Movie Savior

Chapter 261: Here is the Navigator space station (4K, please subscribe

   Chapter 261 This is the Navigator space station (4K, please subscribe)

   An hour ago.

  Wang Lei walked into the command room of the shelter:

   "Instruct all shelters and independent units to turn on their communications equipment."

   "Yes!" The communicator saluted and immediately began to execute. The command was quickly transmitted through the line or radio in the wind and snow.

   Zhong Ruijin was also looking at the first-hand information in the control room. After seeing Wang Lei coming in, he raised his head and asked:

   "Captain Wang, are there any new moves now?"

  Wang Lei said: "Yes, the space station has completed the final debugging and will be in place soon. Our orbital exploration spacecraft has been launched into this space-time."

  The orbital exploration spacecraft is to ensure that the orbit that the space station is about to use is safe enough, otherwise, if there is a little space debris on it, it will be bad for the Navigator space station to collide.

  Zhong Ruijin breathed a sigh of relief, "The space station has finally caught up, thanks to the hard work of Captain Wang Lei and other staff who worked hard for this."

   "Chairman Zhong does not need to be polite, just be reasonable, this is what we should do, and this is the obligation of our member states."

   "Also, how is the situation on the ground now? Is there an emergency?"

  Zhong Ruijin's eyes returned to the document, and he reached out and stroked gently: "The emergency has not yet been discovered, but according to the current situation, the outside is not much better."

   "For example, in Refuge 56 in the north, the snow on their side has exceeded 20 meters. Fortunately, their antennas are set up in a nearby building, and the line is underground, otherwise they would have lost contact now."

   "As for the places outside the shelter, we don't have time to think about it now, but I think a lot of them have been destroyed by the low temperature and blizzard..."

   Zhong Ruijin sighed deeply, feeling very uncomfortable.

  Although most of the people's lives were saved in this disaster, the loss of property must be immeasurable.

   is almost like starting from scratch overnight.


   On the other hand, since the order was received, the sanctuaries have been in high spirits.

The    commander also personally came to the communication room and watched the communication team turn on the satellite communication equipment.

   "The sky-earth communication system has been activated in Vault 106, and the signal reception is ready."

   "Vault 890 has activated the sky-earth communication system..."

   "Vault 997 has been activated..."


   Replies from all over the country were quickly or slowly passed back to Wang Lei and Zhong Ruijin.

   A little later, the signal of the foreign shelter also crossed the mountains and the ocean, and then it was transferred to the country.

   Taking this opportunity, Wang Lei also gained a more comprehensive understanding of shelters around the world.

   "All the signals were sent back successfully, which means that there has been no loss of contact yet, and no shelter has reported an emergency."

   Wang Lei's mood is both good and bad now. The good thing is that there is no accident now, and the bad thing is that there will be an accident in the future.

   "It should be because the storm just started..."

   The low temperature of minus Baidu is impossible for all refuges to withstand.


   "Parker? What did you see?"

   Looking at the red dots flashing on the screen, the other two astronauts were not calm.

   They swear there shouldn't be anything on this track.

   At least it was empty an hour ago, a day ago or even a year ago!

   Although Parker seemed calm at this time, he couldn't even say a complete sentence:

   "I saw one...they were huge and they were spinning, it was an oversized ring...what is that?"

   Parker opened his mouth wide, his eyes almost sticking to the glass, trying to see clearly a huge unknown object on another track in the distance, limited by the angle, he can only see part of that object now...

   "We're going to report this to Houston right away."

  An astronaut picked up the microphone and was about to connect to the ground when suddenly a line of English appeared on the screen.

  【Signal connected】

   "What is this?" The two astronauts were startled.

   Before they could make the next move, the loudspeaker in front of them suddenly sounded:

   "Hello, this is the 'Navigator' space station, we are from a parallel time and space, it's a pleasure to meet you."

   Parker's whole body seemed to have electricity flowing through his body, his hair exploded all of a sudden, he pushed his hands and flew to the front of two colleagues, and then...

   followed them with big eyes and small eyes.

   This thing is too strange to ride a horse, right? !

   Inexplicably connected to an unknown signal in space, and then the other party said that they were also a space station, and what parallel time and space did they come from?

   Isn't this an alien?

   After hesitating for a while, Parker reached out and took the microphone after several calls from the navigator space station:

   "You... how are you?"

   "This is the Earth's International Space Station. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Huh? Thank you for your concern, we don't need any help, this is just a routine friendly exchange, and we will maintain the current orbit. Although it is a bit close to you, we are sure that this will not conflict with you, in advance of this Statement, I hope you don't worry about it, and finally wish you a happy..."

After the    call, there was a long silence in the space station.

   None of the three astronauts spoke.

   After a long time, they all remembered one thing in unison, and they scrambled to grab the microphone that was floating in the air and connected by a telephone line—


   on another track.

   Zhang Tianyuan stood in front of a floor-to-ceiling window in space, watching the International Space Station gradually disappear from view. Compared with the Navigator space station where he is now, the International Space Station is probably a few large cylinders with "wings" added, and the two are not products of the same era at all.

   He turned around, just in time to see Liu Peiqiang hurrying through the passage.

  There is rotating gravity in this space station, and most places are the same as the ground.

   "Major Liu, how is the self-examination of the space station?"

  Liu Peiqiang stopped to salute, "President, the inspection has been completed. All parts of the space station are complete, and the time-space tunnel has not caused any damage to the equipment."

   "What about communication satellites?"

   "The launch has just been successful, and the network is expected to be established in 20 minutes."

   Zhang Tianyuan's eyes turned back to the blue earth below, but now the earth can only see huge clouds, and those who didn't know it thought it was the Great Red Ban on Jupiter.

   After a pause, he continued: "Then prepare to execute as planned and broadcast to the world."




   "You said that a huge unknown object suddenly appeared on the track next to it, and the other party may have invaded your system and sent you... um, friendly 'greetings'?"

   "Yes, I'm pretty sure it wasn't our hallucination, it was real, Parker saw the big guy just now with his own eyes, but they were a little far away, and the angle of the porthole was not good, so he couldn't see clearly."

  The astronauts are reporting what they have just seen to the ground.

  The experts who came here upon hearing the news immediately remembered something.

   They got together and whispered: "The space station that suddenly appeared, isn't this something the other side has mentioned before?"

   "Check the track to see if it's the track they applied for earlier."

   "Are you saying the climate catastrophe is true?"

   "I don't know about it, all I know is that the TV speaker has changed his mind now."

   "The situation may not be very good. The weather has been so bad recently. It has been raining heavily for several days here, and I heard about the same in other places..."

   "Even the astronauts' return plan was delayed."

   When it comes to climate catastrophe, the inexplicable space station seems to be unable to attract the interest of experts, they are only interested in their own lives.

   "Don't worry, those of us are in Florida, already below 30 degrees north latitude, and approaching the Tropic of Cancer. According to the opposite theory, we won't be too serious here."

   "Then what did you do to prepare?" Someone suddenly asked.

  Others replied:

   "I have a month's worth of gasoline and two months' worth of meat and vegetables stored at home."

   "I bought all the supplies in the supermarket warehouse next to our house."

   "I bought a few cows..."

New York.

  Brian and Laura were still standing at the gate of the school, but there was a tall, neatly dressed boy beside them, who looked like they were from a wealthy family.

   The three of them were chatting, and then Sam rushed back in the rain with a large package...

   "This is?" Looking at the strange man who suddenly appeared, Sam was a little confused.

  Laura smiled and introduced: "This is J.D. He invited us to stay at his house for a night temporarily."

  Sam still didn't understand, and asked dully: "What? Why?"

   "Why are we staying in New York? We should figure out a way to leave now."

   "Disaster is coming, New Delhi, Tokyo, California... Maybe New York is next!"

  The soaked Sam touched the flyer in his pocket and felt colder than his body. He suddenly began to regret why he had come to participate in this academic competition.

  Especially mom…

  I don't know if she's already in Miami.

J.D looked at Sam, who was covered in water, and smiled calmly: "Don't worry, didn't it say on TV just now that they suggested that we find a safe place to hide, so I think you can rest at my house first and observe Condition."

   "And, I think in this situation, you may not be able to leave New York at all for a while..."

  J.D pointed to the road, and Sam realized that the water-filled road was completely blocked by cars. Almost all of the drivers were men, with anxious women and children in the back seat, all of whom seemed to have left New York.

   Needless to say, the trains and planes must be full now.

   "Let's go, come to my house first, my bed... ahem, the room is quite big."

  J.D patted Sam on the shoulder and motioned him to get in the car.

   In a daze, Sam followed the other two people into J.D's butler's car and joined the traffic together.

   But he soon woke up.

   "I bought some food, chocolate, drinks and water..." Sam opened the package and took out the contents one by one. "Finally, there is a radio."

   "Sam, great job!"

  Brian was only interested in the radio, took it and fiddled twice before finding the switch, he pressed it, and pulled out the antenna.

   "Just in time we can listen to the latest news on the current radio."

  J.D by the window looked out, not paying much attention to the two people next to him.

   Only Laura, sitting in the passenger seat, looked back and listened.


   After a murmur, Brian quickly found a news channel.

   This channel is reporting the disaster situation in California. Several people listened quietly, no one spoke, but they were all afraid of the scene described by the host.

   High-rise buildings collapsed, order was out of control, supplies were in short supply, roads were damaged, and corpses were everywhere…

   "It's hard to imagine that such a thing happened yesterday." Laura couldn't help sighing.

  J.D smiled and was about to answer when he heard a noise from the radio again, and the host's voice suddenly disappeared.

   is replaced by a thick voice:

   "This is the space station Navigator, now broadcasting to the world."

  Sam: ? ? ?


   "This is the space station Navigator, now broadcasting to the world."

   Zhang Tianyuan stood behind Liu Peiqiang, watching other astronauts in the space station sit in front of the broadcasting station and speak into the microphone.

"We are from the No. 3 time and space of the Mutual Rescue Association, which is affiliated to the United Earth Government. We came to this time and space in response to the call of the Mutual Rescue Association. Next, we will provide communication connection services for the disaster relief work of the member states of this time and space. Connect by yourself according to the operation process…”


   The communication rooms in countless shelters received signals from the sky at almost the same time.

   The communicators who had been staring at the screen suddenly showed surprises, operated on the device, and reported to the commander next to them: "Successfully received the space station signal, and it has been successfully connected."

   At the same time, the big "successful connection" word on the communication system screen also confirmed this.


  Wang Lei and Zhong Ruijin were also standing behind the correspondent at this time, uncontrollably nervous.

   It's not that they can't connect.

   They are worried that other shelters will have an accident now.

   The two of them stared at the four big characters "Successfully connected" on the screen, and let out heavy breathing.

   Navigator space station.

   Zhang Tianyuan saw that the numbers of the devices were flashing in the list of successful connections. Every time a number flashed, a shelter would light up.

  In the communication cabin, Liu Peiqiang and other technical emergency personnel were also watching. There was no sound, except for the beeping of the equipment running.

   Finally, the name of the last shelter lights up.

   Fortunately, everything went well.

  Zhang Tianyuan sat back in his seat, pointed at the microphone and announced the final result:

   "All shelters have been connected, the global real-time communication network has been successfully established, and the next step is to transmit and synchronize meteorological data to each unit.

   In addition, the data query authority is delegated, and each unit logs in to search for the required information, pay attention to the system warning…”

   (end of this chapter)

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