Jung Soo-yeon, who was sitting on the plane, looked at Kim Tae-yeon beside her in confusion.

"What's the matter with you? I've been restless."

"Huh? Nothing"

Kim Taeyeon shuddered and looked at Jung Soo-yeon. Finally, she lowered her head and dared not look at her. She pressed her mouth and shook her head and said, then lowered her head again and fell into a daze by herself.

Jung Soo-yeon sighed in her heart when she looked at her shrunken flesh, she pulled the blanket over, closed her eyes, found a comfortable posture, and slowly fell asleep.

Kim Taeyeon looked at the starry sky through the window. She didn't understand how the world from Feather could do such a thing by herself. Knowing that Yoona and Sika were entangled with that person, she ended up with him?

Her lips pressed tightly and her eyes were so confused, she turned her head back to look at Jessica Jung's peaceful and sleeping face, just looking stupidly like this.

Why does it become like this! For the first time, I have someone I like; for the first time I have a life-long friend. These two happy things are intertwined. And these two joys will bring me a lot of joy. I should have had this kind of dreamlike happy time. But, why, will it become the way it is now!

Finally, I turned around and clenched my hands tightly. I would never be with that nasty guy. Whether it was for Soo Yeon or Yoona, there was absolutely no reason to be with that kind of person.

Suddenly looked at the bracelet on her wrist. Yeah, it's different. She has her feathers, how could she walk with that guy? This world is different. She has an exclusive knight that belongs to her. Raise her fist lightly. Lightly on his head, he did the foolish action in "Gee".

I was vainly worried all night, this world has his presence, everything is different, and I looked at Jessica, who was sleeping, embarrassedly spit out her small tongue, and pulled the blanket over it. Now As long as she sleeps, she will return to the big villain who caused her own thoughts. With her eyes closed and the corners of her mouth slightly golden, Kim Taeyeon also slowly fell asleep.

At this time in Incheon, South Korea, a Mercedes-Benz sports car stopped in the parking lot by the seaside of Eulwangri, wearing simple slacks, casual T-shirts and flip-flops, Park Tae-yan walked down, and walked towards the beach with his hands in his pockets. .

On Sunday, the beach was full of tourists, and now it was late spring and early summer. The crowded beach let him take a step, then scanned left and right, and walked over to the distant reef area.

In the unpopulated reef area, Park Taiyan went back and forth to find a foothold, jumped left and right towards the flat boulder he had fancy, and finally hit the edge of the rock and jumped sideways, reaching up to the boulder protruding by the sea, looking for I sat down in a slightly flat place, looked at the distant seascape and began to relax.

"Hey~!" He exhaled comfortably. "No wonder I like to watch the sea alone."

Facing the slightly blowing sea breeze, under the warm sunshine, Park Taiyan was fascinated by the turbulent sea, sorting out his thoughts.

This morning Kim Taeyeon’s "Swan’s Dream" made him a little bit lost. He was obviously ready to play football on his birthday, but after falling in love with Kim Taeyeon, his desire to play football really increased. The lower it is.

When did he start to be like this, he calmed down and remembered slowly.

In the beginning, it was only because she couldn't stay with Xueqi's relatives, that she thought of coming to South Korea to live alone and meeting the little guy like a fate in a miraculous way.

Unknowingly, the little guy has become an indispensable person for him.

The first time he knew that the little guy was Kim Ha-yeon, Kim Tae-yeon’s sister, he decided to take care of the so-called masturbation, so he came to Seoul and came into contact with Yoona.

What I get along with Yoona is one by one. The first time I went to school, I saw her being educated by a senior on the rooftop. I beat up all the bad students in the school and declared that Lin Yoona is my girlfriend. The stinky girl is cold. Face to fight with myself desperately, and then. . . It was the first confession to her after returning from a trip with Taeyeon.

At that time, I didn't know what mentality he was like, and what mentality Lin Yuner pretended to be stupid, and now it doesn't make any sense.

Then, as he expected, he became more and more entangled with Kim Taeyeon. In fact, he did not resist himself. In fact, he was born to eat Kim Taeyeon in Girls’ Generation, if it weren’t for his previous life body and Taeyeon and Sika. Unexplainable relationship, maybe he has taken the initiative to pursue it a long time ago.

With a smile on the corner of her mouth, pictures of Kim Taeyeon flashed before her eyes. Some were stubborn when she was a trainee, and some of them couldn't dance well. Someone hid and cried secretly. Some were crying with teeth on stage. Persistence. . . Most of them were kissing the radio station, showing him cute and acting like a baby, holding hands in the car and Hu Tianhai was scared and chatted. . .

Perhaps it was because of this that he was scared, and she honestly explained her choice.

. . . . . .

"Pd Jin, Shin Ying, I'm going to go first, the child prodigy..."

After the handover, Park Taiyan said goodbye to the deeply broken PD and the host.

"Bai PD, when does Taeyeon's plane arrive?"

"It should be around 9 o'clock..." As soon as I finished answering, I saw the child prodigy and Kim Shin-young clapping their hands in celebration. Park Tae-yeon pursed his mouth and really had nothing to say. The two people thought they were secretly in love, and everyone around them saw the clue. He just pretended to be a fool and turned his head and left, as if he didn't understand what they meant.

I walked all the way to the parking lot downstairs, took out my phone and looked at it, but still no message was sent.

Today, the stage is over, and the news came before getting on the plane, saying that she wanted to keep her distance, and then planned to disappear, but when she stopped harassing herself with text messages every day when she had time, she started to suffer from gains and losses. That’s how people are. Wonderful creature.

Looking for the car key in his pocket with his backhand, Park Taiyan was stunned as soon as he took it out and looked in the direction of his car.

A small figure sitting on the hood of his car, wearing a hooded jacket, and a peaked cap in the hood he was wearing, looking down at the phone, his small body followed the earplugs into the ears. The music swayed gently.

Park Taiyan walked over quickly and stood still in front of her.

Seeing the feet in front of her, Kim Taeyeon raised her head, her little hand pulled her earplugs handsomely, and raised her head to look at Park Tae-yan.


Park Taiyan smiled and stretched out his arms to hug her, lowered his head and looked at the mouth.

"Why don't you hide and scare me?"

Kim Taeyeon blushed and rolled her eyes: "The parking lot frightened you and the memory is too bad!"

After speaking with a smile looking at him, he tiptoed up and gently kissed his lips.

"I miss you!"

"I miss you too!"

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