Mrs. Hawn, Your Disguise Was Penetrated

Chapter 444 - 443 Just Wants Nora Smith's Life

"You know him very well, and you can help me..." Susan squinted and whispered the two sentences that Wu Qingran had just said. Somehow, she smelled an unusual breath.

"But I don't know you. What are you going to do?"

"I know you don't know me, and it doesn't really matter." Wu Qingran looked at the woman's face, and Susan's answer was expected by her. This woman is still a little brainy.

"Well, let me introduce myself again now. My name is Wu Qingran, and I am a big lady of the Wu family in A City. If you have read more art newspapers and periodicals before, you should have seen my name on them."

"As for your jealous Leo, it's even simpler. She is the man of the hour in A City now-Nora Smith, and you should know her too."

When Wu Qingran said something on her mind, Susan's face suddenly became not so good.

She is jealous of Leo, and everyone knows it, but knowing it is different from mentioning it in front of her.

But when she heard the name Nora Smith, Susan's expression became surprised, even a little... wonderful.

Of course, she knows the name Nora Smith, but she is a frequent visitor on the news, the president of Star Moon Entertainment Company, and the title of fiancee of The Hawn Goup Group, not to mention that she has made such a big limelight some time ago-

It's hard not to know.

But she told her that Nora Smith is Leo? This is incredible.

"You, you mean... Nora Smith is Leo?" As if to confirm the last guess in my heart, Susan still asked, but her voice was obviously hesitant and slow.

She had always thought that Nora Smith was a spoiled lady who could do nothing, but she had these two brushes.

Wu Qingran smiled slightly and nodded gently. "Yes, this Nora and I are really old acquaintances. At the beginning, she took away my boyfriend and sneered at me, making me laugh at by everyone-"

Wu Qingran's eyes gradually emptied, obviously falling into a gesture of recollection. Her right hand caressed her side face, and her heart became more and more ruthless.

"If it weren't for her, how could my face become like this?"

"Your face?" Susan had some doubts, and her eyes naturally stayed on Wu Qingran's face. "What happened to your face?"

"You don't know..." Wu Qingran smiled at Susan with self-mockery, which is also one of her plans. Susan is just a fool who can design. Since she doesn't know Nora Smith, it doesn't hurt to let her know about herself.

"I just told you that Nora Smith robbed my boyfriend, in fact, this is the case..." Wu Qingran approached Susan and told her about the past grievances and entanglements between her and Nora Smith. Of course, no one knows how many embellished parts there are.

"… that's it." Wu Qingran finished and looked at Susan sadly. "It is because of her that I will fall off the cliff and be sent to South Korea for cosmetic surgery by my family."

Susan has been completely knocked out by the amount of information instilled by Wu Qingran.

She had never thought that Nora Smith would be such a person. Her fingers clasped the armrest of the chair unconsciously, and she muttered in surprise: "How can this happen... I thought she was just a spoiled woman who can't do anything. I really didn't expect it..."

Wu Qingran looked at Susan's reaction, and the state of women was also expected by her. A satisfied smile appeared in her eyes, but it was fleeting soon.

"Yes, so I saw the news of her award, and it was not worth it for you, so I came to you. I know that you used to be the first place, and she stole the limelight for no reason. Everyone will be unconvinced."

Wu Qingran deliberately put on an understanding look, pretending to understand and look at Susan. At least she has seen the warm and cold people in the world. The ambition and pride hidden in this woman's eyes are obvious.

However, Susan is also very wary. Although she listened to Wu Qingran's words, she was not stupid enough to believe everything Wu Qingran said.

"But this is the first time we've met. How can I trust you, Miss Wu?" Susan raised her head slightly. She is also a person who is qualified to negotiate with others, and of course she won't bow down.

"And how can you help me when you say you want to help me?"

Wu Qingran naturally prepared for this. Although she didn't know much about design, she also saw the video of the competition when Nora Smith replaced Susan to win the championship. The clothes designed by Susan really had a little less eye-catching meaning than Nora Smith.

"Do you want Nora Smith's fashion design? If you know what clothes she will design, it is too late to temporarily modify your manuscript and make it more dazzling than her."

"I can get her manuscript for you."

I have to say that this condition offered by Wu Qingran is really attractive. Susan has indeed studied the clothes designed by Leo in private. Both of them are similar in the cut version, but Leo pays more attention to details than her.

She really wants to move closer to Leo, such as this design manuscript-

It's just a bottleneck.

And no one knows about it.

Almost subconsciously, she looked at the design draft she put on the table, and her eyes flashed for a moment. Wu Qingran stared at Susan motionless. She was confident in her own way and sure that Susan would be tempted.

For a loser, what he wants most is undoubtedly to defeat the person who let himself fail, especially the person who has been proud all his life like Susan.

"How, have you moved?" Wu Qingran was pinching the heat. Seeing Susan didn't speak for a long time, he added another fire.

Susan hooked her fingertips. Undeniably, she was moved.

I have to say that the woman who can become the chief designer before Nora Smith is really decisive and has judgment. Her mind moved and looked back at Wu Qingran.

"Your condition really touched me."

She is not a good person, let alone a saint.

"In that case, what do you want me to do?" Susan didn't directly thank Wu Qingran. She knew that there would be some conditions behind such a transaction, and it might be very difficult.

"It's very simple."

Wu Qingran approached her step by step, close to Susan, and his right hand was on his desk. "I just want Nora Smith's life."

"Her life?" Susan gasped, her eyes growing more surprised that she had not expected the woman to be so mad.

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