sounded in Area 51.

When the car stopped, dozens of heavily armed soldiers and two heavy tanks were already around.

The black muzzle pointed at Jin Si's vehicle.

Simmons stood at the back of the crowd.

He recognized the car as his own.

I took this car before going to Jinsi's residence.

Jin Si got out of the car.


All the soldiers raised their guns at the same time as a warning.

Simmons frowned when he saw Jin Si.

"Why are you here? What did you do to the guard at the door?" Simmons asked.

"I lost something and I came to find the thief." Jin Si said.

"Are you talking about those weapons hanging on the walls of your house? Those now belong to the state."

"If this country is a thief, then I will destroy this country." Jin Si said calmly: "So, you want to tell me that it is this country that steals my things. Is that what you mean?"

"Haha... do you know what you are talking about?" Simmons almost laughed out loud.

"I know very well." Jin Si said with a smile: "In addition, I count to three, as long as someone still holds a weapon against me, I will send him to see God, three, two, one!"


For an instant, Simmons felt that his eyes were covered in scarlet.

The air was filled with blood mist, and the walls, ground, and parked vehicles all turned red.

Only the two tanks were parked there intact, but they also turned red.

Simmons felt like his scalp was going to explode.

What happened? What happened?

All the soldiers exploded on the spot?

More soldiers began to rush towards them.

Jin Si looked indifferently and raised his right arm, the sky was covered with dark clouds.

Suddenly, hail began to fall for several kilometers.

And these hailstones fell as densely as a meteor shower.

Small hailstones are as big as a fist, big ones are as big as basketballs, and even huge hailstones weighing tens of kilograms.

The surrounding buildings began to be blanketed by hail.

As for the soldiers who rushed up, they were instantly knocked over by the sudden hailstorm.

"Guess how long it will take me to kill the entire New York City population? Or how long it will take to kill the entire United States?" Jin Si looked at Simmons with a smile: "So, give me back what I threw."

"The things are no longer here, they have been moved to other places." Although Simmons was shocked and angry, his face remained calm.

The cold wind became more severe and larger hailstones began to fall.

"This ice storm will expand one hundred kilometers every hour. Before I get a satisfactory answer, from now on, the entire United States will be covered in ice." Jin Si shrugged.


A several-ton hailstone fell, directly smashing through a building several stories high.

As for the soldiers, they were basically hiding under the car and shivering.

Simmons' face was solemn: "I can contact your superiors for you, but you must stop this storm first."

Simmons didn't understand who Jin Si was.

Aliens? Can aliens control storms?

Maybe, maybe it’s technology that I don’t understand.

"This storm will expand two hundred kilometers in diameter an hour."

"If you threaten the government like this, the government will not compromise!"

"Five hundred kilometers an hour!"

At this moment, huge icicles began to fall from the sky.

Those icicles hit the ground like Optimus Pillars.

New York City in the distance has begun to be affected, and the originally brightly lit urban area has begun to be affected.

At this moment, it is being shrouded in darkness at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Simmons immediately picked up the phone.


"What's up?"

"The man is here," Simmons said.

"That's good. We'll put him in our cage. As for whether it's a slice study or some other method, let the experts study it."

"General, he created a blizzard," Simmons said.

"Haha... We will not be defeated by a blizzard." The general said with a smile.

"You should probably go through military channels and get a handle on what's going on in New York City right now," Simmons said.

"Huh?" The general was a little confused and immediately asked the adjutant about the situation in New York City.

Not long after, the general already knew the situation.

"This is a terrorist attack! This is terrorism! I will not accept it, and I will never compromise with aliens!"

"General, he said that this storm will sweep across the United States at a speed of five hundred kilometers per hour. In other words, in just ten hours, the United States will be covered in snowstorms. Fifty states and hundreds of cities will be covered by snowstorms. Devastated by this snowstorm." Simmons recounted the actual situation.

The general was silent, and Simmons said again: "General, we have no choice."

"We have nuclear bombs!!" the general said.

"General, are you sure our nuclear bombs can kill this being we don't understand? Putting the entire country on the line?"


"General!" Simmons' tone suddenly became tough.

"What does he want?"

"Return his missing weapon," Simmons said.

"I still want this general to appear in front of me." Jin Si added.

Simmons' eyes widened, and Jin Si looked at Simmons disapprovingly: "While you were hesitating, the blizzard has passed through the periphery, and one-tenth of New York City has been destroyed. Maybe we can stop negotiating, and we can prepare In the ensuing all-out war, I will destroy the entire country in an instant."

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