Murdering Heaven Edge

Chapter 1658: Who do you want to choose?

Dongfang Yunyuan originally thought that Chu Mo had to torture him something, and then he took the opportunity to make some requests. For example: give him a happy or something. But what I didn't expect was that Chu Mo did not mention this matter. When he came back, he hung his head on the "flag pole" and began to refine. When a trace of the power of the Yuanshen was hardened and refining, the incomparably strong fear of the Eastern Clouds caused him to finally collapse.

His realm, his status, has always treated others like this in the endless years of the past. It has never been treated like this, so his heart is not only fearful, but also extremely angry.

"Chu Gongzi... son ink... you can't... treat me like this!"

The head of the eastern cloud is falling, and roaring.

Chu Mo only continued to refine his head with no expression, and he did not even say a word.

For this kind of person, what he has to do is to let him collapse and let him completely collapse!

Don't leave a little room!

The wound in the body of Chu Mo is still in pain. Every bite of pain makes him more awake; the curse of every bitter resentment in the East cloud reminds him of all the happy times he once had on this land millions of years ago. And, on this piece of land, the face that once existed.

Although, the former Chu family is not all his friends. Even some people inside the royal family have hated him so much that they want to harm him. But that is not the reason for their damn! It is not the reason why the ancient ancestors shot the ancient ancestors!

Chu Mo did not say a word, silent refining the head of the oriental cloud.

This is not a short-term thing to do, a head that is too tall, with a complete god. If you want to thoroughly refine, even if it is Chu Mo, it will take at least a few years.

But he has time and patience.

In the days that followed, the group of people on the ruins of the royal family began to build large-scale construction and rebuilt the ruins.

They avoided the most important areas here, such as some key broken ancient temples, Chu Mo did not move, but kept them. He will keep these broken ancient temples forever. Always remind yourself and remind others here that there has been something on this land.

The Eastern Clouds mourn in the day and night, and his imaginary family rescue has not arrived.

Therefore, his cursing curse finally moved from Chu Mo to the ancient ancients after a year.

"A group of unfilial things... can't see your ancient ancestors sinned here? Why don't you send a big army to squash here?"

"Oriental Hengtai, why don't you find someone to save me?"

"You guys, all of you can't die! I will never forgive you if I die!"

It is true that it will not be forgiven, because this time, if he dies, he will no longer be able to reproduce the world in perfect condition, just like the countless reincarnations he has experienced.

Even if his soul does not die, but this time... he can no longer control his destiny. Even if he can enter the reincarnation, is the person after the reincarnation still him? He may never know who he is, and his soul, like the Buddha and the Promise, will fall into the abyss.

In this way, Chu Mo is here, refining the head of the Eastern Clouds for three and a half years. In three and a half years, the 90-year-old Yuanshen of the Eastern Clouds will be completely refining! With the power of a monk of the monk, he reinjected the earth on the ruins of the entire Chu family into an endless vitality.

This kind of vitality is much more powerful than those of the neighboring Eastern ancients!

Chu Mo looked at the distance, and the heart said: "Don’t worry, the land will glow the same life sooner or later. Because those places are also belonging to the Chu family!"

The ancient ancients were completely silent for nearly four years. Finally, in the fourth year of the robbery of the East, the people came over there!

It is an incomparably elite army, composed of tens of thousands of people. In the legion, the cultivation of each monk has reached the level of the ancestral peak.

This army is hard to come by. In fact, if they are normal, they should be in place two years ago. These ancients have all opened and opened up the ancient transmission array. Therefore, they can use the shortest time to communicate with each other.

But for some reason, the formation of this legion encountered considerable difficulties.

The first is that the elite league is stalking from there!

The elite league wants to take this task over and even has already negotiated the rough conditions.

Even the eastern ancients, they nodded and promised.

Thirteen ancient tribes sent a large amount of cultivation resources to the elite league.

As a result, at this time, people with the ancient ancients suddenly jumped out and said that the speed of the elite league was too slow. They suggested thirteen ancient tribes and then formed a legion to attack the ruins of the Chu family.

This time, the elite league is not happy, so all kinds of means to do it, began to find ways to find. On the bright side, in the dark... let the Eastern ancients have great anger here.

Because among the thirteen ancient tribes, the most anxious is the oriental ancients.

Other ancient people can't believe that Chu Mo has the courage to run on their family sites to make trouble.

The original Oriental family was among the thirteen ancient tribes, the weakest one. There are only two ancient ancestors in the realm of Taishang. The other ancient people have at least three, even four!

Therefore, there is nothing to worry about. I hope that the ink will be delivered to the door.

Under this circumstance, the Eastern ancients paid enormous human, material and financial resources. Only after four years, the army was formed and then pulled over to attack the ruins of the Chu family.

One third of this army is the elite of the ancient ancients. One third of the is the scattered repairs recruited in the channel. The remaining one-third is the other ancients who are reluctant to throw over some who are powerful but difficult to control, or who are not to be seen. To put it bluntly, it is to abandon!

In the face of this situation, the ancient ancients have no choice. You can only knock down your teeth and blood, and then roar in private. One day, you and the ancients will also encounter this kind of crisis. At that time, don't count on our Oriental family to make a little effort!

At this time, they can think of such a long-term, but soon, they do not want this.

The tens of thousands of ancestral martial arts monks formed a large army, the momentum is quite strong, exudes an overwhelming atmosphere. I was led by Dongsheng, the owner of the ancient ancients, and came to the ruins of the Chu family.

On the ruins of the royal family, the sky ancestors, monkeys, Qianqiu, Qinggu, Luolan, Xuanxuan, Six Great Saints, etc., as well as Zidao, Ouyang Fei, Mona and the hundreds of non-human ancestors, have long been waiting for Keep at the edge.

Yu Yu and the water Yi Yi left and right, standing in the void, accompanied by Chu Mo's side.

Chu Mo is still refining the head of the Eastern Clouds. The slightest power of the Yuanshen, like a small river, is based on the head of the eastern cloud, and continues to flow down to the ruins below.

In fact, it is a bit unsuitable to call the ruins here now. Thought that the entire royal ruins here, lively!

All kinds of tall trees rise from the ground, and the air is filled with the essence that is rich and inseparable.

If there is no such cursed power, this place may have become a paradise for trillions of creatures.

When the East Cloud fell to this point, it was almost completely wiped out. Hearing the movement from afar, he opened his eyes in front of him. He saw the Eastern Victory and saw tens of thousands of monks with different faces.

If he was just robbed four years ago, he might feel particularly embarrassed. I don't even want to open my eyes. But four years later, he didn't feel that way, seeing those people, his mouth, a sneer of disdain.

Did not say a word!

Yes, things have come to the present, and there is no such thing as the Oriental Clouds.

Even this time, this group of people can smash the ruins of the Chu family and once again ruin it. His oriental clouds fell, and it was completely abolished.

From a high-ranking master to an abolished existence, it is better to die. He has lived through the ages, he has never been brilliant, he has experienced too many things. Until now, even if you die, there is nothing to regret.

The only regret is that you can't see him next to him and hang someone else's head!

This is the only regret, it is a big hate!

At this time, Chu Mo suddenly stopped refining the head of the Eastern Cloud. Even the chaotic oven was taken back.

This is the first time in four years, the East Clouds fell for the first time... I feel no pain. He was shocked.

The remaining Yuanshen power, which is now the power of all the gods of a ancestral monk, is already weak to him. Because this is only one ten thousandth of his peak period.

Chu Mo looked at him and said faintly: "Do you think that I will thoroughly refine you to death? No, that is not interesting. Don't you want to look around, how many more heads? Then when you are fine, you chat. Talk about the year?"

"You..." The Eastern Clouds suddenly fell into disarray, and looked at Chu Mo incomparably complicated.

In his mind, he is full of hate, and naturally he can kill a few more and come to him. But now, he just wants to die!

A monk in the sacred realm, who has lived on this part, has already lived enough.

Living is torture, it is shame!

"Well, don't worry, someone will be with you soon. Who do you want to choose?" Chu Mo asked with a smile.

Over there, the East wins red eyes and screams: "Chu Gongzi... let my ancestors!"

"Shut up!" Two voices, the same voice.

One is Chu Mo, the other is... The East Clouds Fall by Himself!

Chu Mo first was a slight glimpse, and then he smiled and said: "Then you said it yourself."

The Oriental Clouds did not look at Chu Mo’s eyes, and they had a pair of eyes, and they shot the incomparable vengeful eyes. They looked at Dongfang Sheng: “I am not your ancestor, what do you want to do, don’t count me.”

Graceful! (To be continued.).


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