Mrs. Hawn, Your Disguise Was Penetrated

Chapter 43 - 40 Mission Impossible

Lost the drawings? And replaced them with a few blank sheets of paper?

Asher didn’t think Nora would make such a mistake. He wanted to hear her explanation.

However, Nora did not intend to give any explanation. She looked calm. "Let's not discuss this issue first."

Nora looked at Jennifer and asked, "Do you have a backup of the design drawings?"

Jennifer said with disdain, "Nora, you don't know that our jewelry design drawings are all hand-painted, do you? How can there be a backup of hand-painted ones? Don't you even have this common sense?"

Nora nodded clearly and asked, "How long will it take if the drawings are redrawn?"

Jennifer replied without thinking, "At least two days."

"Nora, what do you mean?" Sarah stared at Nora and sneered, "Are you going to postpone the meeting? Take two days for the design department to redraw the drawings? Let Mr. Bruce wait two days to make up for your mistakes?"

"Who said it would take two days, just give me an hour." Nora looked indifferent. She said calmly.

"An hour? How is that possible? Didn't you hear Jennifer say at least two days?" Sarah couldn't help gnashing her teeth when she saw Nora's calm appearance.

Why Nora was still calm?

"Jennifer needs two days, which doesn't mean I need two days. She can't do it, which doesn't mean I can't do it!" Nora raised a confident smile. "It only takes one hour."

After a pause, Nora's eyes sank and looked at Bruce. "Mr. Bruce, would you like to give me an hour?"

"Of course, no problem." Bruce agreed. He was also curious about what Nora wanted.

Asher was curious too.

He glanced at Nora, hooked his lips, and asked with a condensed look, "So, what do you mean?"

"I will redraw the design." Nora smiled calmly and confidently.

After hearing that, Asher became pretty serious.

So, was Nora going to draw the design herself?

Besides, it only took one hour to finish?

Was that possible?

"Nora, stop joking!" Sarah seemed to hear some fantasy and sneered, "This is simply impossible!"

"Then please wait and see." Nora stood up and turned on her laptop.

Nora gracefully and incomparably clicked on the drawing software designed by herself in front of everyone.

Of course, it was impossible to finish those design drawings by hand in one hour, but with this software, Nora could do it completely.

Projecting the computer screen, Nora held the mouse, skillfully operated the app, and concentrated on it carefully.

With the rapid movement of the mouse, exquisite graphics gradually appeared on the computer screen.

The conference room suddenly quieted down, and all of them stared at the computer projection in an incredible way. They were all shocked.

Nora really took only one hour to complete the workload that even a skilled designer would take two days to complete.

"All right!" At the end of the painting, Nora heaved a sigh of relief, released the mouse. It was done.

She looked down at the time, She still got time.

Asher's cold eyes looked at the design drawings on the screen. He was amazed by that design.

The ring, necklace, and bracelet were lifelike and shining.

What surprised him, even more, was that the design drawings drawn by Nora had made several minor changes compared with the previous hand-drawn drawings of the design department.

It was these changes that endowed the jewelry soul of the whole "Ice and Fire" series and made people intoxicated.

Even the chief designer of the jewelry design department could not do this, but Nora did.

How many surprises would Nora, his fiancee from the countryside, give him?

Sarah stared at Nora's drawings and could not believe this for a long time.

How was that possible?!

Nora, how could she really finish it in an hour?

Wasn’t she a bumpkin from the country? Why could she draw such complicated design drawings?!

Nora finished the design, which meant... her strategy failed again today!

Sarah was extremely unwilling, but she could not show it. She could only bite her lips tightly and stared at Nora.

Nora cleared her throat, smiled, and looked at Bruce. "Sorry, Mr. Bruce, there was a little accident before, and now I have redrawn the design drawing."

She pointed to the screen and gushed to Bruce, "This is our 'Ice and Fire' series. White represents ice and red represents fire, which is the theme of this series."

"Very good." Bruce was full of praise for Nora's design. "I like Nora's design very much, especially the idea of double spin, very good!"

The idea of double spin was exactly the change made by Nora.

Nora also mentioned it to Jennifer before, but Jennifer seemed to be very hostile to her. So she didn’t care about Nora’s opinion.

Therefore, Nora did not intend to show Bruce the drawings of the design department early in the morning.

She knew for a long time that Sarah would tamper with today's meeting, so she drew her own design in public to amaze the audience.

"Bruce, do you think there are any problems? Is there anything else that needs to be modified?" Nora kept a polite smile on her face.

Bruce shook his head and kept saying, "No problem, completely ok!"

"Since there is nothing to be modified, we will put it into production according to the design drawings and launch the 'Ice and Fire' series as soon as possible." Nora's tone was full of confidence. "I believe that 'Ice and Fire' will definitely achieve results beyond expectations."

"Of course, I am looking forward to having such an excellent person in charge as Nora."

Bruce was very satisfied with the design of this issue and the meeting was successfully concluded.

Bruce was ready to go back to the hotel to rest, so he took his assistant and left first.

Watching Bruce leave, Sarah and Jennifer were both stunned.

As the head of the design department, Jennifer's design drawings were not as good as those drawn by a layman in Nora. She was simply embarrassed. How could she convince the public in the future?

Sarah, on the other hand, took the risk of changing the design drawings. She thought that Nora would be expelled from Asher for malfeasance, but it was not only easily resolved by Nora but also made her popular. Even Bruce was full of praise for her!

They stood up, and just as they were about to leave, Nora became serious and said "Wait a minute!"

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