
Jin Xiayan, who was lying on the sofa and reading with a laptop computer, looked up at the time. It was less than 20 minutes before the end of the radio station. She blinked suspiciously, and then jumped off the sofa with her small tongue, ready to escape at any time.

Park Taiyan walked in dejectedly, took off his shoes and didn't wear slippers, and walked weakly towards the sofa after closing the door.

Jin Xiayan stepped back carefully, observing his state.

Seeing him lying directly on the sofa, he looked at her dumbfoundedly.

"Eone is really angry?"

Park Taiyan picked up his jacket and shook it.

"The perfume you spray?"

"What perfume?"

Jin Xiayan lowered her body and touched Wangcai's head to pretend to be stupid.

Park Taiyan looked at her, then stretched out his hand and started groping on the sofa mezzanine. After a while, he took out a delicate perfume bottle and threw it aside speechlessly.

"You are crying with anger. Are you happy? Revenge?"

"No? You cry like this? Are you really crying?"

Seeing the unbelievable Jin Ha Yeon, Park Tae Yeon was really speechless.

"Yes, I made her laugh in my stupid show, or read the letter like that. When I took over to comfort her, she smelled this, what do you think?"

Jin Xiayan stood up and started acting stupid around her head.

"Haha, I didn't expect such a coincidence. Okay, I decided to forgive her."

The corners of Pu Taiyan's mouth twitched.

"I'm going to take a bath, you make supper, we have a good chat, it's good to wait for their electronic version to be released."


. . . . . .

Lin Yoona chewed on the crab legs and watched Kim Taeyeon, who walked directly to the room after taking a shower, called her.

"Ouni, don't you want to eat supper?"

"You eat, I'm not hungry, so I will go to my room and sleep."

Yoona turned to look at Sooyoung.

"Is Yoon Mooni calling and scolding her just now?"

Choi Soo-young nodded and pointed to Sunny, who was standing and eating supper like Yoona, and said, "Well, it should be Sunny. It's not that she was in trouble on the radio."

Sunny, who had touched the cup with Hyoyeon, nodded, frowned and drank the soju in her hand.

"Which of you don't eat anymore, go in with her."

"Cough cough." Xiuying coughed. Lin Yuner reluctantly put down the crab legs she had just picked up, pulled a paper towel and wiped her hands, dangling about going to the bedroom. Who's called Xiuying was born in February? In 1989, I made her O'Neill.

When I walked into the room, I saw Kim Taeyeon holding her mobile phone in a daze.

Lin Yoona hurriedly squeezed over and hugged Kim Taeyeon's small body.

"Eone, what's the matter? Worried about the radio?"

"It's nothing."

"Talk to me, it will be better to tell."

Kim Taeyeon raised her face and smiled reluctantly.

"It's really okay. It's because I didn't laugh on the radio. The okay Yin Mooni taught me a lesson."


Lin Yoona confirmed suspiciously that this Ernie basically did not share her own thoughts, and that Yoona was under pressure, especially since the two of them had a lot of trips last year, and basically asked her to complain.

"You continue to eat, I'm going to bed." Kim Taeyeon touched Yoona's head.

"Ouni, don't you wait for the results published in the electronic version at night?"

"No, you'll know about it tomorrow morning. Go eat."

Lin Yoona looked at Kim Taeyeon, who was lying under the quilt to cover her head, shook her head and got up and went out of the room. As soon as she reached the door, she spread her hands to the three people who came over.

Under the bed, Taeyeon looked at the phone and finally waited for the person she was waiting for.

"I was smashed to death by my sister and made Taeyeon angry. What should she do? Will she break up with me? I'm crying to death."

"Let's listen, how did you provoke her?"

Kim Taeyeon pursed her mouth to see how he explained, and she ignored him if she was not satisfied with the explanation.

"The phone was in my sister's hand in the afternoon. She and Kim Taeyeon talked nonsense about my blind date and turned off my phone. At night, I..."

"What are you doing tonight?"

"It's nothing, it's just that she sprayed perfume on my clothes. I was so stupid that I didn't notice it. Oh my god, you didn't see Taeyeon smelling the little expression of perfume on my body. My heart is so cool."

Kim Taeyeon held back a smile.

"It deserves it. Don't think too much about it. Taeyeon is probably angry for a while. You don't mean that she likes you very much. Girls won't remember such things for long."

"I explained it by text message, but I don't know if she believes it or not, she didn't reply to the message, and she didn't answer the phone. It's hard for me to share such an important sister."

Taeyeon bit her lip.

"Don't always let your sister use your phone, and why does she stay with you all the time."

"No way, she was awkward with her Ernie, venting to my head, she is definitely a little devil."

Kim Taeyeon's eyes widened, her small hand pressed quickly.

Scare) Feather, you have two younger sisters?"

"I can't say that. According to her physical age, she can count as my slave? But I won't call her slave! Not to mention, my sister's supper is ready, I will go to eat."

"Ah, you can still eat like this?"

Kim Taeyeon pursed her mouth and looked at the off-line partner, thought for a moment, touched her belly and sat up.

"I'm hungry too."

Jumped out of the bed and walked towards the living room.

. . . . . .

[You are in a good mood, you should be fine. 】

[Oh, report the situation at any time. 】

[Got it, I have supper, hehe, I packed it back from the resort. 】

[I just made borscht, with salt and pepper trotters, prawns to go with wine, cold tofu and sugar tomatoes. 】

[I won’t be envious of being greedy, I have intellectual lobsters and crabs. 】

【Stupid, high-fat, high-protein foods can easily cause a sudden increase in blood lipids in the body. At the same time, due to the long-term over-fullness of supper, it will repeatedly stimulate the pancreatic islets and increase the secretion of insulin. Over time, the function of the insulin-secreting β-cells will decline, or even prematurely decline, and diabetes will occur. These diseases can affect sexual function and lead to sexual decline. 】

【what? I can't understand]

[That is, you will slowly become sexually cold. 】

[Don't chat with you anymore. 】

"Chuck~~!" Kim Ha-yeon, who had successfully intimidated Lin Yoona, sent her mobile phone and smiled triumphantly.

"Oh Nijang, give me a cup too."

Park Taiyan suffocated her mouth and stood up and took a bottle of shochu for her to deal with.

"Yoona just now? How was your Ernie and her?"

"It should be okay, Yoona said that Ernie is in a good mood, and she will have supper with them."

Park Taiyan drank a glass of wine and took a bite of the dish with his chopsticks.

Jin Xiayan stood up and helped them make a bowl of soup.

"I said oh Nijang, Taeyeon doesn’t like you very much. I smell other feminine perfumes. Even if I explain it, I won’t forgive you so quickly. Oni is a person who likes to think a lot. Believe what you explained right away."

"Pop!" Pu Taiyan just got busy with a drink, and put the wine bottle on the table fiercely.

"You debt collector, you know you still do this."

"Hmph, let you two fools who fall in love know the cruelty of reality."

As he raised his own glass, he gestured to Park Tae-yan and drank a sip.

Park Taiyan shook his head and took a sip.

Then the two slowly ate Jin Xiayan and told him from time to time what she did when she went back to Jeonju.

Unknowingly, the time came to 12 o'clock, Park Taiyan took the notebook and clicked on the link.

Jin Xiayan looked at it curiously. She had heard the song before, but mv couldn't help but not watch it first.

"Aha!ListenBoy, MyFirstLoveStory, MyAngel&&&MyGirls, MySunshineah!ah!let‘sgo!..."


Watching girls' generation wearing colorful tights and dancing "crab leg dance".

Kim Ha Yeon twisted to the music.

"It's not bad, although it doesn't have much depth, it's very brainwashing with dancing. O'Neill and the others are going to have a big break!"

Park Taiyan raised the cup and gestured to Xia Yan.

"Well, it's time to set sail, I wish them all the best~!"

"Cheers, I wish them great success in 2009~!"

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