Monster Paradise

Chapter 1562: Golden Demon

Hua Lian was the first target Lin Huang had locked.

Lin Huang had never seen this monster in the Monster Illustrated Book, but the first time he saw it, he remembered the ancient drama characters on the earth.

In addition to the drama characters with faces, Lin Huang's second impression of him is "paper man".

Although it looks like a human being, it is more like a paper man burned to the ancestors by the younger generation in the earth's customs.

It has the same feet as people, but the feet never touch the ground, they are always floating.

In the information that Lin Huang found, Hua Lian was one of the three younger brothers who had followed the Simeng for the longest time. In terms of seniority, it is considered an elder.

However, because his combat power always stayed in the elementary order, he gradually moved away from the core power circle around the four-faced people and became an idler.

It also wanted to work hard to become stronger through cultivation, but its talent was limited, and it was still unable to break through to the Fourth Order Heavenly God Realm. Over time, he himself slowly gave up the struggle.

Lin Huang chose Hua Lian as his goal. One is because Hua Lian has a better understanding of the past of the Four Faces. It has witnessed the whole process of the rise of the Four Faces. The other is compared to the few people in the core power circle, it is the easiest to start.

On this day, Hua Lian came to the top of a tall building as usual.

It has always had a peculiar pastime, that is, humming a song while walking on the edge of various tall buildings, spreading its hands and imagining that it is walking a tightrope.

If you look closely, in fact, his feet are always one or two centimeters away from the ground, and there is no real stepping at all.

However, on this day, it had just climbed to the top of the building and did not take a few steps on the edge.

Suddenly, he found a black shadow blocking him.

It was a man in a black robe, with a black mask on the face under the brim of the hat.

As soon as Hua Lian saw the figure of the visitor, before he had time to take a closer look, he saw two black lights suddenly light up under the brim of the hat.

Its body instantly froze in place.

The black robe man is naturally Lin Huang. He waited all day and night for this mobile phone meeting, and finally waited until Hua Lian was completely single.

Hua Lian's combat power is only in the Elementary Order Heavenly God Realm, and his strength is among the Heavenly Gods of equal combat power, and even belongs to the weaker group. Facing Lin Huang's orderly power, there was no resistance at all.

Lin Huang's memory reading also went very smoothly without any hindrance.

In less than two minutes, the memory of Hualian was completely copied by Lin Huang.

"It's smoother than expected..." Lin Huang glanced at the painted face that hadn't completely escaped the memory reading, pointed out a finger, and clicked on its brow.

Hua Lian's figure slumped in an instant, and was pulled by Lin Huang's Spiritual Thread and threw it into the God Realm in his body.

Divine Sense swept the surrounding area and confirmed that there were no traces left. Lin Huang did not continue to stay in place, but slammed away.

"The second goal is... the golden monster..."

The golden monster is an abyss creature in the monster book.

This kind of monster is generally a powerful body contaminated by the energy of the abyss, and after it has fallen into an abyss creature, it has undergone the baptism of the abyss blood spring and transformed into it.

Possessing an extremely powerful body, the body strength is comparable to the starry sky Titan of the ancient era.

The target selected by Lin Huang has a combat power of the Eighth Order Heaven God Realm, but its physical strength is probably at least half the level of the main god. Under the Lord God, I am afraid that not many people can break the defense.

The reason for choosing such a goal was not because Lin Huang wanted to challenge the difficulty, but the monster like the Golden Demon. Although the body was extremely powerful, the soul strength was generally not high.

According to legend, the Abyssal Blood Spring is a branch of the Yellow Spring, which also has the effect of eroding the soul.

There are few divine souls that can be transformed into the golden monster.

Most golden monsters are either dull or crazy...anyway, their brains are not normal. What's more, it will lose consciousness in the process of transformation and become an excellent material for refining puppets.

In Lin Huang's view, it is not a problem if there is a brain problem, as long as the other party's brain stores the information it sees and hears.

And it is precisely because the brain is not very smart, this golden demon has always been the most trusted subordinate of the four-faced people, not one of them.

Earlier, it was even the bodyguard of the four-faced people. Of course, it was called the bodyguard. To be honest, it was actually a personal shield.

It wasn't until nearly a thousand years that the four-faced overlord position was completely stabilized, and this allowed the Golden Demon to change its identity. Often, they will explain some things that need to be resolved violently, and hand them over to the golden monster.

Lin Huang chose the Golden Demon as the target, one is because it used to closely follow the Four-faced Man for a long time, and has seen and heard many secrets of the Four-faced Man. On the other hand, it often receives out-of-office tasks and it is easier to find opportunities to place orders.

In the black market, the movement of the golden monster has always been no secret.

In fact, the more famous fighters under the six hegemons have always been the objects of attention of all forces in the world.

Because the movements of these people may affect the changes in the whole world.

Staring at these people, as long as there is a little disturbance, you can get an early warning.

Without much effort, Lin Huang bought the recent whereabouts of the Golden Demon.

"It seems I was lucky..." Lin Huang raised his brow slightly after scanning the recorded information.

According to this black market record, the Golden Demon just left the headquarters guarded by the Four Faces just one day ago, seeming to be out on a mission.

I took a look at the information provided by the black market. More than an hour ago, someone discovered the coordinates of the Golden Demon and secretly took photos...

In less than an hour, Lin Huang rushed to the coordinates mentioned in the black market materials.

Here is a lively market, with pedestrians coming and going, and in different shapes.

On both sides of the street, there are all kinds of stalls.

Lin Huang glanced at it, and sold things that were above the quality of the gods.

But at this moment, he didn't have any thoughts to pick up the leaks. Instead, he looked around and began to search for the trace of the Golden Demon.

In this city, there were cultivators above the Void God Realm everywhere, and he was not good at developing his spiritual thoughts, so he had to release parasitic seeds along the way to help search.

Under Lin Huang's control, the parasitic seeds didn't fly randomly, but quickly clung to various objects along the way.

After releasing thousands of parasitic seeds, Lin Huang was wondering if the Golden Demon would have left, and suddenly a scene came from a parasitic seed.

It was a tall, dark golden monster standing in the crowd, looking around...

"I found you!" Lin Huang's eyes lit up.


[Last night, my editor in charge, Supper Little Cutie, received a good news, saying that a big guy wanted to buy the comics copyright of "Monster Paradise" and asked me if I agreed to sell it. I agreed without saying a word (????▽??)ノ. Although I don’t know who bought the copyright, I would like to thank him for his love of the book "Monster Paradise", and thank the editor of the copyright department at the starting point for the great recommendation! I personally look forward to seeing the comic version of "Monster Paradise"! By the way, my "Supreme Reward" is actually quite suitable for manga adaptation o(* ̄3 ̄)o】

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