Ye Lan actually can swim. After she fell into the devil lake, she tried to swim out of the water to save herself, but the purple lake is as strange as its color! The water looks clear, but it's actually as thick as paste. She can't move the water at all!

Not only that, there is a terrible suction at the bottom of the lake, which has been sucking her to the bottom of the lake!

Moreover, the lake looks small outside, but it is surprisingly deep inside! Her body has been sinking, but she hasn't seen the bottom for a long time!

"Mom, you have to hold on!"

Then the grass stretched a leaf under Ye Lan's nose and released oxygen for her to breathe. Ye Lan died of asphyxiation due to lack of oxygen for the time being.

She turned over hard to see what was doing at the bottom of the lake, but she couldn't see anything except the boundless purple water!

I don't know how long time has passed, she suddenly saw a light spot on the lake!

As her body gradually approached, Ye Lan finally saw that it was not a light spot, but a hole at the bottom of the lake!

The hole was also the suction center that dragged her body down!

The closer she was to the hole, the greater the suction she felt. Finally, she found that it was a huge vortex of terror!!!

When her body was sucked into the vortex, she felt dizzy and almost burst! Finally, I couldn't bear the impact of the huge rotating force of the vortex and fainted


When ye LAN woke up, he found that he was no longer in the lake.

She struggled to sit up, felt her physical condition, and found that her head was no longer painful. Even her internal organs, which had been almost displaced by the bright tiger, didn't feel uncomfortable at the moment.

"Mom! Are you awake? How do you feel?" the voice of the grass sounded from Ye Lan's shoulder, and the tone was full of worry.

"I'm fine." Ye Lan replied.

"That's good..." then Xiaocao breathed a sigh of relief and said, "my mother's damaged internal organs and negative state of the body have been repaired by my mother. Isn't she very powerful!"

"Well." Ye Lan nodded, "you're still a little useful."

"The great tree of life is the most powerful!"

If the grass has a tail, it must rise to heaven now!

Ye Lan didn't take care of the fart again. Xiaocao turned her neck and began to look up, down, left and right at her current environment.

It was like a huge underground cave. In front of it was a big purple deep pool. She was sitting on the Bank of the deep pool at the moment.

Ye Lan guessed that the deep pool must be connected to the purple Lake in the center of the magic forest. She fell into the lake and was sucked into the vortex. The other end of the vortex is the deep pool of the underground cave.

Around the shore of the deep pool, there are piles of white bones, some of which are human and some of which are animal. Some of them retain complete skeletons, while others have broken into bone debris.

These bones should also be people or animals sucked into the lake by the vortex.

It's just that the lake is too deep, and they or they don't have the cheating device of talking grass like her, so they may be suffocated in the process of sinking to the bottom of the lake.

The underground cave was so big that Ye Lan looked up and found that it was only 20 feet high from the ground to the top of the cave!

Around the hole, there are n different corridors leading to different directions

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