Mrs. Hawn, Your Disguise Was Penetrated

Chapter 995 - 997 Both Goes Into The Sea

Asher Hawn has been in the back desperately urging the driver to hurry.

By the time he got here, he had already seen Ashley Hawn confronting Nora Smith, and he was afraid to let Ashley Hawn find him.

Although his thoughts are good, he wants to sneak up and save the child.

But Asher Hawn is not a professional, and he has no hiding skills.

He simply wanted to use this method. By the time he rushed up, Ashley Hawn had found him.


Ashley Hawn directly loosened the child in his hand, watching two children fall into the home, Asher Hawn's heart is very painful.

Even Nora Smith was paralyzed with fear, but the two of them knew how to choose.

If you don't find your own children at this time, it is very likely that the children will die in the water for a long time.


Without the slightest hesitation, Asher Hawn stood by the river and jumped directly.

Now when Asher Hawn jumped, Ashley Hawn was there staring at his eyes.

"Hehe... then go to hell."

All Ashley Hawn had been thinking about was menacing things, and now that he had dropped his two children into the river by mistake.

She knew that she was finished this time, so she simply jumped her heart directly into the river.

When she jumped down, she thought in her heart why she had this ending now, if she was still afraid of the river below just now.

But the moment she jumped down, her mind had become calm.

She really didn't want to die now. Ashley Hawn regretted it now. She just wanted to let herself fall into the river and swim away from here.

So maybe even Asher Hawn can't find her.

It's just a short distance from the river, which has changed Ashley Hawn's mind again.

This is the so-called desire to survive, but she threw her two children into the river.

When Nora Smith watched Asher Hawn and Ashley Hawn both jump into the river, Nora Smith's heart fell into despair.

She is shouting loudly in her mouth now.

"Hurry up and help me. Hurry up and save Asher Hawn and my children."

Nora Smith's shouts were hysterical and full of unwillingness in despair.

As far as Nora Smith is concerned, she can only pin her hopes on this now, and dare not expect her own way.

Nora Smith watched helplessly as the child was thrown into the river, and Asher Hawn jumped in again.

It's like giving her only two hopes, which have been dashed for a moment.

She can only hope to see if Asher Hawn can come back now.

But she also had to ask for help, and now Ye Xi in the distance had already rushed over.

"Help me and my children quickly. The children were thrown into the river by Ashley Hawn, and Asher Hawn jumped into the river to save the children."

"Please, if you can help me, no matter what conditions you put forward, I can promise you, even if it is for my life."

When Nora Smith's words were heard, all law enforcement officers immediately began to take action.

"Don't worry, it is our responsibility to save people. We will not ask for any remuneration. We will look for your children now."

"We hope that when we are working now, you can tell the situation in detail and let us have more clues."

Law enforcement officers have sent everyone else down to look for them, leaving two people hoping to learn more clues from Nora Smith's mouth.

Nora Smith just said it again, and there was no conditioning at all.

"Me... my children, and Asher Hawn..."

Nora Smith's tears flowed down again, and Ye Xi hurriedly comforted her a few words, which made her mood a little stable.

Because she also knows that if she is unstable, there is no way to let the people in front of her know what the real situation is.

"Don't worry, someone has already done this. Even if you are in a hurry, it will not help. It is better to provide more clues."

While law enforcement officials said this, Nora Smith was intermittently talking about what happened.

"Do you mean that it is now certain that Ashley Hawn held your child, and then you saw it with your own eyes, and the child was thrown into the river by her?"

Nora Smith nodded when he heard these tears come down again.

When the law enforcement officers asked for some details, the law enforcement officers took a look at what Nora Smith had to add.

"Nothing, nothing, I want my child."

Nora Smith kept repeating these two words in his mouth. Law enforcement officers knew that at this time, they really couldn't let Nora Smith stay here alone.

"I suggest you leave someone to accompany you here. I will arrange other search tasks now, and I will also call to report the situation and mobilize personnel."

Law enforcement officers went aside to be busy with these things.

Now Ye Xi is afraid of what happens in Nora Smith's state, and has been accompanying her by Nora Smith's side.

"Don't worry, Ashley Hawn will never escape like this, and the children will have nothing to do."

"Now these law enforcement officers are coming in a timely manner, so you just need to stabilize your emotions and don't entertain foolish ideas."

Ye Xi's heart actually wants to say a word now, but she held back again, knowing that it is very inappropriate to say this sentence at this time.

If Nora Smith hadn't dumped the law enforcement officers and always brought them around, maybe today's scene wouldn't have happened.

But if you say this at this time, it can only make Nora Smith blame himself more, and it won't help to say this now.

Even law enforcement officers are just asking the facts and comforting Nora Smith.

Therefore, Ye Xi can only know his ambiguous Nora Smith here, hoping to see a miracle.

Because she knew that this matter can only be pinned on miracles, if it is really an adult who fell into the river.

Perhaps adults have their own ability to save themselves and survive, but when two children fall into the water, most people can think of the ending.

Ye Xi comforted Nora Smith and brought Nora Smith back to the car. She didn't want Nora Smith to stand by the river to see these Nora Smith.

Although he listened to Ye Xi's advice and returned to the car, he refused to leave all the time, that is, he had to wait for the news here.

"Nora Smith, eat something. It's been several hours. How can you stand it if you don't eat?"

A few hours passed, without any news and clues, and now Ye Xi knows that Nora Smith must go down first.

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